


Originally posted by the Voice of America.
Voice of America content is produced by the Voice of America,
a United States federal government-sponsored entity, and is in
the public domain.

New details emerge of how journalist-turned-spy kept watch on Navalny

by Graham Keeley

For nearly a decade, a Spanish Russian freelancer used his cover as a
journalist to spy on Russian dissidents for Moscow, including late
opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

Disclosures from intelligence services have shed further light on how
Pablo Gonzalez operated.

Posing as a journalist, Gonzalez allegedly sent the GRU, the Russian
military intelligence, photographs and the Wi-Fi passwords of venues
for meetings of exiled opposition groups.

Gonzalez was also accused of preparing reports on forums attended by
officials from former Soviet Union countries.

His alleged investigations centered on prospective NATO members,
dissident members and the security structures of neighboring states.

His cover as a freelancer who reported for Spanish media and
contributed to international networks, including Spain's EFE, Deutsche
Welle, and VOA was so good that even after his arrest in Poland in
February 2022, some supporters still believed it was a case of mistaken

In August, Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed Gonzalez at an
airport in Moscow as part of a hostage swap in which American
journalists and Russian rights activists were exchanged for an assassin
and spies. Their greeting ended any speculation.

Gonzalez, a married father of three, always denied spying and was never
formally charged.

But on Sunday, Spanish newspaper [1]El Mundo reported it had obtained
access to dozens of reports on Gonzalez, citing "Spanish and foreign
intelligence sources."

The Polish prosecutor's office said in a report that Gonzalez "formally
belonged to the structures of the (GRU)" from April 2016.

He was described as "a journalist and political scientist by
profession, married with three children, who covered current affairs
throughout the former Soviet Union with a monthly income of between
'¬1,500 ($1,645) and '¬2,000 ($2,194) and collaborated with various
news outlets."

VOA hired Gonzalez via a third-party freelance media platform. After
learning of his arrest in Poland, the broadcaster removed his content.

Miguel Angel Oliver, president of EFE, told VOA that his network had a
" brief collaboration" with Gonzalez, principally about photographs at
the start of the Ukraine war."

Espionage files

El Mundo described how Polish investigators allegedly uncovered a
report in Gonzalez's possession containing "the addresses of clinics in
Barcelona and Lausanne" in Switzerland where Navalny was treated in
2017. The document is dated June 14, 2017.

Navalny met Gonzalez twice in Europe, once when Navalny underwent eye
surgery in Barcelona after being attacked with a chemical substance.
Gonzalez allegedly sent details of the clinic to Russian authorities,
even taking a selfie with Navalny.

In September 2020, after Navalny survived a poisoning attempt, Gonzalez
posted the selfie on social media. In a post, he said Navalny was not
being targeted by the Russian government, investigators alleged.

Gonzalez also suggested on social media that Navalny's anti-corruption
platform FBK would "continue operating as usual with more support and
permissiveness," saying the opposition leader was "neither dead nor

In 2023, Navalny returned to Russia and died in a high-security prison
in Siberia in February 2024.

On the surface, Gonzalez worked as a reporter, specializing in the
post-Soviet Union republics.

Polish intelligence said Gonzalez began reporting back to Moscow when
he began traveling abroad.

Documents found in his possession between 2016 and 2021 detail that
after a stay in Georgia, Gonzalez sent a report to the GRU about the
"issue of post-Soviet states and accession processes" and "NATO members
and aspiring members' attitudes towards Russia."

Gonzalez is also accused of sending information about key security
infrastructure in Poland. He allegedly published "disinformation
articles on the internet aligned with the Russian Federation's official
propaganda policy," the files seen by El Mundo said.

The newspaper said it had reviewed the contents of laptops, phones,
iPads and memory cards, seized when Gonzalez was arrested. Electronic
devices that could be used to establish clandestine communication
channels were discovered, according to Polish investigators.

When questioned, Gonzalez denied spying, according to Polish court
documents viewed by the Spanish newspaper.

However, when confronted with documentary evidence, Gonzalez "refused
to comment."

His lawyer, Gonzalo Boye, said the details published by El Mundo left
him feeling "helpless."

"Polish law prevents us from talking about anything that is part of the
criminal process," Boye told VOA. "It is as if the intention is to show
Pablo as being guilty when for more than 2 ½ years, they were not able
to bring an accusation and bring him to trial."

The lawyer, who has represented American whistleblower Edward Snowden
and Carles Puigdemont, a Catalan separatist leader, compared Gonzalez
to Evan Gershkovich, an American reporter unjustly detained in Russia
for nearly 500 days on false espionage charges.

Gonzalez was one of several suspected Russian spies released in
exchange for Gershkovich and other political prisoners.

"It is clear that there is a double standard in dealing with the case
of one and the other journalist," Boye told VOA, adding, "But I
understand that this is what happens in political contexts like the one
we are living in at the moment when one is on one side or the other,
when I prefer to be on the side of truth and the rule of law."

Through Boye, VOA asked Gonzalez for a comment but did not receive a

A source with knowledge of the Russian intelligence sector who did not
want to be named, told VOA that Gonzalez grew up in Basque Country,
where sympathies for the independence movement are common. And in
left-wing circles, support for Putin is not unusual.

This meant many who met him did not challenge his pro-Russian roots,
far less suspect he worked for Russian intelligence.

Alongside spying on Navalny in 2016, Gonzalez infiltrated the Boris
Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom, named after a Russian opposition
politician who was assassinated in 2015. At the foundation, he became
close with key members of the group.

Nemtsov's daughter Zhanna Nemtsova posted on social media that she was
a victim of Gonzalez.

Spanish secret services, speaking on background to a VOA reporter, said
they believed he was a Russian spy.

Polish security services said Gonzalez had been "carrying out
intelligence tasks in Europe."

Richard Moore, head of Britain's foreign intelligence service MI6, said
at the Aspen Security Forum in 2022 that Gonzalez was an "illegal"
arrested in Poland after "masquerading as a Spanish journalist."

"He was going into Ukraine to be part of their destabilizing efforts
there," Moore said.


  1. https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2024/10/06/67017e87fc6c83424f8b4595.html

#navalny #russia #spy #spying #gru #journalist #journalism #pablo-gonzalez #espionage #spain #spanish #reporter #prisoner-swap


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Die #Doku-Serie "Dirty Little Secrets" gibt Einblick in das System Spotify: Internationale Superstars können vom #Musikstreaming gut leben, die meisten #Künstler aber nicht. Im einem Berliner Club trauen sich neun #Musikerinnen und #Musiker, offen vor der Kamera darüber zu sprechen, wie wenig sie mit Streaming verdienen. Es sind 200 bis 300 Euro im Monat, verrät der Musiker und Schriftsteller Rocko Schamoni. Ausschlaggebend ist der #Verteilungsschlüssel: Je häufiger ein Song gestreamt wird, desto mehr ist er wert. Häufig geben #Playlists den Ausschlag, welcher Artist wie oft gehört wird und wer wie viel verdient.
Zum ersten Mal setzen sich Musikerinnen und Musiker an einen Tisch: Balbina, Maeckes, Chefket, Rocko Schamoni, Peter Maffay und andere reden offen darüber, wie wenig sie mit Streaming verdienen. #Investigativ-Reporterinnen und - #Reporter des Bayerischen Rundfunks machen sich auf die Suche nach sogenannten "Geistermusikern", die einige #Spotify-Playlists dominieren. Und Smudo von den Fantastischen Vier erzählt, wie er sich als Geschäftsmann mit einem großen Player im Event-Business angelegt hat.


oder in der #ARD-Mediathek:
- Folge 1: Der geheime Deal mit den Labels
- Folge 2: Die Geistermusiker
- Folge 3: Die verschwundene Firma

Kurzer Hinweis: Hier kommen u.a. auch Künstler/innen zu Wort, die ich pers. aufgrund ihres öffentlichen Gebarens (z.B. Smudo) ablehne. Da sie aber erhellendes zum Thema beitragen, habe ich diese Künstler drin gelassen.

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Pressefreiheit: Medien und Journalisten unter Druck

Pressefreiheit - Druck auf Journalisten steigt

Reporter ohne Grenzen ist alarmiert: Für Journalisten und Medien sind die Bedingungen in drei Vierteln der weltweiten Länder schlecht.#Medien #Presse #Pressefreiheit #Journalismus #Berichterstatter #Reporter
Pressefreiheit: Medien und Journalisten unter Druck


20 Tage in #Mariupol
19.02.2024 ∙ #Dokumentation & #Reportage ∙ Das Erste

Ein ukrainisches #AP-Journalist:innen-Team in Mariupol dokumentiert trotz #Belagerung die #Gräueltaten der russischen #Invasion . Als einzige internationale #Reporter:innen vor Ort halten sie entscheidende Kriegsbilder fest, darunter das Leid der #Zivilbevölkerung , #Massengräber und die #Bombardierung einer Entbindungsklinik. Der #Dokumentarfilm von #Pulitzer-Preisträger #Mstyslav #Chernov zeigt auch die Auswirkungen des #Russland-Ukraine-Krieges auf die #Presseagentur #AP . Er basiert auf Chernovs täglichen Nachrichtenberichten und eigenen Aufnahmen aus dem #Kriegsgebiet . Mehrfach ausgezeichnet vermittelt dieser Dokumentarfilm erschütternde Einblicke in das #Leid der belagerten #Zivilist:innen. Trotz der Schwere des Themas richtet er einen unschätzbar wertvollen Blick auf die Herausforderungen des Nachrichten-Journalismus in Konfliktgebieten und zeigt auch globale Auswirkungen.

#Ukraine #Russland #Krieg #Terror #FuckPutin




Whitewashing #Putin: how one #reporter muddies #Austrian views on #Ukraine

..."The murky career of Christian Wehrschütz, from far-right Aula to ORF correspondent accused of pro-Russia bias, encapsulates Austria’s complex relationship with Moscow.

As the Austrian public broadcaster’s chief Ukraine correspondent, Christian Wehrschütz holds considerable sway over Austrian public opinion on Ukraine. However, his reporting is often indistinguishable from Russian propaganda, from whitewashing Putin to demonizing NATO.

Flaunting press freedom, Wehrschütz leverages lawyers and tabloids to evade scrutiny for his factually flawed reporting. Meanwhile, his employer provides an uncritical platform for disinformation that toes the Kremlin’s line and promotes Russia’s occupation of Ukraine. While Austria relies on Russia’s gas, Wehrschütz whitewashes Putin’s war crimes.

His views permeate state TV despite clashing with Austria’s official pro-Ukraine stance. With the pro-Russian Freedom Party polling at 30%, will its dogma shape ORF’s future coverage?
at every opportunity – no matter how inappropriate – Wehrschütz talks about NATO’s eastward expansion, which “threatens Russia’s security interests.” It’s certainly just a coincidence, but so do Putin, Lavrov & Co. and their radical right and left supporters in Western European parties.

And is Wehrschütz’ insistence on “negotiations with Russia” supposed to be the “neutral, objective reporting” for which he constantly praises himself? This looks much more like “political consulting” – albeit on a miserable level. Following his “advice” would be openly dangerous, as it would play into Russia’s hands.

And Wehrschütz is apparently of the opinion that the objectivity in reporting, to which the ORF is obliged by law, is taken into account by allowing pro-Russian collaborators in Ukraine to have their say without comment."...


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Zum Abschuss freigegeben? - Wenn Journalisten Kriegsziele werden

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Le dernier verre d'André #Bercoff avec #ElHaïté, #Pascot, #leSommier et #Nicoletta. #7 - #OMERTA


Nouvel épisode de l' #émission « #LeDernierVerre », présentée par #AndréBercoff ! Tous les dimanches, sur OMERTA, dans une ambiance intimiste et festive, retrouvez un André Bercoff comme vous ne l’avez jamais vu.

4 invités se joignent, chaque semaine, à la fête. Pour cette 7e émission, OMERTA a reçu :

👉🏻 #NajwaElHaïté, #Docteur en #droit #public, #avocate au #barreau de #Paris , #adjointe au #maire de la ville d' #Evry, #présidente de "demains" et #auteur de "laïcité et République".
👉🏻 #PhilippePascot, #écrivain, #journaliste, #auteur de "le pouvoir du pire" chez Max Milo.
👉🏻 #RégisLeSommier, #directeur de la #rédaction d'Omerta, #journaliste, #reporter de #guerre et #écrivain.
👉🏻 Nicoletta, #artiste #chanteuse.
