

The Chinese Government Tries to Ban a Protest Song from Major Platforms


In a June 20, 2023 letter, more than 24 human rights and digital rights groups urged companies including Apple, Google, Meta, Twitter, and Spotify to oppose a potential injunction by the High Court of Hong Kong to protect the right to freedom of expression and access to information in Hong Kong and around the world. The injunction, if ordered by the court, would require that companies remove the song from their respective platforms, effectively banning it online.

The sought-for injunction reflects the Chinese government’s expanding efforts to control information not just within its borders, but around the world. Between July 2020 and June 2022, the Hong Kong government was responsible for 50 instances in which Meta said it was forced to remove content globally.

The song is called "Glory to Hong Kong," and (as you would expect) there are both Chinese and English versions.


Chinese (with English translation)

live performance

#human-rights-watch #hrw #censorship #ccp #beijing #beijing-government #chinese-government #human-rights #freedom #liberty #freedom-of-the-press #freedom-of-speech #hong-kong #music #video #music-video #english #chinese #protest #protest-song


Migration: Europe’s Complicity in Massive Human Rights Violations

These human tragedies are playing out at Europe's land and sea borders on a daily basis. The first quarter of this year marked the deadliest in the central #Mediterranean in six years, say humanitarian organisations in a joint statement.

Make no mistake: European States are complicit in the death of thousands and thousands of human beings on their shores, land borders and at home. The massive drowning of hundreds of migrants close to Greece shores on 14 June is just a new chapter in Europe’s long series of continued violations of all international human rights laws.

So far, 10 worldwide known humanitarian organisations have strongly reacted, in a joint denunciation statement, asking the European Union (EU) to ‘end rights violations at Europe’s borders.’

In their Joint NGO statement: The EU must not be complicit, launched on 16 June, organisations like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, OXFAM and Save the Children, among others, warned that once again, dozens of lives have been lost at Europe’s borders “due to the EU’s failure to allow people seeking protection to reach Europe safely.”

Hundreds are missing and presumed dead after the latest tragedy close to the Greek coast, with reports that amongst the dead are many women and children who were held below the deck of this overcrowded fishing vessel

#Migration #Europe #Greece #OXAM #EU #HumanRights #Inhumanity #HRW #Amnesty #NGO #Violation #Africa #Asia #DeathAtSea



Human Rights Watch: Gewalt in West-Tigray hält an | DW | 01.06.2023

Nach zwei Jahren Bürgerkrieg verkündeten die äthiopische Regierung und die Rebellen in Tigray im November 2022 einen Waffenstillstand. Doch Folter und Vertreibung gehen laut der Menschenrechtsorganisation weiter.#West-Tigray #Äthiopien #HumanRightsWatch #HRW #LaetitiaBader #BefreiungsfrontvonTigray #TPLF #Humera #Kriegsverbrechen
Human Rights Watch: Gewalt in West-Tigray hält an | DW | 01.06.2023


UK risks being listed as a ‘human rights abuser’, NGO warns

Human Rights Watch warns UK has ‘very short window’ to reverse legislation, including restrictions on the right to protest

The UK government could soon make the list of countries that abuse rather than protect human rights with its “outright assault” on the rights of its own citizens and aggressive roll-back of protections such as on the right to assemble and protest, according to the international NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW)


#HumanRights #UnitedKingdom #UK #NGO #HRW #HumanRightsWatch #ToryFascistDictatorship #DemocracyNotAutocracy #protest #rights #assemble #Orwellian #Orwell


What can get you in trouble for anti-war speech in Russia?

Wearing blue and yellow, displaying the word “self-censorship” in public, displaying a blank poster in public, etc.


Actually, the "blank" poster read "*** *****." That was assumed to be an anti-war message.

So, Mr. Putin, I would like to tell you

*** *** * ********** *********** ******* ******** **** ** ****** ******.

*** *****

#hrw #human-rights-watch #human-rights #free-speech #civil-liberty #civil-liberties #war #anti-war #russia #putin #ukraine


US: Dismantle Structures of Racism Now

UN Review of US Record on Racial Justice Should Prompt White House Action


The negative effects of these policies include:\
The average white family in the US has roughly eight times the wealth of the average Black family, and white college graduates have over seven times more wealth than Black college graduates.\
Almost two million people are locked up across the United States, with Black people imprisoned at a rate three times higher than white people. Black women are imprisoned at 1.7 times the rate of white women.\
Discrimination in enforcement of US immigration laws, including the US criminal re-entry statute, which a federal judge found was “enacted with discriminatory purpose” and would not have been enacted absent racial animus, continues unabated.\
In 2020, the US had an estimated 580,000 unhoused people, 39 percent of whom were Black, even though Black people are only 12 percent of the US total population.\
Though Black and white people use drugs at similar rates, Black people are imprisoned for drug crimes at five times the rate of white people.\
Police in the US continue to kill Indigenous, Latinx, and Black people at significantly higher rates, as much as 350 percent more frequently, than white people. Even greater racial disparities attend nonfatal uses of force by police.

#racism #systemic-racism #structural-racism #usa #america #united-states #united-states-of-america #human-rights #human-rights-watch #hrw


Once arrested, Palestinians in the West Bank may face physical beatings, solitary confinement, the whipping of feet, forced confessions, stress positions for prolonged periods of time, inhumane #prison conditions and more. The Independent Commission Human Rights ( #ICHR) received 252 complaints of torture and 279 of arbitrary arrest in the West Bank in 2021 alone. In #Gaza, Palestinians fare even worse.

https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-713038 #unwatch #israel #hrw #humanrights #ichr #torture #hamas #islamism #bds


Not Satire

Russia Convicts Pastafarian of Being Affiliated with an "Undesirable Organization"

His name is Mikhail Iosilevich.


A Russian court on May 27, 2022 handed an activist 20 months of custodial sentence and ordered him to pay civil damages of 100,000 rubles (approximately US$1,500) having found him affiliated with an “undesirable organization,” Human Rights Watch said today. The abusive law underlying the charges, the prosecution and sentencing, individually and together constitute a complete travesty of justice, Human Rights Watch said.\
Mikhail Iosilevich, is the first person who may serve prison time for these charges as activists convicted previously had received suspended sentences or were ordered to perform community service (mandatory labor). In 2021, Iosilevich was also the first person placed in pretrial detention on these charges.

#pastafarian #pastafarians #church-of-the-flying-spaghetti-monster #russia #mikhail-iosilevich #human-rights #civil-rights #freedom-of-religion #religious-freedom #hrw #human-rights-watch


Centrafrique : l'ONG Human Rights Watch accuse les paramilitaires russes de meurtres et torture sur des civils

Détentions arbitraires, tortures, exécutions extra-judiciaires... Les organisations paramilitaires russes qui soutiennent le pouvoir en Centrafrique ont commis "de graves abus" sur des civils, dont des meurtres et tortures, "en toute impunité" depuis 2019, d'après un rapport de l'organisation Human Rights Watch (en anglais) publié mardi 3 mai.

L'ONG affirme détenir des "preuves convaincantes" que "des hommes parlant russe" ont "battu" puis "abattu" 12 hommes "non armés" arrêtés à un barrage routier, en juillet 2021. Le rapport évoque aussi des détentions arbitraires et exécutions sur des "hommes arrêtés au hasard dans la rue" en juin de la même année.

L'ONU et de nombreux pays occidentaux dénoncent la présence de mercenaires du groupe russe Wagner dans le pays, plongé dans la guerre civile depuis 2013. Des centaines de paramilitaires russes soutiennent le régime centrafricain depuis 2018, et des centaines d'autres ont été envoyés en renfort fin 2020 à la demande du président Faustin Archange Touadéra, pour repousser une offensive rebelle qui menaçait Bangui. Mais leurs missions restent opaques, et ils ont déjà été accusés d'avoir massacré plus de 200 civils ces derniers mois.



#fr #hrw #russie #centrafrique #wagner


A Bleak Week for Rights in the UK

Eroding Civil Liberties Against Backdrop of Falling Living Standards Will Cause Harm


To say the United Kingdom government was busy over the past week would be a classic British understatement. It steamrolled through parliament four separate pieces of legislation that will do real harm to people’s rights.

#uk #rights #civil-rights #human-rights #human-rights-watch #hrw #civil-liberties #living-standards #cost-of-living #nationality-and-borders-bill #elections-bill #judicial-review-and-courts-bill


Ukraine: Shelling Residential Areas Puts Civilians at Risk

Attacks Intensify Against Government-Controlled Areas in East

Human Rights Watch



The shelling of a school, a kindergarten, and residential areas along the line of contact in eastern Ukraine on February 17, 2022, apparently by Russia-backed armed groups, injured civilians and damaged civilian infrastructure, Human Rights Watch said today. The attacks, which injured at least four civilians, severely damaged or destroyed several homes.\
Attacks that indiscriminately strike civilian objects violate international humanitarian law, or the laws of war, and if committed willfully amount to war crimes.

Fighting has escalated in Ukraine’s eastern region of Donbas amid Russia’s recent, unprecedented military build-up along its border with Ukraine. The Special Monitoring Mission of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) reported a significant increase in ceasefire violations in conflict-affected areas along the line of contact on February 17.\
At around 9:04 a.m. on February 17, a munition hit a wall of Fairy Tale kindergarten in government-controlled Stanytsia Luhanska and landed in the recreation room. A second shell hit the playground outside.

#war #ukraine #russia #donbas #eastern-ukraine #hrw #human-rights-watch #kindergarten #human-rights #civilians #shelling #bombing #non-combatants #war-crime #war-crimes