

Russian agents pose as activists, filmmakers to reportedly spy on domestic civil society organizations

Members of Russia's military intelligence (GRU) created false identities to blend in with domestic civil society networks and conduct espionage on their activities, the independent Russian media outlet The Insider reported

The Insider has published a series of investigations into alleged Russian intelligence agents in Europe in recent weeks, including a Latvian member of the European Parliament and an advisor to a German lawmaker from the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

The Insider's Feb. 5 report detailed three alleged Russian agents who instead reportedly focused on domestic spying on civil society organizations perceived as being potential opponents of the regime.

The alleged agents, who The Insider said posed as a human rights activist, a documentary filmmaker, and a journalist, are allegedly associated with the GRU Unit 29155, best known for reportedly being responsible for the 2011 #Novichok poisoning of Russian dissident Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the U.K.


#RussianAggression #spies #spying #GRU #civil #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Imperialism #StandWithUkraine


Why Big Tech, Cops, and Spies Were Made for One Another

by Cory Doctorow

The American surveillance state is a public-private partnership.


The techlash has finally reached the courts. Amazon’s in court. Google’s in court. Apple’s under EU investigation. The French authorities just kicked down Nvidia’s doors and went through their files looking for evidence of crimes against competition. People are pissed at tech: about moderation, about monopolization, about price gouging, about labor abuses, and — everywhere and always — about privacy.

#privacy #surveillance #security #doctorow #cory-doctorow #monopoly #spying #surveillance-capitalism #surveillance-economy #nsa #snowden #prism #amazon #google #facebook #nvidia #apple #spies#big-tech #cops


A high ranking undercover Mosad agent's death in Italy has caused a shockwave across the intelligence communities.

The unnamed Mosad agent died under suspicious circumstances on a boat off the coast of Italy.

At first it was said that he died of an accident but later when a second Mosad agent was flown back to Israel the news start coming out about his mission in Italy and the fact that his cover was blown and his death was no accident.

The body of the agent was flown to Israel and he was buried under heavy security to protect his ireal dentify and his family to prevent any future exposure.

There has been many speculations surrounding his death. But so far ww know that he was the head of an Israeli team working in Europe and mostly Italy to prevent sales of high tech equipment to Iran and to disrupt any attempt by Iranian agents to purchase electronics, composite plastic and machine parts that could be used in production of Iranian drones such as Shahed aeries and other more advanced units.

He and possibly 3 others were killed when the boat they were using for a secret meeting was targeted by unknown assassin's.

Some compare his death to assassination of General Soleimani by Trump in Baghdad back in January 3rd 2020.

He said to be the highest ranking Mosad agent ever killed outside Israel. His death and exposure of his team's activities is a major blow to Netanyahu and his far right coalition government.

#Iran #Mosad #Spies #Italy #Politics #Israel #Drones #Technology #Soleimani #Trump #Biden #Assasination #Iraq


New document leak: American and British intelligence agents stationed in the Nordic countries - Rybar

Three weeks after the scandal with secret documents from the #Pentagon, materials from a new leak are being distributed in the foreign segment .

This time with a list of #CIA and #MI6 agents who hold diplomatic posts in the Scandinavian countries.

▪️Information from open sources confirms that almost all the people involved in the "drain" work (or until recently worked) in the embassies of #Denmark, #Sweden, #Norway and #Finland.

#US #UK #Politics #Spies #Russia #NATO


Pressemitteilungen - Letzte Generation 🧡

Marburg unterstützt Forderungen der Letzten Generation

– SPD-Bürgmeister richtet Brief an Olaf Scholz –

Marburg, 06.03.2023 – Nach Hannover und Tübingen folgt nun die Universitätsstadt Marburg als die dritte Stadt, die sich öffentlich hinter die Forderungen der Letzten Generation stellt. In einem Brief an Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz sowie die Fraktionsvorsitzenden im Deutschen Bundestag bringt Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thomas Spies seine Unterstützung für die Forderungen der Letzten Generation zum Ausdruck.

Zuletzt war es mehrfach zu Protesten in Marburg gekommen. Das Schreiben des Oberbürgermeisters ist nun Ergebnis von Gesprächen, die vergangenen Freitag Oberbürgermeister Spies zusammen mit seinem Referenten Philipp Höhn und Vertreter:innen der Letzten Generation führte.

“Ich unterstütze die Forderung nach einem Bürger*innenrat, in dem repräsentativ und zufällig ausgewählte Bürger*innen die Frage beraten, wie wir in Deutschland Nullemissionen bis 2030 erreichen.” schreibt Spies in seinem Brief.

Auch der Forderung nach einem bundesweiten dauerhaften 9€ – Ticket schließe er sich “nachdrücklich” an.

Warum er es für notwendig hält, diesen Brief an die Bundespolitik zu richten, begründet der Oberbürgermeister unter anderem so: “Viele Menschen treibt um, dass damit [verfehlen der Klimaneutralität 2030] das Erreichen existenzbedrohender Kipppunkte im Klimawandel droht. Regelmäßig kommen Bürger*innen jeden Alters auf mich […] zu, die deshalb ernste Sorgen vor unserer und der Zukunft ihrer Kinder und Enkel haben.”

Spies macht klar, dass er eine Antwort auf sein Schreiben erwartet.

Solvig Schinköthe (43), Sprecherin der Letzten Generation und Mutter von vier Kindern, über die erfolgreichen ...


#marburg #klimaschutz #spies #letztegeneration


The West's intel agencies use children as tools to control people in positions of power. They aquire & supply children to powerful people as a form of currency, & they use children as part of honeypot blackmail schemes like the one run by Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell. This is one way the elites of the West & the political puppets that serve them in governments maintain control.

#pedophillia #paedophilia #childrape #childabuse #intelligenceagencies #intelagencies #childtrafficking #uk #childrapetrafficking #ukraine #usa #israel #cia #mossad #mi6 #spies #childrenascurrency #jeffreyepstein #ghislainemaxwell #robertmaxwell #blackmail #blackmailhoneypot #eu #saveourchildren #savethechildren #tipoftheiceberg #protectourchildren #intelagencyassets #memes #meme


My effort to edit the Epstein Gates photograph as clearly as possible using the limited smartphone tools available to me. There may be better versions available, but I haven't seen them. Took about 90 minutes of work.

#gates #billgates #gatesepstein #usa #epstein #jeffreyepstein #childabuse #blackmail #blackmailhoneypot #cia #mi6 #mossad #ghislainemaxwell #maxwell #robertmaxwell #spies #uk #childrape #pedophillia #paedophilia #consent #ageofconsent #honeypot #blackmailcontrol #childtrafficking #imageediting #gatesepsteinphoto