

When it comes down to it, there are only two ways to send crewed missions to exoplanets. The first is to develop advanced propulsion systems that can achieve relativistic speeds (a fraction of the speed of light). The second involves building spacecraft that can sustain crews for generations – aka. a Generation Ship (or Worldship).


#survival #space #generationship


The Dark Forest hypothesis

Two axioms for cosmic civilization. First; survival is the primary need of civilization. Second; civilization continuously grows and expands, but the total matter in the universe remains constant.

The concept; the chain of suspicion
If you think I'm benevolent, that's not a reason to feel safe, because according to the first axiom, a benevolent civilization can't predict that any other civilization is benevolent. You don't know whether I think you're benevolent, and I also don't know that you think I'm benevolent, I don't know what you think about what I think about what you're thinking about me. Its convoluted, the logic goes on indefinitely.
In actual cosmic civilization, the biological difference between different groups might be as high as the kingdom level, and cultural differences are even further beyond our imagining. Add to this the vast distances between them, and you have chins of suspicion that are practically indestructible.
The most important aspect of the chain of suspicion, its unrelated to the civilizations own morality and social structure. It's enough to think of every civilization as the points at the end of a chain. Regardless of whether civilizations are internally benevolent or malicious, when they enter the web formed by chains of suspicion, they're all identical.

The concept: The technological explosion
Human civilization has five thousand years of history, and life on Earth might be as much as a few billion years old. But modern technology was developed over the course of three hundred years. On the scale of the universe, that’s not development. It’s and explosion! The potential for technological leaps is the explosive buried within every civilization, and if it’s lit by some internal or external factor, it goes off with a bang. On Earth it took three hundred years, but there’s no reason why humanity should be the fastest of all cosmic civilizations. Maybe there are others whose technological explosions were even more sudden. I’m weaker than you, but once I’ve received your message and know of your existence, the chain of suspicion is established between us. If at any time I experience a technological explosion that suddenly puts me far ahead of you, then I’m stronger than you. On the scale of the universe, several hundred years is the snap of a finger. And it might be that my knowledge of your existence and the information I received from our communication was the perfect spark to set off that explosion. That means that even though I’m a newborn or growing civilization, I’m still a big danger to you.

Letting you now I exist, and letting you continue to exist, are both dangerous to me and violates the first axiom.
If neither communication nor silence will work once you learn of my existence, you’re left with just one option.

The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is an armed hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost, gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without sound. Even breathing is done with care. The hunter has to be careful, because everywhere in the forest are stealthy hunters like him. If he finds other life—another hunter, an angel or a demon, a delicate infant or a tottering old man, a fairy or a demigod—there’s only one thing he can do: open fire and eliminate them. In this forest, hell is other people. An eternal threat that any life that exposes its own existence will be swiftly wiped out. This is the picture of comic civilization. It’s the explanation for the Fermi paradox.

In this dark forest, there’s a stupid child called humanity, who has built a bonfire and is standing beside it shouting; ‘here I am! Here I am!’

A hunter in a dark forest, stalking with bated breath, suddenly notices that a piece of bark has been stripped from a tree in front of him. On the eye-catching bit of white wood that’s been revealed is a position in the forest, written in characters all hunters can recognize. What will he think about that location? He’s certainly not going to imagine that someone has laid out supplies for him there. Out of all the possibilities, the most likely one is that the blaze is informing everyone that there’s live prey at that location that needs to be eliminated. It doesn’t matter what motivated someone to leave the mark. What’s important is that the dead hand has stretched the nerves of the dark forest to the breaking point, and it’s the most sensitive nerve that’s most liable to make a move.
Suppose there are a million hunters in the forest—the number of civilizations on the billions upon billions of stars in the Milky Way could be thousands of times that. Perhaps nine hundred thousand of those will disregard the marking. Of the remaining one hundred thousand, maybe ninety thousand of them will probe the location, and, after confirming that it has no life, disregard it. But one of the remaining ten thousand hunters will surely make a choice to fire on that position, because fore civilizations at a certain level of technological development, attacking may be safer and less of a hassle than probing. If there’s really nothing at that location, then it’s no loss.

Its a fascinating hypothesis and quite scary one as well.
All text are taken from the book: The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu. Its the second book in the trilogy titled; Remembrance of Earth’s past. The first book is; the Three-Body Problem (great TV-show if you watch the original Chinese produced show). The book was great, excellent original science fiction story. Recommended reading.

#TheDarkForest #aliens #Cosmic #civilization #FermiParadox #Suspicion #Survival #CixinLiu
Dark Forest theory: A terrifying explanation of why we haven’t heard from aliens yet


#heatwave #survival
The lights are always bright in the business next door. They shine all over my walls, ceilings and floors. I have to keep the windowpanes covered. But as soon as the high temperatures of the heatwave have gone down, I turn the fans to face outside. This is to blow out the hot air inside my rooms to the outside.


Or we're all on the #Titanic, only most of us trapped below deck. On the lowest decks, they are already fighting for bare survival. On the upper decks, however, they're partying and discussing space tourism.

Maybe we should stop looking for the right #metaphor and finally save this planet.

🤔 😱 😩 🌏 🛳 ⛵

#crisis #future #climate #finance #economy #capitalism #humanRights #environment #finance #freedom #democracy #society #life #earth #emissions #meme #memes #survival


remember when we found and implemented all those ways to end the #glyphosate era?

it, in large part, started with increasing public awareness, people explaining it to each other, how it's a full spectrum anti-biotic, a catalyric carcinogen, and mutagen, and thus is causing ecocide, unto omnicide, except, if you get the racketeer's patented gene, then you're under their protection, and ownership, under the codex alimentarius plan, losing all rights, including bodily autonomy, and so, like in the logic of the witch-hunt's catch-22 damned if you damned if you dont, if you dont have their "protection" then you're poisoned by glyphosate, if you're alive/unpoisoned, then you have the gene they inserted n you, they own you, and can poison you.

there was a lot of lag. it took a while for people to get it, and be able to explain it to others in their own words, regardless the accuracy, but just to get enough of the understanding of the racket and the genocide/anthrocide/eccocide/omnicide and the totalitarian corporate tyranny dystopia and beyond, and it looked like we nearly didnt make it, in time enough to clean up the vast quantities of it accelerated out under the "economic" incentives, from the economic system that not only incentivised such vast devastation, but mandated it (e.g. the corporation buying itself the rule disallowing any action that does not maximise wealth extraction in favour of the share holders . . . "to protect the share holders" . . . O_O the horror. #facethehorror ), ... such "marketing spin" (itself recursively mandated, for profit and other erroneous rules and momentae), contributed to the lag. lag in people coming to terms with it and able to explain it to others in their own words. it seemed like we nearly didnt get atop that, with how the corporation tried to protect itself, separating people, keeping people independently dependent on the corporation, seprated from interdependencies or independencies, kept in information total control, hiding the totalitarianism that had crept around them generations prior, kept oblivious to both the hour being later than they think, and how amazingly brilliant they really are compared to the limited preceptions they have of themselves as curated by the corporation to keep them perceiving themselves necessarily dependent on the corporation, and fearful of everybody else, even hateful, to generate threat confirmations of hostility and duped stupidity, to accelerate the separation effect that would have served the corporation's #psychopathic inevitable essence, had enough of us not leaned and pushed and kicked into getting out of that #shallowpsychology that leads to that #tragedyofthecommons. the convenience comfort lures were clung to, in information-currated ignorance of greater comforts outside that pitcherplant's sweet juices eroding and desimating away freedoms and body etc, nearly consumed significant enough many, it seemed, past tipping point into inescapable perpetuitity, to the pesimistic perspectives the corporation generated. we didnt realise, that like the devil card in tarot, just how easy it is to escape the nooses the devil put around our neck, just how easy it is to escape the deceptions the corporation put upon our minds. and it was in this #appocalypse of seeing the #horrors generated, and sublimating out of the tricks, ceasing succumbing to the complicities (coercive and subtle), and applying higher order remedies further upstream across multidimensionality~ which is likely intangible nebulous wording, for what's basically when everybody spontaneously, independently, without need of the crowd to confirm to them it was okay, realised #iamnotdoingthatanymore and slowly the #wearenotdoingthatanymore grew in realisation, and the few last most stubbornly clinging to the corporation's hypnosis and deceptive cruelties professed as essential protective kindnesses in the bubble of ignorance and fear the corporation generated in us all. and it was that humility, that it had affected us all, that bridged the gap between those who had reached their "i am not doing that any more" tipping-point break-out revelations, and those of us who violently defended their oblivious corporate addiction and stockholm syndrome.

this #futurememory (and part derivative projecting), came about upon glimpsing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMdXiP3vbZ0 when thinking how if we all (/if you) wrote to #cargil to ask them to kindly not keep poisoning all life on earth that does not conform to the totalitarian life ownership racket, if manages to get through, could be significant a trajectory change, in such a huge cestation of the glyphosatiation, eliminating that major component of #CodexAlimentarius

#wecanstillmendthis #youcanstillmendthis

#digitsrants #environment #emancipation #survival #thecorporation #appocalypse #revelation #writetoyourowners #emancipateyourselves #saveyourselves #liberatetutameh #normalpeoplesaveeverybody #thehourislaterthanyouthink #weareinalotoftrouble #wecanstillmendthis #itsjustpeople #thecorporatepsychopath #genocide #chemicaldeath #ecocide #omnicide #anthrocide #hellkillusall #unless #wewakeup #wakeup #awakening #grandawakening #notfakeawake #thisisthetime #now #thelongernow #mendwards #mending #alreadymendednow #wearenotdoingthatanymore #growyourown #deglyphosatiation #saveusall #youaretheonewehavebeenwaitingfor #rise


Quatre #enfants ont survécu dans la #jungle. Miracle ?

How traditional Indigenous education helped four lost children survive 40 days in the Amazon jungle

The discovery and rescue of four young Indigenous children, 40 days after the aircraft they were travelling in crashed in the remote Colombian rainforest, was hailed in the international press as a “miracle in the jungle”. But as an anthropologist who has spent more than a year living among the #Andoque people in the region, conducting #ethnographic fieldwork, I cannot simply label this as a miraculous event.

At least, not a miracle in the conventional sense of the word. Rather, the survival and discovery of these children can be attributed to the profound knowledge of the intricate forest and the adaptive skills passed down through generations by Indigenous people.

#Indigenous #survival #education #Jungle #Children #miracle #IndigenousPeople

Comment l’éducation traditionnelle autochtone a permis à quatre enfants perdus de survivre pendant 40 jours dans la jungle amazonienne

La découverte et le sauvetage de quatre jeunes enfants indigènes, 40 jours après que l’avion dans lequel ils voyageaient se soit écrasé dans la forêt tropicale colombienne, ont été salués par la presse internationale comme un “miracle dans la jungle”. Mais en tant qu’anthropologue ayant passé plus d’un an à vivre parmi le peuple #Andoque dans la région, menant un travail de terrain #ethnographique, je ne peux pas simplement qualifier cet événement de miraculeux.

Du moins, pas un miracle au sens conventionnel du terme. La survie et la découverte de ces enfants peuvent plutôt être attribuées à la connaissance approfondie de la forêt complexe et aux capacités d’adaptation transmises de génération en génération par les peuples indigènes.

#Indigènes #survie #éducation #Amazonie #jungle #enfants #Indigènes #Ethnographie #Ethnologie #Anthropologie #PopulationsTraditionnelles