

"No president has ever been convicted more": Kimmel's quick re-write on Trump verdict monologue

It was a big afternoon in New York and for the United States of America as Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony accounts in his hush money trial, Jimmy and Guillermo re-enact what happened in the courtroom, Trump marched over to the reporters outside the courthouse to let his displeasure be known, the big question remains if he will do time, the only family member who was there with him when the verdict was read was Eric, all the bloodsucking jellyfish who feed off his essence are losing their minds, and our friend/legal correspondent Jake Byrd has been camped out in New York for a very special report on Donald’s trial.

#TrumpVIrus #guilty #verdict #DonSnorleone #WordSalad #TrumpTrial #dementia #psychopathology #Kimmel


"If she [Hillary Clinton] were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt."

~ Donald J. Trump, 5 November 2016
#Trump #felon #ConvictedFelonDonaldTrump #guilty #ElectionInterference #LawandOrder #Republicans



Two plead guilty to insider trading related to Trump Media merger

Two brothers pleaded guilty to securities fraud on Wednesday for their role in a nearly $23 million insider-trading scheme surrounding Donald Trump's social media company. The brothers each face prison sentences of up to 20 years.

#trump #mediamerger #guilty



Donald Trump's worst day yet in the New York civil fraud trial

Motherfucker is guilty as hell (of crimes most of us cannot even imagine).

Any of us would have been convicted 100 times over on the evidence against him. The only questions are (a) is there any body of evidence sufficient to convict someone as powerful as Trump, and (b) if so, then what is it?

This latest evidence seems like a possibility (like the hundreds of prior findings).

Not getting my hopes up.

#Trump #CivilTrial #Fraud #Guilty #AboveTheLaw #KillTheRich



Mr. Innocent ...

Is former President Donald Trump freaking out? I mean, given the spate of legal actions in the wake of his questionable business and presidential behavior and the criminal investigations that have followed, it would totally make sense if he were panicking.

And a Thursday-morning flurry of social media posts suggests that he is no longer committed to the pretense of being calm, cool, and collected under the heat of legal scrutiny.

Let’s assume that — if you are reading this article — you are familiar with the multitude of legal problems the former president faces, not least of which is an apparent felony offense of being in private possession of classified and top secret documents outside the accepted protocol. It is a felony because, in 2018, Trump himself signed that into law. That’s right, Citizen Trump appears to have broken the very law that President Trump signed.

And Trump’s own supply of defiance and self-determination to get through these latest set of issues appears to be running dry. Or at least his public comments made on his own social media platform TruthSocial suggest that he’s not …. in a good place at the moment.

Shortly before 9 AM, Trump opened with the always effective opener, “Even though I am as innocent as a person can be,” before launching into some old conspiratorial chestnuts familiar to anyone who’s watched a Trump rally. He ended with the curious, “it looks more and more like the Fake News Media is pushing hard for the Sleaze to do something that should not be done!”

rest of article

#trump #guilty as #sin