

Andreas #Urban: Schwerer #Verlauf

#Corona als #Krisensymptom



Vortrag anlässlich der Präsentation des Sammelbandes Schwerer Verlauf. Corona als Krisensymptom im Rahmen der
Kritischen Literaturtage 2023 am 7. Mai 2023 in Wien

Das gesamte #Sammelband scheint sehr interessant zu sein. Hier ist eine längere Vorstellung der einzelnen Artikel darin.
Es ist ein #Aufarbeitung von einer kritischen #Distanz zu allen Akteuren, sowohl der Kritiker, wie auch der Verantwortlichen.

Wenn hier einer zufällig einer aus #Wien kommt sei auch an diesen #Termin erinnert: https://www.streifzuege.org/2023/schwerer-verlauf/?print=print

#Pandemie #Wertkritik #Kritik #Kapitalismus #Analyse #Krise #Schäden #Propaganda #Aufarbeitung #Psychologie #Wissenschaft #Virus #Angst #Thesen #streifzuege #Covid #Lockdown


#quote from #pa
" #5G was being rolled out the beginning of 2020, just as the #covid scam began.

Since the ' #virus' displays the #same #symptoms as 5G #technology side effects, the ill effects of the 5G roll-out were #hidden by the 'viral outbreak'.

It is valid to ask: ' #How many of those with the wide gamut of 'symptoms' claimed to have been caused by the virus were actually reacting to 5G as it was turned on all over the world?'"


#Cuba is teaching the world lessons in #sustainability

Cuba is showing resilience and plenty of lessons to learn about tough times, gardening and humanitarianism — and it all starts with food security.

Along with the realization that climate change will affect the planet through rising sea levels, #flooding, #fires, #droughts, #hurricanes, #tornadoes and irregular wind patterns also comes the realization that food security will need to be a priority. Innovative models of #agriculture will need to be practiced for other reasons as well.

The sudden #coronavirus pandemic alert is another strong reminder that food security and sustainability help create a more resilient society all round. For now, Canadians are largely worried about limiting the spread of the #virus, or getting home safely from other countries. As days of isolation turn into weeks, remote work or #unemployment becomes a reality for most, and spring arrives, we may soon wonder why we have not turned our back- and front-yards into food gardens sooner.

#WeDontHaveTime #Politics #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #GlobalWarming #Environment



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"The pandemic" " #The #virus" " #Covid-19" " #Infection" " #Contagion"

Repeat these words a few trillion times and keep repeating them in every major #media outlet and in all conventional literature as if they were the gospel truth--and show them coming out of the mouths of all government officials and all major public figures--and people will eventually believe the story they're being told, no matter what the evidence from their senses and their life experience actually indicates.

What we are witnessing in this Covid era is literally the making of a #mythology. Unfortunately, unlike whimsical myths about cyclops and mermaids, this myth--because of how it has been used and will continue to be used by the murderous maniacs in power--is the greatest threat our species has ever faced. We must do everything humanly possible to expose it for what it really is: the biggest, most dangerous #LIE in #history.


Excellent in-depth article by microbiologist #Dr. #MarkBailey:

-- A #Farewell To #Virology (Expert Edition)

Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfil its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have “viral” diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices. For instance, an “isolated” isolate does not require the physical existence of the particles in order to be afforded “isolation” status.

A viral particle must fulfil defined physical and biological properties including being a replication-competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions. . . .

#SARS-CoV-2 remains nothing more than a hypothetical #computer #construct, assembled from genetic fragments of unproven provenance. There has never been a physically isolated (i.e. purified) particle shown to be responsible for the production of identical particles or a particle shown to be the cause of pathological effects in any human or in an experimental animal model. Thus, the declaration by virologists such as Van Ranst, along with the WHO and its adherents, that an infectious particle termed ‘SARS-CoV-2’ is causing a disease pandemic is shown to be patent scientific and intellectual #fraud.

It is hard to know exactly what to call virology, but it is not science. The current practitioners are engaging in some form of algorithmic or statistical speculation added to circular reasoning and confirmation bias, with a complete absence of what should be the corresponding process of refutation that lies at the heart of the scientific method.

Because a scientific theory demands evidence that has repeatedly been tested and corroborated in accordance with the scientific method, it is clear that “viruses” never even reached the stage of a theory. According to the science, they remain mere speculation.



Vor einigen Jahren habe ich einem Kunden einen Bericht von einem Einsatz geschickt, seit dem bekomme ich immer wieder Phishing und Virenemails, die den Text der E-Mail von damals enthalten. Meisten dann mit einem Anhang, ich meine fast immer eine HTML Datei.

Ich gehe davon aus, dass die E-Mail tausendfach in der Welt unterwegs ist.

Schönes Beispiel für #Phishing und dafür, dass ein kompromittiertes System beim Empfänger auch für den Absender einen Schaden verursachen kann, hier ggf. ein Imageschaden für meinen Arbeitgeber.

Toll ist auch, dass der Kunde nach einem Hinweis von mir meinte das Problem kann nicht mit ihm zu tun haben, klar mein damaliges #Linux #Mint könnte auch nen Datenabfluss, #Trojaner oder #Virus gehabt haben, aber das ist doch eher unwahrscheinlich.


#People around the #world are becoming more aware of the ‘no virus’ argument as the “ #science#of #virology has been #exposed. However, there is often a language barrier when it comes to reaching some countries. Many of the best-known critics of virology are in the English-speaking world and have developed strong alliances with large followings.

The good news is that the movement for truth is truly international and this video will look at some of the advancements being made in regions that are perhaps lesser known to most of our English-speaking audience.
And could the #madness of #COVID-19 end up bringing the world closer together?
Source: https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/viruses-unplugged/no-virus-is-international/See less

#virusscam money making from mass murder is the height of evil Dr death and nurse fear
get paid by gates and co to kill


Alerte : Macron annonce la généralisation d’un vaccin contenant de la mort aux rats

Les 8 raisons pour lesquelles la généralisation de la vaccination anti-HPV annoncée par E.Macron est une dangereuse duperie

La France, elle, s’apprête à l’injecter à tous ses élèves de 5ème ! filles et garçons.

Extrait à propos de la présence de borate de sodium :

On y trouve notamment du borate de sodium, qui intervient dans la composition de la mort aux rats, et donc classé toxique par l’Union européenne, avec l’avertissement suivant : « peut nuire à la fertilité et au fœtus » [19] !
Étonnant pour un vaccin destiné prioritairement aux femmes !
Sans surprise, le premier effet secondaire est donc l’infertilité.

Je mets ici la conclusion de l'article :

Il ressort de tout cela que le rapport bénéfice/risques du vaccin anti-HPV est désastreux.
Je vous le disais, au bout d’un an d’une de ses campagnes officielles de vaccination, le Japon a cessé de recommander le vaccin, suite à des dizaines de cas de « syndromes de brûlures chroniques [34] ».
Une décision courageuse. Et en France ?
Eh bien, en France… le ministère de la santé a décidé en décembre 2019 d’étendre sa recommandation de vaccination aux garçons [35].
Et maintenant, Emmanuel Macron entend généraliser la vaccination à tous les adolescents, garçons comme filles !
La question que je pose maintenant est : pourquoi ?
Pourquoi Emmanuel Macron généralise-t-il la vaccination anti-HPV ?
La France compte 6300 cas de cancers du col de l’utérus.
Le taux de survie à 5 ans est de 63% à un stade avancé, et de 90% à un stade précoce.
Emmanuel Macron entend donc vacciner des dizaines de millions de Français, notamment des enfants, pour espérer (je dis bien espérer, car l’efficacité de ce vaccin est, d’après les chercheurs britanniques, « surestimée ») sauver entre 1000 et 2000 personnes…
Exposer la santé de millions de Français aux graves effets secondaires de ce vaccin pour sauver 1000 à 2000 vies ne tient pas debout, on s’en rend bien compte.
Pourquoi alors généraliser cette vaccination ?
Par intérêt financier et industriel.
Le Gardasil a bénéficié d’un emballement médiatique incroyable et d’un très gros investissement de lobbying de la part de l’industrie pharmaceutique.
Avant la sortie des vaccins anti-Covid, le vaccin anti-HPV était le deuxième vaccin le plus lucratif du monde.
Pour la seule année 2016, le Gardasil a rapporté 2,5 milliards de dollars au laboratoire Merck [36].
Peut-on dire que, grâce à lui, on a pu lutter contre un problème de santé d’ampleur planétaire, une épidémie mondiale ?
Eh bien même pas.
Loin de là.
En France, le cancer du col de l’utérus n’est « que » le 12è cancer touchant les femmes : 2797 femmes étaient atteintes de ce cancer en 2015. Bien sûr c’est dramatique pour les personnes atteintes.
Mais ce chiffre est « modeste » comparé aux 54 062 femmes atteintes d’un cancer du sein la même année, et aux 53 913 hommes atteints d’un cancer de la prostate [37] !
Alors deux questions se posent :
pourquoi avoir fait de la lutte contre le cancer de l’utérus une croisade de santé publique dans tant de pays,
pourquoi le Gardasil fait-il un tel carton ?!
Le succès du Gardasil repose en réalité sur :
son prix élevé (plus de 400 euros pour les trois injections nécessaires) ;
la politique vaccinaliste des États, y compris et surtout la France, où 11 vaccins sont déjà obligatoires, ce qui fait de nous les champions d’Europe, et une exception dans le monde.
A présent que le vaccin sera administré à tous les collégiens de France, garçons compris (sous l’argument fallacieux qu’ils sont porteurs du virus, évidemment, puisqu’ils ne peuvent par définition développer un cancer du col de l’utérus !), vous imaginez le jackpot absolu pour les laboratoires commercialisant ces vaccins.
La campagne de vaccination généralisée à la rentrée prochaine est annoncée comme « gratuite » par M. Macron, mais vous vous doutez bien que c’est nous, contribuables, qui allons en réalité la financer : Merck ne va pas raser gratis !
La démarche de connivence entre l’industrie pharmaceutique et le pouvoir est, dans cette affaire, outrageusement cynique.
Nous devons refuser cette vaccination généralisée inutile et dangereuse, de toutes nos forces !

#HPV #Papillomavirus #virus #vaccin #vaccinPapillomavirus #VaccinHPV #VaccinAntiHPV #vaccination #Gardasil #Cervarix #ClaireSeverac #RodolpheBacquet #AlternatifBienEtre #BigPharma #Macron #Cancer #CancerColUterus #PrixNobel #AgenceDuMedicament #Fertilite #Infertilite #BorateDeSodium #Capitalisme #Rrr #GiletsJaunes #MacronDehors #MacronDemission #Sante #Societe #Politique #Alerte


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Stanley Johnson, Boris Johnson's father, famously wrote a book based on the 1967 outbreak. The Guardian paper wrote a piece about his book "The Marburg virus" when Stanley Johnson republished it forty years later (since it was out of print).

The Behringwerke Laboratory where the #Marburg #virus was discovered has a disreputable history having being involved in Nazi research on diseases like typhus during the second world war. In collaboration with the Hygiene Institute of the Waffen-SS they took inmates from the Buchenwald concentration camp and experimented on them. Prisoners were infected with typhus in order to constantly have fresh pathogens available for experiments. 127 inmates are said to have died from these experiments.

But biological warfare experiments could not have taken place in Marburg after the fall of the Nazi regime, could they?

After World War II, a Nazi doctor involved in the experiments at Marburg, Kurt Heissmeyer was convicted and sentenced to death but not all Nazi doctors experienced the same fate. A notable example was Dr. Kurt Blome who was a high-ranking Nazi scientist who had worked on biological weapons research during World War II, some of it related to the work at Marburg. After the war, he was recruited by the U.S. military as part of Operation Paperclip, and in 1947 he was brought to the United States to work on biological warfare research. Unsurprisingly his presence in the USA caused a lot of controversy and his visa was not granted.

So in the early 1950s, Blome was transferred to the European Command Intelligence Center (ECIC) that was a military intelligence organization that operated within the United States European Command (USEUCOM). This was at Oberursel, West Germany just an hour’s drive from the laboratory at Marburg. At the centre, he worked on developing the USA’s biological warfare capabilities while also assessing the capabilities of the Soviet Union in the field of biological warfare.

There is evidence to suggest that the research conducted at the lab in Marburg, Germany, was related to the development of biological weapons connected with this ECIC program. The lab began work in the early 1960s for research into viral hemorrhagic fevers. This just happened to be the place where a new super viral hemorrhagic fever emerges in 1967, the Marburg virus. That is blamed on green monkeys who had brought the disease from Uganda. There are grounds to believe that the monkeys received it from the viral genetic engineering that took place at Marburg.

A possible origin of the Marburg virus could be Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) which is from the same family of viruses, called Filoviridae. It was first ‘discovered’ in 1944 in the Crimean Peninsula, now disputed territory between Russia and Ukraine. At the time, Soviet scientists were investigating an outbreak of a disease characterized by fever, haemorrhage, and death among farmers and agricultural workers in the region. They isolated the virus from infected ticks and later from the blood of patients. This just happened to be a region that had just been occupied by the retreating Nazis. At a time when Dr. Kurt Blome was said to be developing a ‘miracle’ biological weapon for Adolf Hitler that could save them the war. The fatality rate of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) is around 10% to 40%, the fatality rate of Marburg is 25% to 90%. The Ebola virus is also in the same family and was first identified during outbreaks in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976. It has proved less fatal but is more contagious. Whatever the extent of the human involvement and genetic manipulation of these viruses there is no doubt with extensive evidence that these viruses have been weaponised by both the USA and Russia.

The influence of the Behringwerke laboratory in Marburg has continued to grow. Now an Industrial Park with approximately 7,000 employees working within the biotechnology centre. The centre has attracted many cutting edge pharmaceutical companies including BioNTech.

BioNTech are of course famous for creating the mRNA vaccine for the Covid-19 vaccine with dubious effectiveness. The site at Marburg is amongst the largest #mRNA manufacturing facilities worldwide. producing up to 750 million doses of the #Covid-19 #vaccine a year. With the increasing side effects associated with the vaccine, some have questioned if it is itself a biological #weapon.



#virusScam by the evil ones has fooled the fools
18th February 2023 - "It’s hard to believe that we are now over three years into the #COVID-19 #fraud. We have exposed every aspect of #virology and it is clear that the #virus model is not supported by the scientific literature. However, belief in the “virus” is necessary to achieve control of the population and this is maintained through one distraction after another. Project #Veritas have produced the latest nonsense that unfortunately keeps people trapped within the fraudulent virus and contagion paradigms.
Belief in viruses is as deadly as the belief in the authority of the state. Many of the freedom community don’t seem to realise that changing the actors won’t free them from the plantation. The good news is that team “no virus” continues to gain more traction… "