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Zodiac Sign: #Aquarius
Degree: 6:40 to 20:00 Aquarius
Purusharth: #Dharma

Deity: #Varuna Dev (God of #sea and #rain)
Gana: #Rakshasha

Direction: #South

#Shatabhisha #nakshatra, also referred to as the #Veiling #Star, The Hundred Stars, or the Fortune #Star of the King, represents the hundred healers or physicians. Its symbol, a " #Empty #Circle ", conveys the idea that #everything is really an #illusion, or, in Hindu terminology, " #Maya." Both #spiritual #healing and #physical healing are related to the #Shatabhishak nakshatra.

The terms "Shata" and "Bishaj" are combined to form the word "Shatabhisha". Both "Shata" and "Bishaj" are Arabic terms for "healer." #Rahu is the ruling planet for this nakshatra. This nakshatra's natives are excellent researchers who look for depth in everything. Aquarians excel in analytics and like in-depth talks. They are curious and research-oriented. They speak harshly but truthfully. Aquarius values secrecy and is typically drawn to solitude. They are drawn to mysteries and puzzles. They are self-sufficient and have a strong determination. They are unrealistic and have a visionary outlook on life.


You subscribe to the 'truth triumphs' concept. You can even give up your life for the sake of truth. There are some fixed principles in life that cause you to conflict with other people. You don't act in self-interest. Your heart is gentle, and you are very religious. You are courageous and brave. Your objectives are strong and high, and if you make a decision, you stick to it. You are aware of your duties and make every effort to meet them. Your thinking is influenced by politics, and you are an expert in political ploys. You don't believe in doing a lot of physical labor; instead, you prefer to use your brain more.

Because you are independent, you prefer working alone rather than in collaboration. Your nature is also a little lackadaisical, and you enjoy a lot of fun. You prefer to live a blissful existence. Working like a machine is something you cannot do if you wish to live freely. You don't panic when faced with a challenge; instead, you meet it head on and combat it. Your belief and power provide you with the strength to overcome any challenging scenario. Another aspect of your personality is that whenever someone attempts to be hostile to you, you just defeat them. Though you do not become upset readily, when you do, it is quite difficult to manage you. However, because you have a kind heart and an intelligent intellect, your wrath fades quickly. You don't back down after you've made a decision. Because you are knowledgeable and clever, you achieve success in all aspects of life. When you talk to someone, that individual becomes a fan of yours. You, on the other hand, do not believe in show off and strive to avoid it as much as possible. Your memory is incredible, and if you read something once, you remember it for a long time. You have literary talent, and it will come to the forefront very soon. You are well-liked because of your pleasant personality.


Electronics, Pilot, Military, Teacher, Doctor, Pharmaceutical industry, Alcohol industry, Healers


The males have an excellent memory. They do not forget events or dates. They are truthful and honest. They are deeply religious and take part in all religious rituals. They have strong ideals and weigh the pros and drawbacks before making any decisions. They are highly emotional and sensitive people. They are well-informed. They are dedicated to their work and may become irritated if tasks are not finished on time. They are modest and humble, and they do not brag about their contributions. As a result, individuals do not receive immediate gratification, but they are finally discovered.

They are not very compatible with their family members since they are readily influenced by criticisms and have divided attention. They will experience numerous difficulties because their family prefer to turn to them for help with their troubles when they are struggling themselves. They may even receive some criticism for their lack of achievement. They may also suffer difficulties as a result of their brothers. Their fathers would likewise be unable to understand and assist their sons. The only people they will be compatible with are their moms, with whom they will have a strong bond.


Females are generally calm, although they can become enraged at the mistakes. They believe in God and practice religious rites related with it. They are mentally harmed since they frequently argue with their family members. They often believe that no one understands them. They, like the males, have a good memory. They are sympathetic to persons who are through difficulties. They have a kind heart but are frequently misunderstood by coworkers and family members. They are interested in social work and do a lot for humanity, yet they are rarely recognized.

The females cherish and adore their husbands, yet their lives will be filled with challenges. There is a possibility that they will be separated, divorced, or widowed.


Compatible with people born in Krittika, Jyestha, Purvashada, Magha, Dhanishta Nakshatra, and Chitra Nakshatra.


They will bring money to the family once they reach the age of 35. They reap the benefits of their hard work in the form of luxury, money, and other worldly pleasures because they are goal-oriented and dedicated. Their spending would still be low because they learned the value of money during their hardship. They would only have enough money to cover their basic needs. Female natives of this nakshatra tend to have successful occupations and hence attract a lot of cash. Because of their standing as members of medical science, they would be considered members of society's elite. They are part of noble professions that aid in the treatment of people's health problems.

1st Pada (Sagittarius): Positive, Spiritual, Peaceful, Kind, Casual Attitude

2nd Pada (Capricorn): Focused, Determined, Practical, Caring, Soft-hearted

3rd Pada (Aquarius): Futuristic, Short-tempered, Noble, Argumentative

4th Pada (Pisces): Compassionate, Career-oriented, Lucky, Stubborn


Venus: Venus in Shatabhisha Nakshatra gives a person a good life. Furthermore, individuals will have some negative events in their lives that will serve as lessons for them in the future.

Jupiter: Jupiter in Shatabhisha Nakshatra causes difficulties in the native's life. Furthermore, they tend to live a happily married life.

#Rahu: Rahu in Shatabhisha Nakshatra causes an individual to become a little unkind. Furthermore, they are regarded to be selfish persons.

Mars: Mars in Shatabhisha Nakshatra causes an individual to be aggressive in temperament. Along the way, the individuals suffer a slew of setbacks in their lives.

Sun: It causes an individual to be cruel in nature. Furthermore, they come about to lose their money and may live in poverty.

Moon: Moon in Shatabhisha Nakshatra tends to make a person truthful and honest. Individuals are highly regarded for the traits that they posses.

Mercury: A person becomes affluent when Mercury is in the Shatabhisha Nakshatra. In addition, the folks will be very knowledgeable and develop into learned people.

Saturn: When Saturn is in the Shatabhisha Nakshatra, people tend to become exceedingly prosperous. Additionally, the person will live a comfortable life.

Ketu: Ketu in Shatabhisha Nakshatra has a tendency to cause a person to experience significant losses. They will also have numerous affairs throughout their lives.



#new #liberté #limites #totale #illusion #leurre #absence #espoir #Spinoza #Eluard #Pagny #contraintes #pressage-de-citron #mywork #mytext

Ce matin des potron-minet une interrogation pour le moins incongrue m’assaille : La libertĂ© peut-elle avoir des limites ? Et si oui n’est-elle alors qu’illusion, leurre et fantasme ? Non mais des fois je me demande si ça va bien dans ma tĂȘte. il faut dire que j’avais la perspective sitĂŽt levĂ©e d’une dure journĂ©e de femme d’intĂ©rieur, ce qui vous le comprenez ne m’agrĂ©e guĂšre. Ces milles contraintes plus ou moins prenantes nous assaillent quotidiennement : se nourrir, s’habiller, s’abriter, se chauffer, se dĂ©placer, se soigner, s’éduquer, s’informer, se dĂ©velopper (si possible) harmonieusement !
Bien sĂ»r, il y a la libertĂ© de penser, (chĂšre Ă  Florent Pagny). Une libertĂ© fondamentale, dĂ©terminante pour toutes les autres. Mais peut-on vĂ©ritablement penser librement avec les contraintes inĂ©luctables liĂ©es Ă  nos propres limites tant physiques, intellectuelles que sociĂ©tales. Choisir est la libertĂ© la plus ardue, car quel est le choix ? Et comment choisir ? Nos choix ne sont-ils pas orientĂ©s, dirigĂ©s, planifiĂ©s, un choix par dĂ©faut ? Charybde oĂč sylla ? La une ou la deux ? Vous voyez le dilemme. Aujourd’hui mĂȘme le suicide, ultime libertĂ©, sera gĂ©rĂ© par la loi. La dĂ©mocratie, la sociĂ©tĂ© ont-elles pour but l’épanouissement de notre libertĂ© ? (Le camp du bien). Comme elles le prĂ©tendent pour nous bourrer le mou. Certains ne sont pas loin de nous persuader (ils auront beaucoup de mal) que « le travail c’est la liberté », suivez mon regard. Bref je me presse le citron jusqu’à la pulpe, alors qu’il est presque midi et que je dois faire le jus de ma salade, la nĂ©cessitĂ© m’assaille surtout en passant la serpilliĂšre. Le soleil commence Ă  chauffer, c’est bien pour sĂ©cher mon parterre
mais il faudrait encore un peu de pluie pour les arbres. Ma propre libertĂ© mĂȘme infinitĂ©simale est finalement et Ă  coup sĂ»r une contrainte pour un autre.. Pour Spiniza « La libertĂ© n'est que l'ignorance des causes qui nous dĂ©terminent". Pour Eluard c’est le pouvoir d’un nom :« libertĂ© j’écris ton nom ».
La libertĂ© semble d’autant plus prenante et chĂ©rie qu’elle est perdue, absente ou inexistante : en prison, Ă  la guerre, au travail, en toutes occasions qui contraignent nos mouvements, nos dĂ©sirs, notre volontĂ©. Bref L’espoir de libertĂ© est la seule libertĂ© vĂ©ritablement totale et sans contrainte puisque indĂ©pendante des contingences qui nous obligent, quoiqu’elle est alors synonyme de son absence, et de notre seule possibilitĂ© de l’envisager. CQFD. Je ne sais plus oĂč j’ai lu que pour s’opposer à
il faut inĂ©vitablement une contrainte, un adversaire. On ne s’oppose pas au vide. Enfin je ne crois pas. Et ça change quoi en l’état des choses de la vie ? 
.Rien. Bon je vais prendre une petite libertĂ© Ă  ma disposition Ă  l’instant prĂ©cis : faire la sieste dans mon hamac avec mon sombrero sur le nez (Marcel Amont) pour mettre mon cerveau en repos. En espĂ©rant ne pas ĂȘtre dĂ©rangĂ©e par des importuns surtout s’ils sont impromptus. C’est souvent dans mon sommeil que me viennent « mes meilleures idĂ©es ». Mireille MOUTTE


#news #Palestine #Israël #guerre #paix #territoires #illusion #Hamas #Tsahal #colÚre #mywork #mytext

Kippa vs Keffieh ?

A l’origine deux peuples traumatisĂ©s, l’un par la Shoah et l’autre par la nakba. L’un sur la dĂ©fensive du « jamais plus ça », l’autre sur la blessure de l’exode et de l’expropriation de ses territoires. Comment ces deux peuples aujourd’hui en replis identitaires, unis par la haine des exactions rĂ©ciproquement commises, pourraient-ils espĂ©rer vivre en paix sur un mĂȘme territoire ? Comment cette guerre permanente depuis 1948 peut-elle perdurer ? Avec comme toujours l’aide et les implications internationales des pays arabes, du Proche- orient, de l’Occident, avec comme partout aussi la prĂ©dominance d’intĂ©rĂȘts Ă©conomiques, stratĂ©giques, hĂ©gĂ©moniques. Non pas dans « l’indiffĂ©rence gĂ©nĂ©rale » mais dans l’incompĂ©tence gĂ©nĂ©rale. Les intĂ©rĂȘts en jeu seraient-ils plus importants que la souffrance des peuples passĂ©e par pertes et profits ? N’y a-t-il pas meilleur ciment national qu’un ennemi commun ? La solution incontournable de deux Ă©tats sur un mĂȘme territoire n’est-elle pas chimĂ©rique ? Entretenue depuis l’origine pour que les tensions s’apaisent d’elles mĂȘmes par l’oubli de l’évolution gĂ©nĂ©rationnelle ? C’est ratĂ© ! Alors on met le couvercle sur la marmite pour essayer de maintenir les dĂ©bordements que l’on connaĂźt avec en corollaire l’étonnement hypocrite des nations devant tant de violences. Mireille MOUTTE


Les #réseaux #sociaux manipulent-ils notre #réalité ? ( #TikTok, #Instagram, #Facebook, #YouTube, I.A etc.) - #DeadWill

Les #RĂ©seauxSociaux manipulent-ils notre rĂ©alitĂ© ? CrĂ©ent-ils pour notre corps et notre esprit une #illusion du #rĂ©el nous impactant jusque dans notre chair ? D’ailleurs oĂč s'arrĂȘte le #virtuel et oĂč commence le rĂ©el ? Les rĂ©seaux sont-ils devenus la #nouvelle #religion que nous prions chaque soir avant de nous endormir ? Voici bon nombre de questions particuliĂšrement intrigantes conditionnant, pourtant, plus que jamais nos vies. Des vies segmentĂ©es, fragmentĂ©es au travers diffĂ©rents #Ă©crans et #applications, TikTok, Instagram, Facebaook, Youtube etc... faisant coexister des versions diffĂ©rentes de nous mĂȘme. Mais quelle est notre vĂ©ritable emprise face Ă  tout ceci. Sommes nous des #utilisateurs ou bien des #utilisĂ©s ? Et bien pour tenter de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions complexes, nous allons nous reposer sur un chef d'Ɠuvre de la #ScienceFiction : #Videodrome de #DavidCronenberg. Un #film profondĂ©ment #philosophique et surtout terriblement #prophĂ©tique ce bien avant un certain #Matrix, dont il est, nous le verrons le pendant inverse.




Feb 18-19 Potent #New #Moon | How to harness the power of #Shivaratri | #VedicAstrology + Tarot
Book a reading with Kari: https://anandastrology.com/services
Calculate your Vedic Birth Star: https://anandastrology.com/

The new moon of Feb 19 (11:06 pm PT) has a potent dose of #spiritual #energy.

Following just after the sacred night Lord #Shiva – Maha Shivarati– this is a potent new moon for letting go of the past and turning inward.

The new moon will be in the area of the sky called Shatabhisha in Vedic Astrology, the “veiling star” which has the power to veil (and unveil) mysteries. It’s said that Lord Shiva burns through the veil of #illusion called #maya when he opens his third eye on this dark new moon.

read more: https://anandastrology.com/feb-new-moon-harnessing-the-spiritual-power-of-maha-shivaratri-vedic-astrology