

it takes #healing, processing, to come to healthy terms with what happened. #trauma.

(and as silly as it first seems, try #EFT, which, surprisingly, works even better the more severe the stuff being dealt with in #ptsd or #cptsd or #grief or #addiction or #survivorguilt or #stress or #anxiety or #depression or #burnout , or whatever trauma from, and with, toxic overload...
this Emotional Freedom Technique stuff helps,
as silly as it first seems, it really helps. it's no magic pixie wand that solves everything, but it helps with the #overwhelmed #overwhelm, helps widen the processing aperture and expedite the jam straight through )

[no guarantees, do research it yourself, just speaking from my experience, it astonishes me how much it helps, enough i want to share it, perchance it really helps alleviate a lot of suffering.]


Mit Resilienz Krisen gut überstehenWarum können manchen Menschen mit Krisen besser umgehen als andere? Warum rutschen manche in Depression und Burnout, während andere mit beiden Füßen im Leben bleiben? Es geht darum, persönliche Strategien zu entwickeln, nicht psychisch krank zu werden. Aber wie?

Wie gehst Du, wie geht Ihr persönlich mit diesen und anderen #Krisen um?

#depression #burnout #überforderung


now I like him even more.


People in the #music industry give me blank stares when I brush off 8 million dollar offers. I don't want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. I don't want to play stadium shows, I don't want to be in the spotlight. I wrote the music I wrote because I was suffering with #mentalhealth and #depression. These songs have connected with millions of people on such a deep level because they're being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment they were being sung. No editing, no agent, no bullshit. Just some idiot and his guitar. The style of music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place.
My legal name is #Christopher #Anthony #Lunsford. My grandfather was #Oliver #Anthony, and "Oliver Anthony Music" is a dedication not only to him, but 1930's #Appalachia where he was born and raised. Dirt floors, seven kids, hard times. At this point, I'll gladly go by Oliver because everyone knows me as such. But my friends and family still call me Chris. You can decide for yourself, either is fine.
In 2010, I dropped out of high school at age 17. I have a GED from #SprucePine, #NC. I worked multiple plant jobs in Western NC, my last being at the paper mill in McDowell county. I worked 3rd shift, 6 days a week for $14.50 an hour in a living hell. In 2013, I had a bad fall at work and fractured my skull. It forced me to move back home to #Virginia. Due to complications from the injury, it took me 6 months or so before I could work again.
From 2014 until just a few days ago, I've worked outside sales in the industrial manufacturing world. My job has taken me all over Virginia and into the Carolinas, getting to know tens of thousands of other blue collar workers on job sites and in factories. Ive spent all day, everyday, for the last 10 years hearing the same story. People are SO damn tired of being #neglected, #divided and #manipulated.
In 2019, I paid $97,500 for the property and still owe about $60,000 on it. I am living in a 27' camper with a tarp on the roof that I got off of #craigslist for $750.
There's nothing special about me. I'm not a good #musician, I'm not a very good person. I've spent the last 5 years struggling with mental health and using #alcohol to drown it. I am sad to see the world in the state it's in, with everyone fighting with each other. I have spent many nights feeling #hopeless, that the greatest country on Earth is quickly fading away.
That being said, I HATE the way the #Internet has divided all of us. The Internet is a #parasite, that #infects the minds of humans and has their way with them. Hours wasted, goals forgotten, #loved ones sitting in houses with each other distracted all day by #technology made by the hands of other poor souls in sweat shops in a foreign land.

When is enough, enough? When are we going to fight for what is right again? MILLIONS have died protecting the #liberties we have. #Freedom of speech is such a precious gift. Never in world history has the world had the freedom it currently does. Don't let them take it away from you.

Just like those once wandering in the desert, we have lost our way from #God and have let false idols distract us and divide us. It's a damn shame.


Hudson, ever astute, points out what many in the economics world of the West wanted to always ignore.

In addition to having to subsidize domestic European gas to prevent widespread insolvency, a large proportion of German Leopard tanks, U.S. Patriot missiles and other #NATO “wonder weapons” are being destroyed in combat against the Russian army. It has become clear that the U.S. strategy is not simply to “fight to the last Ukrainian,” but to fight to the last tank, missile and other weapon being deleted from NATO stocks. This depletion of NATO’s arms was expected to create a vast replacement market to enrich America’s military-industrial complex. Its NATO customers are being told to increase their military spending to 3 or even 4 percent of #GDP. But the #weak performance of U.S. and #German arms on the Ukrainian battlefield may have crashed this dream, while Europe’s economies are sinking into #depression. Source

Exactly! And, in the end, in warfare the reputation of weapon systems matters and the US military-industrial complex has been finally exposed.
#investment in #war mostly makes a lot of #money


"Die Folgen des Lockdowns werden erst später sichtbar"

Das Coronavirus mag körperliche Erkrankungen hervorrufen, für viele Menschen hat die Pandemie aber auch erhebliche Folgen für die psychische Gesundheit. Nach Aussagen von Psychotherapeuten haben sich mit dem Virus in Berlin auch Ängste, Zwänge und Depressionen weiter ausgebreitet.

Menschliche Kontakte wurden während der Pandemie zu einem Gesundheitsrisiko. Für erkrankte und ältere Menschen bedeutete das Coronavirus häufig sogar fast völlige Isolation und Einsamkeit. "Der Mensch ist ein sinnliches Wesen", sagt die Psychotherapeutin. Selbst ein täglicher Händedruck sei wichtig, auch wenn man sich danach die Hände desinfizieren müsste. "Wenn kleine Kinder nicht gestreichelt werden, haben sie kein Körperbild und können sich nicht richtig entwickeln."

Dafür waren ausländischen Patienten sehr besorgt. Besonders bei Patienten die unter Diktaturen gelitten haben, seien viele Traumata der Vergangenheit nochmal hochgekommen. “Sperrstunden und Augangsverbote haben Patienten die unter der Argentinischen oder Chilenischen Diktatur gelitten haben sehr verstört.” Auch Patienten, die in der DDR sozialisiert wurden, hätten auf die Regierungsmaßnahmen oft mit Misstrauen reagiert.


Euch zur Kenntnis. Der Artikel ist von 2020. Die zitierten Absätze sind aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen.

#corona #covid #rbb #rbb24 #psychologie #gesundheit #berlin #angst #depression #lockdown


80 Jahre LSD – Wechselvolle Geschichte eines Psychedelikums | DW | 15.04.2023

1943 erlebte Albert Hofmann den ersten LSD-Trip. Seither galt die LSD mal als Wahnsinns-, mal als Wunderdroge. Für Hofmann entwickelte sich die Droge zum "Sorgenkind". Nun finden Psychedelika ihren Platz in der Medizin.#LSD #Drogen #Psychedelika #Psilocybin #Depression #AlbertHofmann #Sandoz #Bewusstsein #Delysid
80 Jahre LSD – Wechselvolle Geschichte eines Psychedelikums | DW | 15.04.2023


Mental health and cannabis - good chat - curious about cannabis

Cannabis, Mental Health, Consciousness Research, Neurodivergence with Miyabe Shields PhD

very glad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNH0whizEtw got re-uploaded with the sound corrected.

#cannabis #mentalhealth #neurodiversity #people
#research #moreresearch #needmoreresearch #dontneedmoreresearch
#wellbeing #health #suicideideation #anxiety #depression
#science #dsm #pharmaceuticals #sideeffects #psychiatry
#goodchat #goodrants #goodstimming #carboxylgroup n_n
#life #society #capitalism #categories #masking #copingmechanisms
#tribe #connection #neurodivergentcommunity #honesty
#conversation #depth #shallow #superficial #pleasantries #realtalk
#abstract #curiosity #iloveit #fringe #taboo #outofthebox
#emotionalconnection #creativity #music #study #unquantifiable
#bullying #preinternetbullying #anonymity #pseudonymity
#stress #emotions #dissociation #feel #presence #feeling
#think #psyche #intuitive #stereotype #counterintuitive
#evolveouropinion #selfinventory #selfreflect #introspect
#mindfully #mindfullness #dynamic #childhoodmemories
#formativeyears #behavior #identity #subconscious #brain
#unconscious #association #prejudice #ptsd #forget
#beinthemoment #thepowerofnow #teaching #education
#learnedadaption #learnedbehaviour #compensating
#perception #honest #healing #familiarise #unknown #fear
#importantconversations #logicalconsistency #integrity
#insightful #ireallylovecannabis #cannabissavedmylife
#alovingandgivingplant #alivingplant #cultivation #learn
#beautifulplant #prettyplant #coevolved #neverforgetthefirsttime
#funplanttogrow #healingplant #sogiving #sograteful
#sharing #personaljourney #beingmoreopen #share
#religious #kinship #theherb #community #closeness
#aspiescientists #hermit #comingout #activetherapy
#consciousness #consciousnessresearch



[2023-04- 5 16:49:30] <@Digit> i see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNH0whizEtw has been re-uploaded. ... hopefully without the sound completely de-syncing between both halves of the conversation, like the prior upload's painful comedic fail.
[2023-04- 5 16:49:31] ^ ► YouTube :: Cannabis, Mental Health, Consciousness Research, Neurodivergence with Miyabe Shields PhD | BTS 87 :: Duration: 01:40:15 :: Views: 23 :: Uploader: Curious About Cannabis :: Uploaded: 2023-04-04 :: 5 likes

looking forward to part two too. :)


Another #IPCC report out just makes me realise how much I've completely lost faith in society. There really isn't any point even in reading news about it. If it wont change how humans behave, what's the point? We've been given information for years and years and years and still human society has done literally nothing to drive down emissions. Certain media outlets will be shouting about it for longer, some media outlets will make a single news item about it, and then it's back to business. Literally business. As in "how much is our economy growing today", because that must be the most important thing for a human being. Surely we will all die if the economy does not grow.

"But we're building so much clean energy!" you may say. Sure, because we need to grow the economy. We're not building green energy to reduce emissions, we're building green energy so we can consume more. It's called "green growth" and unless your party is far left or far right, they'll likely be selling it to you. Greenwashing on a national level.

I think this is it, the issue that was too big for humanity. We are too many with too many differences, even to the point of actively killing each other in various corners of the world, and massively destructive weapons aimed at each other in all parts of the world. Humanity just can't deal with a crisis so big when all society is telling you to do is spend, buy and consume. Build walls, hate, breed, succeed and tell everyone about.

And ironically, democracy which was supposed to be the smart thing to create equality among society, is one of the things that will destroy it. Democracy is great at ensuring things change slowly over time, as opinions of the voters change over generations. Need fast change? Out of luck, try again next century. Maybe then the population would take an IPCC report seriously, if only we had a society then.

#climatechange #humanity #depression


#serotonin #addictions #depression
Good and bad feelings for brain stem serotonin
Research Press Release | December 28, 2022
Joint press release by Hokkaido University and Kyoto University.

New insights into the opposing actions of serotonin-producing nerve fibres in mice could lead to drugs for treating addictions and major depression.
