

Новое видео VICTORY

"American Girl" , новое видео группы VICTORY, доступно для просмотра ниже. Эта песня взята с будущего альбома ‘Circle Of Life’, выходящего 13 сентября на AFM Records.

Десять треков нового альбома были записаны Herman Frank'ом совместно с вокалистом Gianni Pontillo, ритм-гитаристом Mike'ом Pesin'ом, басистом Malte Frederik'ом Burkert 'оми барабанщиком Michael'ом Stein'ом в знаменитой ганноверской студии Horus Sound Studios, а сведение выполнил звукорежиссер Arne Neurand. Обложку нарисовал Oleg (Voodoo) Shcherbakov на основе идеи немецкой художницы Rune Mields.

Группа VICTORY была основана в 1984 году, выпустила 11 студийных альбомов, сыграла огромное количество хэдлайновых и фестивальных шоу, встав в один ряд с такими выдающимися коллективами как Scorpions, Accept и Helloween. После нескольких перестановок в составе и перерывов в деятельности в 2011 году группа выпустила альбом "Don't Talk Science", последний, записанный в оригинальном составе. Между тем, гитарист Herman Frank принял решение продолжать историю VICTORY, итогом чего стало возрождение коллектива в обновленном составе и запись альбома «Gods of Tomorrow» (2021).

#Victory #HardRock #Hard_Rock #HeavyMetal #Heavy_Metal #MelodicMetal #Melodic_Metal #Hard 'n' Heavy #_Hard 'n' Heavy

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC5wLMwxV_4

#lang_ru #метал #darksideru


#Nakshatra #Uttara-Ashadha

enter image description here

This lunar junction of the Guru meets us annually when the Moon is in the #star of #UttaraAshada. A position of power that encompasses the vast array of universal spiritual forces.
The other major Tantric festival that occurs when the Moon is in #Uttara Ashadha, that is worth mentioning here, is Dusshera.
This is the 10th and concludent night of victory after the 9 nights of the Goddess in the Navaratri ritual festival.
The Navaratri ritual festival links together all aspects of the feminine mysteries, by traveling through a spiritual story that traces the path of the Goddess and her many expressions. This point of multiplicity is greatly poignant to the energy of Uttara Ashadha as we shall consider in the next section below.

This star signifies hard-earned #victory and accomplishment.
Its victory is one that comes through drawing all psychic and physical forces into focus.

In our daily lives, we regularly apply this principle of gathering a multiplicity of forces together towards accomplishing an activity.
For example, the act of just going shopping, draws together many forces towards the single end of acquiring groceries.
It encompasses a vast array of activities… from finding our hat and coat and putting on our shoes, to navigating the many aisles of a supermarket, to gathering the right ingredients for the cake we are baking.
This is a mundane example of an accomplishment that many of us might take for granted.
It has elements of the accomplishment of Uttara Ashadha in that it draws together many elements and abilities. In the case of Uttara Ashadha, all the universal powers and skills are drawn together unto the attainment of the greatest of all victories… which is the revealing of the sacred heart.

Bringing All Things Together

Uttara Ashadha is sometimes called the star of victory and accomplishment, this is the wish and desire of this Star energy.
Ashadha is the urge and wish that focuses on the victory.

The god or gods that dwell on this Nakshatra are very interesting when considering the nature of the energy that this star carries to us.
The god of this star is #Vishwadeva, who is not a singular being, but rather the collection of all goddesses and gods.
The Vishwadeva(s) is/are the collective of all the #goddesses and the #gods.
They are nourished by, and in turn nourish this star through the reflective lunar mediary of the Moon.

#Vishwa literally means all and everything. Vishwadeva is the ultimate plurality of all #sacred #celestial beings. This multiplicity is the nature of the far-reaching force that is delivered by this Nakshatra.

It is also of note that some Puranic writings highlight a specific number celestial gods who are also called the Vishwadevas.
These 10 Vishwadeva deities and are the 10 qualities of Uttara Ashadha.

Vishwa is a word that implies multiplicity, interestingly, there is no one unanimous account of what the Vishwadeva really is. Some accounts single out a specific number of celestial deities, some accounts signify all deities, while some Mantras and accounts acknowledge all Devas and Asuras as coming under the title of Vishwadeva. What is unanimous in all accounts, is the idea of multiplicity and the conjunction of many forces.

And so, Vishwadeva is the god of this Nakshatra, as we have seen, it can be taken to mean the conglomerate of all goddesses and gods and even Asuras, but it can also be taken to mean 10 specific deities who carry the traits of Uttara Ashadha.
Sometimes an additional 2 Vishwadeva deities are also given, but we will highlight 10 for now.

Let us list the qualities of the wisdom of this Nakshatra, by naming the 10 Vishwadeva’s, and consider the 10 wisdom qualities that the Nakshatra of Uttara Ashadha represents and transports.


1) Vasu is fullness, expansiveness, illumination and brightness. This is wisdom in a broad sense. Wisdom that encompasses all things. It is a wisdom that is both elevated in metaphysical principles, but equally, it is a wisdom that is able to articulate on a street level. A wisdom that is able to touch and make contact with any arena of life. This is a totally non-exclusive quality to put it in a nutshell.


2) Satya is truth and reality without sentiment or bias or restriction to any singular perspective.
Again, it carries the fullness and broadness of the previously highlighted Vasu quality. And because of this vast perspective, it is able to see the wide picture of reality in which all perspectives are at once acknowledged. This is the quality of not leaning towards any particular side. It is a quality of not escaping reality through any drama, distortion or sentiment.


3) Kratu is focus of intention and will. This is the measured expertise that knows how to apply just the right amount of exertion. It is the focus that has forbearance and a deep intelligence, measurement and strategy. Kratu feeds its own certainty. Once it has considered the best angle of action and is certain about its course, it will approach its action with the quality of a charging elephant that will attempt to go through everything with unwavering persistence and urge.


4) Daksha is skill, it is geometry and dexterity, it is a subtle creative vision that is able to link all things together into inner and outer harmonious forms. This is the skill of ritual, the ability to cloth metaphysical realities in tangible form. This is the skill of Tantra.


5) Kaala is Time. It is the power to have the awareness of the reality of time in the phenomenal world, and at the ‘same-time’ it is the quality and power to be able to go to that plane of reality which is beyond the constraints of time.
Interestingly, Kala pronounced with the shortly accentuated ‘A’, means artistry, an artistry with a love for carefully detailed beauty. This is the artistry that comes from timing. Timing and rhythm are like the forms in which beauty is distilled, refined and expressed.


6) Kaama is desire, it is the urge of the soul, the unstoppable wish and hope (remember that Asha in Ashadha means urge and hope) Dha means wealth, this is the victory of desire. Not necessarily the fulfillment of desire as one is apt to think. But rather, to be possessed of the secret urge is the wealth itself here.
Kaama is the root power behind all desire, it is the spiritual longing and wanderlust that underlies all desires. Pure desire, if you will.


7) Dhrti is concentrated ruthless firmness and focus, this is the focused shot of the arrow. It is the ability to hold to a thing with full psychic involvement and endurance and patience. This is a quality of a healer and a Tantric magician, who focuses upon a thing and therefore manifests it, through their sheer Shakti of focused power.


8) Kuru is ancestral power, it is the strong relation to the realm of the ancestors. It is a spiritual sensitivity that at once lives in the manifest world, while at the same time being aware of the subtle movements of the inner planes. Kuru is to see the multi-dimensional interrelationship between matter and ghost, or spirit and body. The word Kuru is derived from the root Kri, which means to do or to act. Our actions carry power when they are related to our roots. When the acknowledgment of our roots and heritage informs our action, then it is truly potent.
Kuru then is connected to actions of healing ancestral imprints, so as to potentise and bring healing depth to our action.


9) Pururavas is abundance, broadness and generosity. The generosity of Pururavas is the kind that comes from a trust in the invanquishable and self-perpetuating well-spring of the heart. Pura means fullness it is to be remembered. The quality of Pururavas is that it’s not afraid to take risks or to lose. There is a deep trust that beneath any apparent loss and failure, is am inexhaustible wellspring of reserve life power. Pururavas is on the way to Madravas because of this fearlessness and trust in life force.
Generosity is not just a saintly virtue. It is a natural quality of the wisdom principle of ever-fulfilling a inexhaustible force. When we move away from the inexhaustible force of nature, we simply become exhausted. Pururavas is natural power that is effective because it burns like a steady flame, we could liken this to the endurance of an elephant that knows deeply about the wise handling and distribution of its life-force.


10) Madravas is natural power and joy of heart. It is accomplishment and the celebration of the freedom of the sacred heart. We are here dealing with a joy that is not dependent on any condition or form of entertainment. It is an inner natural power of spiritual essence that is not obscured by any hint of Ahamkara

So as we have now seen, The Nakshatra of Uttara Ashadha draws from a wide array of universal forces.
This star brings together the collection of a vast array of attributes. Let us say that it is the star that possesses the celestial toolbox, and has access to the broadest and most diverse range of spiritual instruments.

The Celestial Tusks

The two twin stars of Ashadha are represented by Yogins as the #elephant #tusks of the celestial realm.
Uttara Ashadha is the matured elephant power that represents the full potential of grounded celestial forces in an earthly sense.
The Yogins connect to, and invoke the penetrating force these dual astral-tusk-points of energy, in rituals where Uttara Ashadha is worked with.

#Ganesh is the grand Chakravatin, which means he is the earthly foundation structure upon which all the other Chakra spin.
Ganesh and all creatures that have tusks are connected to Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra. The tusk obtrudes beyond the sphere of the body towards the sphere of vision… in a similar way that horns do.

This is the star of focused victory. A focus sharply focused with a penetrating sharp tusk like urge of vision.
The tusk of Uttara Ashadha points – through its focus – towards a victory to which it is very close. Remember Uttara means mature, and the wise force of maturity is implicit here.
This star has the celestial blessings of its ruling deity, which as we have seen, is in fact the collective of all goddesses and gods, or alternatively, are highlighted as a group of the 10 qualities of wisdom.
This is indeed a heavy Nakshatra, possessed of the force of wisdom, we could say the heaviest.
It is like the weight of Ganesh, the elephant god who sits at the very foundation of the Chakras. It is the very weight of deep Saturnian wisdom in the cavern of the soul.

Uttara Ashadha is the focus of celestial forces into the vessels of earthly being. It deals with bringing together the most celestial with the most earthly, as we shall soon see in the next section.

The symbol of this lunar house is a tusk. Indeed, the energy that this Nakhatra imparts has the ability to bring us the tenacity of teeth and bone. The elephant and other tenacious creatures with tusks are linked to this Nakshatra.

Uttara-Ashadha is often considered to be the 21st Nakshatra. This is interesting when we consider that the number 21 is sacred to the Ganesh, the god with the elephant head.
The number 21 further links Ganesh to Nakshatra.
Ganesh rituals are well-known to involve 21 offerings along with the chanting of his 21 names. Ganesh as well as many other deities – as we shall see – are linked to this Nakshatra.

Dual singularity of Focus

Big obstacles are overcome by focused force and endurance – is the teaching of this Nakshatra, focus being the operative word here.
Uttara Ashadha is ruled by Surya (the Sun) and the quality of this Nakshatra is the transmission of powerful burning solar force through the mirror of the Moon.
Where an object meets the sun, there is a shadow, to take away the shadow is to take away the object.
Uttara Ashadha is certainly singularity of focus, but the paradox is that it’s singularity is aware of the multi-layered dualities of life. The dualities of life can be perceived as a singularity, for example, when the principle of sun and shadow are taken together. Sun and shadow are a unity when the object is in the picture, take away the object, and we have duality and endless metaphysical abstractions only. The object can’t be taken out of the picture if reality is valued.
The two tusks of the elephant bring together dualities by the space of life between them.

In the next concludent section of this text, we shall take a look at a spiritually cosmological teaching story that highlights the dualities of the tusk that saved the earth.

Uttara means mature and Ashadha implies a victory that is eternal.
But more accurately, it is the desire and urge to reach that victory that this star presents.
This star moves one towards victories by its power of enduring focus and discipline. It brings all seeming dualities and forces together in a single point. Or let us rather say, two unified points, like the tusks of an elephant.

The wisdom that Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra brings to us, is a wisdom that is aware of the dualities of light and shadow upon all its octaves.
To understand and know a thing comes through understanding and knowing it’s opposite.
To truly see the revealed, is to acknowledge and be aware of the unrevealed half.

Focus is a quality where all our powers are beamed in one direction and one direction alone.
Tantra is but the art and science of focus, ritual is focus.
Extraneous expenditure of our life forces must be reigned in and harnessed towards the most needed point in the path of our destiny, if we are to receive the teaching of Uttara Ashadha.

Uttara-Ashadha gives the teaching of enduring focus.
As already outlined, its focus is singular and unwavering – this is the quality of the Guru.
The Guru is an uncompromising force that endures in the vision for the very deep and enduring truths.
Guru Purnima is an age-old festival Uttara Ashadha Moon festival that honours the Guru.

In a world of beliefs opinions, likes, dislikes, dualistic information and endless modes of self-expression of all of these, we risk the very opposite of what Uttara-Ashadha wishes to show us.
If we spread our energies wide and thin, we risk dispersing our psychic spiritual power. But at the opposite spectrum, if we gather our forces together in concentrated unity and singularity of urge, we bring all the celestial forces to one point. This is the secret of communing with Vishwadeva.
It means to open ourselves to all the forces by maintaining a seat of power.
Like being in an observatory or a planetarium that sees all the multitudinous revolutions of realities orbiting the spirit that we are.

Uttara-Ashadha is the very opposite of light dispersing action. Guru is an adjective that means heavy, who is just like the elephant energy, that is the prominent earthly expression of the weight of this Nakshatra.
Just like the weight of memory possessed by the Elephant that never forgets… Uttara Ashadha gives power to mind and memory.
Heavy weighted enduring focus is given to us when the full Moon is in this lunar house.
When the full Moon meets this Nakshatra, it presents the gift of its qualities to us on earth.
We will open up in ritual to invoke and receive the lunar emanations of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.

The Power of the Earthly Tusk

Varaha is the Boar headed earthly deity of mighty tusk, who carries the lesson of Uttara Ashada very well, so let us consider it here.

The story of Varaha tells of how he saved the earth from drowning in the subterranean waters when the Asuric forces attacked and threatened to ruin the earth.
Varaha and Bhumi (Earth Goddess) are lovers, together they birthed Mangala (Mars). Varaha saved Bhumi from drowning in the subterranean waters by lifting her in his tusks.
The impossible concentration it took Varaha to lift the earth out of the enveloping waters in which she was drowning, required the exclusion of all else but the matter at hand.
Or rather we could say, the matter at tusk – for Varaha hooked the earth in his tusks and carried her to safety.

Varaha presides over the Dhatu (physical element) of bone – this is the most hard of the Dhatus, and symbolises strength solidity of focus.
Varaha, in saving the earth, drew together all skills and abilities towards the single end.
The tusks are sharp and – being two – represent the dualistic forces concentrated into one action to achieve the victory that it is our Karma to accomplish.
What that victory is, is a personal journey to discover.
The discovery and realisation of our destiny requires dualistic forces to come together. This is the focus of Varaha, he is a most mighty deity… mighty of focus.

Uttara-Ashadha can be seen to signify the imminent victory of the very real and deep pressing matters. Its imminent victory comes through the application and uniting together of all extraneous forces and subtle energies.
Its victory can’t be assumed without endurance and determined clarity of focus.
This endurance and determined clarity of focus is a Saturnian quality.

The story of Varaha saving the earth from drowning in the waters holds a Saturnian code within it. The Saturn ruled constellation of Capricorn is known as Makara to the Yogins. This is the constellation of the crocodile, who gives us the wisdom and power to articulate deeply between the dualities of its realms of mastery – water and earth.
Just as the mighty and fearlessly focused Varaha and Bhumi reveal the initiation of earth and water through the power of the tusk.



Not-Vaxx Never Mandatory

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that #California’s attempt to #mandate the #Covid-19 shots was #illegal and that Jacobson v. Massachusetts did not apply because the #not-vaxx is not a #vaccine and the state could not claim a legitimate state interest in #forcing #medical #treatments that do not provide immunity.

#HealthFreedomDefenseFund et. al have won a significant #victory in the #NinthCircuit, which reversed dismissal of their lawsuit challenging the Los Angeles Unified School District’s (“LAUSD”) #mandatory #vaccination policy for all employees.

Reversing the decision of the Central District of California in #LosAngeles, the Ninth Circuit majority held that, first, the case was not mooted by #LAUSD’s rescission of the mandate after oral argument last September, 2023. The majority called out LAUSD’s gamesmanship for what it was – a bald-faced attempt at avoiding an adverse ruling by trying to create an issue of mootness. On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the #SupremeCourt’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.

The majority, however, noted that #HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the #COVID #jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.

The court recognized that mitigating symptoms rather than preventing the spread of disease “distinguishes Jacobson, thus presenting a different government interest.” Based on this reasoning, the majority disapproved the trial court’s contention that, even if the jabs do not prevent the spread, “Jacobson still dictates that the vaccine mandate is subject to, and survives, the rational basis test.”

The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.

The court declined to give any deference to pronouncements by the #CDC that the “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.” As the court asked rhetorically, “safe and effective” for what? The majority pointed to HFDF’s allegation that CDC had changed the definition of “vaccine” in September 2021, striking the word “immunity” from that definition. The court also noted HFDF’s citations to CDC statements that the vaccines do not prevent transmission, and that natural immunity is superior to the vaccines.

In a separate concurrence, Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]” Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”

It’s important to note, since this will not be the last attempt to at #global #depopulation, that most of the pragmatic appeals to getting #vaxxed have turned out to have been based on #false assumptions and #illegal actions by #corporations and various levels of #government.


Новое видео VICTORY

"Count On Me", новое видео группы Herman'а Frank'а VICTORY, доступно для просмотра ниже. Этот трек взят с будущего альбома ‘Circle Of Life’, который будет выпущен 13 сентября на AFM Records.

‘Circle Of Life’ Tracklist:

01.Tonight We Rock

02. American Girl

03. Count On Me

04. Surrender My Heart

05. Unbelievable World

06. Moonlit Sky

07. Falling

08. Money

09. Reason To Love

10. Virtual Sin

#Victory #HardRock #Hard_Rock #HeavyMetal #Heavy_Metal #MelodicMetal #Melodic_Metal #Hard 'n' Heavy #_Hard 'n' Heavy

Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6HGy_OaC0A

#lang_ru #метал #darksideru


Новый VICTORY по осени


Иконы хард-рока VICTORY анонсируют новый альбом «Circle Of Life», премьера первого видео сингла уже состоялась VICTORY раскрыли подробности о своем новом студийном альбоме под названием «Circle Of Life», релиз которого состоится 13 сентября 2024 года на AFM Records! Премьера видеоклипа на первый сингл группы, гимн вечеринок «Count On Me», состоялась ниже. О релизе первой песни: … Читать далее Новый VICTORY по осени

Сообщение Новый VICTORY по осени появились сначала на "Neformal site".

#rockmusic #circleoflife #countonme #2024 #hardrock #victory #lang_ru #метал #neformalsiteru


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The meaning of the word Ashadha is festival or procession, and Uttara Ashadha means later part of the procession. This means the later part, i.e. the cycle of #birth of a baby, has started.

#UttaraAshadha #Nakshatra in astrology is one of the Urdhvamukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras which have their mouths upwards). In these Nakshatras, things related to palaces, coronations, boundary walls, construction of tall structures can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: Planks of a Bed
The symbol for Utthara Ashadha is the planks of a bed or a small cot. This is an indication of a baby putting more weight.

Deity: The #Vishwedhevas
The deity of Utthara Ashadha is Vishwedhevas. Vishwedhevas means all Vedic Gods taken together. In Vedas, 33 Gods are identified. These include 8 Vasu, 12 Aadhithya, and 11 Rudhra. Vishwedhevas are the most comprehensive gathering of Gods.

The yoni animal of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra is the #mongoose.
Mongoose is famously known for one thing, killing the snake and taking its deadly bite.
The mongoose is the one animal that can take on any type of snake species, from cobra, rattlesnake to a black mamba.
The behaviour of the mongoose is that it frustrates, annoys and makes the snake tired and only when the snake is tired does the mongoose attack and kill it with one hit.
Mongooses are also quite fond of Rahu (Pigs), or one of its cousins known as warthogs. They are known to come into the territory of mongooses and have them clean all the lice and ticks off of them.
This not only helps them get cleaned but gives mongoose a nice stuff to snack on.
Mongoose lives in a large group like a colony and is very social.
They are also known to breed between March-May and have a very unpleasant smell.
From the yoni animal, it can be seen that Uttara Ashadha natives will always have snake-like enemies and will flirt with snake-like people.
In a friendship, relationship or with co-workers, Uttara Ashadha natives will crush them or expose them to the world, and they feel undefeated in life.
Just like how mongoose sees the opportunity to kill the snake, Uttara Ashadha folks are extremely opportunistic, and when they see it, they go for it.
They jump into things before anyone else does and are not afraid of the challenge.
The warthogs receiving cleaning from these small relentless creatures show that they are able to help anyone in any type of condition.
They do not see species, colour, creed or caste.
Since pigs are connected with Varaha avatar, representing Rahu, and Rahu represents Muslims, Uttara Asahadha will always make a Muslim friend or have a Muslim lover in their life. It will be of a great benefit because, like the mongoose gets to feed on the ticks and lice of the wild pig, the Uttara Ashadha native will also be able to get many things to feed on through such people easily.
Due to the colonization nature of mongooses, they are very social.
They always want to take over things and set up their own eutopia wherever they go.
The symbol of this Nakshatra is the elephant’s tusk, which again shows that these natives are prolific writers.
They can write a trilogy and something as epic as Mahabharata written by the great Hindu God Ganesha.
The elephant’s tusk is pretty much a tooth, which Ganesha broke off and turned into an ink pen.
There are rumours that the originally written book by Ganesha is locked in the Padmanabhaswamy temple of Lord Vishnu.
The broken tooth shows dental issues that Uttara Ashadha natives need to deal with if this Nakshatra is influenced by malefics and posited in the 6th, 8th or 12th house.
Vishwadevas or the Universal Gods are the deities of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra.
The universal Gods or the Vishwadevas have the power to grant #invincible #victory.
Viswadevas deals with universal moral principles.
The qualities governed by them are goodness, truth, willpower, time, desire, skillfulness, forbearance, ancestors, abundance and summit/peak.
Lord #Ganesha, the elephant-headed God, is also connected with this asterism for being the one in charge of karma.
Lord #Krishna is supposed to have displayed his true form, or the Vishwaroopa, to Arjuna in Mahabharata’s Kurukshetra, where he had the entire Universe, the Gods ruling the Universe as being one- Lord Krishna.
The animal connected with this Nakshatra is the mongoose, which could also be connected with Lord #Kubera, who carries a mongoose skin purse, and rules the North direction connected with Mercury.
Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna, may also be connected with the last pada of this Nakshatra, as he was the one who broke through the Chakravyuha formation in the Mahabharata but ended up dying.
Parikshit, the son of Abhimanyu, was the only one who survived the Pandava clan even after getting impacted by Brahmastra from Ashwatthama.
The mythology clearly shows that Uttara Ashadha natives are undefeated in most of their undertakings.
They take the right and proper actions to make sure the victory is on their side.
Like Purva Ashadha Nakshatra natives, they are strategic about what type of war they are entering into and how they will conquer their mission.
Vishwa Devas are about morals and principles, and it translates into these natives as the anchor of their lifeboat.
Even the mob boss or a hard-minded criminal will have a set of principles that they will build their foundation on, like never killing children, women, or someone without a cause.
If you pay attention to the mythology, you will understand the word “Universal God”, meaning Uttara Ashadha natives do not have a single-minded approach to a single religion.
They believe in one universal God, one defining omnipresence.
They are always interested in anthropology, history and colonization of different religious beliefs in different regions of the world.
Krishna, who revealed his true self to Arjuna in the middle of the battlefield, becomes a key figure in this Nakshatra.
Krishna was known to be very apt, and he cheated many times in the Mahabharata to give Pandavas the advantage against their cousins.
The cheating was fair, as rules of the battle were not followed initially by Kauravas.
Uttara Ashadha natives are not afraid of cheating when they realize their enemy is serving them the same dish.
These natives are always in search of the answer of the true universe origins and who created this entire existence due to Krishna showing his Vishwaroopa (universal God form) to Arjuna.
Krishna also died with an arrow hit on the left foot by Jara, and so these natives always have sprained ankles and injury to their knee or leg, especially Saturn being the ruler of the Capricorn side.
Uttara Ashadha natives are the most powerful individuals within themselves.
One of the key features of someone who is in the power/position is their way of conducting themselves.
For example, a powerful banker, mob boss or CEO have a habit of always wearing the best things and smoking cigars.
Cigars have been the key symbol of such people to show their power in the world.
This Nakshatra deals with time, and they love to wear the best wristwatches so that they can keep track of time.
Saturn, the ruler of the Capricorn sign, is also the karaka of time.
Uttara Ashadha natives come to change things, and they make a big impact on society.
They feel it is their duty to give light to society at any cost, even if it means sacrificing their comfort and life. Uttara Ashadha stands for later victory.
When a person has this Nakshatra dominating in their chart, they will lose many battles in the early life but later become invincible and undefeated.
Attributes of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra in Astrology
Spread from 26’40” Sagittarius (Dhanu) to 10’00” of Capricorn (Makara).
Lord is Jupiter (Guru) and Saturn (Shani). The derivatives from Uttara Ashadha are closely allied to those of Purva Ashadha.
The points of difference are that Poorva Ashadha spreads out, and it is concerned with extensiveness.
On the other hand, Uttara Ashadha is introspective and penetrative and is concerned with intensiveness, the results of the latter being more permanent than the former (Poorvashadha).
The deity who preserves this world and makes for its welfare is called ‘ganadevata’or Vishwadevatas.
There are ten ganadevatas Basu, Satya, Kratu, Daksha, Kala, Kama, Dhriti, Kuru, Pururaba, Madraba.
All their attributes are in this star. The warrior, the wrestler, the painter, the artist, the magician, the well-dressed man, the happy and successful men are influenced by this star.
A special characteristic of it is that it causes the native to be admired and socially applauded.
Another characteristic of it is that under the influence of this star, the native falls in love with an unmarried girl.
Bhishma of the Mahabharata was one of the 8 Basus, so under this star, one possesses self-control, restraint, endurance and firm character. There are special rituals for the worship of ganadevatas, which are more or less of specialised nature.
Description of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology Treatise
According to Hora Sara: The native born in Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra will like fun, be modest, have many enemies, be distressed, distinguished knowledge, will wander, have many wives, and be kind.
According to Jataka Parijata: If a native is born in the star Uttara Ashadha, he will be honourable, of tranquil nature, happy, possess wealth and learned.
According to Sage Narada: The native born in Uttara Ashadha will be grateful, righteous, heroic, will beget many sons, be modest, will have an excellent spouse and be charming.
According to Brihat Samhita: The star Uttara Ashadha will make one modest, virtuous, have many friends, grateful and attractive.




Wills and Means: How #Ukraine Can Win
By Edward Lucas
December 17, 2023

..."Amid the despondency comes a shaft of light, from the #Estonian defense ministry in Tallinn. Called Setting Transatlantic Defence up for Success: A #Military Strategy for Ukraine’s #Victory and #Russia’s Defeat, its 22 crisply written pages should be required reading over the holiday break for every decision-maker.

Its opening contention is that defeatism is the product of Russian #information $warfare. The first and most urgent step is, therefore, to dump the current strategy, shaped by fears of escalation, and to concentrate instead on making it clear that victory for Russia is not, as the Kremlin would like to believe, inevitable, but impossible. “While Russia is still impervious to the logic of reason, it is continuously sensitive to the logic of force,” the report’s anonymous authors write. In other words, start increasing military and economic pressure on Russia and continue until a breaking point is reached.

That sounds daunting. But given the West’s heft, it is easily doable. The 54-member “Ramstein” group, which coordinates help for Ukraine, has a combined GDP of €47 trillion ($51 trillion). Russia’s national income is less than one-twentieth of that. The combined defense budgets of the Ramstein members are €1.24 trillion, more than 13 times bigger than Russia’s. The problem is not means, but willpower; particularly, patience.

The report implicitly criticizes past over-optimistic assumptions of speedy Russian military collapse followed by political change in Moscow. A hard slog looms. 2024 will be a year of strategic defense for Ukraine, in which it builds up its military and industrial capacity while burning up Russian capabilities. The aim, the report says, should be to kill or severely wound 50,000 Russian troops every six months, forcing the Kremlin to send soldiers to the battlefield prematurely, instead of generating coherent units capable of waging a decisive offensive. "...


Ariel Beery

Rallies by human rights and pro- #Palestinian activists around the world have called for an immediate ceasefire between #Israel and #Hamas. Many of those rallying have only good intentions at heart: they seek no more harm to innocents. They seek to protect the children of #Gaza, who have no responsibility for the crimes of members of their parents’ generation. They seek to mitigate the chances of an outbreak of a regional war that could cause further damage to even more innocents across Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt. They seek peace.

Seeing Israel as the stronger party, these well-intentioned activists have come to a simple conclusion: if only Israel stopped its military operations, a #ceasefire would emerge. #Hostages would eventually be returned. Lives would be saved. The problem is, as the leadership of the US and EU have already concluded, that is not #realistic. In past wars with Hamas, Israel has ceased fire and increased economic development for Gaza. Each time, Hamas used the time and money they siphoned off to build #weapons of war and aim those at both #Israelis and the #Palestinians who disagree with their #theocratic #dictatorship. Which is why the only way for the #Left, us #progressives, to live up to our morals and keep the high ground is to call for the immediate unconditional #surrender of Hamas.

Calling for the unconditional surrender of Hamas would prove that the Left cares about children of all countries, without ascribing to a hierarchy of human life. It avoids the moralistic laziness of publicly funded intellectuals such as Nicholas Kristof, among others, who essentially argue that a person planning to shoot you or your children has the same right to life as his victims. It avoids the abdication of responsibility by progressive leaders who forgive the war crimes of the party dedicated to carrying them out.(...)

Hamas depends on #international opinion far more than Israel. Hamas cannot exist without international aid, without international diplomatic air cover.

Those who care deeply about protecting the lives of #innocents need to think not just about today, but tomorrow.

Calling for a ceasefire would mean Israel #accepting a certain number of innocents dead by the hands of Hamas tomorrow in order to save innocent lives today. Calling for an alternative — for the unconditional surrender of Hamas — would solve this problem. Without Hamas in power, the threat to innocent lives on both sides drops precipitously. A ceasefire is made possible because the promise of future bloodshed is virtually eliminated.

There are those who would say that calling for Hamas’ unconditional surrender is unrealistic. That Hamas would not do it, and therefore the Left should focus on the only party who can be pressured by the international community: the democratic State of Israel. That, in my opinion, is worse than moralistic laziness. It is an abdication of morals, a cynical pragmatism that sacrifices Israeli innocent lives due to a lack of self-confidence that the Left should advocate for the truth. It is the path of least #resistance that leads towards the #victory of #evil over good.

Moreover, it is wrong. Because, again, Hamas depends on international opinion far more than Israel. Hamas cannot exist without international aid, without international diplomatic air cover. Without suitcases of cash coming from #Qatar with the active assistance of the #Netanyahu governments over the ages. If anyone can be influenced to stop the violence — if the Left’s progressive voice can have any impact whatsoever — it is by calling for the unconditional surrender of Hamas.

Because if Hamas emerged from its #bunkers, weapons down, hostages free, there would be no international justification for Israel to go to war, and Israel’s war aims would be met. Israelis who recognize now that there is no solution to the conflict that does not include a #political #transformation of the region would join with those #progressives who aided in freeing Gaza from Hamas to envision a new regional order. And there very well might just be peace
#antifa against #islamism #islamistic #clericalfascism and #antisemitism = #antizionism


It might be not possible to end the conflict in #Ukraine peacefully.

There are two opposing camps in the West—the hardliners and the ‘sane’ crowd. The hardliners will continue pushing for escalation because their masters at the top of the elite pyramid will never allow Russia to secure any type of decisive #victory, no matter how many people die, because for them it is existential. With Russia’s victory will come the eventual collapse of the entire Western order, which means the hundreds of years old banking cabal that has ruled the globe with an iron fist. Those ancient families at the top cannot allow Russia to win.

However, contrary to conspiracy theorists, these elites are not ‘all powerful’. They can be thwarted and their voices overwhelmed by the outcries of the ‘sane’ guard. I don’t mean that in some schmaltzy tinfoil QAnon “the Whitehats/Forces of Light will overcome evil!” type of way, but rather in a realpolitik, logical one. The ‘bad guys’ are somewhat hampered by the fact they have to play along and can’t go fully ‘mask off’ in revealing their true intentions. Thus, when backed into certain ideological corners, where going against the grain exposes their truly evil agenda, they can be made—at least temporarily—to back off and regroup.

: Unfortunately, for now, the hardliners, at least within Ukraine, are still pushing for total escalation. The Zaporozhye nuclear falseflag scenario is still rolling along, stronger than ever with a spate of new developments.

Firstly, there are said to be nuclear drills now conducted in Nikopol by the Ukrainian regime, right on the other side of Energodar and the ZNPP area:


#war for some is an #investment
#war for some means #death and #distruction