


"...the thesis is this: The rulers of this new society will be the people who effectively control the means of production: that is, business executives, technicians, bureaucrats and soldiers, lumped together by Burnham under the name of ‘managers’. These people will eliminate the old capitalist class, crush the working class, and so organize society that all power and economic privilege remain in their own hands." -- Orwell’s ‘Second thoughts on James Burnham’, 1946

#managers #jamesburnham #orwell #privilege #power #leftlockdownsceptics #greatreset #pseudopandemic #fascism #Bolshevism #therulingclass #thesubservientclass #agenda #wetiko #technocracy #authoritarian #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #problemreactionsolution #hegel #rulingclass #economicinterests #sellop #psyop #wef #communitarian #decievers #usefulidiots #cynics #stakeholdercapitalism #klausschwab #libertariancommunist #oligarchy #exploitation #managerialclass #managerialsociety #capitalism #managerialrevolution #capitalistglobaltransnationaltotalitariancoup #subvert #populism #crisisindemocracy #capitalistclass #contradictions #dramaticstructuraloverhaul #GreatResetagenda #WorldEconomicForum #goodread #despitetypos #politics #consider #cuibono


"#Vaccine #Passports" are about #control & will morph into #biometric ID, which will be merged with central #bank #digital #currency (market access control), a #CCP-style "#social #credit" #system & #tracking, all ultimately planned to be wrapped up in a #subdermal #nanochip.

#5G #microwave towers operate at up to #95Ghz, which just so happens to be the same microwave #frequency that the #US #Military's Active Denial System (#ADS) operates at. With a boost in arrays & #power output, 5G towers double as crowd control #weapons.

This #technocratic, #plutocratic, #authoritarian, #elitist system will be like a #prison system & will be used for social #engineering #eugenic purposes, including #population control.

#activedenialsystem #socialcreditsystem #vaccinepassports


​Militarism and the police: how our streets became battlefields

When faced with #conflict, human beings respond in various ways and often choose #solutions that avoid #violence. We are very good at #negotiating, #communicating, #cooperating, as well as, of course, submitting to those more #powerful than us. Violence in our societies is pervasive; it is experienced every day by victims of #crime, domestic and more. But the systemic way #armies and #militarized #police units plan and prepare for the use of overwhelming violence is specific and unique.

A key example of militarized #policing is the #suppression of #protest and #dissent. Social movements come into conflict with the #authorities via lobbying, #protests or direct actions. Authorities respond to these #conflicts in various ways, sometimes reaching for militarized options. This violence is planned, trained for, repeatedly rehearsed and often delivered in a calculated way that aims to disorientate, overwhelm or eliminate the perceived enemy or threat.

Through the lens of #militarism, conflict stops being something that drives #change and #transformation; it becomes a #threat to be neutralized and the individuals and groups driving conflict become enemies akin to a foreign invading #army. Violence of this nature relies on its perpetrators’ #obedience to orders, the #dehumanization of its victims, and a heightened perception of threat.

The experiences of the democracy movement in #HongKong serve as one particularly extreme example. While in Hong Kong these tactics have been deployed by an #authoritarian #government, we have seen similar examples of police violence leveled against #activists across the world — in Chile, France, Germany, Indonesia, Myanmar, South Africa, South Korea and the US, to name but a few.

#peace #propeace #HumanRights


Stand up to power


The UK Government must not become untouchable.

There is a democratic crisis in the UK.

This Government is attempting to put itself – and all future governments – beyond the reach of the law, silencing people in the process.

The UK has a system of checks and balances to ensure that whichever party is in government, their actions should remain within the law and don’t infringe upon our fundamental rights.

But those in power have plans to shut down vital avenues ordinary people have to hold them accountable for their actions – in Parliament, through the courts, on the streets and in society.

The threats are many and varied. Here we draw together the threads to give you the complete picture on this Government’s plans. We also explain what you can do to help Liberty and others save these important safety checks so we can all stand up to power.


#DemocracyInDanger #BorisTheDictator #BorisTheLiar #corruption #authoritarian #ToryDictatorship #NeverTrustATory #ToryScum #dictatorship #Dystopian #DystopianBritain #IndyRef2
