

#Terra #Stablecoin Issuer Allowed #Crypto Whales to #Cash Out Ahead of #Collapse

source: https://thedeepdive.ca/terra-stablecoin-issuer-allowed-crypto-whales-to-cash-out-ahead-of-collapse/

Although the exact timing of the two transactions remains unknown, #cryptocurrency research company Elliptic found that they took place sometime between May 9 and May 10, when the price of UST traded at around 60 cents in secondary markets, and #bitcoin stood between $30,000 and $31,000. The data suggests that certain UST holders were able to exchange their tokens for the bitcoin offered by the Luna Foundation Guard at nearly face value, instead of taking steep loses on secondary markets like retail bag holders were forced to do.

#crime #fail #money #market #finance #news #capitalism


Rémunérations des PDG, dividendes pour les actionnaires : le CAC 40 bat encore des records

Après plus de deux ans de pandémie et plus de deux mois de guerre en Ukraine, les grandes entreprises françaises transfèrent plus de 80 milliards d’euros à leurs actionnaires. Soit une hausse de 57 % par rapport à l’année dernière. Nouvelle note #AlloBercy à découvrir en accès libre 👉 https://basta.media/Allo-Bercy-CAC40-encore-des-millions-dans-les-poches-des-patrons-des-grandes-entreprises-francaises

Initié en 2020, le travail d'enquête #AlloBercy, par Maxime Combes et Olivier Petitjean de l'Observatoire des multinationales, a abouti avec la parution, vendredi 6 mai, de leur ouvrage "Un pognon de dingue" publié aux Editions du Seuil. Les bonnes feuilles sont à lire en accès libre sur Basta, média indépendant 👉 https://basta.media/bonnes-feuilles-livre-Un-pognon-de-dingue-allo-bercy-comment-les-aides-aux-entreprises-ont-cru-trois-fois-plus-vite-que-les-aides-sociales

#CAC40 #Multinationales #Dividendes #Actionnaires #Record #ArgentMagique #PognonDeDingue #AidesPubliques #Patrons #Entreprises #Remuneration #Richesse #Inegalités #Economie #Finance #Politique #Neoliberalisme #Capitalisme #Enquete


economist says: family working together is the future - crisis opportunity for change - empower the middle class! now!


It doesn’t happen often, but this time have to give cudos to “a classic” (very conservative, not very revolutionary thinking) economist Hans Werner von Sinn:

  • “Take care of yourselves. Don’t believe that the state can do it. The state will be hopelessly overwhelmed with the socio-political tasks. Social security systems are not in a position to continue the development of living standards as we are used to. The sooner everyone realizes this, the more they will take precautions for the later years of life.”
  • The economics professor advises young people to not to wait too long for thinking about having kids and to concentrate on traditional family images.
  • “Family cohesion (families working WITH instead of AGAINST each other) will become increasingly important in view of the difficulties of the state,” Sinn explained.
  • “Some say that the ECB did not cause the price increases, so it does not have to do anything about it. One cannot argue more wrongly, because the mandate does not focus on the causes of inflation, but on the possibilities of combating it,” the ex-ifo boss continued

…. but not to endanger the 0% financed real estate bubble, where banks sell thousands of vacant buildings in Munich in a circle, IMF-ECB-La Guarde (“The Guardian” (of the banks)) does – nothing.

  • “And they consist of interest rate hikes.” In addition, the monetary authority is not entirely innocent of the high inflation rate. With its bond-buying program, the ECB is partly responsible for rising prices, as government securities were purchased with fresh central bank money. Low interest rates have thus encouraged indebtedness, according to Sinn.
  • The fact that the ECB has not yet heralded the interest rate turnaround, even though the US Federal Reserve raised the key interest rate by 0.25 percentage points in March, also creates an imbalance in international trade. As a result of the ECB’s inaction, the euro has been significantly devalued, which automatically leads to higher import prices – including in the energy sector.

auto translated from: https://www.finanzen.net/nachricht/aktien/pessimistischer-ausblick-ex-ifo-leiter-hans-werner-sinn-prognostiziert-34-laengere-periode-34-wirtschaftlicher-unsicherheit-ezb-in-der-kritik-11282820

family cohesion: it is (sometimes) hard

… unfortunately, nature decided, out of biodiversity reasons (make every individual an individual = very different from his brothers & sisters, in order to ensure that “at least one” will survive, fast changing circumstances (economic crisis, war, famine, climate change, meteoroids… u name it)

So sisters and brothers are by the design of nature – very different – thus having (sometimes) hard times – understanding each other – getting along with each other.

But IF they manage to accept each other – (and if it’s only by living next door, but never speaking to each other X-D) – things might work out.

Capitalism actually increased that acceptance problem, with some 1 to 10% doing very well (often) at the expense of the 90% (who pay their taxes) – WHILE looking down on the 90% as “bummers”.

the downfall of the middle class, is the downfall of families

or in other worlds: who want’s to put kid’s in a fu**ed up (non sustainable = it is going to end) world? (nobody)

Question: Is it any wonder – that in a system – that was not built for man, but for money “around money”, man will soon no longer appear?


I am not surprised (unfortunately).

So when “the system” – betrayed the middle class – because of lobbyism by the money of the top 10% (that sometimes “think” they are the “middle class”) – it “programmed” society – for the downfall of the middle-class (who to steal from? nothing to steal from the poor?) and the downfall of families.

It’s as simple as that.

And turning back the time – won’t help.

It won’t help driving old gas guzzling cars that need a portion of lead in the gasoline to actually function correctly.

There is only one way: forward. Into a sustainable economy that serves all. The sooner the super-rich realize this – the better. (but they will want to preserve the status quo until the very end (death)… so it’s a uphill battle for everyone else)

  • crisis as chance for transformation:
    • central banks have to be put under democratic rule – this way or another – it is inacceptable – that the central banks serve only the private banks.
  • globalization is dead – good – so we can start produce locally and FRESH again 🙂 = more jobs, but who is going to finance those jobs? surely not the existing broken system of corrupt banks.

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #bank #banks #family #kids #ecb #ezb #economist

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/05/03/economist-says-family-working-together-is-the-future-crisis-opportunity-for-change-empower-the-middle-class-now/



▶ Anice LAJNEF est un ex-trader de la Société Générale. Après avoir passé 18 ans en salle de marchés, dont 10 comme responsable trading il se consacre entre autre aujourd'hui à la dénonciation des #dérives de la #finance. Il déplore notamment l' #asservissement de notre système par la dette, et propose d'assainir le fonctionnement du monde #financier en passant, par exemple, par l'instauration d'une monnaie libre de dette.

#politique #économie


The Economic Reform the World needs

Dear reader,

first, a disclaimer:

  • only god & nobody is perfect
  • humans are not god
  • thus humans make mistakes, but if given the chance, humans can learn and improve to create “a better world”.
    • no man made product or construct or system will ever be perfect, but does that mean, we should have never left the cave in the first place? (no of course not)

The Economic Reform the World needs

Is a simple one, it can be put in one sentence, but to enact it, will require massive reforms:

“Value those, that add true value to society”

Let’s compare two examples:

  • case a) a lady cleans a toilet
  • case b) bank A sells house X to bank B

Which of the two cases add more value to society?

money wise case b) can create much more profit, but does it add value to society?

Given the fact, that a lot of houses are purposely left empty (not for rent), just to speculate on rising house prices? (a good example of the perversion that capitalism has become, if unchecked, by a smart, fast moving gov)

In this case, case a) does not only add more value to society, it also does not purposefully harm society as case b) does, by denying access to resources, people need to survive.

So pay those well, that ACTUALLY add value to society, and tax those high, that are malicious to society, and you have a nation that automatically creates value – in the true meaning of the word.

plus: go after the (financial) criminals

all those well-known tax heavens, need serious threats of boycott, if they don’t start changing their business model (Cuba style of trade embargoes).

  • don’t allow financial crimes of the bast to become time-barred and financial criminals to get away with it
  • don’t cut deals with the bank robbers “oh if you pay back 80% of what you stole, it’s okay”
  • give the investigators the means they need, to identify the financial criminals

Failing to do so, will seriously damage the trust of the people in democracy.

the philanthropy bullshit: first extract, than give (some) back?

ok some philantrophy is better than no philantropy… but … look at this case:

Harvard’s “concept” of adding value to society:

“I think it’s important to remember where you came from.”

“Giving back is part of my core philosophy,” says Kim Wagner PhD ’94, who has given consistently to the Graduate School Fund for twenty years.”

“She came to the Graduate of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) for a doctorate in pharmacology, intending to go into academia.”

“Instead, she was inspired to take on the world of biopharmaceutical consulting.”

“I felt like an industry position was the best place for me to add value to society,” says Wagner, who spent the next twenty-five years at the Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey & Company.”

let me translate that:

  • you went to Harvard
  • studied hard to get good grades
  • to then go on to a company that does lobby work for BigPharma (it is called “consulting”), meaning, trying to influence the law makers to make laws in favor of BigPharma, in order to EXTRACT a profit from society, while (maybe) curing some disease, maybe while causing more other disease (drug A helps against disease A, while having side effect B, drug B helps against side effect B, while causing side effect C an so on…)
  • you profit from a corrupt and exploitative system
  • then you donate some to whatever entity to feel better
  • Here have to quote Bregman (again):

    • ### “the Rich are not paying their fair share” (Youtube)

    ### “how to prevent a broad social backlash – the answer is simple – stop talking about philanthropy and start talking about taxes avoidance – taxes – taxes – all the rest is bullshit” (Youtube)

Dear reader, if you are reading this blog post, and dedicated time and brain-resources (energy) thinking about the value of it’s content – if it makes sense or not – how to improve it – what is missing – you just contributed positively to society as well!

What would contribute even more positively: the information from which, action can be derived from.

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #reform #lifeeconomy #positive #life #value #truth #philosophy

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/04/30/the-economic-reform-the-world-needs/


The Economic Reform the World needs

Dear reader,

first, a disclaimer:

  • only god & nobody is perfect
  • humans are not god
  • thus humans make mistakes, but if given the chance, humans can learn and improve to create “a better world”.
    • no man made product or construct or system will ever be perfect, but does that mean, we should have never left the cave in the first place? (no of course not)

The Economic Reform the World needs

Is a simple one, it can be put in one sentence, but to enact it, will require massive reforms:

“Value those, that add true value to society”

Let’s compare two examples:

  • case a) a lady cleans a toilet
  • case b) bank A sells house X to bank B

Which of the two cases add more value to society?

money wise case b) can create much more profit, but does it add value to society?

Given the fact, that a lot of houses are purposely left empty (not for rent), just to speculate on rising house prices? (a good example of the perversion that capitalism has become, if unchecked, by a smart, fast moving gov)

In this case, case a) does not only add more value to society, it also does not purposefully harm society as case b) does, by denying access to resources, people need to survive.

So pay those well, that ACTUALLY add value to society, and tax those high, that are malicious to society, and you have a nation that automatically creates value – in the true meaning of the word.

plus: go after the (financial) criminals

all those well-known tax heavens, need serious threats of boycott, if they don’t start changing their business model (Cuba style of trade embargoes).

  • don’t allow financial crimes of the bast to become time-barred and financial criminals to get away with it
  • don’t cut deals with the bank robbers “oh if you pay back 80% of what you stole, it’s okay”
  • give the investigators the means they need, to identify the financial criminals

Failing to do so, will seriously damage the trust of the people in democracy.

the philanthropy bullshit: first extract, than give (some) back?

ok some philantrophy is better than no philantropy… but … look at this case:

Harvard’s “concept” of adding value to society:

“I think it’s important to remember where you came from.”

“Giving back is part of my core philosophy,” says Kim Wagner PhD ’94, who has given consistently to the Graduate School Fund for twenty years.”

“She came to the Graduate of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) for a doctorate in pharmacology, intending to go into academia.”

“Instead, she was inspired to take on the world of biopharmaceutical consulting.”

“I felt like an industry position was the best place for me to add value to society,” says Wagner, who spent the next twenty-five years at the Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey & Company.”

let me translate that:

  • you went to Harvard
  • studied hard to get good grades
  • to then go on to a company that does lobby work for BigPharma (it is called “consulting”), meaning, trying to influence the law makers to make laws in favor of BigPharma, in order to EXTRACT a profit from society, while (maybe) curing some disease, maybe while causing more other disease (drug A helps against disease A, while having side effect B, drug B helps against side effect B, while causing side effect C an so on…)
  • you profit from a corrupt and exploitative system
  • then you donate some to whatever entity to feel better
  • Here have to quote Bregman (again):

    • ### “the Rich are not paying their fair share” (Youtube)

    ### “how to prevent a broad social backlash – the answer is simple – stop talking about philanthropy and start talking about taxes avoidance – taxes – taxes – all the rest is bullshit” (Youtube)

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #reform #lifeeconomy #positive #life #value #truth #philosophy

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/04/30/the-economic-reform-the-world-needs/


believe: if not in God - believe humans can learn & be civilized - Rutger Bregman & the history of mankind - gov laws like software development?: garbage collection for laws?

if not in God, believe that humans can learn

What is the difference between humans and animals?

As Dutch historian Rutger Bregman points out in his book “Humankind – A Hopeful History” genetic wise – not much (really would not mind if the reader skips all the depressing parts of this book… WARNING! THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF DEPRESSING ASSUMPTIONS, THAT MIGHT EVEN BE WRONG!).



Imho humans (should be able) to learn faster than other species.

So these are the two things everyone HAS to believe in:

  • humans can learn
  • humans can be civilized

With those two believes, come two questions:

  • Q1: no civilized rule set ever was perfect, who is in charge for improving it? (hopefully not the incompetent & corrupt?)
  • Q2: will humans learn fast enough to escape “the great filters” of evolution, aka prevent disasters from happening, with unrestricted CAPITALISM CLEARLY NOT INCENTIVIZING = PREVENTING LEARNING & super (with exceptions) rich & the banks do not feel responsible for the survival of their own species…?
    • SHOULD the incentives of EVERY system be placed on maximum survivability of the species = maximum sustainability of lifestyles?
    • Would it be UTTER stupidity to NOT do that? (yes)

Bregman & The Neaderthals

Mr Bregman makes COMPLETELY FALSE ASSUMPTIONS, that a bigger brain, would equal to more intelligence.

On average: women have smaller brains, are they less intelligent?

No: ‘”Just like with height, there is a pretty substantial difference between males and females in brain volume, but this doesn’t translate into a difference in cognitive performance,” Nave says.’ (labroots.com)

If that was true, the “sperm wale” (having the biggest brain of all animals), would already have build a swimming pool Mars.

What can not be ruled out, is that the “evilness” of homo sapiens accelerated the extinction of the Neanderthals.

BUT there might also been partnerships between them.

“results of a 2010 project to map the Neanderthal genome showed that 1% to 4% of Middle Eastern and European DNA is Neanderthal DNA” (shortform.com)

“Neanderthals were fairly specialized to hunt large, Ice Age animals.”

“But sometimes being specialized isn’t such a good strategy.”

“When climates changed and some of those animals went extinct, the Neanderthals may have been more vulnerable to starvation.” (si.edu)

Assumption: While homo sapiens (probably) was here and there in conflict with the Neanderthals, imho homo sapiens was not the deciding factor when it comes to extinction of this species.

Same as the mammoth, the neanderthals (probably) fell victim of:

  • (too fast) changing climate/environment
  • not being able to adapt fast enough

… with ever faster climate change, a dire situation, homo sapiens will have to face too.

But have to say, yes Mr Bregman, homo sapiens “helped” many species to die out. But not all of them.

“The woolly mammoth (M. primigenius) was the last species of the genus.”

“Most populations of the woolly mammoth in North America and Eurasia, as well as all the Columbian mammoths (M. columbi) in North America, died out around the time of the last glacial retreat, as part of a mass extinction of megafauna in northern Eurasia and the Americas.” (Wiki)

During the time of the Dinosaurs, there were no homo sapiens (so this time can’t blame them)

Dinosaurs had no capitalism and clearly did not a good job at

  1. early detecting asteroids
  2. early redirecting (pushing away) asteroids

Mankind could do better, but will it do it?

Because what is for sure: if mankind sees a crisis coming, and does nothing, everyone can see that chances of survival for mankind are not great.

Right now the evolution of technology is remarkable, but what has not kept up is the evolution of inter-human civilization in the sense of a civilized living together – sustainably (non-sustainable means: it is going to end).

Society was “programmed” by a fiat-loan-money system – basically giving the banks all the power, corrupt politicians (Clinton) removing important protections that were put in place in the past because of devastating crisis (1929), which is simply asking for trouble.

Who is going to steer this boat? profit?

What profit?

Profit of the 1%?

And then? The end of it all?



Settling on Mars will be a hard thing to do, especially if not a lot more of the 1% invest into

  1. making earth a better place
  2. even if Elon & Bezos think they can do it on their own, even with unlimited money, it will be VERY hard for them to make Mars a place where humans can breathe.
    • The super rich 1% do not live in a complete vacuum,
    • they too depend on a functional society
      • a nation with roads without holes …
      • a society that is NOT in a civil war like state
      • a society, where everyone rich & poor can feel save, (or even better, where there is a strong middle class) that does not rob & kidnap rich people on a daily basis (as it is already happening in countries such as Brazil… where children of the better-off will have to drive in bullet-proof jeeps through various checkpoints to kindergarden… it takes 30min (!!!) just to pass all checkpoints, #what #the #serious #fuck?,
    • that said:

gov laws like software development?: garbage collection for laws?

ok some rules clearly make no sense (some are from 1936 and definately need a rethinking).

Also Elon is right, when he says, there needs some sort of “garbage” collection of laws, otherwise, law is cluttered with laws that either make no sense or tie down everyone until nobody can do anything (because everything is forbidden).

BUT: the major problem is like with an old software system like MS DOS.

Can it be reformed? (very hard)

Or: (depending if the mess can be reformed, sometimes it might be better to “start from scratch”)

As with in software development: a list of cases needs to be kept, to test, if the new system can handle them all and better.

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #mankind #humans #human #survival #earth #mars #elon #musk #bezos #amazon #spacex #philosophy #history #bregman

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/04/26/believe-if-not-in-god-believe-humans-can-learn-be-civilized-rutger-bregman-the-history-of-mankind-gov-laws-like-software-development-garbage-collection-for-laws/


#finance #eBooks #trade

    After equities plunged, meta investors are bracing for a rough quarter

Meta experienced a historical nosedive in cost in advance this yr amid a prime rebrand and shake-americato its enterprise version – and buyers are bracing for another tough quarter.

Meta misplaced a record $230bn in market value after a disappointing earnings file in February, wherein it discovered facebook had recorded its first-ever drop in every day user numbers.

while buyers could be eagerly watching Meta’s first quarter report on Wednesday for symptoms of recovery, a “full turnaround is not expected”, stated Debra Williamson, most important analyst at marketplace studies firm Insider Intelligence.

“it's miles going to be slow progress for Meta after its big stock decline last quarter,” she said. “however we – and advertisers particularly – are hoping to see a few progress.”

Meta’s battle changed into no longer completely surprising: chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg had warned that new privacy guidelines from Apple should value the agency $10bn in lost sales this yr. The policies prevent Meta from gathering sure person data and have prompted the business enterprise to shift a number of its core advertising and marketing enterprise fashions.

One such shift is putting huge emphasis on Reels, its shortform video content material that it has yet struggled to monetize. The organisation warned in final quarter’s record that year-over-year increase may want to continue to be affected within the first quarter of 2022 through those problems.

“We expect persisted headwinds from each multiplied opposition for humans’s time and a shift of engagement inside our apps in the direction of video surfaces like Reels, which monetize at lower fees than Feed and stories,” said the CFO, David Wehner, in a guidance announcement.

Meta’s pivot to video represents an effort to hold younger customers – a key advertising and marketing demographic that has been leaving fb and Instagram in droves. advertising makes up 97% of Meta’s sales, files leaked by way of the company whistleblower Frances Haugen have proven.

Meta has a “ambitious competitor in TikTok”, stated Williamson, and has but to create a sustainable enterprise model in response. “They stated closing region they have been going to figure out how to better monetize Reels,” she stated. “This quarter, we are looking for signs that is actually happening.”

in the meantime, the business enterprise’s proprietary virtual reality platform, the Metaverse, is sucking away big quantities of funding from middle companies inclusive of fb and Instagram. Meta funneled $10bn in funding into the platform in 2021 alone – greater than 10 instances what it paid to gather Instagram in 2012.


La Birmanie au bord de l’effondrement

Un an après le coup d’État du 1er février 2021, la Birmanie est un État en grande souffrance. Protestation silencieuse dans les rues des principales villes, violences et attaques dans le pays, fragilité économique majeure. Le géopoliticien Jean-Baptiste Noé estime que l’effondrement birman pourrait renforcer l’impérialisme chinois.

Drôle de commémoration un an après le coup d’État de février 2021 qui a remis la junte birmane au centre du pouvoir. Dans les villes et sur les réseaux sociaux, les Birmans se sont livrés à une grève silencieuse pour témoigner de leur protestation. Des drapeaux rouges sur les voitures, des hashtags #redcampaign utilisés sur Twitter, du moins pour ceux qui peuvent y accéder via des réseaux privés, la protestation s’est faite de biais, sans attaque frontale, mais avec la ferme volonté de manifester sa désapprobation. Une grève silencieuse qui a conduit les Birmans des grandes villes à ne pas sortir dans les rues, stoppant l’approvisionnement des marchés et des magasins. Un pays qui tombe dans le silence, pour manifester son opposition à un régime de plus en plus oppressif. Depuis cette démonstration pacifique de février dernier, rien n’a fondamentalement changé en Birmanie. La junte tient toujours et le gouvernement est très loin de l’idée de desserrer l’étau. C’est même l’inverse qui se produit avec la sortie de la zone dollar.

Suicide financier ?

Le gouvernement a décidé d’interdire la population de posséder des devises étrangères, visant tout particulièrement le dollar. Le 3 avril, la Banque centrale de Birmanie a publié une directive exigeant que tous les citoyens changent leurs avoirs étrangers en monnaie locale et transfèrent en Birmanie leurs fonds situés à l’étranger, dans des banques agréées par l’État. Un transfert forcé qui se fait à un taux très avantageux pour l’État : alors que la parité est de 2 015 kyats pour un dollar, les sommes transférées sont achetées au taux de 1 850 kyats pour un dollar. Une façon de spolier les épargnants et ceux qui font du commerce en captant leurs devises et en leur soutirant au passage une quote-part substantielle.

La restriction des devises étrangères coupe la Birmanie du système financier mondial.

Le pays subit des sanctions économiques imposées par l’Occident à la suite du coup d’État, sanctions qui visent les hauts gradés de l’armée et leurs familiers, sans que l’efficacité de celles-ci soit démontrée. Plusieurs pays ont réagi de façon négative à l’annonce de cette interdiction de l’usage des monnaies étrangères. Le Japon en premier, dès le 4 avril, par l’intermédiaire de son ambassadeur en Birmanie. Puis ont suivi Singapour et plusieurs chambres de commerce, dont celle des entreprises françaises et britanniques. La restriction des devises étrangères coupe en effet la Birmanie du système financier mondial. Cette décision serait donc beaucoup plus douloureuse que les sanctions économiques de l’Occident, car elle empêcherait les entreprises étrangères de commercer avec la Birmanie. Pour beaucoup d’observateurs, cela s’apparente à un suicide économique.

Besoins de financement

Si cette décision semble démesurée, elle est aussi la conséquence d’un grave manque de devises. La junte a quasiment épuisé ses réserves, la dette birmane est forte et elle a beaucoup de mal à emprunter sur les marchés mondiaux. Capter les devises étrangères de ses citoyens est une forme désespérée d’impôt lui permettant, espère-t-elle, de trouver l’oxygène nécessaire à sa survie. C’est aussi une façon d’étouffer les dons et les aides étrangères qui arrivent vers des associations et des fondations s’opposant au gouvernement actuel.

La sortie du dollar pourrait faire entrer la Birmanie dans la zone monétaire du yuan et donc accroître l’impérialisme financier de Pékin dans la zone asiatique.

Selon divers organismes internationaux, le pays est au bord de l’effondrement. L’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) estime que le chômage est en pleine croissance du fait de la destruction des secteurs de l’habillement et du tourisme, grands pourvoyeurs d’emplois et de devises. Le Programme des Nations unies pour le développement (PNUD) a quant à lui estimé, dans un rapport de décembre 2021, que la moitié de la population vit sous le seuil de pauvreté (soit 25 millions de personnes). Le tourisme reste l’activité internationale principale de la Birmanie, or celui-ci s’effectue en dollar. L’interdiction de la monnaie américaine signe à terme l’éradication de cette activité économique.

La junte estime qu’elle sera toujours soutenue par la Chine, politiquement et économiquement, et qu’elle peut donc se passer du dollar et du marché mondial. C’est probablement le cas, à ceci près que Pékin ne pourra pas soutenir indéfiniment tous les États défaillants d’Asie. En revanche, la sortie du dollar pourrait faire entrer la Birmanie dans la zone monétaire du yuan et donc accroître l’impérialisme financier de Pékin dans la zone asiatique. Et si cette défaite de la Birmanie signait une nouvelle victoire de la Chine ?

Par Jean-Baptiste Noé – Aleteia – 28 avril 2022

#birmanie #chine #economie #finance

Originally posted at: https://vietnam-aujourdhui.info/2022/04/28/la-birmanie-au-bord-de-leffondrement/


#World #military expenditure passes $2 #trillion for first time

source: https://www.sipri.org/media/press-release/2022/world-military-expenditure-passes-2-trillion-first-time

‘Even amid the economic fallout of the #Covid-19 #pandemic, world military spending hit record levels,’ said Dr Diego Lopes da Silva, Senior Researcher with #SIPRI’s Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme. ‘There was a slowdown in the rate of real-terms growth due to inflation. In nominal terms, however, military spending grew by 6.1 per cent.’

#budget #money #economy #politics #fail #humanity #news #finance #war


believe: if not in God - believe humans can learn & be civilized - Rutger Bregman & the history of mankind - gov laws like software development?: garbage collection for laws?

if not in God, believe that humans can learn

What is the difference between humans and animals?

As Dutch historian Rutger Bregman points out in his book “Humankind – A Hopeful History” genetic wise – not much (really would not mind if the reader skips all the depressing parts of this book).



Imho humans (should be able) to learn faster than other species.

So these are the two things everyone HAS to believe in:

  • humans can learn
  • humans can be civilized

With those two believes, come two questions:

  • Q1: no civilized rule set ever was perfect, who is in charge for improving it? (hopefully not the incompetent & corrupt?)
  • Q2: will humans learn fast enough to escape “the great filters” of evolution, aka prevent disasters from happening, with unrestricted CAPITALISM CLEARLY NOT INCENTIVIZING = PREVENTING LEARNING & super (with exceptions) rich & the banks do not feel responsible for the survival of their own species…?
    • SHOULD the incentives of EVERY system be placed on maximum survivability of the species = maximum sustainability of lifestyles?
    • Would it be UTTER stupidity to NOT do that? (yes)

The dinosaurs had no capitalism and clearly did not a good job at

  1. early detecting asteroids
  2. early redirecting (pushing away) asteroids

Mankind could do better, but will it do it?

Because what is for sure: if mankind sees a crisis coming, and does nothing, everyone can see that chances of survival for mankind are not great.

Right now the evolution of technology is remarkable, but what has not kept up is the evolution of inter-human civilization in the sense of a civilized living together – sustainably (non-sustainable means: it is going to end).

Society was “programmed” by a fiat-loan-money system – basically giving the banks all the power, corrupt politicians (Clinton) removing important protections that were put in place in the past because of devastating crisis (1929), which is simply asking for trouble.

Who is going to steer this boat? profit?

What profit?

Profit of the 1%?

And then? The end of it all?



Settling on Mars will be a hard thing to do, especially if not a lot more of the 1% invest into

  1. making earth a better place
  2. even if Elon & Bezos think they can do it on their own, even with unlimited money, it will be VERY hard for them to make Mars a place where humans can breathe.
    • The super rich 1% do not live in a complete vacuum,
    • they too depend on a functional society that is NOT in a civil war like state, that does not rob & kidnap rich people on a daily basis (as it is already happening in countries such as Brazil… where children of the better will have to drive in bullet-proof jeeps through various checkpoints to kindergarde… #what #the #serious #fuck?, a society with functional roads without holes … that said:
    • Amazon payed 0€ taxes on 50 Billion of turnover in 2021 in Europe #what the actual #serious #fuck is this if not a fraud?)
    • so nobody has learned ANYTHING there…

gov laws like software development?: garbage collection for laws?

ok some rules clearly make no sense (some are from 1936 and definately need a rethinking).

Also Elon is right, when he says, there needs some sort of “garbage” collection of laws, otherwise, law is cluttered with laws that either make no sense or tie down everyone until nobody can do anything (because everything is forbidden).

BUT: the major problem is like with an old software system like MS DOS.

Can it be reformed? (very hard)

Or: (depending if the mess can be reformed, sometimes it might be better to “start from scratch”)

As with in software development: a list of cases needs to be kept, to test, if the new system can handle them all and better.

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #mankind #humans #human #survival #earth #mars #elon #musk #bezos #amazon #spacex #philosophy #history

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/04/26/believe-if-not-in-god-believe-humans-can-learn-be-civilized-rutger-bregman-the-history-of-mankind-gov-laws-like-software-development-garbage-collection-for-laws/