We'd know a lot more about the #US #ProxyWar in #Ukraine, if #JulianAssange hadn't been #imprisoned for the last Decade!
#FreeAssange #Julian #Assange #WikiLeaks #whistleblower #whistleblowers #RealJournalism
#FreeAssange #Julian #Assange #WikiLeaks #whistleblower #whistleblowers #RealJournalism
About 300 #freepress advocates carried a 240-foot #yellow-banner emblazoned with “ #FreeAssange” around the #Department-of-Justice building in #WashingtonDC and then heard a slate of #speakers, including #JillStein, #BenCohen, #ChrisHedges, #JohnKiriakou, #ScottRitter, #MadeaBenjamin, #JoeLauria, #KevinGosztola #RevAnnieChambers #MatthewHoh #SpikeCohen #DaveDeCamp #EstherIverim #DanCohen #ElizaBleu #MarshaColeman #ChipGibbons #GarlandNixon #JamesBovard #SabrinaSalvati #RandyCredico ...
#handsoffassange #us #doj #protest #demonstration #activism #julianassange #wikileaks #journalism #truth #freepress #freespeech #dropthecharges #noextradition #weareallassange #journalismisnotacrime #dontextraditeassange
Outside the gates of Downing street...
" #JulianAssange should not be the subject of a #grand-jury #hearing. He should be given a #medal." ~ #NoamChomsky #quote
The #SydneyPeaceFoundation awarded its #GoldMedal for #peace with #justice to #WikiLeaks co-founder #JulianAssange in 2011. The citation reads, ‘For exceptional #courage and #initiative in pursuit of #human-rights’.
#Assange has received a great number of other #awards including: #EconomistFreedomOfExpressionAward (2008), #AmnestyInternationalUKMediaAward (2009), #Award-of-Distinction-in-the-Digital-Communities (2009), #SamAdamsAward (2010), #LeMonde-Person-of-the-Year (2010), #MarthaGellhornPrize-for-Journalism (2011), #VoltaireAward-of-the-Victorian-Council-for-Civil-Liberties (2011), #WalkleysAward-for-Outstanding-Contribution-to-Journalism (2011), #ItalianPrivacyAward (2012).
#freeassange #wikileaks #freepress #freespeech #truth #dropthecharges #journalismisnotacrime #weareallassange
People have come from #around-the-world to form a #HumanChain around the #British #Parliament, and ask for the #release of the #Australian #journalist #JulianAssange. Organised by #DontExtraditeAssange.
#julianassange #humanchain #uk #parliament #live #london #activism #kristinnhrafnsson #craigmurray #stellaassange #jeremycorbyn #cathyvogan #freeassange #humanrights #justice #truth #freespeech #freepress #wikileaks #journalism #weareallassange #solidarity
#SurroundParliament #wikileaks #London #JulianAssange #Assange
Julian Assange supporters surrounded the British Parliament#SurroundParliament @wikileaks @StellaMoris1 #London #JulianAssange #Assange pic.twitter.com/s55tF4Ltgb
— Bilal Acar (@BilalAcar01) October 8, 2022
#JohnMcAfee thoughts on the #JulianAssange controversy.
#FreeAssange #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #Journalismus #DreckslochUSA
♲ Wikileaks [bot] - 2022-10-08 15:20:04 GMT
Protesters complete epic Surround Parliament event in London calling for immediate release of the publisher Julian Assange
One clear message: Free Julian Assange! #FreeAssangeNOW #SurroundParliament https://t.co/DFHgvJCGTH
" #Julian is a #once-in-a-generation #thought-leader... I don't just say that because I love him. Millions in the #US and #around-the-world know it too. His #prosecution is bad for everyone because the #world #desperately-needs-him during this #crisis of #freedom and #democracy." ~ #StellaAssange #quote
#freepress #freespeech #wikileaks #journalism #julianassange #freeassange #dropthecharges #humanrights #weareallassange #journalismisnotacrime
Join the #8thOCTOBER #FreeAssangeNOW actions:
#Humanchain around #parliament in #London.
#Protest at the #Dept-of-Justice in #WashingtonDC
#humanchain #freeassange #truthteller #julianassange #wikileaks #yanisvaroufakis #kenloach #jeremycorbyn #sreckohorvat #brianeno #demonstration #activism #weareallassange #dropthecharges #freespeech #freepress
Join with thousands tomorrow Saturday, 8th October at the UK Parliament in support of Julian Assange
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 7, 2022
Human chain to free Assange | @yanisvaroufakis @KenLoachSixteen @jeremycorbyn #HumanChain #HumanChain4Assange #FreeAssangeNOW https://t.co/YLnTmgcMN4 pic.twitter.com/pcY0MNg0iw
Menschenkette für den 8. Oktober geübt
Morgen am 8. Oktober werden Tausende eine Menschenkette - eine Human Chain - um das britische Parlament bilden und "Freiheit für Julian Assange" rufen. Dazu hat seine Frau und Anwältin Stela Moris aufgerufen und mehr als 3000 Menschen haben sich bereits angemeldet.
Gestern haben wir das geübt mit einer kleinen Menschenkette von der US Botschaft am Brandenburger Tor bis zur Ecke vor der britischen Botschaft in Berlin.
Außerdem wurde in Berlin eine Kiste mit 84 „Avataren“ zusammengestellt, die seit gestern unterwegs sind zur Human Chain nach London. Wir wünschen gute Reise und eine gute Aktion!
Julian Assange drohen in den USA weiterhin 175 Jahre Haft, nur weil er das tat, was jeder Mensch tun muss, wenn ihm Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, wie z.B. der bis heute ungesühnten Mord an Reuters Journalisten im Irak, das sogenannte "Collateral Murder Video" zu Gesicht kommen.
Was gibt es Neues?
Mahnwache jeden 1. und 3. Donnerstag 18-20 Uhr Pariser Platz vor der US-Botschaft
Mehr dazu bei https://freeassange.eu
und alle unsere Artikel zu Julian Assange https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchart.pl?suche=Assange&sel=meta
Kategorie[24]: Zensur & Informationsfreiheit Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3q7
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8169-20221007-freiheit-fuer-julian-assange.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8169-20221007-freiheit-fuer-julian-assange.htm
Tags: #HumanChain #Menschenkette #Whistleblowing #JulianAssange #Wikileaks #CollateralMurderVideo #Zensur #Transparenz #Informationsfreiheit #Anonymisierung #Meinungsmonopol #Meinungsfreiheit #Pressefreiheit #Cyberwar #Hacking #Großbritannien #USA #Auslieferung #Todesstrafe #Grundrecht #GB #Folter
A plea to the people for Jullian #Assange, from George Galloway
Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=EJEeYzBV5Tg
#Hands #Around #Parliament for #JulianAssange!
" #Asking for, #receiving and #publishing #leaks is not #espionage. It is #journalism."
The dangerous precedent being set in #JulianAssange's case is that journalists could be tried as #spies for revealing government wrongdoing and state crimes.
#freeassange #freespeech #freepress #wikileaks #weareallassange #dropthecharges
#oliverstone #call-to-action #humanchain #8thOct #julianassange #freeassange #wikileaks #human #freedom #freespeech #freepress #weareallassange #demonstration
We are proud to #support the #DEAcampaign #human-chain around #Parliament for #JulianAssange on Saturday #8thOctober. ~ #JeremyCorbyn #quote
#wikileaks #freepress #freespeech #freeassange #dropthecharges #weareallassange #dontextraditeassange #revealing-war-crimes-is-not-a-crime
"The long campaign against #JulianAssange and #WikiLeaks is a window into the #collapse of the #rule-of-law, as states surrender total control to the dictates of #global #corporations."
#ChrisLynnHedges #quote
#FreeAssangeNOW #DropTheCharges #chrishedges #weareallassange