

Coup de chaud sur nos forĂȘts !


Coup de chaud sur nos #forĂȘts !

Les forĂȘts françaises subissent de plein fouet les effets du rĂ©chauffement climatique et selon les spĂ©cialistes, depuis cinq ans la situation s’aggrave. MĂ©gafeux, sĂ©cheresses, tempĂȘtes, dĂ©pĂ©rissements massifs, attaques de ravageurs mettent Ă  mal ce formidable poumon vert. Et quand nos forĂȘts suffoquent, elles ont plus de mal Ă  sĂ©questrer le carbone et Ă  prĂ©server les Ă©quilibres naturels : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/de-cause-a-effets-le-magazine-de-l-environnement/coup-de-chaud-sur-nos-forets-3544713

#podcast #environnement #biodiversité


La reproduction des plantes Ă  fleurs (Angiospermes)

La reproduction des plantes Ă  fleurs (Angiospermes)


Apparues sur la planĂšte il y a plus de 100 millions d’annĂ©es, les plantes Ă  fleurs ont connu un succĂšs Ă©volutif remarquable : elles reprĂ©sentent actuellement la majoritĂ© de la masse vivante sur la planĂšte, sont Ă  la base de la plupart des chaĂźnes alimentaires terrestres, y compris celles dont les humains font partie, et participent Ă  la rĂ©gulation du climat : https://podcastfichiers.college-de-france.fr/porcher-20240119.m4a

Source : https://www.college-de-france.fr/fr/agenda/cours/interactions-plantes-pollinisateurs-hier-aujourd-hui-et-demain

#podcast #biologie #botanique #biodiversité


Comment les plantes résistent-elle au froid ?


Comment les plantes résistent-elle au froid ?

Aline Raynal-Roques, professeure au Muséum national d'histoire naturelle de Paris, est une botaniste spécialiste de #plantes tropicales. Elle nous guide à travers les mécanismes de survie des plantes face au froid : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/les-nuits-de-france-culture/les-chemins-de-la-connaissance-la-resistance-des-plantes-au-froid-1ere-diffusion-27-01-1997-4378811

#podcast #botanique #biologie


Destruction des haies : la grande accélération


Destruction des #haies : la grande accélération

Malgré les réglementations et les subventions, le bocage continue de disparaßtre et de se dégrader. Le bocage joue pourtant un rÎle clé et structurant dans le paysage et la qualité environnementale des espaces cultivables : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/la-terre-au-carre/la-terre-au-carre-du-mercredi-28-fevrier-2024-8031910

#podcast #environnement #biodiversité


Les fleurs qui cessent de se faire belles


Les #fleurs qui cessent de se faire belles

Face au dĂ©clin des #pollinisateurs, une Ă©tude dĂ©montre que les fleurs des champs, incarnĂ©es par la pensĂ©e sauvage, font moins d’efforts pour les attirer : taille des fleurs rĂ©duite, moins de nectar produit, et de plus en plus d’auto-fĂ©condation. Une Ă©volution ultra rapide, et inquiĂ©tante : https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/camille-passe-au-vert/camille-passe-au-vert-du-jeudi-22-fevrier-2024-2318804

#podcast #environnement #botanique


Episode #108 Who were the #Moundbuilders? Practicing an Integrated #Science with #Global Reach? The #RandallCarlson #Podcast
2 hour 20 minutes Posted Mar 28, 2024 at 11:22 am.

Snake Bros introduce some UK research they’ve been discussing on @BrothersoftheSerpent leading into the episode’s broad discussion of an archaic global system. Limestone erosion, sites named for the devil, Inter-glacials, and the Moon all connect to the mystery of our past – during and prior to a great catastrophe. The commonality of measurements is too coincidental to not question the possibility of a global system that was utilizing some unknown geoscientific technology and had a purpose we are yet to conceive. The fact that early reports directly from the Natives, that they were not the builders of the curious widespread geometric complexes, opens up a new perspective on the mystery of America’s #Lost #Civilization.



Been in my playlist this morning, and, though obvious in some ways, still added some points and leaves me pondering that particular issue more than usual:

At the outset, including for the IBM System three sixty, the computer with a single CPU was not actually multitasking. It was doing the same thing that our brains do. It was jumping back and forth between tasks really fast to make sure it was doing them both adequately. So when we kind of figured out that there was a problem with processing, that there were limits to it. We established very quickly something called a processing bottleneck. That, yeah, there is. It's documented humans do not multitask to begin with, and when we try to multitask, the results are terrible.

via SYSK: Multitasking: Working slower with worse results

#podcast #multitasking_matters

#multitasking matters


Health is all about energy.
Absolutely intriguing information – this guy has knowledge that will make you think and ponder for days. His reasoning and logic is incredible and sound, better yet, he has the research to back it up. Morley Robbins research is contrarian to the general belief about health and healing, he deep dives into science and research to solve the modern day most wide-spread health issue - why are so many fatigued? Tackling common misunderstandings about iron and anemia, explaining the super importance of copper and vitamin A, showing why magnesium is so needed, so much to learn.
Yes it do get technical and there is a lot of words you have not heard before being used, but hang on, the journey into the cell and the mitochondria will open your understanding of why so many people feel so tired and have health issues.

Part 1: Iron overload – you’re not anemic - https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=btQRrHPRKFc (1h55min)
Part 2: Iron overload – Cause of histamine intolerance - https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=sOacVs7vTiI (1h25min)
Part 3: Magnesium and why it is so important to our health - https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=iAHpV_dxI1Y (1h41min)
Part 4: Copper deficiency, mold toxicity and iron overload - https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=SsYkoQZQVJw (1h06min)

Hierarchy of reactive oxygen species – by Gutteridge and Hallowell:
A natural bi-product of metabolism that we want to stop from converting from reactive oxygen species to oxidative stress by having our iron and copper levels more balanced. Copper cleans the exhaust of iron and oxygen.

Reactive oxygen species is called stage one
Oxidative stress is called stage two
Even more oxidative stress lead to Inflammation and that is called stage three
Accumulation of so much oxidative stress lead to cytotoxicity or cancer and is called stage four

This builds on the revelation from Otto Warburgs research on cancer as a metabolic disease – “the Warburg effect” - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Heinrich_Warburg which in recent time is promoted by Dr. Thomas Seyfried. Morley Robbins takes this idea even further and explains why the breakdown of the cellular respiratory system happen through his understanding of copper, iron, oxygen and retinol.

#MorleyRobbins #Copper #Iron #VitaminA #Oxygen #Stress #Health #Anemic #Magnesium #Podcast #Mitochondria #Minerals


Dear #developer,
I’m reaching out to you to offer you an #opportunity to make you and your #projects better known.
#Unitoo (unitoo.it/en), in 2019 started a #radio (radio.unitoo.it) dedicated to #FOSS and #CreativeCommon #music.
I’d love for you to join them and contribute to some content.
You’ll be entitled to a 3 minutes free #audio recording, to #promote your #code #repository and a chance to discover new #opportunities in the #world of #Software #Development.
A looped #broadcasting of such content/media will be scheduled to grant everyone the chance to promote their #work.
At first a recording in #English would be preferable to reach a wider #audience.
How to join? Send them an email with the following:

- #voice recording
- a #title
- #Author’s name
- a brief #summary of your project
- #link to the code repository in question at radio dot unitoo dot it and they’ll handle the rest.

This is just the #beginning.
They have #planned a #series of #podcast that can feature your project.
We believe FOSS is severely lacking in #visibility and want to #change that by providing a stage for you all to perform on. Your #contribution is greatly appreciated.

Happy #HackListening!


Sollte das #Fediverse mit großen Tech-Firmen föderieren oder deföderieren?

Unsere @Stephanie Henkel :pd: :af: ist beim Captain it’s Wednesday #Podcast von @GNU/Linux.ch zu Besuch und spricht mit Host @Ralf Hersel ĂŒber Vor- und Nachteile davon, wenn #Meta oder #Bluesky sich mit freien Netzwerken verbinden wollen und ihre mögliche Lösung.


#Piraten #Piratenpartei #Mastodon


Podcast | 11KM: In guter Gesellschaft: Österreichs Rechtsextreme und ihr Netz nach Deutschland

Menschenfeindliche Ideen und demokratiefeindliche Inhalte: Kann sich eine Gesellschaft daran gewöhnen? Rechtsextreme, wie die IdentitĂ€re Bewegung, zeigen sich in Österreich zunehmend in guter Gesellschaft und ihre Inhalte schockieren immer weniger WĂ€hler:innen. Ist das ein neues Normal? Bei 11KM: der tagesschau-Podcast erzĂ€hlt Oliver Soos, ARD Korrespondent in Wien, von seinen Beobachtungen und wie diese rechtsextremen Netzwerke bis nach Deutschland reichen... (weiter)

Audio: Web | MP3

Meine Meinung: Leider zeigt der Podcast allzu schön wie es auch in Deutschland weiter gehen wird, wenn wir die AfD nicht stoppen. Und noch etwas wird dabei wieder einmal ganz offensichtlich, konservative Parteien wie die CDU und CSU, aber auch die Freien WÀhler sind Teil des Problems bzw. machen den rechten Mob erst gesellschaftsfÀhig.

#Podcast #Österreich #Deutschland #FPÖ #AfD #IB #IdentitĂ€re-Bewegung #Populismus #Gesellschaft #Rechtsextreme #Konservative #ARD #11KM #Meinung #Sascha #2024-02-28