

The Plan to Carve Up Russia

The #Plan to #Carve Up #Russia #US #Ukraine #NATO #Germany #Merkel #EU #Minsk #agreements #2014 #politics


"Last week, Angela Merkel confirmed what many analysts have been saying for years, that Washington’s hostile relations with Russia –which date back more than a century– have nothing to do with ideology, ‘bad behavior’ or alleged “unprovoked aggression”. **Russia’s primary offense is that it occupies a strategic area of the world that contains vast natural resources and which is critical to Washington’s “pivot to Asia” plan.* Russia’s real crime is that its mere existence poses a threat to the globalist project to spread US military bases across #Central #Asia, encircle #China, and become the regional hegemon in the world’s most prosperous and populous region.*

Merkel candidly admits that she participated in a 7 year-long fraud that was aimed at deceiving the Russian leadership into thinking that she genuinely wanted peace, but that proved not to be the case. In truth, **the western powers deliberately sabotaged the treaty in order to buy-time to arm and train a Ukrainian army that would be used in a war against Russia.


"This is an astonishing admission. What **Merkel is saying is that ” the Cold War never ended” because the primary goal of weakening (“pacifying”) Russia –to the point that it could not defend its own vital interests or project power beyond its borders– was not achieved.* Merkel is implying that the main objective of the Cold War was not to defeat communism (as we were told) but to create a compliant Russian colony that would allow the globalist project to go forward unimpeded. As we can see in Ukraine, that objective has not been achieved; and the reason it hasn’t been achieved is because Russia is powerful enough to block NATO’s eastward expansion. In short, Russia has become the greatest-single obstacle to the globalist strategy for world domination.*"



#quote from #pa

" #ClimateChange #33 " ( #AKA " #Global #Warming NWO " )... is it a #scam?

Global warming was and is intended to be a control mechanism placed on the population. The #plan was to #control #human #behavior and financial resources. The problem was naming this control mechanism global warming gave it a finite start and finish date. It began when the globe started to warm and it ended when the globe began to cool. They needed something that would allow them to put these controls in place into perpetuity. Climate Change can now encompass all possible weather scenarios, including heating, cooling, tsunamis, droughts, floods, freezing, snow, earthquake, rising water levels, shrinking water levels, etc. Hence the renaming to Climate Change. Problem solved for all time, the climate changes every minute of every day and it will never stop.

When controlling people based on climate change you control, the cars they drive, houses they live in, clothes they wear, how, where and the frequency they are allowed to travel, etc. There is no end to the control.

This is exactly what they have recently done with equality. They have renamed it equity. Think of it this way, you can provide equality all day long by giving people the same opportunities for jobs, housing, training, education, etc but that does not guarantee an equal outcome. But if you lose equality and tell people the goal is now equity it will never ever be attained. Once again equality can be easily measured but equity is subjective to whoever is doing the measuring. It is now another control mechanism that goes into #perpetuity.


The #globalists have realised their #plan to bring the entire #planet under one #government right away is too #ambitious, so they have now fallen back to their secondary position of #global #regionalisation.

Ostensibly, the idea is to create #supranational regional #governance structures in #Asia, the #Americas, #Europe, the Middle-East, #Oceania and #Africa.

Each region will move progressively towards #regional #regulatory #alignment of the #nations within it, culminating in regional, supranational #governments.

After this is achieved, these regional governments will then be gradually brought into alignment under a global #supraregional government.

#middleeast #USA #uk #america #eu #globalism #globalagenda #theelite #globalelites #newworldorder #elites #nwo #un


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#ThierryBaudet: Entire generations of Europeans were taught by pro-Soviet or Pro-Mao Marxists. One good example is St Anthony’s College, in Oxford, where Sigrid Kaag got her Master’s in Philosophy.

It is little more than a training institution for Western secret services. In other words, for precisely the #globalist #elite #attempting to #plan our #lives.

Presiding #MP: (Interjects) Mr Baudet, we agreed not to make it personal in the presence of the Minister of Finance (Sigrid Kaag). Where she studied is irrelevant so spreading conspiracy theories is unacceptable. No ifs ands or buts. Please continue your speech.

Thierry Baudet: St Anthony’s college is known as the spy college in Oxford. The British Secret Intelligence Service recruited from there, that’s a fact. Look it up.

(Kaag begins walking out of the assembly).

It shows how linked #Marxism =ZIONISM has been to the #DeepState for decades.

(Several other PMs begin walking out).

Presiding MP: Your closing remarks, Mr Baudet.

Thierry Baudet: Right. Those are the people storming off. The heirs of this criminal ideology that caused the French and Revolutions, an ideology that transformed into Cultural Marxism in the second half of the 20th century.

(More PMs start walking out).

They set the agenda for modern Globalism. Why is the Cabinet walking off? It is a fact that Sigrid Kaag studied at St Anthony’s College and it’s also the perfect example of the ties between intelligence services, Marxism and the recruitment of the Global Deep State (his mic is cut).

Presiding MP: I suspend the meeting for the moment.

Contributed by Alexandra Bruce


Apfelbaum - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

#Welt! Bist du noch da?

Der #Plan war:

Ich glaube, ich lege mich nur unter unseren alten #Apfelbaum und atme ein und atme aus!

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee


Peña de las Once (2651m) - Aragon, Spain

  • En boucle par les crêtes ...
  • Départ refuge de Lavasar
  • Ibon de Plan, une merveille comme l'Aragon en a tant !

Massif de Cotiella ne pas s'y aventurer en éte sans vous assurer que vous avez de l'eau dans votre sac, vous n'en trouverez pas la bas ...

#1 - 21 Mai 2022

#2 - 21 Mai 2022 - Ibon de Plan

#3 - 21 Mai 2022

#4 - 21 Mai 2022

#5 - 21 Mai 2022

#6 - 21 Mai 2022

#7 - 21 Mai 2022

#8 - 21 Mai 2022 - Androsace

#9 - 21 Mai 2022

#10 - 21 Mai 2022 - Euphorbia cyparissias L., 1753 / Euphorbiaceae

#11 - 21 Mai 2022

#12 - 21 Mai 2022

#13 - 21 Mai 2022

#14 - 21 Mai 2022 - Peña de las Once

#15 - 21 Mai 2022

#16 - 21 Mai 2022 - Cotiella, au fond

#17 - 21 Mai 2022

#18 - 21 Mai 2022

#19 - 21 Mai 2022

#20 - 21 Mai 2022

#21 - 21 Mai 2022

#rando #hicking #Pyrenees #Pyrénées #Pirineus #Pirineos #montagne #mountain #landscape #photo #photographie #photography #fotografie #fotografia #Aragon #Ibon-de-Plant #Lavasar #Plan


Grünflächen - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

#Welt! Bist du noch da?

#Grünflächenamt #Part II

Siehe auch Grünflächenamt

Der #Plan mit dem #NichtRasenMähen ist voll aufgegangen. Die #Tulpen blühen wunderbar so vor sich hin.

Also, ab auf die #Liege und #Kaffee geschlürft

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


#Frühstück #Kaffee #Kakao #Welt #Tee


Interessanter StaVo-Antrag:

In Deutschland werden die Kosten für verschreibungspflichtige Verhütungsmittel nur für Menschen
mit Gebärmutter bis zu einem Alter von 22 Jahren von der Krankenkasse übernommen. Kosten für
Barrieremethoden wie Kondom, Diaphragma und Portiokappe werden generell nicht erstattet. Über
den 22. Geburtstag hinaus gibt es eine Kostenübernahme nur über kommunale bzw. regionale

Der Oberbürgermeister wird beauftragt zu prüfen, an welcher Stelle Beratungsangebot, Bedarfsprüfung
und Kostenübernahme angesiedelt werden können und welche Kosten dabei entstehen

Gibt es in größeren Städten, u.a. Berlin, angeblich schon. Noch nie von gehört. Ob Anspruchsberechtigte in den meisten Fällen davon wissen?

#amt #kommunalpolitik #familie #plan


Island - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

Aufgrund der aktuellen #Wahlergebnisse benötige ich für den Rest meines #Lebens vorsichtshalber einen #Plan B.
Seit längerem steht da #Island bei mir im #Fokus:

Es ist zwar eine #Insel und ich hasse Inseln, aber in #Zukunft wird es auch dort mummelig warm. Was die politisch auf die Kette bekommen ist auch nicht das #Schlechteste. Nur die #Sprache und die #Vulkane sind Minuspunkte (-:

Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!