

I Pledge to the Empire

By Abby Martin


I Pledge to the Empire - Acrylic, 16"x20" - Inspired by the striking similarities between the corporate control of all mainstream media and the propagandizing of the Germans under the Nazi regime, the imperialistic and illegal wars of aggression, the massacres of millions from these wars, and the covert actions carried out around the world by the C.I.A in our name

#AbbyMartin #art #imperialism


"Abby Martin Confronts Nancy Pelosi Over Pentagon Spending at COP26" https://youtu.be/t0DE1M5wpgY

Pelosi wanted a woman to ask a question. She quickly regretted that decision.
Abby Martin has more balls than most men. RESPECT!

Tags: #dandelíon #AbbyMartin #empirefiles #news #politics #nancypelosi #Democrat #pollution #military #cop26 #planet #earth #future #climate #carbon

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