

Let’s review the basic points: China is a capitalist country. This is evident in the fact that everyone needs #money to survive and therefore has to depend on “the #economy.” Most of the population is proletarian, which means that they don’t have any control over #production and therefore must work for wages to survive. Only the minority of the population who are extremely rich, called the capitalist class, can instead survive off the profit from their investments, which demonstrates their ownership of production. While this dictatorial ownership is the core feature of capitalist rule, nation-states emerge as the political expression of this social power. The state serves as a necessary means for capitalists to coordinate and compete with one another, but it also helps to maintain the baseline conditions for capitalist society to exist in the first place. This includes #repression ( #police, #prisons, the #military, etc.), the maintenance of a legal system founded on #property rights, and the mobilization of public investment (in #infrastructure, #healthcare, #education, etc.), all involving the creation of a myth of shared “national interests” rooted in “national culture.”
In #China, the capitalist class rules directly through the party-state. Capitalists hold all the leading positions within the communist party and the #government. Similarly, most large capitalists who hold no bureaucratic position are, at minimum, party members. This allows them to be “inside the system,” where they have preferential access to resources (through credit), greater protection from competition with capitalists in other countries (through tariffs and subsidies) and a seat at the table for all the major decisions (through the party infrastructure). Those left “outside the system” are mostly smaller capitalists who have not yet joined the party, rebel capitalists who refuse to submit to the others and/or capitalists more aligned with foreign interests. In reality, the party infrastructure is messy and often violent, since capitalists have competing interests. But even if it were perfectly coordinated and coordinated, enrolling all Chinese capitalists as members, this would still only represent one fraction of the global capitalist class in competition with others.

https://chuangcn.org/2022/03/china-faq-capitalist/ #capitalism #state #ccp #communism #nationalism #japan #southkorea #usa #eu #labour


I'm finally posting the essay that I wrote: “‘Socialism’ or Social Democracy.” It's long, kind of specific, a little mean, & it's responding to something from September of last year (although the ideas it's critiquing are unfortunately timeless).

Like I wrote in the little preface area, this should've been published three months ago. Oops. At least I'm posting it now...

I swear my next post won't be like this. I hope to God not 👀


#Communism #Socialism #SocialDemocracy #Capitalism #PSL #TheSocialistProgram #China #ChineseCommunistParty


Sonnenallee (1999)

The entire final scene is just amazing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hna9g2zdMs8

And this music video too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--FPVbnzJ8k

And these songs from the soundtrack:
- Sonnenallee (Graeme Jefferies, 1999): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIG9h2-f8Dw
- Moscow (Wonderland, 1968): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjowaMDrbjI
- Geh zu ihr (Puhdys, 1973): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km1DGpQ8aZA
- What Love Does to Me (Party Trilogy Pt. 2) (Einstürzende Neubauten, 1999): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fPhoXCiqm4&t=2m30s (just the middle part, from 2:30-5:40)

#film #Deutschland #DDR #GDR #EastGermany #communism #music #airguitar #Deutsch #Germany #Germany


Hello fellow readers and friends. I finished formatting the ebook for Paul Mattick Sr's book Marx and Keynes: The Limits of the Mixed Economy. I have below several links to the various formats on Mediafire and on the Marxists Internet Archive
* MIA ebooks holding all above versions
* Other PDF

For other books on a similar subject also see bit.ly/CommunistEPUBs and the Marxists Internet Archive.

Image Description:

A book cover featuring a black background. In pink text along the top is "Marx and Keynes: The Limits of the Mixed Economy" and along the bottom is "By Paul Mattick" and "Marxists Internet Archive". In the center are two black and white photos of John Maynard Keynes and Karl Marx arranged in such a way as to have them facing each other.

#Capitalism #Communism #Marxism #Keynesianism #Liberalism


Study, study, #study. The deception, mendacity & falsehoods go back to the mid 19th century.

#WW1, #WW2, #Communism, the #USA, the #French #Revolution, the #British #Empire, the #NAZIs, the #Bolsheviks, the #Cold #War, the #EU, #multiculturalism, #globalism, the #NSA, the #CIA, #GCHQ, #MI6, the five eyes, Central #Banking, global #plutocracy, #surveillance #capitalism, smart devices, #endocrine #manipulation, applied #psychology, social #engineering, #education systems, historical #narratives, #information control, faux #Hegelian dialectics, #propaganda, manufacturing #consent, #eugenics, #perception management, #secret societies, #blackmail honeypots, puppet #politicians, societal #control mechanisms, #psychosocial reality formation.


Your first #Black (Bi-racial) President gave financial assistance #USTaxpayers money and arms to #Ukrainians

#Maidanrevolution #nazis took over the government now civilians are going through the #Russian meat grinder thinking they can take on a #super-power immigrants being conscripted to be canon-fodder for the Ukraine army all while the #USPresident and #BritishPM sit back and watch it on TV at the same time Americans and Brits go homeless and line up for miles outside food banks who wrote this script this is a classic block-buster movie

obama and poroshenko






#news #politics #plandemic #inflation #economy #Biden #democrats #bankers #globalists #bitcoin #Ethereum #gold #zionism #communism #globalism #economy #currency #economics #frauds #liars #deceivers #inflation #deflation #goldmansachs #communism #globalism #economy #currency #economics #frauds #liars #deceivers #inflation #deflation #hedgefunds #lockdowns #vaccines #NewNormal #nwo #banksters #rothschild #bildeberg #jpmorgan #rockefeller #warburg #soros #economicslavery #debt #currency #fiat #money #falseflag #plutocracy #plutonomy #oligarchy #europe #refugres #shameofeurope #inhumanity #2nd-amendment, #freedom #mandate #FBI #PoliticalPersecution #tyranny
