

#politik #bildung #schulen #militarisierung #propaganda #lehrerverband #fdp

Man weiß gar nicht, wo anfangen: Die FDP-Bundesbildungsministerin fordert Zivilschutzübungen an Schulen, und anstatt dass der Deutsche Lehrerverband widerspricht, bekräftigt dessen Präsident: Offiziere der Bundeswehr sollten flächendeckend in den Politikunterricht geschickt werden. Kritik an diesem Werben fürs Sterben kommt ausgerechnet, aber richtigerweise von der CDU, wonach Kinder Schreiben lernen und nicht mit weiteren Ängsten aufwachsen sollen.

Der Vorstoß von Bettina Stark-Watzinger belegt aufs neue, dass Liberale ebenso wie Grüne zu Kriegstreibern geworden sind. Dass sich nun eine Lehrervereinigung anschließt, darf nicht unwidersprochen bleiben. Missachtet wird der Grundsatz, dass Pädagogen die Schüler nicht mit Meinungen »überwältigen« sollen.

Der Unterricht darf kein politischer Schützengraben werden. Natürlich müssen dort gegenwärtige Kriege behandelt werden, aber ohne die Bundeswehr. Die hat – wie Polizei und Geheimdienste – an Schulen nichts zu suchen.

Kontext: https://www.bz-berlin.de/deutschland/lehrer-praesident-fordert-mehr-soldaten-an-unsere-schulen | https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/schulen-katastrophenschutz-100.html


The prize for the most disgusting headline goes to the British telegraph.

Only one member of UNRW may have been involved in the October 7 attacks, 3 had passed the border into Israel and then other 8 accused by Israeli government had no connection whatsoever to the attacks.

But it doesn't stop these disgusting propaganda rags to label the whole organization like this.

#INRWA #Israel #Propaganda #October7 #US #Israel #Palestine


"Grass soup with lemon juice"... is the #Ramadan breakfast for a family in northern #Gaza,

#AIPAC has posted a guideline for it's lobbyists and "activists" to deny the ongoing famine in Gaza and claim that "they have seen videos of people eating food" as their proof.

Reality of northern Gaza is different, less than 10% of the population have access to more than 1 meal per day and almost half of them go days without any food.

It's happening while the world is spreading propaganda about the 200 tons of food arriving by sea (like 4 trucks of food by land).

#FoodAsWeapon #Propaganda #famine
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Ich frage mich wo die strafbare #Wählertäuschung anfängt? #Union lügt über Energieprobleme durch Abschaltung von Atomkraftwerken.

Siehe: https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/winter-ohne-kernkraft-gut-ueberstanden-und-strom-ist-billiger,U6id6Al

§ 108a Wählertäuschung
(1) Wer durch Täuschung bewirkt, daß jemand bei der Stimmabgabe über den Inhalt seiner Erklärung irrt oder gegen seinen Willen nicht oder ungültig wählt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.
(2) Der Versuch ist strafbar.

Der Versuch ist angeblich schon strafbar.

#Politik #Demokratie #wahl #Partei #propaganda #manipulation #Gesellschaft


This is all they got!

It's truly infuriating, that media ignoring proven reports of Israel using rape as torture against both make and female hostages, but instead posting about someone being afraid of something that never happened.

Taking civilian hostages is wrong, but the level of propaganda and false information about October 7 is making me sick.

#StopTheLies #Propaganda #Media #Gaza #October7


Just to understand the BS of Biden about a port in Gaza, remember that there are these land entries into Gaza available RIGHT now.

It's truly sickening to read and listen to all the nonsense about Biden using American Navy to set up a port of "entry" into Gaza while ignorijg the fact that there are 7 points of entry to the besieged Gaza, with over 130 trailer trucks waiting to be approved by IDF in Rafah and 100s of Jewish extremists blocking the passage of trucks via Karam Abu Salem border crossing.

#FoodAsWeapon #Biden #Gaza #Propaganda #GenocideJoe #Genocide #Politics #Israel #SaveGaza #StopIsrael


#reptiles eat bugs not humans !

#PETITION: I Won’t Eat Bugs

Every day, we are bombarded with #propaganda attempting to normalize bug eating.

The World Economic Forum has been at the forefront of promoting the consumption of insects for years now, advocating that eating bugs is the way of the future, is sustainable and will help fight climate change, and will improve human health.

From Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seeking expert help on establishing best practices for humans and animals to eat bugs in Canada to educating kids in the U.K. about “alternative proteins”, the push to encourage people to eat bugs is expanding on a global scale — this must be stopped!

Additionally, #insects may have #parasites, making them #dangerous to eat. But, of course, our globalist elites don’t want you to know that, and they don’t care because they won’t be eating them.

If you are equally repulsed by the idea of incorporating creepy crawlies into your diet, please sign our petition right here.

Sign here: http://www.rebelnews.com/petition_i_will_not_eat_bugs?recruiter_id=5964112


The Intercept: New York Times Exposé Lacks Evidence to Claim Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence Oct. 7

... The Times article was headlined "'Screams Without Words': How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7," and its release in late December helped the Israeli government to justify the ongoing war on Gaza and to paint pro-Palestine supporters abroad as not caring about sexual violence. One of the reporters of the Times piece, Israeli freelancer Anat Schwartz, is being investigated by the Times for her social media activity, which included dehumanizing language and endorsements of violence against Palestinians in Gaza.

29:08 min interview/commentary video

#democracynow #video #NYT #Israel #propaganda #spreader #warpropaganda


Edward #Snowden was one of the last idealists who believed that the #truth would change something. Today, a few years later, we know that the average person finds it far too complex to change their browser. We are aware that everything on #TikTok, #Instagram or #YouTube is monitored and analyzed, but it is so colorful and practical.

#society #tracking #surveillance #bigbrother #economy #intelligence #problem #humanRights #freedom #manipulation #propaganda #media #fail



The following cites a long, detailed and referenced "account" of Palestine history that talks big but glides over the fact that the Ottoman government ceased to exist as of Armistice Day of The Great War, aka World War I, and what transpired under the League of Nations' Palestine Mandate given to Britain...and so much more it's way off the mark about even if it cites Princeton and Wiki. #propaganda

רִבְקָה - 2024-03-03 06:49:27 GMT

Today, let's talk about one of the biggest talking point that keeps coming up in relation to the current war going on in Gaza, and the Israel-Palestine conflict in general: “Israel is a settler colonialist state”. This is often attributed to the Zionist movement coined in the 1882 book “Auto-Emancipation” by Leon Pinsker. We will explore this claim in a bit more detail today.Since 1516, the land of Israel and Palestine has been governed by the Ottoman Empire. Unlike from the Mamluk period before 1516, we have a lot of good records from this period which were kept in the archives in Istanbul and were being studied extensively. This includes more or less regular census reports from the entire period between 1516 and 1920, when the region fell under the British mandate following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War.


The Ukraine War at two years: By the numbers | Responsible Statecraft

#geopolitics #war #propaganda

On the other side, the United Kingdom estimates that Russia has suffered at least 320,000 casualties, with 50,000 deaths among Russian soldiers and 20,000 deaths among Wagner Group mercenaries.

As everybody knows, 50,000+20,000=320,000. Of course.
