

The world’s #liberal democracies now confront a tragedy of the #un-commons.” #Information spaces that people assume to be #public are strictly ruled by #private #commercial interests for maximum #profit. The internet as a self-regulating #market has been revealed as a failed experiment. #Surveillancecapitalism leaves a trail of social wreckage in its wake: the wholesale destruction of #privacy, the intensification of social #inequality, the poisoning of social discourse with #defactualized information, the demolition of social norms and the weakening of #democratic institutions.

#facebook #extraction


আমি আগেই বলেছিলাম, এই 'গ্রাহক পরিষেবা কেন্দ্র' গুলো খুলে সিস্টেম করার ফলে সীমাহীন দূর্নীতি হবে। আর সেটাই এবার সত্যি প্রমাণিত হল। কোটি কোটি টাকার দূর্নীতি গ্রাহক পরিষেবা কেন্দ্রে। ১০হাজার, ২০হাজারের ওপরের ট্রানজাকশন ব্র্যাঞ্চে না করে ঐ কেন্দ্রগুলিতে করতে বাধ্য করছে বিভিন্ন ব্যাঙ্ক। আমি বলে দিচ্ছি, এটা ব্যাঙ্কের সব ট্রানজাকশন শুধুমাত্র অনলাইনে করতে বাধ্য করাবার ষড়যন্ত্রের প্র‌থম ধাপ। #গ্রাহকপরিষেবাকেন্দ্র #bank #customerservicepoint #private #licence #fraud


Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters


#GlennGreenwald was one of the first #reporters to see — and #write about — the #EdwardSnowden #files, with their #revelations about the #UnitedStates' extensive #surveillance of #private #citizens. In this searing #talk, Greenwald makes the case for why you need to care about #privacy, even if you’re “not doing anything you need to hide."

#greenwald #mass-surveillance #journalism #tedtalk #freespeech


‘Apple is eating our lunch’: #Google employees admit in lawsuit that the company made it nearly impossible for users to keep their #location #private

source: https://www.businessinsider.com/unredacted-google-lawsuit-docs-detail-efforts-to-collect-user-location-2021-5

Google continued collecting location data even when users turned off various location-sharing #settings, made popular #privacy settings harder to find, and even pressured LG and other phone makers into hiding settings precisely because users liked them, according to the documents.

#fail #smartphone #phone #mobile #Android #news #configuration #spy #surveillance #gps


Je test en ce moment #jami et voici un début de retour d’expérience.
Je m’intéresse (mon choix) uniquement aux solutions libres, cryptées de bout en bout, disponible pour un max d’OS/plateformes (linux, win, mac, android, ios, etc) ET sans obligation de donner son numéro de téléphone ou d’avoir un smartphone pour créer un compte.
Jami propose du #distribuée #pairtopair, çà c’est top!
En bonus le développement est actif avec des versions récentes, ex: stable Android 20201222-01 et preview Android 20210106, idem pour les autres plateformes.
D’après ce que j’ai pu lire Jami serait soutenu par des dev #Trisquel eux même soutenu par la #FSF, autant dire que si ce soutient se confirme dans le temps voilà une belle équipe de libristes à l’oeuvre!
Et ce qui concerne mon début d’expérience deux potes (sous android) qui ont du corriger les autorisations de l’app (son pas automatiquement autorisé) et après correction de ce détail çà roule nikel.

Vous voulez plus d'infos:

#RichardStallman en parle:

#openmeetings #apache #bigbluebutton #element #matrix #jami #jitsi #linphone #nextcloud #openvidu #signal #wire #vidéoconférence #visioconférence #endtoendencryption #distributed #secure #anonymously #anonymous #privacy #private #security #free/libre #liberty #p2p #peertopeer #encrypted #opensource #alternative #whatsapp #skype


Now You Can Find Out if the NSA and GCHQ Spied on You


Thanks to a legal victory #Privacy_International obtained earlier this year, the #UK’s #Investigatory_Powers_Tribunal is now required to search through data the #GCHQ obtained from the #NSA for #information collected on #anyone in the world if that person so requests it. If #you #request the #info and the #Tribunal finds something, it must let #you #know. The catch is #you have to make the request before December 5, 2015. #Privacy_International has made this easy with its “Did GCHQ Illegally Spy on You?” online tool.

Earlier this year the #Investigatory_Powers_Tribunal in the #UK ruled that British intelligence services acted unlawfully when they accessed the #private #communications of millions of #people that had been collected by the #NSA under its #mass-surveillance programs known as #PRISM and #Upstream and shared with the #British #spy agency. The #PRISM program, which began in 2007, allowed the #NSA to collect #data in bulk from #US #companies like #Yahoo and #Google. The #Upstream program involved the collection of #data from #taps placed on hundreds of undersea cables outside the #US.

The #Tribunal will only search for #records #shared between the #NSA and #GCHQ prior to December 2014. And, unfortunately, it won’t #reveal if the #GCHQ obtained #data about #you on its own and/or #shared it with the #NSA, or if the #NSA spied on you and didn’t #share that #data with #GCHQ. The amount of data the #Tribunal will search may also be limited.


#privacy #internet #surveillance #spying