

could be worth a read . . .
maybe meditate for a breath first. :)
#mercola #genocideapologistry #tuckercarlson #scammed #genocide #partizanship #groupthink #confirmationbias #noexcuse
#fakeawake #fakecine #twofaced #fakeapology #eugenics #genocide #keepingupappearances #gaslightingvictims #smearingwhistleblowers #wealthtransfer #wealthdestruction #healthdestruction #aPatientCuredIsACustomerLost #ForProfitMedicine #Oxymoron #censorship #massformationpsychosis #totalitarianism #medicaltyranny #covidzealotry #murderzealotry #usefulidiots #justdoingyourjob #unethical #immoral #compliance #inducecompliance #terrorism #superstateterrorism #medicalterrorism #NEVERAGAIN #nextpandemic #plandemic #scamdemic #theyarenotdoneyet
#stopit #nocullnecessary #realseriousscience #FaceTheHorror #ReEvaluate

They're trying to figure out how to regain people's trust because, without it, finalizing the implementation of The Great Reset will be far more problematic than if people follow their lead and do as they're told.

Which leads me to my bottom line analysis: the powers that be are Monday morning quarterbacking. Why didn't people just do what we said and obediently comply? Because they don't trust us. If they trusted the media, the government, and scientists, they would do what they were told …

Bass is the puppet they've sent out to deliver this narrative … [T]he only reason one Monday morning quarterbacks is so that one can win the next game. They want to identify how better to induce compliance for the next pandemic …

The degree of lack of awareness of reality itself that was required to think that this message would work to shift the narrative could be attributed to a few of things — youth, inexperience, low IQ … So GOOD. It means we're dealing with weakness. All we have to do is be stronger (smarter, more experienced, braver) and we will win. We will continue to win."

#Nuremberg #bioethics #universaldeclarationbioethicshumanrights #humanrights



On Russian state TV: Another translated clip of Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard

A closer look at the wonderful alternative universe of #TrumpVirus, #TuckerCarlson, the #GQP and their #Fox #Disinformation

Tulsi Gabbard, introduced by state TV host Vladimir Soloviev as "Our girlfriend Tulsi."

#TulsiGabbard #traitor #propaganda #espionage #Jan6 #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


#TuckerCarlson: The moment I changed | Will Cain Podcast.On this episode, Will sits down with the host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker Carlson, to discuss how Tucker formulated his political philosophy, the role he plays in the American political system today, and what he believes the country needs to do to get back on track. Will and Tucker dive deep into what is on Tucker's bookshelf, how he formulates his show, and how his background and life story continue to color how he sees America and its place in the world. 7/10/22--57 min-

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SthTZ5jZfDk
-----At around 1.40 Tucker speaks about his desillusions about 9/11 and the iraq war.See less
Tucker Carlson: The moment I changed | Will Cain Podcast


The Western media accuses #China of luring us into a debt trap. #TuckerCarlson says environmental, social and corporate governance programs killed us. Everybody blames the #Rajapaksas, the corrupt political dynasty that ruled us until massive protests by angry Sri Lankans chased them out last month.
But from where I’m standing, ultimate blame lies with the Western-dominated neoliberal system that keeps developing countries in a form of debt-fueled #colonization. The system is in crisis, its shaky foundations exposed by the tumbling dominoes of the #Ukraine #war, resulting in food and fuel #scarcity, the #pandemic and looming insolvency and #hunger rippling across the world.

https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/15/opinion/international-world/sri-lanka-economic-collapse.html #srilanka #economy #crisis #imf #pakistan #bangladesh #tunisia #ghana #southafrica #brazil #argentina #sudan #uk #usa #russia #india #oil #energy


The Buffalo terrorist is very literally a Christian nationalist. He says he's not a believer, but lives by Christianity, and says you can't be white without accepting Christianity.

#buffalo #xtan #christian #nationalist #tuckercarlson #foxnews


Here's Tucker Carlson literally laughing off the New York Times investigation of him relentlessly spouting white nationalist talking points, just two weeks ago.

#terrorist #hate #hatespeech #buffalo #tuckercarlson


Did my bit of media overview today, including a trip down to the Gettr, where the hot stories seem to be Biden telling the truth about a Fox reporter (hot mic) & then there's this I did not see coming.
Reality/unreality in #GQP land, as poisoned by Fox, and echoed by myriad disinformation/propaganda outlets aimed at the cult.

Congressman Says Angry Tucker Carlson Viewers Are Calling His Office Because the U.S. Isn’t Siding with Russia

Stop the #TrumpVirus, #disinformation, and variant super-spreaders of lies, delusions, and needless death, like #TuckerCarlson #MakeAmericaSaneAgain #propaganda #Fox #media #sedition #treason


Tucker Carlson tells viewers that transgender people are “Satanic” / LGBTQ Nation

If that's satanic, I think I'm going to like hell.

Fox host and all-around-racist Tucker Carlson told viewers last night that transgender people are “Satanic.” Carlson was responding to a guest’s assertion that the political left’s focus on civil rights, economic equality, and treating people with kindness is “in direct objection to God.”

#trans #transgender #Transphobia #Fox #TuckerCarlson
