

#PACE hearing on Julian #Assange's #detention and conviction and their chilling effects on human rights

watch: https://www.youtube.com/live/Mq85IZMeigc?t=746s

It is a shame for Western democracy that neither #Sweden nor the #UK have a review and a committee of inquiry into the failure of justice and US interference in the supposedly independent judiciary in the Assange case. Unfortunately, many politicians in Western Europe believe that human rights are only violated in Russia, China or Afghanistan, but not on their own doorstep. Distracted by the many crises and the rise of far-right parties, Europe is heading straight into diabolical chaos đŸ˜±

#humanrights #europe #politics #justice #wikileaks #journalism #press #freedom #democracy #news #ethics #fail #problem #future #USA #torture #scandal


đŸ‡ŹđŸ‡· WĂ€hrend die Regierung den #EGMR belĂŒgt, sie hĂ€tten diese #RefugeesGr nicht gefunden, deren Rettung befohlen wurde, schickten 40 von ihnen ihren Standort, eine Hafteinrichtung! Andere berichten, dass sie bereits brutal in die TĂŒrkei abgeschoben wurden.

via @VassilisTsarnas


#Greece #ECtHR #detention #StopPushBacks


L’ancien militant italien Cesare Battisti, à l’isolement depuis 28 mois, mùne une grùve de la faim

L’ancien membre des ProlĂ©taires armĂ©s pour le communisme, condamnĂ© pour homicides et qui a vĂ©cu longtemps en France, a cessĂ© de s’alimenter depuis le 2 juin. IncarcĂ©rĂ© Ă  l’isolement depuis 2019, il demande Ă  purger sa peine en dĂ©tention ordinaire. https://www.bastamag.net/L-ancien-militant-italien-Cesare-Battisti-en-greve-de-la-faim-prison-Italie-isolement

#Prison #GreveDeLaFaim #Isolement #DroitsHumains #Militant #Detention #Italie #CesareBattisti


Concentration Camps and Democracy

"The Manus Island and Nauru centres are concentration camps, in my view. Concentration camps are places where people, often in large numbers, are indefinitely confined, against their will. In overcrowded settings, they’re denied proper toilet and sanitation facilities, pushed to the limits of their endurance, beaten, driven crazy."


#concentration-camp #detention #asylum-seeker #refugee #capitalism #democracy #asylumseeker #injustice