

The Finnish Foreign Ministry stated that the entry of cars with Russian license plates to Finland will be forbidden as of September 16th, 2023, this is in line with the policies stated by the EU in forbidding Russian products, from toothpaste to laptops to now cars, from entering Europe.

It's getting lovelier and lovelier every day, soon they try to block the Russian air to flow into europe.

#idiocracy #EU #Russia #Sanctions #Finland #Politics


Moscow’s missile production now exceeds prewar levels, officials say, leaving #Ukraine especially vulnerable this coming winter.

@Russia has managed to overcome #sanctions and export controls imposed by the West to expand its missile production beyond prewar levels, according to U.S., European and Ukrainian officials, leaving Ukraine especially vulnerable to intensified attacks in the coming months.

As a result of the sanctions, American officials estimate that Russia was forced to dramatically slow its production of #missiles and other weaponry at the start of the war in February 2022 for at least six months. But by the end of 2022, Moscow’s military industrial manufacturing began to pick up speed again, American officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to disclose the sensitive assessment now concede.

Russia subverted American export controls using its intelligence services and ministry of defense to run illicit networks of people who smuggle key components by exporting them to other countries from which they can be shipped to Russia more easily. In less than a year since the war began, Russia rebuilt trade in critical components by routing them through countries like Armenia and Turkey. U.S. and European regulators have been trying to work together to curb the export of chips to Russia, but have struggled to stop the flow to pass through countries with ties to Moscow.



#UkraineWar #Politics #Military


Iranian media reporting that the first Russian transit cargo train has arrived in the port city of Bandar Abbas to transfer the containers to boats for transition to Saudi Arabia.

This is the first north-south train from the recent agreements between the 3 nations

Iran is working on upgrading the aging and inefficient railroad system to be able to comply with demands for Russian goods to help Russia bypass western sanctions and embargoes.

#Iran #SaudiArabia #Russia #RailTransit #Sanctions #BRICS #Economy #Politics


The Jerusalem Post: Countries repatriating gold in wake of sanctions against Russia - study

— "An increasing number of countries are repatriating gold reserves as protection against the sort of sanctions imposed by the West on Russia, according to an Invesco survey of central bank and sovereign wealth funds published on Monday.

The financial market rout last year caused widespread losses for sovereign money managers who are "fundamentally" rethinking their strategies on the belief that higher inflation and geopolitical tensions are here to stay.

Over 85% of the 85 sovereign wealth funds and 57 central banks that took part in the annual Invesco Global Sovereign Asset Management Study believe that inflation will now be higher in the coming decade than in the last."

#economy #Sanctions #GoldReserve #WorldEconomy


Not from the Onion : Today, at recommendation from Israel, the U.S. Department of the Treasury designated Lebanon-based Green Without Borders NGO and its leader on the sanctions list.

The NGO takes care of natural reserves in south Lebanon, in addition to planting trees and fighting deforestation.

Planting trees in south of Lebanon is against Israel's right to defend itself.

#Lebanon #Sanctions #Israel #US #Idiocracy


Niger sanctions way heavier than Mali sanctions were: Niger's accounts were closed at the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO), which means that Nigerien banks will likely soon be out of money

Don't mess with the gods of world economy.

Niger will be crushed, not because of democracy or military coup, but because they trying to shake up the "world order".

Cutting export of gold and uranium to France was the red line they passed. You can't stop the west from milking the African cow.

#Africa #Niger #Sanctions #politics #Economy #Sanctions #Imperialism #NeoColonialism.


Russian oligarchs enjoy luxury life in United Kingdom under sanctions exemptions

Sanctioned Russian oligarchs spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on luxury life in the U.K. thanks to numerous sanction exemptions, the New York Times reported on July 27.

In some cases, the oligarchs were allowed more than $1 million a year in living expenses, while in others, sanctions were removed after legal battles, the newspaper reported.

According to the New York Times, sanctions that are publicly announced by London are often softened by exemptions knowns as "licenses."

Thanks to such licenses, Ukraine-born Russian Israeli oligarch Mikhail Fridman reportedly spent almost $400,000 over 10 months to retain 19 staff members, including drivers, private chefs, and housekeepers.


#RussiaInvadedUkraine #UnitedKingdom #UK #corruption #ToryCorruption #ToryCronyism #sanctions #oligarchs #wealth #ToryScum #ToryFascistDictatorship


This is absolutely disgusting, a courtein US decided to give $3M of the frozen assets of Iran to the Trump loving charlatan Masoume (Masih) Alinejad.

Maybe she needs the money to pay for her rehab or buying her drugs in bulk.

This really makes me sick. Those assets belong to people of Iran. Not a disgusting neocon con artist like Alinejad.

#Iran #Sanctions #Theft #Neocon #Alinekad #US


Hong Kong: Warrants Aim at Activists Abroad

Concerned Governments Should Impose Sanctions, Protections for Diaspora


Hong Kong authorities have issued baseless arrest warrants and HK$1 million (US$128,000) bounties on eight exiled democracy activists and former legislators that expand China’s political intimidation campaign beyond its borders, Human Rights Watch said today.

#hong-kong #hongkong #香港 #自由 #中国 #freedom #liberty #democracy #china #beijing #xe #hrw #human-rights-watch #sanctions


The EU considers Russian bank concession to safeguard Black Sea grain deal.

The EU is considering to allow a Russian bank under sanctions to carve out a subsidiary that would reconnect to the global financial network, as a sop to Moscow aimed at safeguarding the threatened Black Sea grain deal that allows Ukraine to export food to global markets.

The plan, which was proposed by Moscow through negotiations brokered by the UN, would allow Russian Agricultural Bank to create a subsidiary to handle payments related to grain exports. The entity would be permitted to use the global Swift financial messaging system, which was closed to the largest Russian banks last year.

The bank carve out was discussed by EU leaders at a summit in Brussels last week, as a potential means to convince Moscow to extend the Black Sea agreement beyond its July 17 expiry date.

The idea was seen by its supporters as “the least worst option” to secure Vladimir Putin’s support for an extension. Officials said that Russia’s’ threats to end the deal appeared more serious this time than during previous extension negotiations.

The proposal is assessed by EU officials as to its legality and feasibility. Complicating the issue is that the Russian Agricultural Bank is fully owned by the Kremlin and its former chief executive, Dmitry Patrushev, is the current agriculture minister and the son of Nikolai Patrushev, a Putin aide and secretary of Russia’s security council who has been instrumental in pushing the war against Ukraine.
#Russia #Ukraine #EU #UN #GrainDeal #RedSea #SWIFT #Sanctions
🔗 https://www.ft.com/content/d3e5c2df-3ba2-4420-a115-e437214ad509


The US Congress held a hearing titled “Dollar Dominance: Preserving the U.S. Dollar’s Status as the Global Reserve Currency”, as countries around the world join the de-dollarization rebellion against Washington’s “exorbitant privilege”.

Michael Faulkender, who served as Donald #Trump’s assistant secretary of the àTreasury for economic policy, declared in the session, “As assistant secretary, I told my team that the Treasury secretary proudly states that the dollar will never not be the world’s reserve currency, and our job is to make sure that’s true”.

Also present in the hearing was Daniel McDowell, an associate professor in the political science department at Syracuse University in New York, and author of the book “Bucking the Buck: US Financial Sanctions and the International Backlash Against the #Dollar”.

McDowell argued that, by imposing more and more sanctions on countries around the world, Washington is actually weakening the dominance of the dollar.

The US has sanctions on nations that represent more than one-third of the global population and 29% of the world’s GDP.

The two-hour hearing did not address possible plans for the BRICS bloc to create a new international reserve currency. Instead, the participants only spoke of existing national currencies like the Chinese renminbi, Russian ruble, or euro as potential challengers to the US dollar – while ultimately dismissing all of them.

The idea that BRICS could develop an international currency (similar to John Maynard Keynes’ idea of the Bancor) was not even raised as a possibility.
#US #Exonomy #Dedolarization #Sanctions #BRICS #Russia #China #Iran #Politics #Biden


Fuel smuggling is one of the few jobs available to many young men in the Iran-Afghan and Iran Pakistan borders. Last Iranian year, 168 fuel smugglers and border patrols were killed in clashes between armed smuggler and Iranian border police.

It is a sad and upsetting reality of 44 years of failed IRI regime and over 4 decades of criminal US policies in the region. According to #Iran government sources, almost half the population living under what they call poverty line, but in reality, the number is close to 70% or even higher.

#Polotics #FuelSmuggling #Afghanistan #Pakistan #poverty #Sanctions


just read it and think how f-ed our world is : #Iraq gets #US green light to pay $2.76bn gas bill to #Iran | The release of the funds comes amid reports that #Washington and #Tehran have held indirect talks in #Oman to 'deescalate tensions' | June 10 2023:

"The Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce Chairman, Yahya Al-e Eshaq, announced on 10 June that Iraq has released $2.76 billion worth of Iranian funds in gas export money owed by #Baghdad.

#Iraq received a #sanctions waiver from the #US to make the payment.

According to an unnamed foreign ministry official that spoke with #Reuters, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein got the clearance to make the payment from US State Secretary Antony #Blinken on the sidelines of the #Riyadh Conference on Thursday."


Iranian sources say that Macron demanded that Iran stops sending unmanned planes to Russia or face consequences.

He also demanded that Iran immediately stops working on new enrichment sites and open up fully with #IAEA and the #UN.

Iran's president responded that Iran has never sent anything to Russia since start of the war and it has all the rights to enrich uranium up to 60% and the country has no obligation to stay on the JCPOA since Trump unilaterally cancelled the multi national agreement.

Reisi also pointed out that Iran stayed in #JCPOA over a year after Trump's exit and watched Europe and specially France had followed #Trump and imposed #sanctions on Iran.

#iran #france #macron #reisi #Biden


Iranian sources say that Emanuel Macron had a 90 minutes telephone call with IRI president Reisi.

This comes after rumers about possible temporary agreement between US and Iran in regards to JCPOA and possibility of sn agreement valid until the end of Biddn's presidency to remove some sanctions and remove the blocking of $18B of Iranian money in south Korea and Japan.

#Iran #France #News #Politics #Biden #JCPOA #Sanctions


Where Have All the Flowers Gone
* Ukrainian soldiers must go on the offensive soon, and they must win, otherwise too many politicians will lose face.

  • Moreover, in the event of a Russian victory, all the billions of dollars invested in Ukraine would have been for nothing, because according to historical tradition, the loser of the war has to pay the bill.

  • Additionally, the aid demanded by the Ukrainian leadership will not continue to flow until the Ukrainian army is successful.

  • For these reasons, the Ukrainian offensive, even if doomed to failure, must go ahead. More soldiers must be replaced on the front lines!

  • Negotiations are not desirable, otherwise Ukraine will become another Belarus.

  • The more weapons are brought into Ukraine to defeat the Russians, the harder Russia will act. The conflict has to be won before too late.

What happened?

There was a chance to negotiate peace about 10 years ago, but the plan was to subdue the separatists and bring the regions back under control. The Kiev army fought hard and killed many of them. But the separatists resisted resolutely and did not want to come under Kiev's control. As far as I read, they even asked Russia for help.

The Ukrainian government and the countries supporting it increased and built up the Ukrainian army to enable them to destroy the enemy. When they were finally strong enough, they threatened to deal the final blow to the separatists.

We know what happened next! The separatists turned to Russia. The separatist regions joined Russia. Ukraine and most Western countries did not recognize the annexation. Russia launched the special military operation. Russia tried to create something like a second Prague Spring. But Ukraine did not let itself be intimidated. Since then, both parties have been trying to defeat the enemy. Intermediate negotiations failed and are meanwhile hardly possible. Ukraine received more and more funds and weapons to defeat Russia. Countless people died because of the military conflicts.

The delusion of bringing Russia to its knees by force of arms will probably not work. Russia's arsenal of weapons continues to grow beyond that of the Allies. And among the Allies, there are more and more voices dare to say that their arsenal is running out.

And then? What next?
When will they ever learn?

#war #weapons #sanctions #win #lose #ukraine #realitycheck? #wewillsee #wedidnotknowanythingaboutallthat!