

"Another native Linux build arrives. This time we have Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic #RPG from Dark Crystal Games. Not only have they released it for #Linux , they've also now hooked up gamepad support and so it should end up working quite nicely on the Steam Deck." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/02/encased-a-sci-fi-post-apocalyptic-rpg-released-for-linux-plus-gamepad-support


Ok....this area of the Greyhawk's world belong to us !
During a Dungeon And Dragons game, KiD, my son, did ask this place for his own needs.
He is now the bourgmestre of a small town in the Greyhawk world.
Please, you, Dungeon players and Dungeon masters, note that Pearlville or Pearl City is now a notable place in the Greyhawk world.

Note also that this place is under protection from the Raven's Bourg's lord Firehead, and the Raven's Bourgd infamous guild master thieve Arfang.

#DungeonsAndDragons #RPG #Greyhawk


#StarTrek #Adventures #Pen&Paper #RPG Ideen willkommen

ich leite seit einer Weile eine PnP-Runde in StarTrek-Adventures.

Zuletzt war die Gruppe im Spiegeluniversum. Als sie das Wurmloch ins Prime-Universe erschufen hatten sie einen "Erfolg mit Komplikationen". Ich habe der Gruppe daraufhin mitgeteilt, dass sie ein entsprechendes Wurmloch erschaffen und durchreist haben, aber Zeit und Ort wo sie jetzt laden werden würde ich entscheiden wenn ich weiß was das nächste Abenteuer sein wird.

Ich bin also frei darin die Spieler mit ihrem Inpretid-Raumschiff (also das was die Voyager in ST:Voyager ist) irgendwo in Raum und Zeit rauskommen zu lassen. Ich kann ein Abenteuer im 16. Jahrhundert spielen oder im 22. Jahrhundert oder im Deltaquadranten oder im Zentrum der Galaxie im 42. Jahrhundert.

Ursprünglich hatte ich vor einen Zeitschleifen-Plot zu spielen (den Plan erkläre ich vielleicht mal in einem anderen Beitrag) so entfernt vergleichbar mit DSC 1x07 "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad" bzw. "T=Mudd²".
Aber es ist ja irgendwie beknackt in eine weit entfernte Zeit und/oder weit entfernten Ort zu reisen nur um dann ein Zeitreise-Abenteuer (bzw Zeitschleife) zu erleben.

Also was mach ich jetzt? Ich habe noch einen Batzen von Abenteuern gekauft die allesamt auf Englisch sind, davon könnte ich mir eins übersetzen, aber ich dachte ich frag mal so in die Runde: Hat jemand vielleicht ne coole Idee? Gerne mit Anknüpfung an den A-Kanon (so dass die SpielerInnen irgendwann merken "uuuh das ist ja das Dings aus Episode Bums") aber muss nicht.

Ideen? Vorschläge?

Ach so Eckdaten:

Wie gesagt, die SpielerInnen sind mit einem Schiff der Intepid-Class unterwegs, das Schiff wurde leicht lädiert nur die "verbesserten Sensoren" sind noch nicht wieder repariert (also eigentlich wurde das Schiff stark beschädigt, aber das meiste konnte repariert werden).
Zuletzt waren sie südlich des romulanischen Imperiums unterwegs (müsste Beta-Quadrant sein) und das Jahr ist äääh irgendwann in den 2380ern. Wie gesagt, daran bin ich nicht gebunden.
Captain und 1st-Officer sind derzeit außer Gefecht, weshalb das Kommando an einen Spielercharakter überging.
Spielercharaktere sind:
* Lt. Cmd. Batazoidin (acting Captain) erfahren in beamen, Technik und kommandieren
* Lt. Pilotin Mensch
* Lt. Computer-Wissenschaftler Andorianer
* Trill Medizin-Fähnrich (weiblich)
* Vulkanischer Sicherheits-Fähnrich (männlich)

#Frage #Hilfe #Ideen #StarTrek #Trek #deutsch #Rollenspiel #pnp #penandpaper #rpg

Symbolbild: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License https://cannibalhalflinggaming.com/2018/10/16/meet-the-party-star-trek-adventures/ http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/


3 ways to manage RPG character sheets with open source

Tomorrow is Free RPG Day, a day when publishers across the tabletop role-playing game industry release games for players both new and experienced, and they're all completely free. Although Free RPG Day was cancelled in 2020, it's back this year as a live event with some virtual support by way of free RPG sampler downloads from Dungeon Crawl Classics and Paizo.

PCGen is an application designed to help you build and maintain characters. It even has knowledge of the rules of the system it's assisting you with. Far from just a configuration file generator, PCGen is a database of open source rules and how they relate to one another over the course of a character's life.

PCGen can build characters for D&D 5e, Pathfinder 1e, Starfinder, and Fantasy Craft. When you first launch PCGen, you can download rule definitions for each game.

See 3 ways to manage RPG character sheets with open source

#technology #opensource #gaming #RPG


It's that time of year again for gamers everywhere.



This Week In Veloren 136 - 06 September 2021
7 minute read - - AngelOnFira, TWiV Editor Contributor Work Thanks to this week's contributors, @zesterer, @Naryadchikov, @XVar, @xeriab, @Sam, @Slipped, @khalludi, @xMAC94x, @slashplusplus, @Sharp, @juliancoffee, @ubruntu, @Snowram, @knightresspaladin, @imbris, and @Cap…

#Veloren #News #ThisWeekInVeloren #voxel #multiplayer #rpg #OpenSource #Game #bot

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questo è il file più "grosso" che abbiamo creato... sono circa 2029 frasi da tradurre e correggere XD

servono per gli "incontri casuali". alcune saranno divertenti, altre daranno spunti per combattimenti o per brevi (o lunghe) avventure. Tutto per cercare di far giocare gli utenti senza che si aspettino che sia qualcun'altro a creare una storia per loro 😀

VOI (personaggi) sarete coloro che vivranno il mondo, e sta a voi creare le vostre avventure (o complicare quelle degli altri), in pieno stile "open world"


#OpenSource #game #RPG #MMO #OpenWorld #TFC #playbychat #TheFediverseChronicles #Fosscord #Fate @TheFediverseChronicles group


online coworking space - New Ways of Online Interaction and Cooperation - workadventu.re creative innovative fun format for Digital Online Conferences as RPG GAME! Nürnberger Digital Festival

update: join me @ online-coworking-space.com


  1. first of: the online conferecing as RPG game format is really fun and innovative idea to make online events more fun! 🙂 (it is accompanied by live streams via vimeo or youtube)
    • Corona will nerd us all! X-D
    • the art work and love for detail is amazing 🙂 someone really poured a lot of digital dev and design love into it 🙂 (thanks for that)
  2. BUT: the festival was a bit confusing… the overview over different rooms and rooms-of-tools and where what is happening, or was happening (link to recording of the session?) or is about to happen was not always immediately visible X-D
    • these infos should only be one-browser-click away
    • so the user is always on a quest: where is everybody? and what is going on? X-D




  • it has chat
  • it has voice and video chat (circles) (via jitsi or zoom)
  • it has tutorials
  • it has RPG

when walking at certain points, a side-frame will load, embedding different other websites/tools into the game

this could be a Vimeo or Youtube (LifeStream or pre-recorded) or Jitsi or Zoom presentation/conference.

or an Art Gallery painting tool:

or a poll:

  • it has… stuff… like virtual ball pits



tools… tools… tools… it’s hailing tools… X-D

also: pretty much against the “sharing of full first second and surname” kind of methology X-D (just go with a nickname, why does the whole world need to know that A. L. was there?)





embedding of audio video conferencing is great…

but should not autostart video A BIT PRIVACY INTRUSIVE! X-D

jitsi autostart video functionality is A BIT PRIVACY INTRUSIVE! (should never auto start...)

jitsi autostart video functionality is A BIT PRIVACY INTRUSIVE! (should never auto start…)


on the QUEST to find the accompaning LiveStream



here it is X-D https://vimeo.com/event/1122570/embed/ad7eee66b9


the game was made by: https://workadventu.re/

“show me the src” https://github.com/thecodingmachine/workadventure

“A collaborative web application (virtual office) presented as a 16-bit RPG video game”



“The WorkAdventure core source code is distributed under the AGPL license modified by the Commons clause.” (Link?)

“You can therefore take the source code of WorkAdventure and install it on your own server.”

“The self-hosted version contains everything that is available in the free-tier.”

“Do not hesitate to have a look at the Github repository (and give us some stars!)”

src: https://workadventu.re/pricing

https://hubs.mozilla.com/ – online conferencing in 3D!

and this is what such browser-3D virtual meeting rooms look alike…

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #nürnberg #digital #interaktiv #online #rpg #conference #wtf #coworking #remote #work #socialize #social

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2021/07/09/online-coworking-space-new-ways-of-online-interaction-and-cooperation-workadventu-re-creative-innovative-fun-format-for-digital-online-conferences-as-rpg-game-nurnberger-digital-festival/


Disco Elysium's use of inner voices to help frame options and highlight nuance in its conversations has really influenced my GM'ing recently.

Instead of trying to portray character's in a natural, acting style and hoping that people pick up on hints I am instead more directive: "He wants to say more but he's not sure how to begin.", "They want to believe what they've just told you but they know it's not true", "She pauses, you feel you are the first people to hear what she is saying", "You've broken him, if you ask now he'll probably just go along with you".

In crunchy games there may be a feeling that players should have to explicitly ask for checks to be able get that information. That's exactly how Disco Elysium works except it can run the checks and the results as your playing in a way that is impossible in tabletop play. Either the player is chipping in every other sentence to ask for checks or the GM has to assume they will use everything appropriate, dice for the results and then do the narration.

Dropping prompts and clarifications as to your portrayal seems both simpler and more powerful.



It’s been a while since I played #PathofExile, so I started up a new character recently. I forgot how nice it was being able to freely develop your character any way you choose, rather than being locked into a specific class (like #Diablo, for instance).

#RPG #PS4 #PoE


recap sul progetto @The Fediverse Chronicles - Lista software che useremo:

la piattaforma che useremo per mettere online il gioco (una versione federata di discord)

piattaforma per la creazione dei personaggi da inserire nel gioco (questo verrà fatto dai GM per evitare abusi)

con questo bot l'utente può interpretare il suo personaggio, compravendere oggetti, gestire il proprio inventario, gestire i propri soldi (nel gioco, non soldi reali) giocare alla lotteria (nel gioco), si possono creare oggetti, si possono avere pet e creare "famiglie"

con questo bot l'utente può combattere mostri e/o altri personaggi, tirare dadi e vedere tutte le info del suo personaggio, oltre che poterle aggiornare (tramite la scheda personaggio creata ed aggiornata dal GM)

con questo bot verranno creati gli NPC (personaggi non giocanti) che verranno impersonati dai GM nelle fasi di gioco

con questo bot il giocatore potrà guadagnare punti XP (per far passare di livello il proprio personaggio) scrivendo messaggi all'interno del gioco, completando quest, etc etc etc

questo bot serve solamente per caricare brani musicali di sottofondo durante le sessioni di gioco

Response Bot
l'unico bot NON open (se qualcuno ne trova una versione open tanto meglio, altrimenti... possiamo chiudere un occhio dato che sarà l'unica cosa non open)... con questo bot verranno create risposte automatiche: per esempio lo useremo per sapere le condizioni meteo del gioco, ma anche per quest automatiche, o per sapere cosa sta succedendo in un dato luogo, o per ascoltare gli NPC parlare...

#MMO #RPG #playbychat #game #TheFediverseChronicles #TFC