

What Happens When a #Romance #Writer Gets Locked Out of #Google Docs

source: https://www.wired.com/story/what-happens-when-a-romance-author-gets-locked-out-of-google-docs/?esrc=AUTO_PRINT

In March, an aspiring author got a troubling message: All of her works in progress were no longer accessible. What happened next is every writer’s worst fear.

Google never specified which of her 222,000 words was inappropriate.


Generally speaking, files containing #violence, #abuse, child sexual abuse material, and gore violate the terms of service for Google Drive and its associated products, like Docs and Sheets.

Now many of you will be thinking, who is stupid enough to store everything in the Google #cloud? The problem is we know that, but many people out there don't. We urgently need to do more educational work and warn people about companies like Google and their practices. Tell all your friends and acquaintances and don't use the clouds of the big corporations.

#news #problem #fail #warning #danger #service #customer #internet #economy #security #wtf #omg #disaster


covid ER nurse what do they not want you to #know?
15.10 vax questions
19.49 dark #truth about #hospital #births
21.05 questions on #excess #deaths
22.35 hpv on trail
24.08 Gardasil vax
25.53 matt hancock madazalam and morphine
27.07 ppe scandal
27.23 pfas exposure
28.32 how we are poisoned
30.01 smart watch #danger
31.30 us research
32.25 #5g are there dangers
37.40 5g contract trace
42.01 5g kill grid
45.54 #cancer lies Thomas Seyfried
48.39 leds bad
50.08 mushrooms
52.10 cures hidden in plaine site
53.37 cancer cured

#ceylon #News


#AI and Mass #Spying

source: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/12/ai-and-mass-spying.html

All the #data will be saved. It will all be searchable, and understandable, in bulk. Tell me who has talked about a particular topic in the past month, and how #discussions about that topic have evolved. Person A did something; check if someone told them to do it. Find everyone who is plotting a #crime, or spreading a rumor, or planning to attend a political #protest.

#surveillance #spy #politics #police #cyberwar #NSA #palantir #china #bigbrother #1984 #orwell #danger #warning #news #problem #economy #internet #technology #humanrights #freedom #military #justice


#BLUFFS: #Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses

Source: https://francozappa.github.io/post/2023/bluffs-ccs23/

TL;DR: If you are within range of a Bluetooth connection, you can force both devices into an insecure #encryption which can be cracked using brute force. The #workaround is to reject weak encryption via #software. Since there are never #updates for devices that have already been sold, any Bluetooth #connection with an old device must be considered insecure. Bluetooth can be monitored up to 100 meters with special antennas.

#bug #fail #security #hack #warning #danger #problem #update #news #CVE-2023-24023 #smartphone #vulnerability