

Guess who is the largest private land owner in Romania.


The investigations by Greenpeace and fellow environmental groups Agent Green and the Bruno Manser Fonds focus on IKEA’s procurement of wood from ecologically sensitive areas in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains.

Inter IKEA Group, the franchisor responsible for the IKEA supply chain, and Ingka told Mongabay they “strongly disagree” with the findings and that the operations complied with national and European laws.

#Romania #forest #destruction #IKEA #Greenpeace


Staubilanz des ADAC: 2.400 Stunden Stau an einem Tag

Fahrgemeinschaften könnten Straßen leerer machen. Trotzdem wird das Verkehrsaufkommen weiter steigen, sagt der ADAC. Greenpeace sieht das anders.#Autoverkehr #Stau #ADAC #Greenpeace #GNS #Verkehr #Öko #Feed
Staubilanz des ADAC: 2.400 Stunden Stau an einem Tag


"Only the billionaires will be able to afford to buy food, and all the other people will die."

#Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, on the genocidal consequences of the war on farmers, being waged under the banner of Agenda 2030/Net Zero.#NoFarmersNoFood


$8.6 Million #Shell #Lawsuit Threatens #Greenpeace's Ability to #Protest

Source: https://www.commondreams.org/news/greenpeace-shell-lawsuit

"I will stand up in scourt and fight this; and if Shell refuses to stop #drilling, I refuse to stop fighting for #climate #justice," one #activist named in the #suit said.

The most powerful have always tried to abuse the law for their own purposes in order to prevent protests against #injustice. This has forced the protest #movement into the #underground and strengthened #resistance. In the French #Revolution, the powerful were ultimately surprised by the pent-up #anger against the abuse of the #law.

#politics #economy #news #problem #activism #environment #nature #oil #fossil #fuel #future #earth #finance #money #capitalism


Petit rappel de #saison : Les #pommes « empoisonnées toxiques ».

Les pommes françaises sont bien empoisonnées aux #pesticides, la #justice donne raison à #Greenpeace
-French #apples are indeed poisoned with pesticides, the justice rules in favour of Greenpeace.-
-Französische #Äpfel sind tatsächlich mit #Pestiziden vergiftet, #Gericht gibt Greenpeace recht.-

La #France, première puissance agricole européenne, est également championne du taux de #pesticide dans le sang de ses habitants. Selon une étude de l’institut de veille #sanitaire, ils sont présents dans notre sang à des niveaux au moins trois fois plus élevés que dans ceux des #Américains ou des #Allemands.

#phyto-sanitaires #ANPP #Pomme #Poire #Apple #Pear #Apfel #Birne #Season #Glyphosate #Écologie #Santé