

Artificial #intelligence is making critical #health care decisions.

Advancements in #AI have created big gaps in what the #FDA regulates. It does nothing to review tools like chatbots, for example, and it has no #authority over systems that summarize #doctors’ notes and perform other critical administrative tasks.

Source: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/18/artificial-intelligence-health-care-fda-00141768

#technology #future #news #ethics #problem #politics #security #system


Dr. #ReinerFullmich interviews #Dr. Calin #Georgescu who is a true " #Mr. #Global" insider. Georgescu had high positions in both the #Club-of-Rome and the #UnitedNations before discovering something so horrific he had to get out.

He says the #WEF / Davos crowd = the oligarch system.

#Quote "The #world oligarch system has the control"
Quote "The UN is the bridge for the #Oligarch #system to run the world"

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ctwNUYShvL0

This guy really lays it all out here, I am shocked that this #interview is still available.

#Now here is #why
Georgescu is asked what made him finally leave the group.

He mentions that while working for the #UN in the #MarshalIslands they discovered a an #isolated #tribe of people whose average #age was 180-200 years old.

When he got back to #Geneva to write his report he had opposition and his press conference was canceled. He never mentions the year that this occurred, he does say that in #1960 the United States #completely #destroyed the #area where this tribe was found via " #nuclear testing"

I'm trying to better understand the timeline of all of this, and would like to find any corroborating information especially documentation that shows the UN was in the #Marshall-islands in the late 1950's.


Determine system settings with Inxi

The #Inxi #system #monitor offers a wide range of functions. An
overview of all parameters and settings can be found in the online help, which can be called with the parameter **-h**. The source archive also contains also contains a man page.

web: https://codeberg.org/smxi/inxi

#linux #terminal #commandline #tool #utility #setting #configuration


#China's #population drops for second year, with record low #birth rate

Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-population-drops-2nd-year-raises-long-term-growth-concerns-2024-01-17/

The country's retirement-age population, aged 60 and over, is expected to increase to more than 400 million by 2035 - more than the entire population of the United States - from about 280 million people currently.
The state-run Chinese Academy of Sciences sees the #pension #system running out of money by 2035.

Population reduction is good for the #environment. Perpetual growth is nonsense on a finite planet. Why not solve this problem now while we are still doing relatively well? I forgot, because it means work for politicians and they're not so good at that. Besides, many people don't want to change and adapt and believe that everything was better in the past. We used to cause the problems in the past that are now threatening to ruin our #future!

#economy #growth #news #statistics #children #youth #politics #earth #problem #civilization #humanity #capitalism #collapse #finance #resources


Hintergrund | Arte: Rechtsextreme auf dem Vormarsch

Rechtsextreme Gewalttaten nehmen in Deutschland zu. Wie gelingt es Extremisten, Terroraktionen und Anschläge gegen Juden und Migranten durchzuführen und die Sicherheitsbehörden zu infiltrieren? Welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten haben die Behörden, um den sich in Europa ausbreitenden Extremismus zu bekämpfen?

Video: Web | MP4 | Weitere

Info: Gerade den Link über einen Freund rein bekommen. Echt eindringliche und auch belastende Eindrücke.

Warnung: Wirklich belastende Inhalte die einen ziemlich herunterziehen können.

Tags: #Hintergrund #Video #Deutschland #Rechtsextremismus #Rechtsextreme-Gewalt #Doku #Staat #System #Versagen #Arte #Sascha #2024-01-14


An ob-gyn in #Virginia performed unnecessary surgeries on patients for decades. When his victims learned the truth, they fought back.

source: https://magazine.atavist.com/damages-javaid-perwaiz-virginia-obgyn-surgeries-lawsuit/?src=longreads

More than a half dozen suits are still working their way through the legal system, including one filed by Layla, who’d let the #FBI record her phone call with Perwaiz. (She declined to be interviewed for this story on advice of her attorney.) But most of Perwaiz’s victims, of which there are likely hundreds, have been left without a clear path to restitution. The FBI designated a victim coordinator to connect former patients with mental health services and to communicate information about the investigation and trial to people requesting it. The bureau told potential victims that, as a first step in addressing any harm done to them, they could request their medical files from Perwaiz’s office.

#usa #health #money #capitalism #fail #news #system #problem #victim #justice


#Zitat Franz #Müntefering: "Nur wer arbeitet, soll auch essen."

Zeigt wie verlogen unsere #Politik und menschenverachtend unser #System ist. Wenn die Politik nicht die #Arbeitslosigkeit finanzieren würde damit die Wirtschaft die Löhne drücken kann und einen Billiglohnsektor hat dann würde es wahrscheinlich weniger Probleme geben. Wer aber Menschen in schlecht bezahlte Zwangsarbeit zwingen will mit dem Hungertod sollte sich lieber wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit angeklagt werden, als SPD-Politiker spielen zu dürfen. Wofür stand noch mal das "S" in #SPD?

#Menschenrechte #Demokratie #Kapitalismus #Ausbeutung #Zwangsarbeit #Frechheit #Verbrechen #Verarschung #Wirtschaft