


#RogerWaters #Ukraine #Russia #Politics #Ceasefire #UkraineWar #Peace

My heart bleeds for you and all the Ukrainian and Russian families, devastated by the terrible war in Ukraine. I’m in Kansas City, USA. I have just read a piece on BBC.com apparently taken from an interview you have already recorded for a program called ‘Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg’ which is to be broadcast on the BBC today, September 4th. BBC.com quotes you as saying that “If support for Ukraine is strong, the crisis will be shorter.” Hmmm? I guess that might depend on what you mean by “support for Ukraine”? If by “support for Ukraine” you mean the West continuing to supply arms to the Kiev government’s armies, I fear you may be tragically mistaken. Throwing fuel, in the form of armaments, into a fire fight, has never worked to shorten a war in the past, and it won’t work now, particularly because, in this case, most of the fuel is (a) being thrown into the fire from Washington DC, which is at a relatively safe distance from the conflagration, and (b) because the ‘fuel throwers’ have already declared an interest in the war going on for as long as possible. I fear that we, and by we I mean people like you and me who actually want peace in Ukraine, who don’t want the outcome to be that you have to fight to the last Ukrainian life, and possibly even, if the worst comes to the worst, to the last human life. If we, instead, wish to achieve a different outcome we may have to seek a different route and that route may lie in your husband’s previously stated good intentions.

Yes, I mean the platform upon which he so laudably ran for the office of President of Ukraine, the platform upon which he won his historic landslide victory in the democratic election in 2019. He stood on the election platform of the following promises.


Ihre größten Coups erzielt die israelfeindliche BDS-Bewegung in der Welt der populären #Musik. So kann sie etwa Stars wie Brian Eno oder #PinkFloyd -Gitarrist #RogerWaters zu ihren prominentesten Unterstützern zählen, und immer wieder sagen selbst Musikgrößen wie Stevie Wonder oder Carlos #Santana ihre Konzerte in Israel wieder ab, weil sie von #BDS unter Druck gesetzt wurden.
Dabei arbeitet die Bewegung, die 2019 vom Deutschen Bundestag als antisemitisch verurteilt wurde, mit einer perfiden Methode. Künstler, die in #Israel auftreten wollen oder mit israelischen Mitteln gefördert werden, stellt man öffentlichkeitswirksam vor eine falsche Alternative: Wollen sie aufseiten der vermeintlich Unterdrückten, also der Palästinenser, stehen oder gemeinsame Sache mit den angeblichen Unterdrückern, also den Israelis, machen?

https://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/meinung/bds-macht-judenhass-populaer/ #kunst #kultur #berlin #antisemitismus


Join Roger in telling Biden to take Cuba off the State Sponsor of Terrorism list!

I am constantly amazed at the cruel pretexts the United States uses to destabilize Cuba. Since the triumph of the Cuban revolution, the US government has relentlessly attacked the country’s socialist project. The political designation of Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism by former President Trump and continued by President Biden is just the latest effort to sabotage the government’s efforts to guarantee economic security for its citizens.

President Joe Biden has the authority to ease Cuba’s financial hardship with a stroke of his pen. Lets get 10,000 signatures urging Biden take Cuba off the State Sponsor of Terrorism list!

This designation has nothing to do with facts and everything to do with politics. To curry favor with hard-right wing Cubans who continue to attempt regime change in the island, the Trump administration nullified many of Obama’s pro engagement policies, including the removal of Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism.

Being on this list makes life miserable for our brothers and sisters in Cuba. In addition to being subjected to more than 60 years of US-led hybrid warfare, the Cuban government and its people are forced to navigate a web of financial restrictions, limiting their ability to pursue economic trade and humanitarian activities. The country’s medical sector is especially impacted by this designation, as companies refuse to sell materials to Cuba to manufacture their own medicine. Today, the country is experiencing a shortage of commonly used drugs, including antibiotics.

Biden vowed to break with Trump’s harmful political measures but more than a year and a half after taking office,he continues to follow Trump’s vindictive policies. Biden’s policy towards Cuba has been inconsistent with the diplomatic approach of the Obama administration, which sought to normalize relations between the two countries. After intense review, Obama concluded that Cuba was not supporting international terrorism and removed Cuba from the terror list. The move was received very favorably by the public

Far from harboring terrorists or enabling terrorism, Cuba has a long history of spreading healthcare all around the globe. Since 1963, Cuba has trained doctors with big hearts. These are health workers on the frontlines providing medical services in more than 160 countries, fighting diseases from Ebola to COVID-19.

Can you imagine what Cuba could do without having to live under the jack boots of U.S. international financial muscle?

Despite constant attacks from the US, Cuba has only responded with love and solidarity. Nothing exemplifies this more than Cuba’s response to the 9/11 attacks on the US. Within hours of the terrorist attack, Cuba offered to send medical brigades to provide care to the victims. That same night, Fidel Castro condemned the attack and signed onto the UN’s 12 international antiterrorism treaties.

President Joe Biden can remove Cuba from this list with a simple executive order. Join us in telling Biden to do the right thing.

The truth is that Cuba is not a state sponsor of terrorism but a state sponsor of global well-being.

Viva #Cuba!

Towards peace,
Roger Waters
#RogerWaters #Biden #Sanctions #Trump #TerrorList #Terrorism #Politics #US


Roger Waters ~ Free Assange Now! F the Warmongers!


#PinkFloyd's #RogerWaters uses footage of #CollateralMurder during his current tour to call attention to continued #unjust #imprisonment of #JulianAssange
The collateral murder incident occurred #15-years-ago tomorrow #12July

#julianassange #freeassange #dropthecharges #weareallassange #wikileaks #journalism #freespeech #freepress
