

When you're standing in the frozen food aisle, it's nearly impossible to know whether that Salisbury steak has thawed and refrozen -- a process with potentially harmful consequences. So, researchers have now designed a food-grade device from edible materials, including table salt, red cabbage and beeswax, that lets you know. The proof-of-concept sensor provides a color readout when it's warmed above a specific temperature, which is tunable from -58 F to 32 F.


#science #technology #temperature


How a #Billionaire’s “Attack #Philanthropy” Secretly Funded #Climate +Denialism and Right-Wing Causes

source: https://www.propublica.org/article/barre-seid-heartland-institute-hillsdale-college-gmu

Last month, The Lever and ProPublica as well as The New York Times detailed how Seid secretly handed a $1.6 billion fortune to a key architect of the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority that recently eliminated federal protections for #abortion rights.

Steven Baer, a longtime friend and former adviser to Seid, said the businessman has long been “the major patron” for the Heartland Institute, a small Chicago-area think tank which for decades has attacked #mainstream climate #science. A top executive at Seid’s former company, Tripp Lite, served as the chairman of the group. Among the recent claims on the institute’s website: “US #Temperature Readings Are Junk, Negating Climate Science” and “96% of U.S. Climate Data Is Corrupted.”

#BarreSeid #politics #finance #altRight #news #money #propaganda #fake #fail #problem #future #emissions


I was looking recently at "normal temperatures" in usually cool London, and U.K. generally. Thought I might visit, though last time I caught cold in the chilly, rainy (summer!) weather. Let's check. Wait a minute, something's going on here... Seems the site has melted.

And there's a 🔥burning red house over yonder... with a dose of blues. 🎸

Red House - Jimi Hendrix Live

#weather #heat #hot #London #UK #temperature #music #JimiHendrix #RedHouse #guitarlegend #musica #musique


Extreme #UK #weather: hottest day on record as #temperature passes 40C for first time. The recording of 40.2C was taken at Heathrow at 12.50pm today, and the forecaster expects temperatures to continue to rise. Met Office says UK provisionally had its warmest night. It certainly was too warm to sleep! #climate #climateChange #globalWarming



The #SI system of #units is based on very precise measurement of universal constants like the speed of light or Planck's constant and no longer on prototypes kept in #Paris, or wherever. However, for more mundane everyday use, many of the units are also linked closely to #water in the #MetricSystem. For examples, 1 #kg of liquid water at room termperature has 1 #litre of #volume. Therefore, 1 #tonne of water fits into a cube with sides of 1 #m. One #calorie is the amount of #heat or #energy required to raise the #temperature of 1 #gram (or 1 #cc or #CubicCentimetre) of water by 1 #degreeCelsius or 1 #K.



I can confirm experimentally, put a flat stone in your metal oven and you can cook a better pizza at higher temperature.


My oven reaches 270°C, but the sensor is somewhere above middle height, so that the stone eventually reaches 310°C or so.
Not the optimal 330°C but it's already far better, instead of ~240°C for 15 minutes I bake at ~300°C for about 7 minutes.

It is till long for a good pizza though, I had the occasion of using a big stone oven with wood, my pizza were baked in 1 to 2 minutes, and with the same ingredients I use in the metal oven fracking tastier.

So with my oven (every oven being different, especially for bread), you'd better first bake the dough + tomato for 3 to 4 minutes, and then put the other stuff like cheese on top, because after 7 minutes the cheese starts to burn too much, but I need the 7 minutes for the dough to start burning just what it takes (very important also for the taste : you have to burn the thing just the right amount)

#physics #science #pizza #oven #food #heat #temperature


Scientists raise #alarm over ‘dangerously fast’ growth in atmospheric #methane

source: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00312-2

The growth of methane emissions slowed around the turn of the millennium, but began a rapid and mysterious uptick around 2007. The spike has caused many researchers to worry that global warming is creating a feedback mechanism that will cause ever more methane to be released, making it even harder to rein in rising temperatures.

#climate #warming #greenhouseEffect #atmosphere #problem #science #crisis #earth #future #environment #temperature