

U.S. Designates Largest Neo-Nazi Group in Sweden as Terrorist Organization

The Nordic Resistance Movement and three of its leaders were labeled terrorists in a rare move by the State Department targeting white supremacists.

PS. MMR have been protesting with swedish police protection while pro palestinian protests were brutally attacked.

#Sweden #NMR #MeoNazi #Terrorism #USSD #Politics


Unbelievable: The #Israeli terrorists are using catapults to set fire to Lebanese forests.

I'm sure European greens will still support these echo terrorists unconditionally.

Video available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2581
#Lebanon #EchoTerrorism #Envirojment #Terrorism #Israel #ForrstFire #Arson


An ABC journalist reports on Israeli settler mobs establishing checkpoints to hinder humanitarian aid trucks destined for starving Palestinians in Gaza. In some instances, these mobs have attacked trucks, assaulted drivers, and destroyed aid and medicine intended for Gaza's needy.

Previous reports have revealed that such attacks are endorsed by Israeli government ministers and leaders, which may explain the absence of Israeli army and police intervention in these areas where attacks occur.

Video available on telegram:https://t.me/newsvideofa/2566

#Terrorism #Inhumanity #FoodAsWeapon#WestBank #Gaza


This is pure terror, it nothing to do with Hamas or Gaza, these are Israeli brown shirts spreading terror by protection and support of IDF and #JewishKKK minister #BenGvir

Settlers continue to destroy Palestinian property, burning cars in Barqa, east of #Ramallah, after burning the land. Settlers are also attacking vehicles in Beitin, north of Ramallah.

Videos are available on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2534
#WestBank #Terrorism #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


‘Solidarity over hatred’: the small band of Israelis stopping settlers obstructing aid trucks

Israeli #Peace activists confronting settlers acknowledge they are ‘a minority within a minority’

At approximately 10.30am on a scorching Monday, a group of five young Israeli #settlers arrived at the Tarqumiya #checkpoint, west of Hebron in the West Bank, where dozens of aid trucks bound for Gaza were expected.

The settlers had received detailed information about the timing, location, and number of trucks that would pass through the checkpoint that morning. What they had not anticipated was that dozens of peace activists had also gathered in Tarqumiya with a specific mission: to prevent the settlers from blocking the vehicles and ensure that the aid continued its journey to Gaza.

#Gaza #Israel #activism #Politics #HumanitarianAid #Terrorism #FoodAsWeapon #Famine #Genocide #JewishKKK



Why don't we ever associate the CIA as being a terrorist organization? Why is it Hamas? Why is it the third world armed resistance groups trying to fight back who are deprived of their human rights, facing annihilation? Oh no those those people are the terrorists because they're upsetting the privileged social relations of of the ruling class and the moneyed corporate class and what they want.

--- Rathbone on RBN

#Rathbone #terrorism #imperialism


#Iran: The #assassination attempt against Afshin Ghasemi, an active human rights lawyer in #Tehran

Sina Yousefi, a lawyer, announced the assassination attempt of a lawyer by publishing pictures on social media and wrote:

Afshin Ghasemi, who is a prominent human rights lawyer and a member of the Central Bar Association, was attacked today at around five in the evening by armed and unknown people.

He had previously been threatened by unknown agents related to the case party for taking charge of a case in which there were accusations of #rape against women.

It is said that the assailants were three people armed with firearms and cold weapons, who rode in a "Persia" car (without license plate) in an almost busy area and assaulted this lawyer.

At the same time as the international day of lawyers at risk (2024) is dedicated to Iranian lawyers, the government of Iran does not take any security and legal measures to prevent the murder and assassination of lawyers, but puts their lives under threat with propaganda measures against lawyers.
#HumanRights #Terrorism #IRI
سوقصد به جان افشین قاسمی، وکیل دادگستری

سینا یوسفی، وکیل دادگستری با انتشار تصاویری در شبکه اجتماعی از سوءقصد به جان یک وکیل خبر داد و نوشت:

افشین قاسمی وکیل دادگستری و عضو کانون وکلای مرکز امروز در حدود ساعت پنج عصر مورد سوقصد افراد مسلح و ناشناس قرار گرفت.

ایشان قبلاً بخاطر بر عهده گرفتن پرونده‌ای که در آن اتهامات #تجاوز به زنان وجود داشت، مورد تهدید از سوی عوامل ناشناس و مرتبط با طرف پرونده قرار گرفته بود.

گفته می‌شود ضاربین سه نفر فرد مسلح به سلاح گرم و سرد بودند که سوار بر خودروی پرشیا (بدون پلاک) در یک منطقه تقریبا پر رفت و آمد اقدام به ضرب و جرح این وکیل دادگستری نموده‌اند.

همزمان با اختصاص روز جهانی وکلای در معرض خطر (۲۰۲۴) به وکلای ایران، حکومت ایران هیچ اقدام تامینی و قانونی در راستای جلوگیری از قتل و سوقصد به وکلا انجام نمی‌دهد بلکه با اقدامات تبلیغی علیه وکلا، جان آنها را در معرض تهدید قرار می‌دهد.


Around 100 civilians remain in Vovchansk, Russians have threatened to shoot them

Around 100 Ukrainian civilians remain in the embattled town of Vovchansk, but Russian forces refuse to allow them to leave and have threatened to shoot them, Kharkiv Oblast Governor Oleh Syniehubov said on state television on May 21.

Syniehubov said on May 20 that more than 10,500 civilians had been evacuated from Kharkiv Oblast amid the renewed Russian onslaught.

The governor said on May 21 that those who remained in Vovchansk would be evacuated at the soonest possible opportunity but that 100 civilians had been effectively "taken #hostage" by Russian troops and could not leave.


#terrorism #WarCrimes #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #Civilians


#Slovakia's prime minister, Robert Fico, was shot several times outside the House of Culture in the town of #Handlova, Slovakia, while meeting with supporters.

Fico, who is currently in a life-threatening condition, was taken to a local hospital before being airlifted to a medical facility in Banska Bystrica.

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estoka described it as a politically motivated assassination attempt.

Mr Fico is a divisive figure at home - and controversial in the EU - for his calls to end military aid to Ukraine and sanctions on Russia.

But condemnation of the shooting has come from far and wide and it has been described as an attack on democracy.


#Terrorism #Politics #Europe #Ukraine #EU #Russia


They are starving them, they destroying their crops, they are setting their olive trees on fire, they prevent them from working, they destroy water and sanitation system and now they are stealing their money in the name of anti terrorism.

The occupation army announces the confiscation of millions of shekels from money exchange shops in the West Bank. According to a statement by the #Israeli police, its Unit 443 raided money exchange shops on suspicion that this money fuels “terrorism,” as it described it. The Monetary Authority issued a statement in which it confirmed that money exchange shops are subject to its supervision and that it It refutes any allegations or pretexts put forward by the occupation authorities to justify its actions in targeting the #Palestinian banking sector and considers that the continued attack on entities subject to the supervision of the Monetary Authority represents an act that violates all international norms, laws, charters and agreements, and aims to undermine confidence in the #Palestinian banking and banking sector.

In the mean time, the cowards and complicit in crime world leaders standing idle and watch Israel destroy the lives of millions in #Gaza and occupied #WestBank without any meaningful reaction and instead working hard to silence and punish those who condemn and expose those crimes.

#Israel #Politics #Terrorism #Occupation #Inhumanity #Apartheid #EU #US #AntiWar #Resistance #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #SavePalestine #PeaceNow #StopApartheid


Settlers mobs south of #AlKhalil in the #WestBank set fire to the aid trucks that they stopped and damaged this afternoon, which were loaded with aid and headed to the #Gaza Strip.

No sign of Israeli police of IDF to protect the convoy or stop the terrorists settlers from destroying aid packages, mostly baby formula, diapers and medical equipment.

Video of the attacks is share on telegram: https://t.me/newsvideofa/2206

#Terrorism #FoodAsWeapon #JewishISIS #Genocide #Israel #Inhumanity #Politics #Occupation #Apartheid