

Niger - regime change : étrangler la population

Interviewé, Abdoulaye Diop, ministre malien déclare : «...un embargo inhumain, je n'ai jamais vu ça. Fermer hermétiquement un pays, la nourriture, les médicaments, rien n'entre. Et ce sont ces pays qui disent qu'ils sont là pour promouvoir les droits de l'homme.»

#niger #actu #decolonisation #colonialisme #france #cedeao #usa #embargo #nigeria #afrique


In fact, the Russian Federation was rarely referred to as an empire before the 2008 invasion of #Georgia: indeed, it itself had remained unsure of exactly what it was for much of the preceding period, with various versions of ‘Russia’ – multicultural federation, nation-state, and, indeed, #empire — competing against each other for much of that period. And, besides, many in the #West were too committed to the ‘liberal’ Boris Yeltsin, and too taken in by Vladimir Putin’s demonstrative enthusiasm for the Global War on #Terror to turn the brutal — and very imperial — wars in #Chechnya, and indirect ‘divide-and-rule’ meddling elsewhere into a point of principle.
#Russia’s post-2014 aggressions against #Ukraine have now unequivocally pushed the dial. Calls for its breakup, and the self-determination of its 83 internationally recognised federal subjects and over 190 ethnic groups have also become more vocal of late.

https://ridl.io/the-fraught-complexities-of-decolonising-russia/ #war #iran #history #decolonisation #migration #genocide
