

(things like the following paste, perhaps may remind people, we can still mend this, and you do not need to keep being terrorised into voting for the purple party. even just the banning double-jobbing... imagine having that!)
#scottishgreens #greens #newsletter #copypasta #wecanstillmendthis #cleanuppolitics #noneed #for #purpleparty

Holyrood has just passed the Scottish Elections Bill, changing the way we run elections for the Scottish Parliament and local councils.

I wanted to let you know about some of the changes which I secured to this Bill on behalf of the Scottish Greens, making our elections safer, fairer and more democratic.

Banning ‘double-jobbing’ - Following my earlier proposal to ban members of the House of Lords from serving as MSPs and Graham Simpson’s similar proposals to ban MPs, amendments were unanimously agreed yesterday to ban dual mandates from 2026

Making it easier for young people to vote. - Young people are one of the groups least likely to be registered to vote and that needs to change. The Scottish Government has agreed to my proposals to trial automatic voter registration in schools, universities and colleges.

Protecting privacy for candidates and agents. - When candidates and agents are made to publish their home address, it puts them at risk. Thanks to Green amendments, agents will no longer need to publish their home address and candidates will have the option to display the ward they live in on the ballot paper, as an alternative to printing their address.

Increasing protections from political violence. - Attacks on elected representatives, candidates, campaigners and election workers are sadly becoming more common across Europe. As well as the direct impact on the victims, these attacks have a chilling effect on our whole democratic system. Parliament has passed my amendments to give the option of reflecting this in sentencing where necessary.

Reforming the unfair cash deposits system. - Having to pay thousands of pounds to get candidates on the ballot paper is fundamentally anti-democratic. Replacing cash deposits with a set number of nominations from registered voters has long been an Electoral Commission recommendation and whilst other parties were not willing to agree to it immediately, the Scottish Government has agreed to launch a consultation on my proposals.

Those are just some of the improvements which the Scottish Greens have made to strengthen our democracy.

None of this would have been possible without our supporters, members and volunteers helping to get Green MSPs elected. With the next election now less than eighteen months away, we need to rapidly build up our campaign funds. If you can chip in £5 or £10 today, it will go a long way towards achieving a record Green result in 2026.

Kind regards,

Ross Greer MSP
Scottish Greens, West of Scotland


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lczgUj4InX0 :) #rooftopGarden

personal note, another reminder [after today again seeing several features on houses locally that "can't be done"] of #thatfuckinghouse torture/blackmail/slavery/defrauding I suffered.
...I was told that [rooftop garden] can't be done. ... among other lies.
All the wonderful things said of it in that video. Exactly. So why did they go out of their way to prevent all that goodness? It does not make sense what they did, still, try as i have for >8 years to figure out why they'd enslave their disabled son, who was not fit for work, to work at designing a home fit for his needs, despite that work pushing his already worst health even worse, then torment him with threat of building a house where every key design feature for health and homeostatic regulation etc, was inverted, and threatening to put him in that, while still asking what would he change about it, as if offering to mend it, but then always doubling down on the worst inversion possible, at every turn that mattered, forcing hundreds more designs, all denied the criteria, but demanded meet the criteria, offered only "meet your needs", suffering through all-over level 7 pain unrelenting for months, denied breaks, berated for ever not doing the designs, denied suitable working conditions, then one day came the ultimatum, the wrong house in the wrong house in the right material, which they twisted his complex answer rejecting the wrongness as accepting the wrongness, and still offering "well what would you change about it", even though the design by then had already been honed in on and refined, following needs, form following function, for them to know what it was supposed to be, and so, they kept asking weird false-binary questions in place of design, but still insisting on design, by the end of it ONE THOUSAND designs done, more artwork than done in entire life prior. was not fit for work. Still picking up the pieces, striving to have the ability to walk. I designed a house to heal. At a glance, identical form as in that video. They built a house that would cripple me. And actively torment me mentally, and harm me physically. Through me explaining how wrong it was. And they still proceeded like they were doing the right thing, like i was supposed to be loving it, and grateful, for being torturered, to design what would be used as template to invert from healing, to the torture box they built. ... even before figuring out I'm autistic, n all the self regulating need of control of ones own environment type stuff... what they did... whwhwhwhaaaaaaaat the fuck was that all about!? they had the opportunity to create something good (and originally it was just a case of put a slab over the old building there, add plumbing, doors, windows, inner wall furnishing, done, but no, then they insisted I were to design it from scratch, fit for my needs, ... I was good to go, didnt need breadcrumbed through that insane hell.) and instead they went out of their way to make it more expensive to be infinitely less useful and worse, actively harmful, and worse, maximally harmful... even in the face of being told, and shown... was it hypnosis and dark tetrad and dementia and... whwhwhwhwat the fuck was that about? why would anyone do that to anyone? fun fun #cptsd. Sisyphus had it easy. His rock only went back down to ground level. Didnt get burried. I envied gregor sama. Many times it felt like I needed to vomit up my spine. ... Seriously. The mix of gaslighting and blowing smoke up my ass, the manipulative transactionalism of the psychopathic narcissism, the total absence of contrition or introspection or awareness & compassion for other people's suffering, or awareness of the significance of dire outcomes... only goes so far to explain it. Why invert everything? Some kind of other aspect of the narcissism? The subconscious retribution against the truth teller threat?

... Anyways, personal pain reminder rant triggering aside... fucking cool house. Ace idea, rooftop garden, maximise food production on land area, eliminate food miles, benefits for spirit, community, environment and health... Glad someone else had the idea, and were not scuppered from implementing the idea by #stupidcants. :)


Even if you're suffering some knocks, even if it seems absolutely dire, hang in there, turn mendwards, patiently persevere, you are here, now, there are things you can do, you will find them, and do them, and even where it seems you cannot, just persist in orientation: #mendwards.


"IN MY OPINION: 1 Donald J Trump is worth 1000 corrupt Democrats, FBI, CIA, DOJ, WHO, WEF, MIC, MSM, BIG PHARMA, BIG TECH CEO'S!!! Hope everyone feels the same!"

they think that too.

he's, their boy.[*]
they, stage things.

[in 2004, i heard from an ex-colleague of trump's, how he's such a played joke of an ego, how he's being played to be a puppet president]

ps, but sure... maybe he's the strong man who will save us. lol. jeez. oh to get everybody to stop pissing away their power, played by terror and hope icons. "we..."

#noassets #noagents #noofficers #noarchitect


today's #backofanenvelope #wealthredistributionpotential calculations [paste @ end of post], without even including half the items of dormant wealth consolidations and squanderances as done last time (and even that time there were still many more parts missing), just from adding the estimated millionaires and billionaires wealth, it still came out as 300K each... which is 50% more than the previous calculations. :3

and that's of course still not taking into account the synergistic potentials, the loss of poverty drag, the unleashing of emancipatory technologies and other innovations.

we have so much headroom.

we can still mend this.


#economics #fun #ghci

ps, hastening to add: not advocating #robinhood style #wealthredistribution, just having fun to think about #resourcepotential and #economics and the numbers.

GHCi, version 9.0.2: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
ghci> billionaireinterest=2700000000
ghci> billionaireovertwealth=7000000000000
ghci> millionaires=60000000
ghci> avgmillionairewealth=20000000
ghci> millionaires * avgmillionairewealth
ghci> millions = millionaires * avgmillionairewealth
ghci> billionaireannual = billionaireinterest * 365
ghci> billionairehiddenwealth = billionaireovertwealth * 6
ghci> billionaireswealth = billionaireovertwealth + billionairehiddenwealth
ghci> billionaireswealth + millions
ghci> pop = 8000000000
ghci> billionaireswealth + millions / pop
ghci> pop
ghci> mic=4000000000000
ghci> inflation=(100000000000*150)
ghci> rotnin=200000000000000
ghci> ggdp=100000000000000
ghci> energy=20000000000000
ghci> wallstextract=109000000000000
ghci> wallstdestroy=wallstextract*7
ghci> wallstreettotal=wallstextract+wallstdestroy
ghci> vaticangold=60000*1000000*420/100*90
ghci> billionaireswealth + millions + mic + inflation + rotnin + ggdp + energy + wallstreettotal + vaticangold
ghci> billionaireswealth + millions + mic + inflation + rotnin + ggdp + energy + wallstreettotal + vaticangold / pop
ghci> ( billionaireswealth + millions + mic + inflation + rotnin + ggdp + energy + wallstreettotal + vaticangold )/ pop


this, i still take as the moment humanity are in.
An arrogant boastful egotist blew up our only hope back, sending it hurtling down to burn up and crash.
"What are you doing?"
"That's impossible."
"No. It's necessary.

We've not even docked yet.
We're still lining up, in high G, about to pass out.

Though of course, in reality, across from the metaphor in the scene, we humanity are not just one.
Some of us have passed out in defeatism and wilful ignorance of the cognitive dissonance.
Some are not even aware of what's going on.
Some, are actively boastful on the station, about to blow up more of it, in their arrogant wilful ignorance of warnings from others.
But there are millions of us, billions of us,
Many of whom are staying with it...
Striving to line up to dock with the spinning monstrosity we depend upon as it hurtles to doom...
Some are already docked, and firing up the main engines.
Lets help them.



[2024-02- 9 09:51:48] <@Digit> .yt episode #194 ... Do we really need the police? - Anarchism pt. 3 - (Gelderloos, Security)
[2024-02- 9 09:51:49] 0,4 ► 1,0YouTube :: https://youtu.be/2lz__WYEDrY :: Episode #194 ... Do we really need the police? - Anarchism pt. 3 - (Gelderloos, Security) :: Duration: 31:55 :: Views: 5,208 :: Uploader: Philosophize This! :: Uploaded: 2024-01-27 :: 234 likes :: 0 dislikes :: 0 favorites :: 63 comments
[2024-02- 9 09:52:00] <@Digit> ^ speaks to " human nature "
did someone say human nature? you mean like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQnUFxoFqNY yes?
^ 0,4 ► 1,0YouTube :: Anarchism and Human Nature :: Duration: 18:44 :: Views: 25,267 :: Uploader: Libertarian Communist Platform :: Uploaded: 2018-05-06 :: 1,847 likes⏎

#philosophy #politics #police #laws #letterofthelaw #spiritofthelaw #specialclass #inequality #socialdivision #causeandeffect #causeoreffect #state #statemonopolyonvilence " #humannature " #intermediaries #socialbonds #localcommunity #anarchistphilosophy #anarchism #society #panopticon #specialisation #conflictresolution #deescalation #needsbased #responsivetoneeds #responsibility #individualresponsibility #mutualresponsibility #socialorganisation #malitia #confederacy #consider #imagine #peaceful #freedom

#WEcanstillmendthis :)


"...and the only battle is not even that hard. just stop giving them your identity."



"just imagine what they know"

639,849 views 28 Aug 2022 David Bombal Podcasts
The machines are already tracking and watching you. And they're influencing you. The future looks bleak. Do you really want to live in a Skynet world?

I interview Rob Braxman - the Internet Privacy Guy. He's a public interest hacker and technologist. He uses his extensive knowledge of cybersecurity and tech to serve the public good. He cares about privacy. He warns you of digital manipulation, disinformation, mass surveillance.

#interesting #curious #listen #and #understand
#awareness #thisisnotjustaboutyou #everyoneafteryou #now
#facethehorror #weareinalotoftrouble #wecanstillmendthis
#singularity #artificialwisdom #areyoudegoogled? #skynet
#bigbrother #bigbank #bigbarron #bigbully #bigbot
#america #australia #uk #nz #canada = #5eyes
#google #apple #facebook #amazon #microsoft = #GAFAM
#stalinsdream #phonesspy #thephoneshaveears #privacy
#whyobeycrooks #dontobeycrooks #stopobeyingcrooks
#whowatchesthewatchers #cancerspyware

#nocancerspyware #idontcarrypsycho

#doyoucarrythepsychopath? #thecorporation
mass surveillance is fundamentally incompatible
with basic human rights and democracy. ... phone listening.

Listen! And understand...
That terminator is out there.
It cant be bargained with.
It cant be reasoned with.
It does not feel pity, remorse, or fear.
And it absolutely will not stop,
until you are dead.

-- Kyle Reese to Sarah Conor, warning from the future to stop it in the now. Terminator 1984

It is everybody's responsibility to poke big brother in the eye.

This video, interviewing Rob Braxman - the Internet Privacy Guy, discusses some of the situation, the reason, and the methods.


#webbrowser #websearch #fingerprinting #profiling #privatebrowsing
#analytics #tracking
#startpage #duckduckgo #bravesearch

#youcannotcomplyyourwayoutoftyranny #youcannotcomplyyourwayoutoftotalitarianism

#makebettermedicine #makingbettermedicine

this is not just about you, everyone after you, now.


feels good, every little move mendwards.


when you find out how bad it is, don't kill yourself. we can still mend this.
if everybody wakes up to face the horror, and dont kill themselves.... we can still mend this.
balance how bad you discovered it is, with how much goodness persists. we can still mend this.
we are glad you care and are now aware. we can still mend this.
