

Hi Diasporians (kein Plan ob das euch alle richtig anspricht). Einige von euch kennen diesen Text. Denn ich habe diesen Text für meinen damaligen Umzug von wk3.org zu pod.dapor.net geschrieben. Nun also die leicht aktualisierte Version für meinen Umzug von pod.dapor.net zu diesen hier, diasp.org. Wie dem auch sei, da pod.dapor.net bald die Pforten schließt habe ich hier schnell einen neuen Hafen gefunden. Da schonmal many thx diasp.org. Ich bin alles andere als #neuhier auf Diaspora. Mein erster D*-Hafen war #joindiaspora, von da schipperte ich weiter zu #wk3, weiter zu #pod.dapor.net und nun lege ich hier an. Über all die Zeit mochte und mag ich den kreativen Content von euch allen, die alles andere als profanen Diskussionen und nicht zuletzt die spannenden Menschen, die ich teilweise schon in real life kennenlernen konnte. So und nun sammel ich mir “meine” Kontakte wieder ein.
Achso, ich interessiere mich für: #freeopensourcesoftware #foss #anarchie #kollektivismus #webdesign #grafikdesign #antifa -aus Prinzip! #it #linux #lineageOS #wordpress #joomla #umverteilung #420 und vieles mehr.

Achtung, now the english version - my english is, i would say A2 (Elementary)
Hi Diasporians (dont know if its sounds good to you). some of you know this text, couse i wrote it in the past when i moved from wk3.org to pod.dapor. how ever, pod.dapor.net will be closed in a few weeks and so i found a new habour in here. Many thx #diasp.org. I`m not #newhere at *Diaspora. My first habour was #joindispora, after that i discovered the habour of #wk3.org, then pod.dapor.net and now i will anchor here. All the time i enjoy that creative content, the deep conversations and never the less the interesting people, a few of them i met in reallife. Well, now i collect my “old” contacts.


Jean Qwertz will disapear to rise as Jean Qwertz 4punktnull

-> new one freund_blase@pod.dapor.net

Hi Diasporians (kein Plan ob das euch alle richtig anspricht). Wie dem auch sei, da wk3.org bald die Pforten schließt habe ich hier schnell einen neuen Hafen gefunden. Da schonmal many thx dapor.net. Ich bin alles andere als #neuhier auf Diaspora. Mein erster D*-Hafen war #joindiaspora, von da schipperte ich weiter zu #wk3 und nun lege ich hier an. Über all die Zeit mochte und mag ich den kreativen Content von euch allen, die alles andere als profanen Diskussionen und nicht zuletzt die spannenden Menschen, die ich teilweise schon in real life kennenlernen konnte. So und nun sammel ich mir “meine” Kontakte wieder ein.
Achso, ich interessiere mich für: #freeopensourcesoftware #foss #anarchie #kollektivismus #webdesign #grafikdesign #antifa -aus Prinzip! #it #linux #lineageOS #wordpress #joomla #umverteilung

Achtung, now the english version - my english is, i would say A2 (Elementary)
Hi Diasporians (dont know if its sounds good to you). How ever, wk3.org will be closed in a few month and so i found a new habour in here. Many thx #dapor.net. I`m not #newhere at *Diaspora. My first habour was #joindispora, after that i discovered the habour of #wk3.org and now i will anchor here. All the time i enjoy that creative content, the deep conversations and never the less the interesting people, a few of them i met in reallife. Well, now i collect my “old” contacts.


Hi Diasporians (kein Plan ob das euch alle richtig anspricht). Wie dem auch sei, da wk3.org bald die Pforten schließt habe ich hier schnell einen neuen Hafen gefunden. Da schonmal many thx dapor.net. Ich bin alles andere als #neuhier auf Diaspora. Mein erster D*-Hafen war #joindiaspora, von da schipperte ich weiter zu #wk3 und nun lege ich hier an. Über all die Zeit mochte und mag ich den kreativen Content von euch allen, die alles andere als profanen Diskussionen und nicht zuletzt die spannenden Menschen, die ich teilweise schon in real life kennenlernen konnte. So und nun sammel ich mir "meine" Kontakte wieder ein.
Achso, ich interessiere mich für: #freeopensourcesoftware #foss #anarchie #kollektivismus #webdesign #grafikdesign #antifa -aus Prinzip! #it #linux #lineageOS #wordpress #joomla #umverteilung

Achtung, now the english version - my english is, i would say A2 (Elementary)
Hi Diasporians (dont know if its sounds good to you). How ever, wk3.org will be closed in a few month and so i found a new habour in here. Many thx #dapor.net. I`m not #newhere at *Diaspora. My first habour was #joindispora, after that i discovered the habour of #wk3.org and now i will anchor here. All the time i enjoy that creative content, the deep conversations and never the less the interesting people, a few of them i met in reallife. Well, now i collect my "old" contacts.


E-Ink Design Principles for Web and Applications

If you're engaged in application or Web UI/UX design for E-Ink devices or displays, it helps to keep in mind what these displays' capabilities are. They're quite good in some regards, somewhat limited in others.

I've looked for existing sets of guidelines without luck, so apparently I get to draw my own line in the sand. An earlier version of this post proved popular on Mastodon, I'm expanding it here. This is a first effort and some of my suggestions may not hold up, though I hope most will. Further discussion on that point at the end of this post.

Keep in mind that e-ink is not just limited to digital signage, e-book readers, and tablets, but increasingly to e-ink monitors for desktop and laptop systems. You will likely find e-ink in places and uses you didn't expect, and detecting e-ink from a developer or Web-designer perspective is itself challenging.

Persistence is free

Once set, the display will continue to show specific static content indefinitely, with no power applied. This is good if you plan on leaving output visible, somewhat less so if the content is sensitive. Applications with data sensitivity should best detect and overwrite displays when the device / display suspends.

Pixels are cheap

DPI is typically 200 or higher, devices with well over 300 DPI are available, though not necessarily common. This is equivalent to many laser-printers' dot resolution. Individual pixels are typically visible only under strong magnification. High-detailed serif fonts render quite well, much better than on most emissive displays. Pixel density does tend to fall with larger devices which are typically viewed from greater distances from which the visual angle generally remains equivalent.

Paints are expensive

In terms of energy use (battery life), time, and disruption (display ghosting / flickering, varying with display mode), any screen changes impose technical or cognitive costs. Animation is at best distracting, and often a complete disaster. Many devices offer a range of display modes which exchange speed for quality (resolution and ghosting).

Refreshes are slow

Rather than 60--120 Hz, displays typically update in the range of 0.5 -- 10 Hz, and perhaps slower for some devices or modes. Most devices / modes can accomplish fairly rapid (> 4 Hz) updates, but that's not guaranteed. Again, trade-offs exist with display mode.

Colours are very limited or nonexistent

Colour e-ink devices do exist, though they're a small subset of the total, palettes are limited, with some display characteristics lower than B&W: roughly one quarter the pixel density and slower refresh. Many current high-end devices offer a limited greyscale palette, ranging from 1--16 shades (1-4 bits). High-contrast colours (e.g., deep blue on deep red) may render as uniform dark grey on e-ink. Using colours to distinguish elements or information is generally ineffective. Gradients near white or black may be entirely indistinguishable. Designs which differ from stright black-on-white which otherwise work well on emissive displays are often suboptimal on e-ink, including my own entry into a popular theme. Text/background contrast ratios should be maximised as #FFF and #000.

Line art displays beautifully. Raster images not so much

Line art works exceptionally well on e-ink, and there is a reason it is featured in promotional materials and screensavers: it looks delicious. (See this post's hero image for an example.) Most raster images require dithering or halftones for best effect -- and with the high DPI, halftoning may well be the best option, though it can lead to Moire effects. Halftone density should be half the display DPI for best results. For most text, any background shading, image, or patterns are exceptionally distracting. Distinguishing application windows from pop-up dialogues, particularly under "flat" UI/UX paradigms, is often quite difficult. Border regions help, and this is one place where shading or crosshatching may be appropriate, perhaps applied to the background window rather than the foreground dialogue. Dark-mode themes work poorly in most e-ink applications, please provide a light-mode option. Ironically, several theme-management tools commit this error.

Pagination navigation is strongly preferred to scroll

Change the entire screen in one fell swoop, or if this isn't possible, a specific region, rather than scrolling or animated transitions. Devices and drivers typically support partial-screen updates. It's much harder to regain reading point when scrolling in e-ink than with emissive displays. This means providing interfaces for paginated movement, and for desktops, window management based on fixed window positions and full-window refresh rather than extensive movement and scrolling. Window contents should not be shown whilst repositioning or resizing. For touch devices / tablets, touch regions or physical buttons work better than gestures. The EinkBro web browser, optimsed for e-ink is far more pleasant to read and use than mainstream Android browsers. Its developer, Daniel Kau, has expressed several design considerations which correspond with mine.

Graphics are reflective rather than emissive

You cannot pour light into portions of your display, you can only remove it. Colour mixing is pigment, not light (if it exists at all). For graphics designers, you're working in pigment rather than light colour space. Readability increases with direct sunlight / bright ambient light. Many consumer devices do have illumination (backlight / frontlight) for low-light environments. External task lighting may also be applied.

Touch / Wacom may exist

Many devices incorporate a Wacom layer and can use a stylus in addition to capacitive touch response. Do with this what you can / may. Be aware the usual pitfalls of touch interfaces.

Feature detection capabilities are limited

There are relatively few tools for actually determining the characteristics of a display as pertains to e-ink. For Web development, there are CSS \@\media queries which may be useful such as the color media feature query. Display size and DPI may also be available, as well as preferences such as prefers-reduced-motion.

Demonstration of Display Capabilities

For a sense of raw display characteristics, independent of specific products, this video is highly informative. The displays show range from digital signage with minimal capabilities to high-performance large-format interactive displays, ordered by time through the video:

E-Ink display and refresh rates — a technical demonstration


About these guidelines and myself

I am a space alien cat of questionable veracity. I've used e-ink intensively for about a year and a half on an Android tablet (Onyx BOOX Max Lumi), for e-book, Web browsing, and applications, and I'd had occasional interactions with the technology for over a decade prior to that. I've been in and around the technology field for most of 50 years, working professionally for over 30. Whilst not specialising in UI/UX work, much of both my own work --- back-end and some front-end design, and all of my use is informed by interface considerations.

E-ink seems to be an expanding though still niche field. In particular, there has been a breakout from dedicated single-purpose e-ink book readers to e-ink tablets and displays. Sales numbers are all but impossible to find (and if anyone has insights these would be appreciated). E-ink is also being incorporated in a range of devices from phones (LightPhone and numerous e-ink smartphones), along with devices simply better suited to e-ink than emissive displays.

As noted at the top, the question of e-ink design principles seems curiously underserved. Useability expert Jacob Nielson has almost entirely ignored the topic other than rubbishing e-book readers a quarter century ago. I'm reasonably confident that the suggestions I make here will hold up reasonably well, but as with any first effort, some, possibly much, may be in error.

Time will tell.

Post image: Onyx BOOX Max Lumi showing power-off screen line art.

#eink #displays #WebDesign #AppDesign #UI #UX #Interfaces #DesignPrinciples


Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m also technically a #gplusrefugee although, to be honest, I haven’t really been active on G+ for quite a while now, particularly since Google started messing with the platform a while back.

I’ll also make this my #introduction or #presentation thread, so it’s going to be a long one.

My main computer interests are #webdesign #dtp #computerart #computeranimation and #computermusic.

I’m a huge fan of the #opensource #libre aspect of computing, in particular #linux and #bsd. Specific interests in this area are #blender #gimp #inkscape #scribus #archlinux #debian #gentoolinux #manjarolinux #linuxmint #opensuse #sabayon #sabayonlinux #ubuntu #ubuntustudio #freebsd #netbsd and #openbsd.

I’m interested in #music of all kinds, in particular #dancemusic #housemusic #technomusic #trancemusic #soulmusic #discomusic #funkmusic #new-wave #post-punk #punk-rock #punkrock #rockandrollmusic and #rockmusic.

On the geek front, I love #animation #anime #atompunk #rocketpunk and #steampunk, #comics #comics-books and #graphicnovels, #sci-fi of all kinds on television and in film in particular #doctor-who #doctorwho and #star-trek #startrek. I also love reading #sciencefiction #sf #sff #sf&f literature of all kinds, as well as #fanzines based around either sf literature or television and movie sci-fi.

I’m also a big fan of #science, particularly #astronomy #astrophysics #cosmology #spacecraft #spaceflight #spaceexploration #spaceships #terraforming #palaeontology #palaeobotany #geology and #archeology.

Okay, enough of that. Why am I here?

As I’ve said, I haven’t been active on G+ for a while now. Likewise with Twitter. My current main social networking activity is still on Facebook, although I’m also trying to scale that back quite a bit, until it is eventually at a minimal level. I don’t really like Facebook (either as a social network or as a corporation), despite the fact that I use it almost every day. I merely tolerate it, as that is where “everybody” is hanging out. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to totally drop Facebook, as all my family, friends and most of my general contacts are on there (and are highly unlikely to move here or anywhere else), so I’m still kinda chained to that platform, although I’d like to be on there a lot less, and do my serious social networking on a superior open social platform.

In the wake of the recent disgraceful Facebook privacy/data scandal and the announced planned closure of Gplus, I’ve decided to go on the hunt for another social networking platform to make my permanent home, preferably something not owned by a corrupt mega-corporation. So far I haven’t tried very many in depth, three or four at most, and only given a cursory look at a number of others and dismissed them right away. To be honest, most of what’s out there doesn’t really grab me at all. I’ve set up an account on #MeWe, which I quite like (it resembles G+ quite a lot, but with less activity, for now at least), but there isn’t a lot of life on my feed over there yet. I also set up an account on #Minds a year or so ago, but I’ve never really used it.

There are other, similar networks out there, but all of them are pretty much variations on the same centralised theme, the new pretenders to the throne wanting to be the next big social networking thing and all of them claiming that our data and privacy will be totally safe in their hands, unlike with evil ol’ Facebook and Google. But they all say that, don’t they, at least until they get really big themselves, and turn into huge, greedy, profit-guzzling monsters? Remember how open Google was when it started out, built on open software, and all for the libre side of things? And look at them now, totally gone over to the Dark Side.

Many of these companies turn bad when they hit it big, even if they’re nice guys at the outset, starting off small and with the best of intentions. But once they get really big, it’s in the nature of big, powerful corporations to push the legal and ethical limits and throw their enormous weight around, all in the pursuit of profit. People mean nothing to them. We’re all nothing but numbers on a balance sheet from their perspective.

For a change, I’d really like to try something that is GENUINELY open and free, federated and decentralised, rather than owned by one company, without the claws of any huge corporations embedded deep in it, and not subject to the profit-driven whims of those corporations, abusing our data and privacy, changing stuff on us willy-nilly, getting rid of features and (in the case of Google) entire platforms, if they aren’t making them enough money, and dumping untold thousands of users and their online social networking communities on the scrapheap. I’ve really had enough of that crap. These companies do not DESERVE our support, and should be avoided like the plague.

So here I am, taking my first steps on Pluspora/Diaspora, with a truly free, open, decentralised network. I’ll try to stick with this one, as it’s a lot closer to my own philosophical leanings, although so far I’m finding it quite a culture shock, being more accustomed to the more rigidly structured platforms on Facebook and G+, with their Pages, Groups, Communities, etc. I guess I’ll eventually get used to the way there is none of that stuff on here and how absolutely everything is controlled by hashtags.

I’m genuinely attracted to the platform, as the #opensource #libre ethos is much closer to my own personal beliefs and sympathies. I can conceivably see myself using Pluspora/Diaspora at some point for all of my serious geek social networking, with Facebook relegated to keeping me in contact with family and friends. Only time will tell. :)