

Oh Shit ich bekomme meine Informationen über Gerechtigkeit und soziale Marktwirtschaft aus der Satire 😱

Siehe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKe3eZ8Ht-E

Ich kann vor meinem geistigen Auge direkt sehen wie Anne kreischend die Hände über dem Kopf zusamnendchlägt 🤣

Das ist so ein elendes menschenverachtendes Ausbeutungssystem. Ich kann zumindest nachvollziehen warum die französische Revolution so blutig war auch wenn ich das nicht gutheiße.

#wirtschaft #Finanzen #Steuer #geld #Gerechtigkeit #politik #menschenrechte #Freiheit #Demokratie #Sozialstaat #Problem #zukunft #Perspektive #Gesellschaft #system #Kapitalismus #Solidarität #Umverteilung #wtf #aua #Reichtum #armut #Erbschaft #Vermögen #ethik #lobby


This article is about three weeks old. #Canada killed the first man via the Medical Assistance in Dying ( #MAiD) program. That acronym is similar to iPhone. It's clearly a depopulation agenda.

#Quote Canada has just killed the first citizen under the Canadian government’s controversial new plans to begin #euthanizing #patients who have been injured by Covid “vaccines.”

An Ontario man in his late 40s has become the first person to be #euthanized for “ #post- #COVID-19 #vaccination #syndrome.”

The man was killed under Canada’s “assisted suicide” laws via the #government’s taxpayer-funded Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program.

Doctors had determined that the patient had become a #burden on the socialized #healthcare #system.

They #warned that he wouldn’t recover from “ #post-vaccine #syndrome” and ruled that MAiD was a better option than long-term care.

The patient, identified only as “Mr. A,” had experienced “suffering and functional decline” following three #Covid #mRNA #vaccinations.

The doctors said the patient was suffering from depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and personality disorders as a result of the “post-vaccine syndrome.”

The man was twice admitted to hospital, once involuntarily, due to his condition.

Doctors noted that the patient had “thoughts of suicide” while “navigating his physical symptoms.”

The anonymized case is one of several highlighted in a series of reports issued by a 16-member MAiD death review committee struck by Ontario’s chief coroner’s office in January.

“Amongst his multiple specialists, no unifying diagnosis was confirmed,” according to the report.

However, his MAID assessors “opined that the most reasonable diagnosis for Mr. A’s clinical presentation (severe functional decline) was a post-vaccine syndrome, in keeping with chronic fatigue syndrome.”

Yet, there were no “pathological findings” at a post-mortem that could identify any underlying physiological diagnosis, the report notes.

Despite agreeing that the man’s condition was caused by a vaccine injury, multiple specialists consulted before his death couldn’t agree on a diagnosis.

The lack of a clear diagnosis raises further questions as to whether the man’s condition met the criteria for an “irremediable,” meaning a hopeless, incurable condition.

However, Canada’s assisted dying law requires people to have a grievous and irremediable physical condition.

Psychiatric experts raised concerns about whether the man’s mental illnesses would or should have rendered him ineligible for MAiD.

Some members of the MAiD death review panel also questioned whether a condition “previously unrecognized in medicine” — namely, a possible “post-vaccine somatic (meaning affecting the body) syndrome” — could be considered incurable.

Canada’s rapidly expanding euthanasia industry has been a growing concern for some time.

The Canadian government first introduced MAiD in June 2016.

By relaxing the laws, the nation legalized assisted suicide for those whose death was reasonably foreseeable.

The MAiD program was supposed to offer an alternative option for terminally ill people so they could avoid a painful death and die with dignity.

However, the nation’s Liberal government has increasingly expanded the laws since 2016.

Today, the Canadian government is euthanizing citizens for #depression, #hearing-loss, #autism, and even #poverty and #homelessness.

The government is even pushing to expand euthanasia laws to include #children and #infants.

What started as an option for terminally ill people is now being used to eliminate those who have become a burden on the nation’s socialized healthcare system.

The recent MAiD death review committee report highlights another case involving a different unemployed male in his 40s with inflammatory bowel disease.

The man was living with few social supports, was dependent on family for housing and financial support, and had struggled with alcohol and opioid addictions.


Why is proprietary #software so bad and full of #vulnerabilities?

The sales department probably doesn't know any better and only has its commission in mind and just sells the software, that's their job. I'm not so sure about the management, whether they are clueless or just think that no matter how bad the software is, we can earn even more money with support contracts. There are certainly a few clueless developers who are kept so busy that they barely manage to complete their tasks but have no time for quality assurance. However, a large part of the developers will realize what is being played and then either change jobs after 2 years if it becomes unbearable or try to justify the quality of the software according to the motto it is a feature and not a bug. Ultimately, the only option left to cybersecurity is to secure vulnerable software with supposedly better security software. Bugs are not fixed unless public pressure is so strong that it is unavoidable and with one fixed bug, three new ones are installed. The supposedly secure security software all too often turns out to be snake oil, which only brings further security risks, which then have to be secured by further security software and you find yourself in a never-ending cascade, which becomes ever more dangerous and expensive but brings no security gain. There is even a technical term for this, called security theater. At the end of the day, all the management wants to say in its press release is that the hackers were diabolical criminals and probably had state support, but that the company had done everything it could to defend itself with the latest security software. The starting position is therefore clear. There is money to be made from security vulnerabilities and proper security means a lot of work. Economic considerations are therefore made here, according to which quality assurance can be saved because the customer can find and report the errors after all.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the smartest or the best developer, but I've figured it out and I'm always surprised that I often meet colleagues who are very confident about cybersecurity in the company because there is security training every year. I don't see any possibility of developing secure software at all under capitalism because profit is always valued higher than security.

#developer #management #economy #capitalism #profit #finance #security #cybersecurity #bug #fail #system #problem #hack #hacker #malware


Also #Merz, der Typ der innerhalb der #Union mehrfach gescheitert ist und keinerlei Erfahrung als Spitzenkandidat hat soll Kanzler werden am liebsten zusammen mit #Lindner dem Königsmörder 😱

Was soll denn anderes dabei rauskommen als eine Katastrophe? Eine Arbeitskollegin von mir ist blühender Merz-Fan weil er immer so toll gekleidet ist und so väterlichen redet 😳 jedes Land bekommt die #Regierung, die es verdient hat. Der Letzte macht das Licht aus... 😐

#politik #wahl #wahlKampf #niewiedercdu #niemehrcdu #neuwahl #Problem #zukunft #Perspektive #Gesellschaft #system #Bundestag #Deutschland


#AI: New #GPS #system for #microorganisms could revolutionise police work

Source: https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-gps-system-microorganisms-could-revolutionise-police-work

This means you can use #bacteria to determine whether someone has just been to the beach, got off the train in the city centre or taken a walk in the woods. This opens up new possibilities within #medicine, #epidemiology and #forensics.

#police #surveillance #location #technology #privacy #news #future


Kann unsre Gesellschaft ohne Kapitalismus überhaupt funktionieren?

Bitte erlaubt mir einfach nur zwei Beispiele zu präsentieren, die zeigen wie tief wir im Kapitalismus stecken:

1) In New York ist die Ungleichheit sehr groß. Einmal im Jahr zu Weihnachten gibt es im Theater eine Aufführung der Spitzenklasse für normale Leute, die sich das Ticket sonst nicht leisten könnten. Die Tickets werden auf der Straße an normale Interessierte Leute verschenkt. Diese Leute meist aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen merken dann wie begehrt diese Tickets sind und verkaufen sie weiter, sodass in der Aufführung dann wiederum das normale Klientel sitzt, dass sich die Tickets leisten kann.

2) Eingeborene im Nördlichen Kanada haben das Recht Roben und Elche zu jagen wie es ihren Traditionen entspricht. Dieses Recht verkaufen sie am Touristen, die sich gerne mal als Jäger fühlen wollen.

Bitte bedenkt sie sind arm und brauchen das Geld nicht die Kultur zum Überleben 😣

#geld #Finanzen #Kapitalismus #Problem #Gesellschaft #system #wirtschaft #politik


DLF: Extremismusforschung - Ab wann ist jemand rechtsextrem?

Männer sind für rechtsextreme Vorstellungen offenbar empfänglicher als Frauen, das legen Studien nahe. Aber wie kommen diese Studien zustande? Und warum halten manche Wissenschaftler den Begriff „Rechtsextremismus“ für wenig geeignet?

Audio: Web | MP3

Info: Den Radiobeitrag habe ich gestern gehört und kann ihn nur empfehlen. Ich bin gespannt auf die folgenden Beiträge. Das bisher gesagte spiegelt leider meine eigenen Erfahrungen wieder.

#Radio #Rechtsextremismus #Rechtsradikalismus #Staat #Gesellschaft #System #Mitte #Empfehlung #2024-11-07 #DLF #2024-11-08