


the guy who made the documentary series called #Cult #of the The #Medics, #DavidWhitehead. I've found an #interview he did with #Dr #BryanArdis way back in early #2022. I've listened to many hours of Dr Ardis on podcasts but he mentions a few things to David Whitehead back then that I've never heard before. One thing is what he says about the CIA frozen dart assassination gun, another is about the guy from the FBI who tried to tell the world about this envenomation long before DR Ardis got onto it. Then there's the bits that David Whitehead throws in about the symbology of the 'Cult of the Medics' being so snake/serpent orientated. Even the symbol of the #World #Health Organisation is 2 snakes wrapped around a staff.

If you are nearly or fully persuaded by now that the #COVID thing is really envenomation you will enjoy this interview and begin to move on from the "is it or isn't it" stage of things and start joining the dots on a bigger scale.

Way Of The #TruthWarrior - WATCH THE VATICAN With Dr Bryan Ardis
2 hour 8 minutes - Posted Apr 19, 2022

Today I will be doing a one of a kind interview with Dr Ardis on some recent developments in his #snake #venom thesis, I will be asking him some of my own questions about it along with yours, and then getting into the #Club of #Rome, KOM, Vatican connections and the symbolism of the cult of the serpent in relation to this plandemic and how it could possibly connect into some elements of my own thesis on the Cult of the Medics.


enter image description here

#Quote Researchers have discovered a two-foot-tall #Buddha statue in #Berenike, an #ancient #Egyptian port city.

The #artifact is the first Buddha ever found west of Afghanistan, according to the New York Review of Books’ William Dalrymple. Made from Mediterranean marble, it provides new evidence of trade between #ancient #Rome and #India.

Based on stylistic details, the researchers think it was made in Alexandria around the second century C.E.

Founded in the third century B.C.E., Berenike eventually became one of the largest ports in Roman-controlled #Egypt, according to the antiquities ministry. Goods such as ivory, textiles and semi-precious metals passed through the city for many years, until it was eventually abandoned around the sixth century C.E.

Recent excavations at Berenike have revealed other items that suggest a similar cultural blending. Among them is an inscription in Sanskrit dating to the reign of the emperor Marcus Julius Philippus, known as Phillip the Arab. Born in what is now Syria, he ruled the Roman Empire from 244 to 249 C.E.

Such finds are part of a growing body of evidence that shows just how interconnected the Roman Empire was to its ancient Indian counterpart. They also help shed light on the unique role played by Egypt, which was “centrally located on the trade route that connected the Roman Empire to many parts of the ancient world,” says the antiquities ministry.


"Fiddled while #Rome burned," not much changes, feels like we're living through the#fall of Rome all over again. Though in his defense, I do the same myself, music soothes my soul while watching the world burn.

Gonna make the Smart connection with your thread Norman because I do feel that's a part of it too - Smart/Kill Cities. #Smart everything right, from cities to #water. Btw, stock up on incandescent bulbs while you can, they've been outlawed and will be hard to find very soon. Watch this little experiment on a bottle of Smart Water from #Coca-Cola, looks to be #graphene infused:

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dIUs9anyC1jiSee less

The Co #caCo la Company Sells Graphene Infused #Toxic Water, Here is #Proof


#theignorancethatdiesisnotyou :)
#chrishedges #stellaassange
#julianassange #danieleverettehale #garywebb #edwardsnowden #tomvalone

#wakeup #rights #now
#thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #espionageact
#statewithinastate #unaccountable #antiscrutiny #surveilancestate #after911 #paramilitary #copcity #cia
#military #rome #masssurveillance #panopticon #scaredsilent #orwellian #totalitarian #totalitariantiptoe #morallybankrupt #censorship #agnogeny #attercoparchy #theydidntwanttohearit #sochildish #racism #agnogensis #reductivism #theonetruetruth #thetimes #propaganda #agenda #parrots #silo #dividedandconquered #realitytunnels #echochambers #nopriceforlies #othering #polarisation #groupthink #notevenrootedinverifiablefact #liesofomission #mythicidentities #somanymassshootingsitsnotnews #contextless #dependencegeneration #agnogeny #agnotology

"... and so now it's over, the, the, ~
and that's really frightening.

It means there's no~

Power is in no way accountable.
There's no transparency.
And we know, history has taught us when that kind of secrecy imposed on autocratic power, it just, it, it~
abuse grows upon abuse grows upon abuse.
And that is why they're just determined to crucify Julian.
That's the crisis that we're in.
We've lost the ability
to know
what power is doing."

#restorehumanrights #humanrights #law #democracy #journalism
#whistleblowers #journalists #people #speakup #peopleofconscience #integrity


Some sources report that Libyan protesters stormed the Libyan Parliament and Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in #Tripoli.

Shots have been heard at the scene.

The head of the #Libyan national unity government suspended the foreign minister from her post and referred her for investigation after meeting with the Israeli foreign minister in #Rome.

In addition, a Libyan government plane reported to have left the capital a few moments ago.

The plane maybe carrying her out of the country.

#Israel #Africa #Politics


une série de l'INRAP sur Pompéi

Une série pédagogique en 12 épisodes de quelques minutes pour découvrir le mode de vie des Romains à travers l'exemple de Pompéi.

  1. Pompéi, capitale de l'archéologie Comment une catastrophe comme celle vécue par les habitants de Pompéi a-t-elle permis de mieux comprendre la vie des Romains ?
  2. L'urbanisme et l'architecture de Pompéi Que nous disent les vestiges de Pompéi sur la structure et l’organisation urbaines de la cité romaine ?
  3. Les décors domestiques romains Que révèlent les décors des villas pompéiennes sur les habitudes culturelles des habitants ? Quelles sont les techniques utilisées pour les décors des villas romaines de Pompéi ? En quoi ces décors domestiques reflètent-ils différentes influences culturelles ?
  4. La religion au temps des Romains Que nous apprennent les vestiges de la ville sur les pratiques religieuses des habitants de Pompéi ?
  5. * Les pièces d'une maison pompéienne** Quelles sont les pièces et leurs fonctions dans une villa romaine ? Quel est l’héritage des Romains sur l’organisation de nos maisons actuelles?
  6. Les inventions et le confort à Pompéi En quoi les vestiges de Pompéi témoignent-ils du génie romain en matière de construction ?
  7. Les objets du quotidien à Pompéi Quelles informations révèlent les vestiges d’objets du quotidien ?
  8. La monnaie à Pompéi Quelles sont les monnaies qui circulent à Pompéi ? Quelles informations historiques peuvent-elles révéler ?
  9. Les artisans et les commerçants à Pompéi Que nous révèlent les fouilles archéologiques sur la place et le rôle des artisans et des commerçants de la cité de Pompéi ?
  10. La vie politique à Pompéi Histoire Comment s’organise la vie politique dans la cité de Pompéi ?
  11. Les habitants de Pompéi Comment s’organise la cellule familiale dans une domus à Pompéi ?
  12. Les méthodes archéologiques Comment travaillent les archéologues sur un chantier de fouilles


#histoire #archélologie #antiquité #rome #pompéi


« Belle version latine d’une famille romaine expatriée en Gaule sous la menace des barbares.
J’ai aimé votre écriture faite de références latines dans un contexte si contemporain, où les relations entre le père et sa famille, ou la personnalité rebelle de Caelia pourraient tout à fait être actuels.
Comme le dit l’article que j’ai lu, pour tous et pas que pour les latins 1ère langue (très drôle cette expression !) »
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#Histoire #Chute #Rome #Aquitaine #Barbares #Royaume #MichelRouvère


Au début du 5ème siècle après JC, alors que l’empire romain vit ses dernières heures, Caelia, une jeune romaine vivant dans le sud de la Gaule, voit son monde vaciller sur ses bases.
Entre le déclin irréversible de l’ancienne société et la montée en puissance de la domination barbare, elle devra se battre pour ne pas se laisser broyer par la tyrannie des envahisseurs, mais connaîtra également des moments de pure félicité.
Les aventures d’une jeune patricienne trop gâtée confrontée à l’avancée irréversible des peuples barbares en Gaule romaine.
Laissez-vous emporter par cette saga sur fond de déclin d’une civilisation, qui vous captivera dès les premières pages et ne vous lâchera plus : http://amzn.to/2bLB75e
#Histoire #Chute #Rome #Aquitaine #Barbares #Royaume #MichelRouvère