

10 Reasons You Should Switch From #Chrome to #Firefox

source: https://www.howtogeek.com/reasons-you-should-switch-from-chrome-to-firefox/

1) Firefox Uses Less #Battery Than Chrome
2) Firefox Doesn’t Track Your #Internet #Activity to Make #Money
3) Firefox Has Better #Privacy Controls To Prevent Sites From #Tracking You
4) Firefox #Facebook Containers and Multi-Account Containers Enhance Your Privacy
5) #Mozilla #VPN and Firefox Relay Hide Your Personal Details

6) Firefox Is #OpenSource and Evolves With Time
7) Firefox Has a Huge #Extension Ecosystem
8) Firefox Is Highly Customizable
9) Firefox Sync and Pocket Keep Your #Online Life Organized
10) Switching From Chrome to Firefox Is Easy

#browser #software #floss #foss #security #surfing #web #www #news #freedom


#HDMI Forum to #AMD: No, you can’t make an open source HDMI 2.1 driver

Source: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/02/hdmi-forum-to-amd-no-you-cant-make-an-open-source-hdmi-2-1-driver/

We finally need a legal obligation for open source. This is the only way we can be more environmentally friendly and conserve resources by reusing old devices. Who among the HDMI freaks guarantees us updates in 10 years' time or new drivers for the next generation of operating systems?

#opensource #freedom #economy #future #technology #display #port #fail #foss #floss #news #justice #politics #law #environment #ressources #update #security


Why I use #Firefox

  1. The about:config page
  2. Mozilla cannot decrypt my data on their servers
  3. Translating web pages is also completely private
  4. Mozilla develops their own browser engine
  5. The best support for extensions on #Android
  6. A great picture-in-picture player

I #trust #Mozilla more than I trust #Google, #Apple, #Microsoft, or any other company that makes #web browsers. This trust is based on the fact that Mozilla chooses the highest level of user privacy when developing services such as Firefox Sync, Firefox Translate, and others. A web browser is an integral part of a person’s #online life, so it makes sense to choose a #browser from a company that one trusts the most.

source: https://šime.eu/3

#software #freedom #opensource #foss #floss #internet #privacy #security #www #surfing


📲 Welche mittelkomplexen FOSS-Dateimanager könnt Ihr für #Android empfehlen? 📁 (also was zwischen #Fossify (ehemals #SimpleMobileTools ) und #GhostCommander )
Ich selbst nutze bevorzugt Ghost Commander, aber der ist sicher für viele Anwendungszwecke überdimensioniert.

Screenshot Ghost Commander, 2-Spalten-Ansicht

Screenshot Fossify-Manager "Seamless File Management""

Den Simple Manager von Simple Mobile Tools kenne ich auch, aber der ist wiederum zu "simple", so dass der Fossify Manager auch nicht passen würde.

Nun hat mich jemand nach einer Empfehlung gefragt. Es gibt ja so einige weitere Dateimanager für Android , mit welchen weiteren habt Ihr Erfahrung und könnt sie empfehlen?

☝️🤓 Sollte natürlich #FOSS & #Privacy freundlich sein...

@FOSS - Freie Software #FDroid


Bildet Banden – YunoHost for a self-determined digital life

Your own federated sever for your squat, rocker gang, syndicate. Runs on a raspi or an old computer or on a dedicated server that you can rent cheaply. Easy to install and you can install all the wonderful federated services with just one click. Peertube, Element, mastodon, diaspora*, nextcloud, invidious and many more. Free yourself and your friends.


#anarchy #anon #banden #federated #FOSS #oss #rocker #SelfEmpowerment #selfdefence #selfhosting #squat #Yunohost


The dialectic of freedom
So if freedom is our highest good and we cannot do without it without giving up our existence as human beings, how do we deal with it? Freedom also means danger.

This is the confusing ambivalence inherent in freedom. If we cannot curtail freedom without losing it, but as human beings we also cannot live without a contract that puts the law of the strongest in its place and prevents arbitrariness and vigilante justice, then what can we do to solve this paradox of freedom?

Since Aristotle, there has been a rational, scientific method for humanity to live neither in immaturity nor in arbitrariness. Ethics. In contrast to morality, which is its own negation and describes the state of the other, the despicable, as immorality, ethics is the scientific study of habits, customs and practices.

Even the pre-Socratic Sophists considered it intolerable that human beings, as rational beings endowed with free will, should be guided only by traditions, conventions and sets of rules.

Aristotle elevates this to the status of a science that allows us to rationally, empirically develop and repeatedly negotiate a social contract. Ethics presupposes man as fundamentally rational and capable of reflection. If he were not, he would never have been able to leave the realm of naïve sensuality and mysticism and, like an animal, would merely be at the mercy of his drives and instincts.

The basis of ethics is virtue. Contrary to the claims in revelations and in despotisms, there are no transcendent rules laid down before human reason. Moses' 10 Commandments contradict all science and are unethical. Not in their content, for that is to be negotiated, but in their God-given immutability.

The constitutions that we expect today as the basis of a modern, enlightened society did not come into being by the grace of God or through the brainwave of a single person. They were fought for and negotiated in a historical process. Our living together is a result of this ethical process.

But what does that mean for a globalised, digitalised world in transition? A world in which nation states no longer play a role (even if everyone clings to them in panic), in which language barriers disappear and permanent real-time communication takes place?

What can be clearly said is that a radical change is taking place. That the old rules, laws and constitutions, that the old social contract has to be renegotiated. Ethics is therefore the science of the hour!

The Marxists in the 19th century already tried to create a world ethic. They called it internationalism, a word that already bears nationalism in its name. The situation in the 21st century is different, arbitrary borders are dissolving, a real world community is emerging.

And in order to master this, to develop a world ethic, we need tools that enable us to do this. These must be, in the Marxian sense, tools of self-empowerment. Digital structures must not be in the hands of individuals or companies or nations. The structure must be free.

That an ethical basis for digitalisation must be created was clear to smart, rational people from the very beginning. The basis of the information age and the digital transformation is based on software. In addition to the proprietary systems and programmes that still dominate today, open source software emerged early on. Software that belongs to no one, that can be further developed by everyone and that guarantees full freedom and is perfectly suited as an ethical tool of a new society.

Open source software is therefore not a technical phenomenon, but an ethical, political one. A structure for our future.

FULL TEXT ----> HERE! https://undeadnetwork.de/bookstack/books/radical-enlightenment-a-world-of-open-sources-translation/page/english-version-please-edit

#ethics #FOSS #freedom #future #moral #OpenSource


Open source’s new mission: To boldly go where no software has gone before and expose where the data goes

Penguin standing on ice with waves splashing around it
An interesting read (linked below) in that often the code used to run an application is available as open source, but not always understood by users. The thing that users worry about more though is where their data actually is, and where is it flowing (in plain simple to understand language and pictures).

It’s true that many FOSS apps are completely open, and the data is stored locally only, or sometime synced via a 3rd party service that the user chooses themselves. But Big Tech has also found ways of gaming the FOSS environment to the point where their solution is FOSS in name, but the server/cloud side is not open sourced, and the users’ data is stored in that cloud service somewhere without the user really knowing where it is, who/what else has access to it, etc.

It is being proposed that a truly open system should also extend to the user’s data, and not need a programmer to try figure out what is happening. In most cases the client-side open source app is not going to give any ideas as to what is happening with data on the server/cloud side.

Usually, such data also does not conform to open data standards, and even when it does, it certainly can’t easily be re-used elsewhere by the user. Yes, you could export your Google+ user data from Google, but there was nothing you really could do with that data.

Contrast this with a simple example of say a cloud hosted RSS reader service. You can export the OPML file and import that into any other RSS reader as the data conforms to an open standard.

To be truly FOSS the whole system needs to be able to be self-hosted by the user, and the location and the access to the data needs to be understood by users. The user’s experience is the total sum of the application software, the server/cloud side software, as well as their data.

See https://www.theregister.com/2024/01/08/open_sources_new_mission/
#Blog, #cloud, #FOSS, #opensource, #technology


Home From School

I wonder why this time of year is a favorite for the flu as well as for people. But it's bad enough today that I have to stay home. So maybe I can do some more with my new #Linux, and finish my paper about #libre #software. It's such a broad topic, though, that I might just scale it down and make it about Linux. But my introduction will go from the broad subject of #FOSS to a thesis about Linux, just one part in a bigger picture. I'm not very technically gifted, so I'm writing about the philosophical and ethical basis of FOSS. This is for English Comp class, not computer science or anything. Diaspora is full of posts about all this stuff, so it's a huge resource all by itself. If anyone out there wants to contribute to a #kid's first term paper about libre software and Linux in particular, feel free to comment!

Actually this my first term paper on any subject. I have done essays before, but not a real live term paper. This has to have references and footnotes and all that stuff. It looks a lot harder than just an essay. Maybe it's a good thing I have to stay home.