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#Elder’s #Meditation of the Day April 3

“We know that in all creation, only the human family has strayed from the Sacred Way.”

#OJIBWA #Prayer

#How have we gotten so far off track?

What has happened to us?

What is happening to our family?

How did it happen so quickly?

Every individual needs to answer these questions for themselves.

What do we need to do to start living the #Sacred #Way again?

#Pray! Today I will start praying. I pray the Creator will lead all Native People to a #great #healing. I pray we’ll be free from alcohol and drugs. I pray we will return to the culture, to spirituality and to #unity.

My Mother, help us to heal ourselves. Make us strong again.

Copied with the permission of Don L. Coyhis, from the book Meditations with #NativeAmerican Elders: The Four Seasons


Joseph Marshall III on Season 1 of the Hochoka podcast

Episode 5: #Storytelling, Sense of #Community and Cultural Identity


Episode 6: #Language, Memory and Cultural Identity


Episode 7: #SittingBull's Vision and Cultural Identity


Episode 8: Bows, Arrows and #Authenticity in and Cultural Identity


Episode 9: #Stories as Seeds of Cultural Identity


Episode 10: Place, #Purpose and Cultural Identity


#JosephMarshal #CulturalIdentity #cuture #identity #Lakota #IndigenousPeoples #NativeAmerican #HochokaPodcast #Hochoka


#CulturalGenocide #genocide #ChildAbuse #history #UnitedStates #NativeAmerican #BoardingSchool #Pennsylvania



Two Spirit People Are Reclaiming Their Land—and Their Identity

Two-Spirit people seem to play an important role when it's about fighting for indigenous rights in North America. Another worthwhile documentary.

This corresponds with the book I'm still reading where some Two-Spirit persons are described as people with more time helping out others because many of them don't have children.

My interest in Two-Spirit people comes from my own being different, and not seeming to fit into what is generally told in the mainstream media. Watching and reading this stuff helps me contemplate my own situation, more than anything that I find under "transgender."


#two-spirit #native-american #nativeamerican #america #turtle-island #gay #lesbian #trans #transgender #lgbt #lgbtiq #queer


Two Spirit People

One of several documentaries about Native American queer people I’ve watched over the last days. With sequences from the movie “Little Big Man” – now that I see these scenes again, I remember that there was some kind of “gay” person in the movie, but I had totally forgotten about it. Then I thought it was an invention of the script writer, but now I see that it actually refers to traditions that were there. I must have forgotten that type when I tried hard to be a cis-male.


#two-spirit #native-american #nativeamerican #america #turtleisland #lgbt #lgbtiq #queer


This is one of the books I'm reading at the moment. It features records about Two-Spirit people from historic, anthropologic, and personal viewpoints.

I'm looking for inspiration/information that will help me understand my own "transgender" experience. I don't find myself in the way transgender is usually displayed in the public today, with its stress on hormones, surgery, outward appearance, and speech codes.

My social phobia keeps me from visiting support groups, and whatever I read or watch concerning transgender doesn't fit my experience.

I have read a few chapters. It seems to meet my expectations quite well.

#book #reading #two-spirit #trans #transgender #gay #lesbian #lgbtiq #queer #socialphobia #nativeamerican #america #turtle-island


#Books | Last of the Mohicans

'"The Spirit that made men colored them differently," commenced the subtle Huron. "Some are blacker than the sluggish bear. These He said would be slaves; and He ordered them to work forever, like the beaver. You may hear them groan, when the south wind blows, louder than the lowing buffaloes, along the shores of the great salt lake, where the big canoes come and go with them in droves. Some He made with faces paler than the ermine of the forests: and these He ordered to be traders; dogs to their women, and wolves to their slaves. He gave this people the nature of the pigeon: wings that never tire; young, more plentiful than the leaves on the trees, and appetites to devour the earth. He gave them tongues like the false call of the wild-cat; hearts like rabbits; the cunning of the hog (but none of the fox), and arms longer than the legs of the moose. With his tongue, he stops the ears of the Indians; his heart teaches him to pay warriors to fight his battles; his cunning tells him how to get together the goods of the earth; and his arms inclose the land from the shores of the salt-water to the islands of the great lake. His gluttony makes him sick. God gave him enough, and yet he wants all. Such are the palefaces.' ~ "Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757" by James Fenimoore Cooper


#1757 #america #AmericanIndian #AmericanIndians #book #britain #canada #cooper #download #e-book #ebook #e-books #ebooks #fiction #gutenberg #history #JamesFenimooreCooper #literature #mohegan #mohican #NativeAmerican #ProjectGutenberg #quotation #quotations #quote #quotes #reading #war