

Email the Department for Education: scrap interest on student loans!

Here’s why people like you are supporting this important campaign:

"I began earning a good wage in 2022. My debt before working was just over £58,000. After a year of working and a pay increase, I checked again and owed around £57,600. I'm never going to be able to pay off this loan. When I took out the loan I was told the interest rate was 1.5% - I was never told this could change and had no alternative options to pay for university. I lose a substantial amount each month and with the cost of living, things only get more difficult."

Please email the Department for Education and demand they commit to scrapping interest on student loans. Takes less than 30 seconds.


#students #loans #StudentLoans #UK #WageSlaves #university #education


Another day, another report on rising #antisemitism. Since 7 October, in #Canada

shots have been fired at #Jewish schools, a #synagogue and com­munity centre fire­bombed, #Swastikas painted on Jew­ish homes, Jew­ish #university stu­dents and fac­ulty intim­id­ated and threatened, Jew­ish busi­nesses van­dal­ized, and their cus­tom­ers sur­roun­ded by angry demon­strat­ors.

Tra­gic­ally, it's not as if any of these things are new — they've just exploded since Oct. 7. Year after year #Jews, des­pite their rel­at­ively small pop­u­la­tion, are the most tar­geted group in Canada for reli­giously motiv­ated #hate crimes.

As the fed­eral gov­ern­ment said long before the start of the Israel/hamas war: “Anti-semit­ism con­tin­ues to per­sist in Canada, mani­fest­ing itself through van­dal­ism and graf­fiti; cir­cu­la­tion of hate pro­pa­ganda; intol­er­ance and #racist lan­guage in places like Twit­ter, in com­ments sec­tions, web for­ums and blogs; bomb threats to Jew­ish schools and com­munity centres; intim­id­a­tion of Jew­ish uni­versity stu­dents; and the use of the Boy­cott, Divest­ment and Sanc­tions (BDS) move­ment to del­e­git­im­ize the State of Israel.”



Why is #antisemitism so rife in #UK #Universities?

There have been more reported incidents of antisemitism on British #university campuses in a month than there were in all of 2022. At #Oxford University, where I am an undergraduate, acts of hatred, misinformation and a lack of empathy when we are vulnerable have turned student spaces into places of hostility.

Our #Jewish Society president had the mezuzah (a protective Jewish prayer scroll) ripped from his door. At a freshers’ event, one Jewish friend told me that she was called a “coloniser” and “race traitor” (the latter by virtue of her non-European descent). I know male students who have removed their kippot (skullcaps) and others who have hidden their Stars of David. On Instagram, I saw students posting pictures of paragliders, celebrating Hamas’s massacre. I waited five long days for my university to condemn “appalling attacks by Hamas” and stress “that there is no place for antisemitism or hate of any faith at Oxford”. An Israeli student whose relatives were murdered at the Nova festival has returned home, telling me she felt safer there than on campus.

Beyond Oxford, Jewish students have experienced similar incidents of antisemitism. In Manchester, posters with the words “kill more Jews” and “Yids” have been displayed. On Instagram, a university Jewish society was sent the message: “Wherever you are in the world, we will take you out of your homes and perform a dance of victory and happiness over your bodies”; another was sent a threat, accompanied by a video of beheaded babies, reading: “You must be killed all of u till the last naziest of you” [sic]; a university rabbi received a direct message that said: “You massacred innocent Muslims, I hope you die too.”


The psychological toll is huge: I do not sleep well and cry often. There are friends and tutors who have acknowledged my pain and their empathy has overwhelmed me. When a friend messaged offering to take notes if I felt unable to attend lectures, my eyes filled with tears. So I know it is possible for people to react differently, to not be led by preconceived notions about this conflict that harbour racism or a binary idea of who is good or bad. I urge fellow students, instead, to see us as just that – fellow citizens whose distress and pain must be taken at face value and countered with kindness, compassion and conversation in which no party experiences fear.


Ethnographic, statistical analysis of #USA population extrapolated to university campus ethnographic composition if 75% of all Individuals with an #IQ ≥ 100 from each people-proup attended university, plus suggested education planning.

There is no shame in not attending #university. There is no #shame in working a trade or a regular job. Having a degree doesn't grant anybody inherent superiority over anybody else or bestow upon anybody a better mind than anybody else.

#data #statistics #analysis #study #intelligence #intelligencequotient #autodidacticism #meritocracy #information #ethnography #uk #eu #anthropology #highereducation #informationcompartmentalisation #indoctrination #scepticism #merit #usspremecourt #clarencethomas #affimativeaction #discrimination


Unboxing a $1.5m Microscope - Sixty Symbols

hachja, "mal eben" ein $1,5m Mikroskop auspacken und aufbauen;

''just'' unboxing and setting up a $1.5m microscope..

Unboxing a $1.5m Microscope - Sixty Symbols

""mal eben"" wie, in einer woche. ;)

""just"" like in a about a week... ;)

Das ist by the way video nummer 363 von mittlerweile 377 videos in meiner SIXTΨ SγMBΦLS playlist, für bequemes physics binge watching.

Its btw video number 363 of 377 videos in my SIXTΨ SγMBΦLS playlist, for easy physics binge watching. ;)

#unboxing #microscope #SIXTΨ #SγMBΦLS #sixty #symbols #nottingham #university #physics #binge #watching #RandomShit ;)


Mohammad Hadi Asadi, university teacher at #Kabul poly technique #university resigned from his position in protest against #Taliban decision to ban female students from higher education.

#Afghanistan #Protest #WomensRights #solidarity

محمد هادی اسدی، استاد دانشگاه پولی‌تخنیک کابل، در اعتراض به ممنوعیت آموزش دختران از سوی طالبان از سمت‌ استادی این دانشگاه استعفا داد.