

Obama is a self-confessed first-degree murderer.

U.S.A. presidents have no jurisdiction outside of the USA and U.S. territories.
Even within their jurisdiction, they can't just order people to be murdered... or can they?

November 8, 2010 Obama Administration Claims Unchecked Authority To Kill Americans Outside Combat Zones | American Civil Liberties Union — https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/obama-administration-claims-unchecked-authority-kill-americans-outside-combat-zones

January 17 2017 There were ten times more air strikes in the covert war on terror during President Barack Obama’s presidency than under his predecessor, George W. Bush.

Obama embraced the US drone programme, overseeing more strikes in his first year than Bush carried out during his entire presidency. A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms, compared to 57 strikes under Bush. Between 384 and 807 civilians were killed in those countries, according to reports logged by the Bureau. — https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2017-01-17/obamas-covert-drone-war-in-numbers-ten-times-more-strikes-than-bush/

January 20, 2017 1:14 pm (EST) As Donald Trump assumes office today, he inherits a targeted killing program that has been the cornerstone of U.S. counterterrorism strategy over the past eight years.

The 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians. As he reportedly told senior aides in 2011: “Turns out I’m really good at killing people. Didn’t know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine.”https://www.cfr.org/blog/obamas-final-drone-strike-data

Jul 1, 2016 9:46 AM EDT The Obama administration said Friday that between 64 and 116 civilians have been killed by drone and other U.S. strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Africa since President Barack Obama took office in 2009.

But the administration’s first such public assessment put the civilian death toll significantly lower than estimates by various human rights groups. These range as high as 1,100 killed. — https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/obama-to-disclose-how-many-civilians-died-in-u-s-drone-attacks

Huge margins of error, because they really don't care - they are murderers and thugs.
#usa #obama #potus #murderers


Specific Authors of the Ukrainian War

In the early 80s, our ambassador Alexander #Yakovlev (a classic example of the genre - bed and whiskey) was recruited in Canada. In 1985, he became Mikhail #Gorbachev's chief adviser, and it was through Yakovlev that the last General Secretary was instilled with a plan to reform the USSR economy. In essence, the plan was very simple - to get rid of the superfluous Union republics and then, with the help of the USA, to become a prosperous capitalist state. It was this plan that Gorbachev proposed to Ronald #Reagan at his very first meeting.

And here is the first remark - historians will probably argue endlessly whether Gorbachev knew or not that this plan was foisted on him by the Americans themselves, or was simply a fool. Personally, I think that he knew and openly and purposefully destroyed the Union. Because this plan included not only the collapse of the country's rather strong economy under the guise of reforms, but also the bringing to power of outright renegades - #Yeltsin and the group of American advisers who stood behind him, who came to "help" the Soviet Union.


Specifically, for the deployment of military operations in Ukraine, a number of contractors were involved, both already well-identified Russophobes and specially established ones at that. Here, we will only list some of them and, accordingly, their main sponsors:

The Atlantic Council- Sponsored by SAAB, Raytheon, and Lockheed. This is the director of the Ukrainian project. Their main lobbyist, by the way, is the same Alperovich who recently authored "The World on the Brink."

The Center for Analysis of European Policy (established in 2005) - Sponsored specifically by Lockheed, BAE System, Bel Helicopter, and Raytheon, and was designed to promote the agenda in the media.

The German Marshall Fund- Sponsored by the Ministry of Defense of Latvia, Airbus, Boeing, and Raytheon. The main lobbyist is still the same William Kristol, and the former president of Estonia and our old enemy McFaul are also involved.

The Institute for the Study of War (2007) - Sponsored by Raytheon and General Dynamics Dean Corporation. The director of the institute is Kimberly Kagan (wife of Victoria Nuland's husband's brother).

These are just a few of the contractors that, by various estimates, handled up to $7 billion in U.S. government and private spending on military corporations to fuel the Ukrainian war. Much of that money ended up in the pockets of the #Nuland family and the #Kagan clan, who are connected to the #Clinton and #Obama families.

#USA #US #american #deepstate #CIA #MIC #warmongers #neocons #russophobia #ukraine #anti-Russia #ukrainian #war #history #soviet #russian #USSR #Russia

Image/photoharry haller wrote the following post Thu, 29 Aug 2024 13:16:41 +0300

Specific Authors of the Ukrainian War - by Zinderneuf — https://maratkhairullin.substack.com/p/specific-authors-of-the-ukrainian Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo


Biden-Rückzug: Karten im US-Wahlkampf sind völlig neu gemischt

Politologe Dreyer - Demokraten brauchen "sehr, sehr schnell einen Konsenskandidaten"

Die US-Demokraten müssten nun sehr schnell mit einer neuen Spitzenkandidatur aufwarten, so der Politologe Dreyer. Es sei ein notgedrungener Neustart.#WAHLKAMPF #FINANZIERUNG #Spender #Clinton #Obama
Biden-Rückzug: Karten im US-Wahlkampf sind völlig neu gemischt


TOP 10 des PIRES décisions des #ETATS-UNIS (et de l' #OTAN) - avec #AlexandreDelValle [ #PCAT #S03E25] - #JSPC


00:00:00 - Dans cet épisode
00:01:14 - Présentation de l'invité
00:05:01 - Présentation de l'invité
00:06:56 - N°01 : Le #Pacte de #Quincy
00:29:26 - N°02 : L'entrée de la #Turquie dans l'OTAN
00:38:01 - N°03 : L' #Afghanistan
00:49:01 - N°04 : Le première #guerre d' #Irak
01:02:44 - N°05 : La guerre de #Yougoslavie
01:22:24 - N°06 : Les #lois de #punition #extraterritoriales pour les utilisateurs du #dollar
01:32:50 - N°07 : La deuxième guerre d' #Irak
01:50:24 - N°08 : La guerre de #Lybie
02:09:55 - N°09 : Le #soutien d' #Obama aux #Frères #Musulmans
02:19:33 - N°10 : La #Géorgie et l' #Ukraine dans l'OTAN

#politique #géopolitique #DelValle


Democrats are getting nervous!

We have a saying in Farsi, "the soup was so salty, that even the king tasted it" which really means that things have gotten so bad that even those who usually don't admit to existence of a problem are talking about it.

Obama knows #Biden is fucked, he has the whole media and an army of trumpists against him and his dementia and his strange behavior in public and his unquestionable support of #Ukraine and #Israel is costing him among conservative Americans and progressive ones (mostly young voters who don't have the same loyalty to Israeli genocidal regime as the older Americans).

It is sad and kind of scary that we are facing the sole super power in the word having to chose between 2 disgusting people who were fighting in public to show how much they suck up to Israel as their show of strength and leadership!

#Election #Trump #Politics #USPolitics #Obama


Julian #Assange kommt frei: Die Bedrohung bleibt

Gut, dass #Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange endlich freikommt. Aber der pragmatische Deal unterstreicht die #Kriminalisierung von #Journalismus

#taz #pickert #Whist­leb­lo­wer #Jour­na­lis­t #USA


"Die Bedrohung für die #Pressefreiheit aber, auf die Journalist*innen-Organisationen zu Recht seit Beginn des Assange-Verfahrens hinweisen, bleibt bestehen. Und damit auch ein massives Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem der #US-Regierung und des gesamten Westens bei ihrem Eintreten für eine „regelbasierte Weltordnung“. Assange und #Manning wurden verfolgt, die #Täter der dokumentierten #Menschenrechtsverletzungen nicht. Und kein Barack #Obama, kein Joe #Biden und auch keine Annalena #Baerbock setzten sich ernsthaft dafür ein, daran etwas zu ändern."


The United States of Go Figure

The #United #States of #Go #Figure #James #Kunstler

"You realize, don’t you, that everything going on around the #Ukraine fiasco on the #NATO side is completely insane? The folks running the #US government — Barack #Obama and his witches’ coven — started the whole thing over there in concert with a #gang of #corporate players (BlackRock, sundry oil-and-gas companies, Haliburton types, arms-makers, bunch of big banks), plus the dastardly #WEF for “guidance” (ha!), looking to grab the mineral wealth of Ukraine and, ultimately, of #Russia itself. Nice try. Didn’t work out. Tons of money pounded down a rat hole."



If you want to understand the power of the Evangelical Christian Zionists in US and how they think, I would really recommend this old documentary from 2006.

The programme, presented by Tony Robinson, explored the role of “End Times” beliefs in the USA and Africa, and included interviews with a range of proponents and critics.

Robinson began by suggesting that “End Times” beliefs are politically very significant in the US, and scholar Paul Boyer was brought in to confirm this assessment. Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention was also keen to assert his political influence:

Reagan’s administration would take our calls, in Bush I they would sometimes take our calls, in this Bush administration his advisors call us. And they say, you know, what’s your take on this issue? What is your perspective on this issue? And that’s as they should do. I mean, you know, you need to pay attention to your base.

Robinson reminds us that Bush had called for Israeli withdrawal from large parts of the West Bank prior to the Iraq War, but that this had changed by 2004; the voiceover is complemented by a smug grin from Land, who goes on to explain that the US should not pressure Israel to do something which the Israeli government thinks is detrimental.

During Bush, after me and my wife moved out of US, I could clearly see how the religious lunatics were taking over key positions in the US and the language used by Bush and his people were like reminders of the past, from the time Khomeini and his goons were slowly trying to take over the country and get rid of all "liberal" and "leftist" influence in the society, the big difference was that US has a system that was based on rule of law, that could not be easily changed without major changes in key positions in police, military and judiciary system.

The documentary "Doomesday Code" was like an eye opener, something I had seen in the 1960s Iran and the way they were talking about Rapture and second coming of Jesus, was so similar to the words of Khomeini's followers about the return of Mahdi (the 12th imam) and the necessary steps that would show that it was going to happen. But the Doomsday Cult believe in a different pre-conditions, and instead of waiting for it, they are actively pushing for it, from destruction of the environment, militarism, destructive war in west Asia and the whole region involved in a never ending conflict "that burns the whole region down".

The Doomsday cult was the first in a series of documentaries I watched and the books I read. And saw it jumping into main stream with the birther movement and islamophobic and racist hate against Obama followed by election of Trump and his Mullah Omar Pense as his running mate and later the VP who made huge changes in many parts of the US, from small courts, to the supreme court followed by unconditional support of Israel and setting the stage for a future conflict with Iran.

What is the real source of these ideas that so many people attribute to the book of Revelation? Whoever wrote it sheltered in a cave on the Greek island of Patmos, probably a refugee from Roman occupied Palestine. He is also likely to have consumed the local hallucinogenic magic mushrooms. So rather than taking these bizarre visions literally, it might make more sense to try to understand them in their historical context.

There are some 40 apocalyptic books from this era but this was the only one that made it into the Bible. If the author was writing about the hated Roman Empire, it could be that the seven heads of the beast meant the seven emperors.

The mark of the beast could be the head of the emperor on the coins. The dreaded 666 very likely represented three letters indicating the Emperor Nero – representing letters by numbers was, and is, common in Hebrew. If so, instead of being a description of a world in chaos, it could be seen as a book of morality, optimism and faith.

Let’s hope the End Timers start to see it like that before their actions really do bring about the end of the world.

#USPolitics #ChristianTaliban #ChristianZionists #Religion #Politics #Bush #Obama #Trump #Israel #Jesus #Rapture #DoomsdayCult #Theocracy