



▶ Fabrice #NICOLINO est #journaliste d' #investigation. Il est le #créateur du #mouvement « Nous voulons des coquelicots », et l' #auteur de « Le grand sabotage climatique, révélations sur un système corrompu : ONU, #multinationale, #gouvernements » (Les liens qui libèrent) dans lequel il raconte une #histoire de la #pseudo-lutte contre le #réchauffement #climatique, bien différente du #récit #officiel.

Dans cette #interview par #OlivierBerruyer pour #Élucid, #FabriceNicolino lève le voile sur l' #hypocrisie des #institutions qui prétendent #agir pour #climat, mais qui en #réalité ne font qu'agiter de belles paroles, une #novlangue qui rassure sans jamais ne permettre de prendre le problème à la racine. Ce #système est en partie conduit par des individus #complices des grands #groupes #industriels #polluants. Aucun #changement ne pourra advenir tant que ceux qui sont au #pouvoir refuseront de remettre en cause l' ordre du monde.

Sommaire :
00:00:00 - Zapping
00:01:47 - Depuis quand sait-on ?
00:07:52 - Des #organisations #internationales inutiles
00:18:41 - L' #arnaque du " #développement #durable" et du #greenwashing
00:31:51 - La #vérité sur le #GIEC
00:43:52 - La #mascarade des #COP
00:48:48 - L' #histoire des #créateurs du #GIEC
01:02:17 - Le traitement #médiatique de la question #climatique
01:05:17 - #Géoingénierie et #technosolutionnisme
01:14:22 - Les #discours des #politiques
01:18:11 - Des pistes de #solutions ?
01:22:28 - Question finale

#élucid #politique #économie #écologie


Britain’s Economy Will Only Get Worse | Aaron Bastani meets Gary Stevenson



#economics #inequality #wealthinequality
#ittakesmoneytomakemoney #trajectory
#assetmanagement #theeconomy

To further accompany problem identification (than already done in the interview), here's a video of Gary Stevenson's about #solutions and #opportunity (to win the ideological theoretical debate) with the #povertymajority, big #demand for alternative, in #awareness of the #statusquo not working, and about helping people understand what's happening and build on that understanding ( #educateyourselfsoyoumayeducateothers ), reform, democratic pressure, ... not hopium to placate you back to defeated slumber.

... and while I'm at it, here's the explosive first interview from a year or so ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY-zI3b5JQ

There are so many many portions I could have quoted from that interview. Hard to pick. Here's just a couple.

"a call to arms."

"... [the book is] a massive opportunity for me to spread awareness of these problems"

"...this beautiful and horrible irony that if you can convince poor and ordinary people to be very very selfish in a material sense, you will completely materially impoverish them."
"So this is this amazing irony that if you cam make poor people obsessed with getting rich, they'll become poor."

"It's kind of a moral test for our society: are you willing to put your selfishness aside enough to protect your selfish interests?"

"The rich have got so much money now, they have to do something with it, they can't just sit on it."

interviewer: "I think I saw a statistic ~ this is from 2019, it's probably worse now ~ one in six baby boomers is a millionaire. Right? That is... ~ if you want to talk about the people who do the door knocking for the conservative party, that y'know... they will vote in every single bloody election for the Tories and think the sun shines out of Jeremy Hunt's backside, even when they're as terrible as they are right now. You look at the polls, and who are these 25% of people? It's those people, and the people sort of immediately around them."


i saved/copied this yt comment here, because, always safe to presume nothing safe from their censorship.

#savedyoutubecomments #peace #solutions #emancipationtechnology

(ps, colin's "doesn't know about going to the grocery store anymore, let alone ...", yeah. and consider the doesntknow'ness of #deskkillers in #ivorytowers, and consider those contrast to those who know how to get food from the plants and animals in the farm cultural heritage, and those who know how to hunt and harvest from the land... how much we too are disconnected...)

( pps, a great quote, "Normal people save everybody" -- Paige to Walter O'Brian. Aim higher, arrogant smartypants aiming low just because it's better than lower yet. Pffff. Aim at least as high as that baseline normal. Normal people save everybody. Not calculating numbers of killing millions just because it's not killing millions plus more. No. Normal people save everybody. You're not done figuring this out. Heck, even go back and watch some TRANSFORMERS from the 80s, for some better morals. Check yourselves. You cutting short and telling yourself you're still the brilliantest? You're not wise, it's the blood in your eyes. No rest nor paradise on a bed of blood.
Normal people save everybody.)

dear kid rock, consider:
hanibal directive. (<- re: get them back.)
false flag. who funds both sides. who arms both sides. circular reasoned perpetuation.
solution space elsewhere upstream.

how far have we fallen that murder's uttered in such totalitarianised dehumanising detachedness as if the necessary virtue.

what limitation of imagination of possibilities, what arrogance. what foolish opposame. the solution to the problem is not more of the problem.
we can still mend this.
sack the pnac.

ps, dear coach colin,
trump's their boy.
easily played narcissist puppet.
i heard in 2004 from one who worked with him, what a played joke he is.
... no strongman to save us. we are the ones. :) always a better way.

pps, love your stuff.

ppps, u know there were flying saucers in ww2 (oft called "foo fighters"), and that if you follow the tech arc from faraday through to nikola tesla, it seems we humans made the tech for them, with the first principles of zero inertia propulsion being deployed even before the wright brother's first flight? :O ever seen the free energy disclosure advocacy conferences from around 2000? ... speakers like patent office whistleblowers saying stuff like over 3000 free energy device patents secreted by the year 2000, and inventers demonstrating the simple principles at the core of zero point energy and water as fuel and ambient/quantum/pyramid/stirling/pneumatics/kirlian/orgone/etc/etc/etc/etc, ... basically the paradigm sublimating stuff that we the people were getting aware of would lift us out of these manufactured scarcity resource wars etc and that we were learning and demanding and looked about to get, for the benefit of the world, and each and all, before the PNAC distraction went live.

it's weird isnt it, having to tell people that killing people is bad.

haven't we developed hundreds and thousands and millions and billions of better ways yet?



How I Got Hooked on #Solutions %Journalism
Evidence-driven stories about solutions shed light on what’s possible, helping #readers to overcome feelings of helplessness.

By: Michaela Haas

..." I’m convinced that solutions journalism is also a solution for the trust crisis in journalism. According to the latest comprehensive Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute, only four out of ten news consumers say they trust most news most of the time, and more than a third (36 percent) of news consumers say they avoid the news often or sometimes. News avoiders are more likely to say they are interested in solutions-based journalism.

“Journalism suffered an existential crisis along with its economic crisis, and solutions journalism is a way of responding to that, a way of increasing trust,” Rosenberg says. “People are assuming that trust is a function of accuracy, and we think it’s also a function of people feeling seen and respected by how the media portrays them.”

Studies show that solutions reporting rarely increases click rates but it increases the reading time by 10 to 20 percent, strengthens credibility and boosts reader engagement. Karen McIntyre, professor for multimedia journalism at the Virginia Commonwealth University, discovered that solutions journalism is also an antidote to feeling helpless and hopeless.

What began in Bornstein’s one-bedroom New York apartment a decade ago has now become an international network. SJN has trained more than 47,000 journalists in 160 countries, and curates a searchable database with solutions stories from 1,900 news organizations.

“People want more solutions journalism [with a focus on the climate crisis],” writes Mitali Mukherjee, who co-authored Reuters’ report on climate news use. “And essentially, that means that they’re looking for not just positive stories, but they’re looking for what’s working in a community and what might be replicated in another.”

What I personally appreciate most about this kind of solutions-focused journalism is its impact. I continue to be amazed how the stories change me and the readers."...



The Solutionary Life: Forging a Better World and a Happier Self
Oct 05, 2023

..."It’s no wonder #activists can feel angry, not to mention exhausted and sometimes burnt out. But angry activism is a trap. While our anger may be the very emotion that spurs us to action, the expression of that anger can backfire. Frequently, it turns potentially sympathetic people against our cause, harming our efforts and calcifying our bitterness.

But solutionary activism does the reverse. It asks us to take time to do the research and deep thinking required to develop #solutions that address the problem at a root and/or systemic level and not stop with the hit of rage-generated endorphins by yelling on social media or writing an angry email. Because it demands that we seek out the perspectives of others who may have different views, those others are humanized, and our ideas for change become more nuanced as we seek solutions that do the most good and the least harm for everyone. It asks us to model the message we want to convey in order to be the role models others will want to emulate, and in modeling that message we are better versions of ourselves, which leads to more integrity and perhaps even greater inner peace. And when solutionary activism results in systemic change – as it often does – it lifts our own spirits as we witness its positive results.

Imagine if instead of spewing our anger, we used it as fuel to investigate, write, and post the wisest and most compelling, creative, and accurate social media and blog posts. Imagine if we transformed our anger into well-thought-out practical suggestions for legislation and shared our ideas in productive emails and meetings with legislators. Imagine if we took our activism to the next level and applied our skills, talents, and training to create more just, humane, and sustainable policies; to develop new designs and technologies to replace destructive ones; and to build transformative innovations within our spheres of knowledge and influence. That’s #solutionary activism, and it results not only in meaningful answers to the problems we face but often to a happier life as well."...


Les #Dangers du #Radicalisme #Religieux en #France et en #Europe : #Origines, #Enjeux et #Solutions - l'Observateur


Timeline et liste des sujets 👉
00:00:00 Introduction : L’ #histoire de mon auditeur.
00:05:10 Le Monde #musulman en #lutte contre le radicalisme religieux.
00:14:12 Les raisons de l’ #expansion de l’ #Islam #radical en #France.
00:21:59 La #démission des #parents et de l’ #école : le cas du #professeur Soja.
00:28:50 La véritable #raison derrière les #conversions de #masse : quand la #religion récupère vos #enfants.
00:37:14 Le #déclin du #christianisme : Parce que l’ #Église a tout #abandonné.
00:44:03 L’ #intégrisme religieux, un #cancer qui se #métastase : ma #position face à ce #phénomène.
00:48:25 #Identifier la #source du mal.

#politique #société #RadicalismeReligieux #PréventionRadicalisme #ContreFondamentalisme #lObservateur


Mycophyto : des champignons au service de l'agriculture

On a toujours besoin d'un plus petit que soi : les plantes n'échappent pas à la règle. Leurs alliés, en l'occurrence, sont de minuscules champignons. Une entreprise de Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes) cultive ces champignons microscopiques qui permettent à toutes sortes de plantes de pousser avec moins d'eau et moins de produits chimiques. Ces champignons sont proposés aux agriculteurs sous forme de granulés.

Justine Lipuma est microbiologiste, cofondatrice de cette entreprise de biotechnologies Mycophyto


#solutions #agriculture #champignons