Envoyé Special #Reportage #Techno "La Touche Française" - 1999
French Touch : Réalisé en 1999, "French Touch, ces Français qui font danser le monde" est un #documentaire emblématique sur la #scène #électronique #française des années 90, diffusé à l'origine sur France 2. Ce projet est l'œuvre des réalisateurs Alexis Bernier et Philippe Lévy.
À cette époque, Daft Punk est déjà une superstar de la scène électronique mondiale, et #LaurentGarnier règne sur les platines. En parallèle, Air, #Cassius, #Stardust, #AlexGopher et #BobSinclar sont célébrés dans les #médias #musicaux #anglo-saxons, qui s'enthousiasment pour "la French Touch". En #France, le #mouvement est en pleine effervescence, soutenu par une multitude de petites structures : #labels, #soirées, #magasins et #associations.
Alexis Bernier, alors journaliste à Libération, et Philippe Lévy, photographe et vidéaste, réalisent un documentaire de 50 minutes pour Envoyé Spécial sur France 2, capturant cette période vibrante. De Paris à New York, Londres, Barcelone et Montpellier, ils documentent la scène en pleine expansion avec des figures comme Laurent Garnier, Gilb'R, Cassius, Kid Loco, #LaurentHo, #Rinocérose, les organisateurs des soirées Respect, le patron du label #F-Com, et même #ThomasBangalter de #DaftPunk mixant dans l'ombre lors d'une #rave. Un retour en arrière aussi précieux qu'enrichissant.
Le documentaire "French Touch, ces Français qui font danser le monde" a été réalisé en 1999 par Alexis Bernier et Philippe Lévy pour l'émission Envoyé Spécial diffusée sur France 2. Ce reportage explore l'impact de la scène électronique française des années 90 et la manière dont elle a influencé la musique mondiale.
Contenu du Documentaire : Focus sur la Scène Électronique : Le documentaire se concentre sur les figures emblématiques de la French Touch comme Daft Punk, Laurent Garnier, Air, Cassius, Stardust, Alex Gopher, et Bob Sinclar. Il met en lumière leur rôle dans la popularisation de la musique électronique à l'échelle mondiale.
#Contexte #Historique : Il capture l'effervescence et l'enthousiasme autour de ce mouvement #culturel en France, et comment il a été reçu à l'international.
Interviews et Performances : Le #film présente des #interviews avec ces artistes ainsi que des images de leurs #performances. Il inclut aussi des #séquences de #concerts, de soirées, et des #coulisses des #événements.
Réalisateurs : Alexis Bernier : Journaliste à Libération à l'époque, il a joué un rôle clé dans la conception et la réalisation du documentaire.
Philippe Lévy : #Photographe et #vidéaste, il a apporté son expertise visuelle au projet, capturant l'énergie et l'esprit du mouvement.
Impact et Réception : Résonance #Culturelle : Le documentaire est devenu une référence pour ceux qui s'intéressent à l' #histoire de la musique électronique, offrant un aperçu précieux sur la manière dont la #French #Touch a façonné la #scène #musicale.
Archivage : Il reste une ressource importante pour comprendre l' #évolution de la musique électronique et l'influence des #artistes #français sur la scène #internationale.
Ce reportage est souvent cité comme un document clé pour quiconque souhaite comprendre l'impact et l'importance du #mouvement #FrenchTouch dans le monde de la musique.
#musique #music
Immer wieder erschreckend. Sehenswert. 👍
Mächtige Player haben in geheimen Verhandlungen über die Zukunft der #Musikindustrie entschieden - vorbei an #Bands und #Künstler*innen. Doch es regt sich Widerstand: Gemeinsam trauen sich prominente #Artists mit ihrer #Kritik vor die Kamera.
Wie #Spotify #Geld verdient: Der geheime #Deal mit den #Labels (1/3) | #Musikbranche | #Streaming | #BR
Die #Doku-Serie "Dirty Little Secrets" gibt Einblick in das System Spotify: Internationale Superstars können vom #Musikstreaming gut leben, die meisten #Künstler aber nicht. Im einem Berliner Club trauen sich neun #Musikerinnen und #Musiker, offen vor der Kamera darüber zu sprechen, wie wenig sie mit Streaming verdienen. Es sind 200 bis 300 Euro im Monat, verrät der Musiker und Schriftsteller Rocko Schamoni. Ausschlaggebend ist der #Verteilungsschlüssel: Je häufiger ein Song gestreamt wird, desto mehr ist er wert. Häufig geben #Playlists den Ausschlag, welcher Artist wie oft gehört wird und wer wie viel verdient.
Zum ersten Mal setzen sich Musikerinnen und Musiker an einen Tisch: Balbina, Maeckes, Chefket, Rocko Schamoni, Peter Maffay und andere reden offen darüber, wie wenig sie mit Streaming verdienen. #Investigativ-Reporterinnen und - #Reporter des Bayerischen Rundfunks machen sich auf die Suche nach sogenannten "Geistermusikern", die einige #Spotify-Playlists dominieren. Und Smudo von den Fantastischen Vier erzählt, wie er sich als Geschäftsmann mit einem großen Player im Event-Business angelegt hat.
oder in der #ARD-Mediathek:
- Folge 1: Der geheime Deal mit den Labels
- Folge 2: Die Geistermusiker
- Folge 3: Die verschwundene Firma
Kurzer Hinweis: Hier kommen u.a. auch Künstler/innen zu Wort, die ich pers. aufgrund ihres öffentlichen Gebarens (z.B. Smudo) ablehne. Da sie aber erhellendes zum Thema beitragen, habe ich diese Künstler drin gelassen.
#Apple-Music #Deezer #Amazon-Music #YouTube #Mediathek #Doku #Dokumentation #Video ☮️
We are excited to announce the #ClamAV 1.1.0 release candidate.
You may find the source code and installers for this release on:
The clamav.net/downloads page, or
The ClamAV GitHub release page
Tip: If you are downloading the source from the GitHub release page, the package labeled "clamav-1.1.0-rc.tar.gz" does not require an internet connection to build. All dependencies are included in this package. But if you download the ZIP or TAR.GZ generated by GitHub, located at the very bottom, then an internet connection will be required during the build to download additional Rust dependencies.
For Docker users, there is no specific Docker tag for the release candidate, but you can use the clamav:unstable or clamav:unstable_base tags.
The release candidate phase is expected to last two to three weeks before we publish the stable release or a second release candidate. Please take this time to evaluate ClamAV 1.1.0.
Please help us validate this release by providing feedback via the ClamAV mailing list or on our Discord.
ClamAV 1.1.0 includes the following improvements and changes:
Major changes
Added the ability to extract images embedded in HTML CSS blocks.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/813
Updated to Sigtool so that the --vba option will extract VBA code from Microsoft Office documents the same way that libclamav extracts VBA. This resolves several issues where Sigtool could not extract VBA. Sigtool will also now display the normalized VBA code instead of the pre-normalized VBA code.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/852
Added a new #ClamScan and #ClamD option: --fail-if-cvd-older-than=days. Additionally, we introduce FailIfCvdOlderThan as a clamd.conf synonym for --fail-if-cvd-older-than. When passed, it causes ClamD to exit on startup with a non-zero return code if the virus database is older than the specified number of days.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/867
Added a new function cl_cvdgetage() to the libclamav API. This function will retrieve the age in seconds of the youngest file in a database directory, or the age of a single CVD (or CLD) file.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/867
Added a new function cl_engine_set_clcb_vba() to the libclamav API. Use this function to set a cb_vba callback function. The cb_vba callback function will be run whenever VBA is extracted from office documents. The provided data will be a normalized copy of the extracted VBA. This callback was added to support Sigtool so that it can use the same VBA extraction logic that ClamAV uses to scan documents.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/852
Other improvements:
Removed the vendored TomsFastMath library in favor of using OpenSSL to perform "big number"/multiprecision math operations. Work courtesy of Sebastian Andrzej Siewior.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/840
Build system: Added CMake option DO_NOT_SET_RPATH to avoid setting RPATH on Unix systems. Feature courtesy of Sebastian Andrzej Siewior.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/815
Build system: Enabled version-scripts with CMake to limit symbol exports for libclamav, libfreshclam, libclamunrar_iface, and libclamunrar shared libraries on Unix systems, excluding macOS. Improvement courtesy of Orion Poplawski and Sebastian Andrzej Siewior.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/776
Build system: Enabled users to pass in custom Rust compiler flags using the RUSTFLAGS CMake variable. Feature courtesy of Orion Poplawski.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/835
Removed a hard-coded alert for CVE-2004-0597. The CVE is old enough that it is no longer a threat and the detection had occasional false-positives.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/855
Set Git attributes to prevent Git from altering line endings for Rust vendored libraries. Third-party Rust libraries are bundled in the ClamAV release tarball. We do not commit them to our own Git repository, but community package maintainers may now store the tarball contents in Git. The Rust build system verifies the library manifest, and this change ensures that the hashes are correct. Improvement courtesy of Nicolas R.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/800
Fixed compile time warnings. Improvement courtesy of Răzvan Cojocaru.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/795
Added a minor optimization when matching domain name regex signatures for PDB, WDB and CDB type signatures.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/837
Build system: Enabled the ability to select a specific Python version. When building, you may use the CMake option -D PYTHON_FIND_VER= to choose a specific Python version. Feature courtesy of Matt Jolly.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/787
Added improvements to the #ClamOnAcc process log output so that it is easier to diagnose bugs.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/822
#Windows: Enabled the MSI installer to upgrade between feature versions more easily when ClamAV is installed to a location different from the default (i.e., not C:\Program Files\ClamAV). This means that the MSI installer can find a previous ClamAV 1.0.x installation to upgrade to ClamAV 1.1.0.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/872
#Sigtool: Added the ability to change the location of the temp directory using the --tempdir option and added the ability to retain the temp files created by Sigtool using the --leave-temps option.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/852
Other minor improvements:
Bug fixes
Fixed the broken ExcludePUA / --exclude-pua feature. Fix courtesy of Ged Haywood and Shawn Iverson.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/780
Fixed an issue with integer endianness when parsing Windows executables on big-endian systems. Fix courtesy of Sebastian Andrzej Siewior.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/814
Fixed a possible stack overflow read when parsing WDB signatures. This issue is not a vulnerability.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/807
Fixed a possible index out of bounds when loading CRB signatures. This issue is not a vulnerability.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/810
Fixed a possible use after free when reading logical signatures. This issue is not a vulnerability.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/811
Fixed a possible heap overflow read when reading PDB signatures. This issue is not a vulnerability.
GitHub pull request: https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/pull/812
Special thanks to the following people for code contributions and bug reports:
Craig Andrews
Ged Haywood
Matt Jolly
Orion Poplawski
Nicolas R.
Răzvan Cojocaru
Shawn Iverson
Sebastian Andrzej Siewior
The OSS-Fuzz project
Posted by Micah Snyder at 1:04 PM
#Labels: 1.1.0, #Release_Candidate
#ClimateImpact #labels could help people eat less #RedKeat | #Food | The Guardian
The amount of #meat consumed is too high both for the planet and for our #health. We need to cut down drastically.
#Environment #GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #Farming #Agriculture #GreenhousGases #Emissions
Es sollte handliche #labels im alltag geben die jede #aussage oder dahinterliegendes gedankenkonstrukt als #Meinung oder #Erkenntnis deklarieren. - das würde mir sehr viel stress ersparen...
GNU Linux Debian 11 - How to setup Brother QL 600 LabelPrinter
it’s a two part process:
1. install the drivers
(thanks all involved great work 🙂
<span style="color: #00ffff;">su - root
apt update
apt install printer-driver-ptouch
2. install the printer via cups web browser interface
-> Administration -> Add Printer
select the driver for QL-650TD
click on “Add Printer”
stick with the default options.
3. (optional but recommended) get some templates for LibreOffice:
(print some nice sentences… and make ’em stick… e.g. to a traffic light post… )
for example:
it can do pictures fairly fast…
“fascinating” isn’t it?
#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #debian #print #label #labels #printing #cups #brother
Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/07/13/gnu-linux-debian-11-how-to-setup-brother-ql-600-labelprinter/
GNU Linux Debian 11 - How to setup Brother QL 600 LabelPrinter
it’s a two part process:
1. install the drivers
(thanks all involved great work 🙂
<span style="color: #00ffff;">su - root
apt update
apt install printer-driver-ptouch
2. install the printer via cups web browser interface
-> Administration -> Add Printer
select the driver for QL-650TD
click on “Add Printer”
stick with the default options.
3. (optional but recommended) get some templates for LibreOffice:
#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #debian #print #label #labels #printing #cups #brother
Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/07/13/gnu-linux-debian-11-how-to-setup-brother-ql-600-labelprinter/
Aujourd'hui, vendredi 1er octobre, c'est Bandcamp Friday !
Le jour où vos achats sur bandcamp rapportent le plus aux artistes et labels.
On the first Friday of every month since March of 2020, we’ve waived our revenue share to help support the many artists who have seen their livelihoods disrupted by the pandemic. Over the course of these 15 days, fans paid artists and labels $61 million dollars, helping cover rents, mortgages, groceries, medications, and much more. If you’re among the nearly 800,000 fans who participated, thank you.
The next Bandcamp Friday will be on October 1st, and we’ll continue to hold those on the first Friday of every month thereafter for the rest of 2021.
If you’ve started to feel guilty about buying music on any day other than Bandcamp Friday, here’s something to keep in mind: on Bandcamp Fridays, an average of 93% of your money reaches the artist/label (after payment processor fees). When you make a purchase on any other day of the month (as 2.5 million of you have since March, buying an additional $190 million worth of music and merch) an average of 82% reaches the artist/label. Every day is a good day to directly support artists on Bandcamp!
#bandcamp #bandcampfriday #music #artists #musique #musiciens #labels
#goodstuff #thoughtprovokingstuff
#simpalife #growroom420 #thegrowroomdiariespodcast #cannabis #lettherebeherb #activism
#advice #society #freedom #rights #humanrights #prohibition #corruption #government #parliament #corporation #1percent #homegrowrights #love #connection #oneness #organisation #reform #empowerment #ideas #changetheworld #conversations #communicating #peace #obligation #responsibility #potentialfuture #future #beauty #psychedelic #service #goodness #nice #nicepeople #innerchild #joy #therearenoadults #halftruths #justpeople #justkids #labels #dealing #alwaysmore #insights #remaincurious #curiosity #consider #energy #learn