"...the thesis is this: The rulers of this new society will be the people who effectively control the means of production: that is, business executives, technicians, bureaucrats and soldiers, lumped together by Burnham under the name of ‘managers’. These people will eliminate the old capitalist class, crush the working class, and so organize society that all power and economic privilege remain in their own hands." -- Orwell’s ‘Second thoughts on James Burnham’, 1946
#managers #jamesburnham #orwell #privilege #power #leftlockdownsceptics #greatreset #pseudopandemic #fascism #Bolshevism #therulingclass #thesubservientclass #agenda #wetiko #technocracy #authoritarian #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #problemreactionsolution #hegel #rulingclass #economicinterests #sellop #psyop #wef #communitarian #decievers #usefulidiots #cynics #stakeholdercapitalism #klausschwab #libertariancommunist #oligarchy #exploitation #managerialclass #managerialsociety #capitalism #managerialrevolution #capitalistglobaltransnationaltotalitariancoup #subvert #populism #crisisindemocracy #capitalistclass #contradictions #dramaticstructuraloverhaul #GreatResetagenda #WorldEconomicForum #goodread #despitetypos #politics #consider #cuibono