

A few megalomaniac wankers and their jeering mob dictate today's politics.
The #us has to learn from the #war in #ukraine. Profit can only be made if you fight the weak!

Douglas Macgregor joins us to discuss what is going on in Ukraine in this breaking news update.
Macgregor gives his assessment of where things stand on the ground. They talk about the astounding casualty numbers and the horrifying nature of the battle over #Bakhmut. Macgregor then gives some predictions for the next stages of the war. They talk about the rising tension with China. They agree there is no need to go to war with #China but discuss what may explain the sudden attention shift towards #Beijing. Lastly, they talk about the effects of cronyism in the weapons industry and the probability of a nuclear war.

Douglas Macgregor is concerned about the future of the United States and Europe. He stresses the need for nations to work together. Interesting and probably honest views on the conflict in Ukraine and American policy. I don't agree with all of his views, but the interview provides details on the current problems.


Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who is on a state visit to China, at the Great Hall of the People in #Beijing.

The Chinese President called on the two sides to maintain regular strategic communication and increase experience sharing on national governance. The two sides need to be steadfast in seeing each other as important development opportunities, in supporting each other's development paths which fit national realities, and in supporting stronger solidarity and collaboration among developing countries.

The two sides need to deepen cooperation, steadily advance the major cooperation projects, and further unleash cooperation potential in agriculture, energy, infrastructure, space, aviation, innovation, etc, Xi said, adding that the two sides need to explore ways for stronger cooperation on green economy, digital economy, clean energy, etc.

"China welcomes more high-quality products from #Brazil into its market. #China will actively explore greater synergy between its Belt and Road Initiative and Brazil's reindustrialization strategy," the Chinese president said, adding that both sides need to capitalize on the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations next year to carry out more people-to-people exchanges, and cultivate stronger public support for Sino-Brazilian friendship.



#Pentagon Sees Chinese 'Spy Cranes' At US Ports As "Trojan Horse"

Source: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/pentagon-sees-chinese-spy-cranes-us-ports-trojan-horse

According to national #security and Pentagon officials, the ship-to-shore cranes, produced by #China's #ZPMC, are equipped with advanced sensors capable of detecting and monitoring #shipping containers, raising alarms that #Beijing could gather #intelligence about the materials being transported to or from the US ports or #military bases.

"Cranes can be the new #Huawei," Bill Evanina, a former top US #counterintelligence official, told WSJ.

#news #spy #Transport #trade #paranoia #dod #usa #problem #Trojan #defense #technology #equipment #sensor


Xi Jinping published an article in a Russian media where he evaluated the relations between #Moscow and #Beijing. In it, the Chinese president stated, among other things:

  • No country in the global arena has a decisive voice in determining the entire existing world order; -The PRC and the Russian Federation should deepen cultural ties and hold sporting events;
  • The way out of the crisis in Ukraine is possible if common security is guaranteed;
  • China and Russia must increase the volume and quality of economic cooperation;
  • Solidarity and peace in the world without divisions or turmoil are in the common interest of all humanity;
  • Multipolarity and globalization have become an irreversible trend in the world;
  • The high-level contacts between Russia and China serve as an important accompaniment for the development of bilateral relations;
  • Russia and China defend a world order based on international law and the Charter of the United Nations;
  • China-Russia relations have come a long way and have withstood the test of strength;
  • The current level of China-Russia relations has not been easy, and the unfading friendship between the two countries must be carefully preserved; -The PRC and the Russian Federation successfully carry out strategic projects in the fields of energy, space, aviation and transport connectivity;
  • The PRC and the RF cooperate dynamically in the fields of scientific and technological innovation and cross-border e-commerce.

#Politics #China #Russia #Ukraine #WorldOrder #UN
(In Russian)
Source: https://rg.ru/2023/03/20/uporno-dvigatsia-vpered-k-novym-perspektivam-druzhby-sotrudnichestva-i-sovmestnogo-razvitiia-kitaia-i-rossii.html


Haaretz: Israeli ex-PM Naftali Bennett called the resumption of ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia a "grave and dangerous development for Israel and a significant diplomatic victory for Iran"

One interesting note is the fact Shamkhani, who was in the hiding for a long time took the center role in the negotiations and was with the team that traveled to China for the signing the deal.

#Iran and #SaudiArabia have agreed to re-establish diplomatic relations within two months, Iranian state media reported on Friday.

Following talks in #Beijing, the foreign ministers of the two countries are set to meet again in the near future, and the countries will re-open their embassies, the report said.

Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the Iran's Supreme National Security Council, thanked China for mediating between the parties. The Saudi Foreign Ministry has confirmed the deal in a joint statement with Iran and China.

It is also interesting that the #Biden (the man who is not #Trump) role in the process and his push to counter this agreement with melding between the fascist coalition government of #Netanyahu and the KSA.

In a Wall Street Journal report published Thursday, sources said that the Biden administration is heavily involved in back-channel talks between the two states. Both U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are seeking to reach a deal with the Saudis as an apparent counter to Iran as it ratchets up its own nuclear program, and continues providing military aid to the Russians during its war with #Ukraine.

When Netanyahu won Israel's November election, he began to publicly push for formal ties with Saudi Arabia, in an effort to build upon the success of the so-called Abraham Accords that were brokered two years ago under his previous government with the United Arab Emirates and #Bahrain.
#UAE #PersianGulf



BAIC обновил «клона» Mercedes-Benz GL: раскрыты характеристики и дата начала продаж Beijing BJ90 2023


Китайский BAIC официально продемонстрировал новый вариант внедорожника Beijing BJ90 2023 модельного года. Данный автомобиль большинство специалистов называет почти полным клоном немецкого Mercedes-Benz GL, выпускавшегося в 2011 году. Изначально, Beijing BJ90 позиционировался в качестве машины, исключительно для чиновников. Однако позднее внедорожник стал пользоваться популярностью и среди обычных автомобилистов. Если сопоставить обновившийся BAIC Beijing BJ90 и немецкий […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


Новый внедорожник Beijing BJ60 официально сошел с конвейера: продажи автомобиля уже начались


Сегодня, 16 ноября, новый внедорожник Beijing BJ60 2023 официально сошел с конвейера. Автомобиль был представлен на автосалоне в Чэнду в этом году. Тогда же стартовали его предварительные продажи. Стоимость внедорожника составляет 239 800 – 289 800 юаней, что по актуальному курсу эквивалентно 2,04 – 2,47 млн рублей. Новинка получила несущий кузов и независимую конструкцию подвески, а под […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


#China’s current ruler, #XiJinping, will likely be elevated to similar stature at the 20th Communist Party Congress in #Beijing, which begins next week. These political gatherings, held every five years, are used to finalize the lineup of the party’s senior leadership, revealing to the nation and to the world the victors of backroom wrangling and brass-knuckled competition. This time #Xi, the Communist Party’s general secretary since 2012 and the country’s president since 2013, is widely expected to deviate from modern precedent and claim a third term. That would put him in charge until 2027, but he could very well rule indefinitely.
If events unfold as anticipated, Xi will emerge from the congress as the most commanding figure in Chinese #politics since #Mao Zedong, who ruled almost unchallenged from his founding of the People’s Republic, in 1949, to his death 27 years later. Yet the event will be more like a coronation than a party conference.

https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/10/xi-jinping-china-national-party-congress/671718/ #imperialism #covid #italy #asia


anyway, what a pity

Chinese President #XiJinping reappeared on state television Tuesday (Sep 27) after a several-day absence from public view that sparked rumours about the 69-year-old leader’s political fortunes.
#Xi was shown visiting a display at the #Beijing Exhibition Hall on the theme of Forging Ahead into the New Era.
Accompanied by Premier Li Keqiang and other top leaders, Xi, who is also head of the ruling Communist Party and the People’s Liberation #Army, viewed some of the displays and commented on China’s economic progress over the past decade.
The visit was Xi’s first appearance on television since he returned from a regional summit in #Uzbekistan last weekend.
Under Chinese pandemic regulations, he would need to stay in quarantine for a week after returning.

https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/china-president-xi-jinping-reappears-state-tv-amid-rumours-over-absence-2969296 #china #covid #hongkong #politics


Он как Jeep, но за 2 млн рублей. Beijing озвучил стоимость своего нового внедорожника BJ60 с 4WD


За последние два года китайский рынок SUV определенно находится на своем подъеме. На этом фоне бренд Beijing активизировал свои усилия и анонсировал выпуск нового BJ60, который позиционируется, как средний внедорожник. А на днях была обнародована его предпродажная цена, которая начинается от 250 000 юаней (ок. 2 175 500 руб.). Как было объявлено ранее, BJ60 2023 […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


Официально вышел новый бюджетный кросс Beijing Rubik’s Cube с технологиями от Huawei: цены и характеристики


На днях в Китае был официально выпущен Beijing Rubik's Cube 2022 по цене от 99 900 до 153 900 юаней (ок. 915 000-1 410 000 руб.). По случаю этого события BAIC Motor совместно с Hunan Satellite TV и Mango TV организовал вечеринку SO Show Planet Party, где кросс был главным героем. Новый автомобиль позиционируется, как […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


The economic miracle of the People’s Republic had some key features: Ever-rising home prices, surging household #debt, and a real estate sector that broadly contributes to one third of #GDP. Wary of an asset price bubble, #Xi drew three “red lines” last year to restrict financing and force developers to deleverage. A flurry of defaults ensued, including that of #property giant #China Evergrande (3333.HK), forcing bondholders to accept extensions or chase lawsuits. The #revolt on mortgage payments underscores #Beijing’s failure to ensure the losses stop there.
It puts the focus on China’s property buying preferences. New launches are almost always sold before they are built. When heavily indebted developers run out of cash, buyers are left with nothing but a debt obligation. #Evergrande warned of this problem in a letter it wrote in 2020 to local authorities: The company pleaded to be allowed to list a subsidiary to avoid a cash crunch that it said would cause huge financial and social risks, including two million buyers who might #protest over their 600,000-odd unfinished apartments.

https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/china-property-crisis-enters-dangerous-next-phase-2022-07-14/ #economy #crisis


Beijing Hainachuan Hella открыл новый завод по производству оптики: он планирует выйти на мировой рынок


Несколько дней назад официально открылся пекинский завод по производству фар нового поколения Beijing Hainachuan Hella Auto Lamp Changzhou. В него было инвестировано более 10 миллионов евро. Первоначальный годовой объем производства запланирован на выпуск около 600 000 комплектов. Генеральный менеджер Hainachuan Hella Auto Lighting сообщил, что в настоящее время на автомобили с новыми источниками энергии приходится […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


Beijing назвал точную дату начала «живых» продаж кросса Rubik’s Cube: он стоит всего 840 000 рублей


Несколько дней назад от официального представителя Beijing Auto стало известно, что модель Rubik's Cube 2022 будет запущена в продажу уже 28 июля. Это первый топливный автомобиль компании, оснащенный системой Hongmeng. Его предпродажи начались в конце июня по цене 102 900 -- 15 900 юаней (ок. 839 664 -- 129 744 рублей) С точки зрения внешнего вида, модель […]

#beijing #автоновости #новости #lang_ru #ru #naavtotrasseru #авто #наавтотрассеру


As Sri Lankan protesters stormed the presidential residence in #Colombo, the Chinese Embassy released no statements and did not tweet. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs offered no comment until Monday afternoon, well behind others such as #India, the European Union, and the United States. The French Embassy even retweeted a tweet comparing the events in #SriLanka to the French #Revolution. Yet the silence from #Beijing that immediately followed the collapse of the Rajapaksa regime (and the word salad from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that finally emerged) should not be confused for a lack of interest. The fall of the Rajapaksa government in Sri Lanka will have considerable long-term implications for Chinese international #politics—if the family doesn’t claw its way back into power.
Members of the Rajapaksa family have held public offices in Sri Lanka for more than half a century. The current generation that includes Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gotabaya Rajapaksa, both of whom have been president, are the grandchildren of Don David #Rajapaksa, who held a powerful colonial post when Sri Lanka was controlled by the British Empire. Their father was a deputy speaker of the Sri Lankan Parliament after the country’s independence. Many other family members have held government positions. The family has nearly cornered political power in Sri Lanka for much of this century, and its power has come with conspicuous #corruption.

https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/07/13/china-sri-lanka-rajapaksa-family-corruption/ #china #usa #crisis #economy #ccp #japan #russia


Charlene Chu, famed among #China watchers for warning about a debt bubble when at Fitch Ratings, says that pain is only just beginning for credit extended to Chinese #property.
In the wake of #Beijing’s sweeping crackdown on leverage built up in #realestate, China #Evergrande Group and others have defaulted on a slew of bonds. Chu, a senior analyst at Autonomous Research, a division of Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., estimated that “we have 30 companies who’ve defaulted with total liabilities of around $1 trillion.”
While banks have the safeguard of collateral for their loans to developers, “where things could start to get a lot more ugly” is if lenders start revaluing that collateral lower, Chu said in a June 15 interview with the One Decision podcast.
“We’re just so early in this process of these defaults happening, and restructurings usually take quite a long time,” said Chu, who was known at Fitch for warning in the early 2010s over debt risks in the shadow #banking sector. “We haven’t really gotten to the point of saying, ‘OK, well, what really is going to happen with that building?’”

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-07/china-property-slide-early-in-game-after-1-trillion-defaults #finance #crisis #economy