

#Schizophrenia is not what the #psychiatric #establishment say it is. Their #story is a complete #deception staged for their #own benefit and #profit. One of the first indicators that you can see for yourself is that the voices paranoid schizophrenics hear run well defined, repeatable patterns and if they run patterns they cannot be hallucinations as the psychiatric mafia insists.


Engineering #Mental #Health and Discovering #Patterns


#TB-303 #Patterns - #DUCKTRONIC


In this #playlist you will find #tutorials to recreate #famous #Roland TB-303 patterns. Of course, you can also use them for various TB-303 #clones, such as #Behringer #TD-3, etc. Have fun jamming!
In dieser Playlist findest Du Anleitungen um bekannte Roland TB-303 Pattern nachzubauen. Selbstverständlich kannst Du sie auch für verschiedene TB-303 Nachbauten, wie zum Beispiel Behringer TD-3 usw. verwenden. Viel Spaß beim Jammen!

#musique #music #synth #synthesizer #synthétiseur #acid #house #techno #trance #tuto


#Analyzing PACIFIC STATE | How to make #classic 909 #Ambient #House #beats | #Drum #Patterns #Explained - #CaptainPikant


► Support us and get access to lots of drum patterns, cheat sheets and more! https://www.patreon.com/captainpikant/

Join us as we analyze and rebuild the unique rhythm of 808 State's timeless Ambient House classic layer by layer.

Gear used:
#Squarp #Hapax
#Dübreq #Stylophone
#NativeInstruments #Komplete #Kontrol M32
D16 Group #Drumazon

► Instagram https://www.instagram.com/captainpikant/

0:00 Introduction
0:46 Pattern 1
2:54 Loon
4:27 Pattern 2
5:26 Percussion Layer
6:22 One-Shot Patterns
6:49 End Jam

Produced by Jean-Claude Dirckx and Sophie Hoppstädter

#musique #music #electronicmusic #beatmaking #beats #tutorial #analysis #909 #808state #ambienthouse #drummachine #drums #rhythm #hapax


#KORG #ElecTribe #EMX-1 All #new #MISTABISHI #patterns! - #RoLLa


#Music #Producer MISTABISHI has released WRITE:READ; the first #album of #electronic #DanceMusic created exclusively on and for the Korg ElecTribe EMX-1!
The set can be played directly from the EMX-1 exactly as programmed by MISTABISHI. You can also remix, add or remove elements to blend MISTABISHI’s beats with your own music creations.
The patterns were originally created for #dance music parties in #London and #Europe, and have been produced to an immaculate standard for a contemporary audience by a seeding #artist in the field.

Use this link to #download a file with patterns: https://www.korg.com/us/support/download/software/1/98/3315/

#musique #synth #synthesizer #synthétiseur #techno


#Analyzing KRAFTWERK's #BEATS - minimal #DRUMS for maximum #EFFECT | #Drum #Patterns #Explained - #CapitainPikant


► Support us: https://www.patreon.com/captainpikant/​ The #evolution of #electronic #music like #Hip-Hop and #Techno can be directly traced back to one common ancestor: #Kraftwerk. Join us on a journey through their #best #albums as we #analyze the beats behind the minimalistic #masterpieces.
#music #synth #synthesizer



I'm really annoyed by the #Internet of today:

  • #Trackers and #data #collection everywhere
  • #JavaScript-heavy #Web #applications instead of document-oriented #websites
  • No #JavaScript most often translates to an empty page with a single sentence: "Please activate JavaScript"; the page content however is often nothing that actually requires JavaScript, the website creators just want to feel like actual #application #developers, so they re-build much of what the #browser already supplies with #inefficient and #bug heavy JavaScript code
  • Content almost always behind a #login wall
  • More often than not only very superficial #information
  • #Ads
  • Thousands of 3rd party JS files included, most of which have the only purpose of tracking you across websites
  • #Misinformation and #biased #information everywhere
  • Deliberately misleading advertisment, sich as "save 80% now", and artificial time pressure)
  • "Best viewed on #Google #Chrome"
  • "Login with Facebook"
  • Newsletter subscription and cookie pop-ups featuring #dark #patterns
  • #Search #engine #optimization ( #SEO ) acts in the worst interest of the user by skewing search results
  • Artificial restriction of web #app functionality to promote their native apps
  • Large parts of the Web are only accessible by #smartphone
  • You have to provide your #phone #number to login
  • If you didn't provide a phone number, your account is being blocked right after the initial login because we suspect you being malicious actor because why not (=> #Instagram, #Facebook)
  • #Proprietary #platforms are required to participate in public #online life (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube)
  • One-sentence-paragraphs and sloppy language (especially found in #Medium #articles)
  • "We care about your #privacy" actually means: "We were forced by law to do this shit, we just want to collect and store as much information on you as possible to make money off of you now or in an undescript future"
  • JavaScript code minimizer
  • Large font sizes, much whitespace, large illustrative, but useless images, HD screen required to browse most websites
  • Lack of #government #regulation and #law #enforcement, too many malicious actors (#spam, #phishing, etc.)
  • Emotional content to increase #interaction, #clickbait

Once being an open platform geared towards information exchange and bringing people into contact, most of the public Internet today is nothing but annoying useless #marketing, #advertising and #data #collection. Providing information, connecting people, and making life convenient is definitely NOT the primary goal of whoever is big on the Internet today. It's shocking to see how much of it is only to sell you stuff or to sell your information.

And the worst is: we are even paying them to do this shit. #Marketing spending will be reflected in product prices, and with much of marketing being done in 1st world countries, a substantial amount of the price goes into this destructive industry.

I could go on with this for hours. Really sick of it.


(Another random text I wrote - not sure how to tag them... at least this one has an image to go with it)

The Hypnonaut

The cockpit reeked of spilled beer and sweat. He laboriously climbed into the seat and put on his helmet. It was dark outside... and cold. His hands shook, black dust falling from them like the stars from the green sky. He had the fumes of his body and the dirty machine hanging in his nose, a stabbing pain in his gut, an emptiness, cold and painful in his breast. It was not a picnic this job, not a fruit cake, not a biscuit of rose mead, not a sweet frog. He turned on the broiler and the stew. Checked the altitude and carborundum. The instrument boards were old and covered in porridge. He hated his job.

The lights were changing. Soon the machine would lift its skirts and rise into the reverse abyss. He felt his senses change, the taste of blood in his mouth became perfumed in a sort of bitter way. He felt the bodies of the other place press against his pelvis, For a second he hoped that it would become erotic, that the machine would navigate in the atypical way it sometimes did. But a short look at the sky told him otherwise. The patterns were there. they stood out in a darker, colder green - terrifying the shit out of him.

He could not remember if he had applied for this job or if he had been drafted. He pulled the lever and slowly turned the steering wheel while the machine roared. Down under the knickers he could hear that one of the hold ups had a strange, rattling sound, the whole hosiery was falling apart. He opened the little refrigerator and took out a cold Carlsberg Elephant beer. She would hold. He stroked the warm skin of the seat affectionately. "My love," he mumbled while she shook in orgasms slowly rising from the ground. "My love."

She was a Hogwhore 3000 hypnowessel and she had brought him safely back each and every time. Old - yes, but he was still here. Still able to crawl out from the cockpit every morning. The emptiness in his breast began to ache. Patterns in the sky churned and collided. This mission was going to be a nightmare.

#story #fiction #Shortfiction #text #freewrite #hypnonaut #dream #Eros #Death #nightmare #patterns #Katharsisdrill


enter image description here


#Jerry #'Marzinsky is a retired licensed psychotherapist with over 40 years of experience working with and studying the thought processes of psychotic and criminally insane patients in some of the most volatile psychiatric institutions in the United States. His formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years study in the Ph.D. Psychology program.

He is the co-author of An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind - Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower, and is currently in private practice working with schizophrenics

From his book
‘Psychiatry maintains the voices schizophrenics hear are meaningless auditory hallucinations caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Actual clinical investigation into the matter reveals this to be a false claim. Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist and author of "The Presence of Spirits in Madness" began holding coherent conversations with the voices of his schizophrenic patients decades ago. He discovered they precisely matched what Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg described as evil spirits. Following up with scores of investigative interviews with his own schizophrenic patients, Jerry Marzinsky, a psychiatric evaluator, verified Van Dusen's astonishing conclusion: the voices are real. They are conscious, parasitic entities.’

Many survivors have experienced the effects of entities either during rituals or as they heal and release these traumas. With many survivors of mk ultra and ritual abuse we now know that the abuse and programming makes use of incorporating entities as a layer of mind control.

As of 2017 psychiatry had more than 7.2 million children on psychiatric drugs. 622,723 of them were under the age of 5. 80,235 of them were on amphetamines for ADHD, 38,534 were on anti-depressants - 85,143 were on anti-psychotics that cause brain damage and 389,558 were on anti-anxiety drugs. This is unconscionable.

By comprehending healing requires consideration of the energetic unseen world we are creating solutions that are working and getting survivors free. May we move away from labels of diagnosing behaviour or symptoms and see that these are trauma responses to horrific abuse. #Healing is possible as we release these #emotions, entities, patterns and programs.

Connect with Jerry at his website for more videos and resources
✅ Visit Jerry's website https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/


Microfreaktransactions. - #FloydSteinberg

Got to make some #music from time to time! Here's a " #jam" using the #microfreak @VolcaNiced sent in change for one of my #synths. #QY70 is doing the sequencing here in pattern mode while also playing #drums, #brass and #bass, #JD-08 is for pad and that "chiming" #sound, while the #Freak is used for soloing. I''m editing parameters on the QY70 "live" here and change #patterns with the left hand while playing some notes with the right hand. Not too complicated but needed some rehearsing anyway.

#musique #sendasynthoctober #synthesizer #synthétiseur #roland #yamaha #arturia


Are YOU #Being #Activated? Here Are the Signs to Look For | #Mary #Rodwell

#MaryRodwell shares her observations about what is happening to millions of people around the world during what she and others have called the great awakening. Many are reporting not only physical symptoms like ear buzzing, dizziness and palpitations, but also regular brushes with the #paranormal, #synchronicity and witnessing LOTS of repeating #number #patterns (i.e. 11:11).

Mary not only feels that indeed we are seeing the signs of a planetary and species wide #frequency #acceleration but also a possible plan to stop this evolutionary leap in its tracks.

Published 27th July 2022 (10:06)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=woaXWSwqNg4

Are YOU Being Activated? Here Are the Signs to Look For | Mary Rodwell