

could be worth a read . . .
maybe meditate for a breath first. :)
#mercola #genocideapologistry #tuckercarlson #scammed #genocide #partizanship #groupthink #confirmationbias #noexcuse
#fakeawake #fakecine #twofaced #fakeapology #eugenics #genocide #keepingupappearances #gaslightingvictims #smearingwhistleblowers #wealthtransfer #wealthdestruction #healthdestruction #aPatientCuredIsACustomerLost #ForProfitMedicine #Oxymoron #censorship #massformationpsychosis #totalitarianism #medicaltyranny #covidzealotry #murderzealotry #usefulidiots #justdoingyourjob #unethical #immoral #compliance #inducecompliance #terrorism #superstateterrorism #medicalterrorism #NEVERAGAIN #nextpandemic #plandemic #scamdemic #theyarenotdoneyet
#stopit #nocullnecessary #realseriousscience #FaceTheHorror #ReEvaluate

They're trying to figure out how to regain people's trust because, without it, finalizing the implementation of The Great Reset will be far more problematic than if people follow their lead and do as they're told.

Which leads me to my bottom line analysis: the powers that be are Monday morning quarterbacking. Why didn't people just do what we said and obediently comply? Because they don't trust us. If they trusted the media, the government, and scientists, they would do what they were told …

Bass is the puppet they've sent out to deliver this narrative … [T]he only reason one Monday morning quarterbacks is so that one can win the next game. They want to identify how better to induce compliance for the next pandemic …

The degree of lack of awareness of reality itself that was required to think that this message would work to shift the narrative could be attributed to a few of things — youth, inexperience, low IQ … So GOOD. It means we're dealing with weakness. All we have to do is be stronger (smarter, more experienced, braver) and we will win. We will continue to win."

#Nuremberg #bioethics #universaldeclarationbioethicshumanrights #humanrights


"the mark of an educated mind is to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" #AlanJames 's phrasing of the #goodquote / #idea attributed to #Aristotle

#intellectualhonesty #integrity #nonbelief #intellectualhumility #idontknow #entertaintheidea #psychology #cognitivedissonance #learntolearn #consider #encouragequestioning #questioneverything #questionmore #interview #thevobesshow #vobes #circleofwhitelight #educatedmind #themarkofaneducatedmind #narrative #tangiblesolutions #solutions #epistemology #philosophy #humility #psychologyasatool #psychologyasaweapon #government #governmind #advertisingormarketing #truth #questioning #followthewhiterabbit #thesearchfortruth #researching #evidence #presenttheevidence #educate #pedagogy #fluidbeliefsystem #intellectualflexibility #intellectualfluidity #newinformation #convictions #ego #identification #convictionsbecomeidentities #theignorancethatdiesisnotyou #comfortzone #stepoutsideyourcomfortzone #challengeyourbeliefs #parkyourego #programming #fervency #uncomfortabletruth #facethehorror #thematrix #redpill #waroftheworlds #planetoftheapes #theidea #theprogramming #seethesystemforwhatitreallyis #thelie #goldfishbowl #thefishthatneverjumps #questioning #virus #pandemic #procedure #ordinary #ordinaryexistence #existence #outsideordinaryexistence #virus #conflictofinterest #profit #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #oxymoron #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #establishedbestpractice #theonetruetruth #plandemic #publishedplans #scamdemic #racket #genocide #softkill #politicians #benevolence #fakecine #psyop #reason #coerced #coercion #mandate #duress #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatall #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatallisit #convince #terror #manipulation #fear #prefrontalcortex #criticalthinking #fightflight #notthinking #myopia #inducedmyopia #authoritarian #abusive #tyranny #keepcalm #theothersideofthenarrative #censorship #ifweheard #ostracised #ostricisation #thedoorthatopenswithagentletouch #pushpushpush #wakeup #2012 #2009 #2002 #1950s #1960s #fantasy #operationlockstep #patentgate2 #contingencyplans #powerhold #powergrab #inspirational #catchphrase #removethesquares #seemore #theresalwaysmore #lookfortheevidence #starttoquestionthings #meetthemwheretheyareat #oncetheylearnedtolearn #evidence #brucelee #rigidsystem #beliefmakesapoormeanstodeterminereality #appearances #usefulidiots #nefarious #nefarioustasks #otherrasons #deceivers #hierarchy #hierarchicalstructure #boardofdirectors #controlpeople #compartmentalisation #thecorporation #governmentparty #whips #slaves #slavery #OBEY #youarefreetodowhatwetellyou #challengethenarrative #perception #believeopinionasfact #naiverealism #comfortingselfdelusion #selfdelusion #ignoranceasbliss #dangerousidiacy #opinionated #prejudice #prejudices #stubbornprejudices #bigotry #whathappened #listentobothsidesofthstory #listentoallsidesofthestory #alliknowisiknownothing #socratic #startaskingquestions #anecdotalevidence #objectivitydelusion #doctrine #passivevoice #science #scientism #blindtrust #accademia #accademics #perception #beliefsystem #PR #insight #providesolutions #verykind #generationalindoctrination #governmentalindoctrination #questioningthenarrative #thenarrative #asifthereisonlyoneperspective #seethroughthedeceptions #questionmore #startlearning


Ahoy folks,

I’m an just an #undergraduate #student of #physics, trying to set myself up to flirt with #astrophysics, with a weakness for and in #blackholes, though occassionaly ogling at her sister, #cosmology, but again pulled back to stare at #quasars through only my minds eye. Did I mention that I am #newhere? If not then, I should also mention that #instrumentation and #electronics too share alarge bit of my metaphorical heart, and I just love #interfacing; what's better, than to connect physical reality to a beast a.k.a a #computer? Well #micro-controllers? I just started using an #arduino, actually an #arduinouno ( #arduinounor3 ), currently learning programing and using it for small, if not infinitesimally small, if you can call them that is, #electronicsprojects; I will soon push myself to use an #expeyes. Yeah, #microcontrollers interest me, but, as much as do #microprocessors, #8085 being one, with which I've played a little, though only through simulations. I needn't shy away from stating that I love #programing, having some knowledge in #C, #C++, #java, a little bit of #fortran. I'm learning to #code or #script, whichever way you like, #python, rather it's newborn sibling, #python3. It's no need to say that my #operatingsystem of choice, use and love is a of course, a popular distribution of #linux, i.e. #xubuntu; #xfce is my and my PC's best bond of love, along with #bash and #zsh. I love watching #movies, especially heart-moving #warfilms, thought provoking #darkcomedies, saluted #satires, divinely appetizing #epics, #neoreals, that leave you speechless, and some more and more to come; I so love #shortfilms that I do wish to someday, #make one. Well, you may call me an amateur, but I am a #photographer, #photography, being one of my passtime passions, #astrophotography, being one of my dreams, not having been able to capture a proper one yet. I have only taken part in a few well-known #photowalks, spread through social-media.

You know, like me or not, I strongly believe in #foss, especially #fosss, being a #privacy and #security concerned person, if not a #customization freak, an embryo of a #hacker and of course a #linuxlover. If that seems a bit commonplace, well it is, then I also happen to be a fan of a #marsrover; ah! #mars or Jasoom, call it what may, it's lovely. But lovelier are the #rovers that graze on it's surface. I so wish that I had a pet #quadcopter alongside my late pet #cat. Cool is the only word I can have for #robots; ah! #robotics, what a sweet art art thou. Though a little sweeter would be #cognition, whose daughter #ai is a sweet child, I wish was mine. Can #intelligence be #artificial? Or is it just another #random #oxymoron, that a #language is filled with, that #linguistics deals with? Or maybe I'm just writing a #microtale. But then, #microtales are so lovely. Be it in #english or #bengali, rather #bangla, or #hindi or #german; though for #deutsch I still need a dictionary. At least #scrabble and #hangman are still in english for me. But yes, I just happened to fall in love with #html5 and #markdown.