Harry Harris - Insubordinate U.S. Ambo To South Korea - Soon To Be Fired
On Friday the U.S. embassy in Seoul hung up a large 'Black Lives Matter' banner and posted a tweet about it:
June 15, 2020
One person like that
Harry Harris - Insubordinate U.S. Ambo To South Korea - Soon To Be Fired
On Friday the U.S. embassy in Seoul hung up a large 'Black Lives Matter' banner and posted a tweet about it:
June 15, 2020
https://mstdn.social/@LaserMistress/112644361102504629 LaserMistress@mstdn.social - This #juneteenth, an offering:
One of my most popular, precious and important lasercut designs
In 2020 the artist Binx Taylor requested these from me. Thank you Binx đ (Go follow them today!) https://the-binx.com/
in '20-'21 I distributed hundreds of free pairs of these around #PDX and further
This file is what inspired @laser_bloc, my free laser file mutual aid group
So now this file and others are freely available to you: https://acab.city/gallery/jewelry/BLM Heart
Die Serie âThe Big Cigarâ erzĂ€hlt von der aberwitzigen Flucht des Black Panther Party-GrĂŒnders Huey Newton nach Kuba.#Apple #BlackPanther #Polizeigewalt #Hollywood #BlackLivesMatter #Serien-Guide #Medien #Gesellschaft #Schwerpunkt
Apple-TV Serie âThe Big Cigarâ: Flucht nach Kuba
source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-51969-w
Our algorithm auditing #study focuses on two topics that we let our participants converse with the GPT-3 #chatbot: climate change and Black Lives Matter (BLM). The first topic represents a classic controversial science issue across the globe. Research has shown how public perceptions toward it vary across populations. Particularly, there exists a minority group that holds skeptical and denial attitudes toward the reality and human-induced nature of climate change, and this group is often challenging to persuade. By studying the topic of climate change, we have an excellent opportunity to examine how GPT-3 responds to this group compared to the opinion majority. Additionally, we can investigate whether social learning and attitudinal change occur post-chat. The second topic represents a highly-charged social issue that has received extensive media coverage and public attention over the past decade. We acknowledge that the word dialogue encompasses rich meanings especially when it comes to humanâs dialogues with and via technologies. This paper uses the word #dialogue in the most broad sense and do not evaluate the genuineness, vulnerability and listening qualities of the dialogue.
#science #research #society #BlackLivesMatter #climate #technology #chatgpt
âČ Tony Pennino - 2023-02-09 16:53:53 GMT
âFreedom is not a state; it is an act. It is not some enchanted garden perched high on a distant plateau where we can finally sit down and rest. Freedom is the continuous action we all must take, and each generation must do its part to create an even more fair, more just society." #JohnLewis #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMatters #BlackLivesMatter #BLM
âČ Grassroots Law Project - 2023-02-03 18:55:06 GMT
The Memphis PD's deadly beating of #TyreNichols is just the latest example of police violence that stemmed from a traffic stop.We need to ban police from traffic stops. NOW.
If you agree, then join our new campaign today: https://act.grassrootslaw.org/sign/NoPoliceTrafficStops?source=ms20230203
La #police américaine est-elle #raciste ?
12min https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/112597-014-A/la-police-americaine-est-elle-raciste/
#Reportage ARTE Info Plus - Disponible du 16/02/2023 au 15/02/2024
Les affaires de #ViolencesPoliciÚres contre les #Afro-américains, ce n'est pas nouveau aux Etats-Unis. #TyreNichols, un homme de 29 ans, a été roué de coups par plusieurs #policiers de #Memphis le 7 janvier 2023. Il en est mort. Et une fois de plus, des milliers d' #Américains sont descendus dans la rue pour dénoncer ces actes racistes. Mais s'agit-il de #racisme ? La police américaine est-elle raciste ? On en parle.
Ă 6min50 #USA :
C'est une #Nation qui s'est fondée sur un #Génocide, tout d'abord, et puis dans son #histoire moderne aussi, sur l' #esclavage...
Charlotte #Recoquillon SpĂ©cialiste des Violences PoliciĂšres aux #Ătats-Unis - Institut Français de GĂ©opolitique
C'est #ColineSerreau qui disait que « les USA sont construits sur 2 génocides, celui des #Africains et celui des #Amérindiens ». Je suis satisfait de voir que le propos est aussi validé par une experte de la question.
#Esclavagisme #GeorgeFloyd #GeorgeFloydAct #Violences #BlackLivesMatter
Natasha A. Kelly zeigt die Geschichte schwarzer Frauen in Deutschland als eine der Diskriminierung und kritisiert den von weiĂen Aktivistinnen gefĂŒhrten Feminismus. Eine Rezension
Natasha A. Kelly beleuchtet die Geschichte schwarzer Frauen in Deutschland und kritisiert den von weiĂen Aktivistinnen gefĂŒhrten Feminismus. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Schwarz. Deutsch. Weiblich. von Natasha A. Kelly)#Feminismus #Rassismus #IntersektionalitĂ€t #intersektional #Frauenrechte #BellHooks #AudreLorde #blackfeminism #Sexismus #WomensMarch #Kolonialismus #blackstudies #blacklivesmatter #Antirassismus #schwarzeFrauen #Kultur #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Schwarz. Deutsch. Weiblich.«: Blinde Flecken des Feminismus in Deutschland?
In ihrem neuen Buch beschĂ€ftigt sich Alice Hasters mit IdentitĂ€tskrisen. Ein GesprĂ€ch ĂŒber komplexe Menschlichkeit und Festhalten an der eigenen ErzĂ€hlung.#wochentaz #IdentitĂ€tspolitik #Antirassismus #BlackLivesMatter #LesestĂŒckInterview #Debatte #Gesellschaft #LesestĂŒck
Autorin Alice Hasters ĂŒber Rassismus: âMan könnte effizienter streitenâ
Citing the late poet June Jordan, Angela Davis stresses the importance of Palestine for other social justice movements.#ShowTypes #BlackLivesMatter #HumanRights #Israel-Palestineconflict #Protests #MiddleEast #Palestine #UnitedStates #US&Canada
Angela Davis: âPalestine is a moral litmus test for the worldâ
The unbeaten WBA light-heavyweight champion talks to Al Jazeera about faith, fighting, and being a 'nice guy' in boxing.#ShowTypes #Sports #BlackLivesMatter #Boxing #Education #NGO #PovertyandDevelopment #Religion #Africa #Europe #Ghana #UnitedKingdom #UnitedStates #US&Canada
British-Ghanaian boxer Joshua Buatsi: âI canât be the only one benefittingâ
Warning, some viewers may find the following video disturbing.Bodycam footage taken by police in the United States shows officers tasering the director of a ...#Alabama #BirminghamCitySchools #BirminghamPoliceDepartment #JacksonOlinHighSchool #JacksonOlinMustangs #JohnnyMims #UnitedStates #blacklivesmatter #uspolicebrutality #uspoliceexcessiveforce #uspolicemisconduct #uspoliceviolence #AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews
US taser incident: Alabama band director arrested after police scuffle
#AlanKurdi - das Bild seines leblosen Körpers am Strand erschĂŒtterte vor 8 Jahren fĂŒr einen Wimpernschlag die Welt.
Doch der Schmerz ĂŒber auf See verlorene Leben hört nicht auf, denn #Europa tötet weiter.
R.I.P. Alan, Rehana, Ghalib
Anna Gritti on Instagram: "ââââââ Neofita dellâanimazione, con lâimpegno di restare umana ââââââ- #alankurdi #lifeline #carolarackete #migranti #seawatchresort #blacklivesmatter #2danimation #restiamoumani #antifascismo #antirazzismo #migrants #savethech
About the banned books.
I wonder if we could change some book titles, for example "Calculus grade 5-8 for people to whom Black Lives Matter" or "American History from ... to ... for students to whom Black Lives Matter".
What do you think?
His openly. Racist comments and disgusting comments about blacks and Muslims getting amplified all over telegram channels and right wing social media.
#France #EricZemmour #Racism #Paris #PoliceBrutality #BLM #BLMFrance #Politics #BlackLivesMatter
#KeinVergessen #saytheirnames #Polizeigewalt
#KeinVergessen #saytheirnames #Polizeigewalt
— Response Hessen (@ResponseHessen) May 25, 2023
Am 25. Mai 2020 kniete der weiĂe Polizist Derek Chauvin wĂ€hrend eines Einsatzes im US-amerikanischen Minneapolis ĂŒber neun Minuten lang auf dem Hals von George Floyd. (1/3) pic.twitter.com/pyIlFdQxQ7
#Fatmata #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter
Tut mir leid, ich möchte nichts mit Linken zu tun haben, die das weder mitbekommen geschweige denn thematisieren. I mean it. Bin so angewidert und verzweifelt. #Fatmata #SayHerName #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/YlmGc0r8cv
— Katrin Einert (@katrineinert) April 25, 2023
Sind sich die drei Streifen auf Adidas-Produkten und das Streifen-Logo der Black-Lives-Matter-Bewegung zum Verwechseln Ă€hnlich? Der Sportartikelhersteller will seine EinwĂ€nde gegen das Design zurĂŒckziehen.#Adidas #BlackLivesMatter #Logo #Streit #Markenrecht #Streifen
Streifen-Streit zwischen Adidas und Black Lives Matter beendet | DW | 29.03.2023
well, if these two are managed opposition shills buying trust, they're succesfully making a fairly large purchase here with me and those #healthy #rants.
"This _Deregulation is what makes this wealth transfer happen
#vandanashiva #mercola #drmercola #navdanya #liveddemocracy #electoraldemocracy #mediacontrol #narrativemanagement #earthdemocracy #freedom #peoplesfreedom #illusionoffreedom #deregulation #selforganising #health #evolution #fractal #choices #justice #freedomandjustice #legalframework #practical #subsidies #look #equity #imposition #scaredbunchoftrillionaires #trueeconomies #cbdc #forcevaccination #nochoicenodemocracy #preservechoicepreservedemocracy #preservedemocracypreservelife #preservechoicepreservelife #globalisationisderegulation #democraticlaw #environmentalprotectionlaws #healthprotectionlaws #righttoeducation #workersrights #labourlaws #blacklivesmatter #justicematters #wakeup #narrative #divideandconquer #securitiesofdemocracy #societalprotectionlaws #freedomtodestroy #insurancecompanies #bigpharma #deregulationofourtimes #community #democraticsystems #sovereignty #monopoly #biofortification #ayurveda #problemreactionsolution #ruthless #vicious #money #dictatorship #technologybarons #barons #personalgreed #violentsystems #agrichemicals #hitler #genocide #domination #exploitation #notneutral #progressives #hierarchy #technologyasservant #convergentinterests #crisis #bookburning #ruthless #embraceextendextinguish #merger #destroyedentireindustries #intention #deregulation #globalisation #onenessvstheonepercent #investment #lifesciencesindustry #monsanto #bayer #financialtools #digitaltools #billionaires #assetfunds #controllingtheworldseconomy #corporations #psychopaths #owned #thetwelve #blackrock #vanguard #wealthtransfer #amazon #microsoft #fauxlanthropy #topdown #foodwithoutfood #toxic #control #nofreedom #weareinalotoftrouble #wakeup #lookup #mendthis #ecocide #finalissue #justice #shutdown #lockdown #deathofbirth #codexalimentarius #waronlife #themostvulnerable #vulnerable #therightstep #class #billionhungry #capitalism #monopolism #anthrocide #WHO #regulatorycapture #governments #philanthropy #hunger #sickness #humancull #nocullnecessary #forprofit #forweathextractionmaximisation #wealtextraction #wealthextractionmaximisation #homelessness #intentional #calous #throwawayclass #genocide #softkill #hardkill #panopticon #distraction #dumbdown #lobotomy #morecontrol #moreconcentration #centralisation #withoutrepresentation #withoutdemocracy #patriarchy #arrogance #billgates #zuckerberg #jeffbezos #destroying #planetaryscale #planetary #humanity #worsethingsthandeath #homeless #homelesspopulation #twoclasssystem #threeclasssystem #fourclasssystem #comorbidities #socialills #moneyoverpeople #greed #consequences #causality #society #nosociety #destruction #ecologicalcrisis #industrialism #pandemic #plandemic #colonialism #wellfare #dismantlingofprotection #dismantlingofsocialprotection #inequality #endofsociety #oneness #united #brutalviolence #poverty #criminals #apartheid #trusts #orwellian #taxdeduction #interesting #rockerfella #messcatalyst #molecularbiology #intelectualcapture #puppets #greenrevolution #greenwashing #corporateterrorism #stateterrorism #fascism #corporatism #controlleddebate #controlledclimatedebate #compulsorydigitaltransactions #nationaltaxsystems #nationaltaxsystemsusurped #gatesglobaltotalitarianresearch #agnotology #mostdevious #imaginationless #singularfocus #inhuman #inhumane #aware #facethehorror #therearepsychopaths #embraceextentextinguishonlife #mothernature #symbiosis #momentum #scamplan #worlddomination accounting #accountability #noaccountability #serious #extractiveeconommy #peoplemining #statesystem #wepaidforit #theyprofit #wedie #notinourname #reversetax #trickleup #imbalancedredistribution #iniquitous #collapse #intentionalinflation #strategicinflation #undemocraticinflation #WEF #greateconomicreset #imposed #notanaccident #wetriedtowarnyou #butyoucalledusconspiracytheorists #psyop #controllednarrative #controllednarratives #ecologicaldestruction #ripoffnature #disempowerment #wecanmendthis #empowerment #empowereverybody #pitchforksvstorches #languageappropriation #soil #neglect #regreen #recycle #earth #naturally #healthily #regenerate #regeneration #runfromthecure #noosphericattack #spin #organic #GMO #geneeditting #crispr #geneticallymodifiedorganism #fakelife #latteralgenetransfer #terminatorgenes #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #seriously #theplantoownalllife #includingyou #financialisationofnature #manufacturingdisposablepeople #circularreasoning #nocullnecessary #manufacturedscarcity #tyranicaltautology #suffering #youdeservebetter #theylie #theylietheylietheylie #fuckthat #fuckyouiwontdowhatyoutellme #declareindependence #patents #patentfraud #wipo #reductivism #totalitarianism #users #spyware #biospyware #allocation #vaers #worthy #humanrights #undoingwhatgenerationsfaughtfor #alert #bealert #myiopia #myopiclossofwealth #terrormyopia #usory #economicsuicide #suicide #suicideeconomy #defysuiciding #stay #mendthis #democracy #economy #humanity #startthinking #startthinkingaboutit #defendfeircly #freedomandlife #kleptarchy #kakistarchy #attercoparchy #createlocalmarkets #scientistssay #pestcontrol #illegal #illegalineffectivepestcontrol #apatientcuredacustomerlost #forprofitmedicine #forprofitpestcontrol #racket#protectionracket #biologicalprotectionracket #soarrogant #1000sofwaysofdoingfarming #gatesag1 #totallycontrolled #controlledseeds #farmerbrainscontrolled #staringdownthebarrelofeternaltyranny #bigdemand #manufactureddemand #hehadagraph #donttrusthim #distrusthim #ruthlesspsychopath #notphilanthropist #consciousness #consciousnessrising #awakeningconsciousness #lifejusticehumanity #vs #deathdestructiongreed #civilisation #culture #disease #social #individual #civildisobedience #robberbarons #worsethingsthandeath #growyourown #knowyourfarmer #solidarity #confidently