

Why November is the most common birth month of the most dangerous of criminals.

Pottenger's Human

Mar 31, 2024
#VitaminD deficiency is an epidemic that is at an all time high because of sunscreen use, less consumption of foods full of vitamin D, and less and less time spent out of doors.

Seattle is one of the most overcast and rainy places on earth, and has also seen dramatically more active serial killers than any other place on earth, over 20% of the nation's total.

Deficiency is strongly correlated to cancer, MS, autism, anxiety, depression, behavior problems, obesity, heart disease and even some forms of genetically based psychosis.

Vitamin D is required to create both testosterone and estrogen and supplementation has been shown experimentally to increase testosterone in men by over 20%, including free testosterone.

As we age we lose about 70% of our ability to create vitamin D from sunlight. Naturally darker skin also makes much less vitamin D, and some people also have far fewer vitamin D receptors.

Vitamin D upregulates the genes that create ceruloplasmin by as much as ten times the average amount. This molecule is critical to neutralizing the ROS that drive aging and insulin resistance.

Vitamin D is strongly associated with obesity and high insulin forces D into fat cells where it becomes trapped. Over time, fasting reduces insulin and makes vitamin D more available.

Wild caught fatty fish and eggs from hens raised in sunlight have high levels of vitamin D, but farmed fish and caged hens have only 1/4 the D. Nonemulsified cod liver oil is also full of D.

While sunburn can lead to skin cancer, normal tanning has the opposite effect. UV A is very damaging to skin but makes little vit D. UV B produces much more vit D and does less damage.

10am-2pm is the only time of day that #sun exposure produces adequate vitamin D levels. Human blood levels are optimal at around 50, but the dosage required for this will vary wildly.

0:00 D deficiency is linked to violence
2:00 D required to fight cancer/autoimmune
3:20 D crucial for brain development
6:05 D helps with pain + addiction
7:14 D required for ROS n antiaging

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=sBL0ucLYjQA


THIS Is Why Vitamin D Supplements AREN'T The Same As Sunlight

Vitamin D supplements are among the most popular health products out there and many people believe that taking a supplement is the same as getting vitamin d from the sun. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case and the truth is a lot more complicated.


There is a lot of conflicting information about vitamin D. Become familiar with vitamin D as a hormone and know that there is a stored form (cholecalciferol) and an active form (calcitriol) of D3.

#VitaminD #Health



Lack of Sun Exposure - Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Exposure to the sun helps our bodies make vitamin D and lack of exposure to the sun can cause a vitamin D deficiency. Individuals with limited sun exposure need to include good sources of vitamin D in their diet (egg yolks, cow milk, fortified breakfast cereals, orange juice; fatty fish like sardines, mackerel, salmon, herring and shrimp.

Ein Gefühl von Winterdepression? So kommen wir durch die dunkle Jahreszeit | DW | 19.01.2023

Es erwischt uns jedes Jahr: Im Winter kommt die Trübsal. Hier einige Tipps, was wir gegen den "Blues" tun können und wie wir die kalten, grauen Tage überstehen, bis es endlich wieder hell und heiterer wird.#Winterdepression #SAD #Winter-Blues #VitaminD #Lichttherapie #Müdigkeit #Schläfrigkeit #Serotonin
Ein Gefühl von Winterdepression? So kommen wir durch die dunkle Jahreszeit | DW | 19.01.2023


#Covid-19: Reports from the #Medical Field
Found this thorough medical #pdf detailing the damage done by both covid and the vaccine spike. It is quite technical, but the vaccine damage potentials and mechanisms are precisely explained starting on page 8. (including "cancer acceleration" on page 10)

There are also therapeutics offered for both the disease and the vaccine in the conclusion (page 13) with the main recommendation being to keep our #vitaminD levels high.


Don't Underestimate Your Need for This Critical Nutrient
In 2018 researchers called for an immediate revision of public health recommendations on sun exposure, noting that “nonburning UV exposure is a health benefit and — in moderation — should be recommended as such”
Four years later, the public is still being misled and misinformed about the health ramifications of sun avoidance, as there are significant hazards associated with vitamin D deficiency, including a heightened risk of heart disease and several cancers, especially internal cancers but also lethal skin cancer
Sensible sun exposure is the most effective way to optimize your vitamin D level. Sun exposure also has health benefits beyond vitamin D production that help lower your risk of chronic disease and death
When you're deficient in vitamin D, your health can deteriorate in a variety of important ways, because your cells require the active form of vitamin D to gain access to the genetic blueprints stored inside the cell
An estimated 12% of all U.S. deaths may be linked to inadequate sun exposure, and sun avoidance is as potent a risk factor for death as smoking


#Sun #VitaminD #Health


cool: Vitamin D Vorrat für den Winter selbst anlegen

  • indem man Pilze in die sonne legt..

1) Obtain fresh Organic shiitake, maitake, button, oyster, shimeji or other mushrooms.
2) On a sunny day in June, July or August, slice the fresh mushrooms. Place them evenly on a tray exposed directly to the sun from 10 am to 4 pm.
3) Before nightfall, cover the mushrooms with a layer of cardboard to block moisture from dewfall.
4) The next clear day repeat exposure to the sun from 10 am to 4 pm.
5) Remove the mushrooms and finish drying (if necessary in a food dehydrator until they are crispy).
6) When thoroughly dry, store in a glass jar or sealed container. Adding a tablespoon of uncooked rice as a moisture absorber will help keep the mushrooms dry. The mushrooms should be good for a year or more, depending upon conditions.
7) Take 10 grams daily per person, about a small handful. Rehydrate in water for one hour. The mushrooms will swell. Then cook as desired.

Place Mushrooms in Sunlight to Get Your Vitamin D — Fungi Perfecti

#vorrat #prepping #offthegrid #leben #vitamind #essen #pilze #gesundheit #vegan #health


[this piece struck me strong throughout, no guarantees of great revelations for you, maybe you already know]



jaw dropping stuff, long before any mention of the topic in the title.

the spine stuff :O

the anxiety stuff :O

startlingly elucidating insights.
perspective shifting stuff. :)

the #autonomicnervoussystem became #disregulated
so it turns out
#anxiety #bipolar #depression #schizophrenia
are all #inflamatoryprocesses.

it's inflamatory.
it is #notpsychelogical.

jaw dropped yet? :)

#fascinating #perspective to entertain.

ther's far more in there than just that. well worth a watch. well worth paying attention to.


20,000,000 information bits in the subconscious, 40 information bits in the conscious.

:O why "mind over matter" and "willpower" struggles.

ps, [i add] the wim hof method, and cannabinoids, and natural sourced vitamins, and joyous laughter and relaxation, seem wise to deploy every day. :)

pps, that was also kinda astonishing (but should be already fully known and aknowledged), how, physicians/doctors/surgeons/etc dont get educated about diet in medical school.
... and we've been flipping out that they dont get educated about the endo-cannabinoid system (the main regulatory system of all the body's regulatory systems, with more receptors than any other system)!? they've far deeper problems yet. corporate capture, inducting "profitable" lies and lies of ommission.

#mercola #drdavidhanscom #spine #inflammation #anxiety #panic #panicattacks #stress #cytokines #susceptability #immunology #polyvagultheory #vagusnerve #cellbiology #pain #biochemsitry #time #chemicalcommunicators #enzymes #sympathetic #parasympathetic #gliolcells #threat #safety #chemical #viruses #bacteria #cancer #bully #difficultboss #thoughts #emotions #physical #neurodegenerative #neurodegenerativedisease #cardiacdisease #adultonsetdiabetes #obesity #parkinsons #altzheimers #inflammatorydissorder #fearless #chronicpain #glucose #carbohydrateexcess #diet #ocytocin #heartrate #restingheartrate #metabolism #humansocialise #coregulation #facialexpression #autonomicnervoussystem #cytokinestorm #stressmanagement #stressmanagementmisnomer #environment #environmentalstimulation #setting #physiological #calmdown #symptoms #remarkablejourney #mindfullness #bodyeffect #goodforyou #relaxation #inflamatorycytokines #responses #importantpieceofthepuzzle #stresschemicals #viralload #accademicperformance #expressivewriting #neuroplasticity #awareness #separation #meditation #sleep #forgiveness #anger #forgiveyourself #intermittantfasting #supplements #inflammatorymarkers #bmi #weight #metabolicflexibility #pinchednerves #humming #directedneuroplasticity #deepbreathing #directstimulationofthevagusnerve #mantras #feedback #psychelogical #slowbreathing #ketones #allcausemortality #vitamind #vitaminddeficiency #magnesium #zinc #disease #illness #wellness #notillness #lifestyle #lifestyles #autoimmunity #thrive #body #survive #train #heartdisease #suicide #pandemic #toxic #technocracy #toxiceconomy #fear #engineeredfear #lockdowns #masquerade #resources #brainwash #motive #worthyvampire #kleptarchy #revolution #wethepeople #play #gimmieback #spiritualjourney #oneconsciousnessexperiencingitselfsubjectively #resiliance #stubmytoe #normalresponse #psychologytoday #anxiety #anothernameforpain #unconsciouspowerfulcircuits #discover #nottrained #nutritionalinformation #outofpain #anxietydropstothefloor #reallythriveatalevelyneverknownexisted #remarkabletransition #healer #knowledgeablehealer #higherlevel #pronoia #deeplyappreciative #welcomechallenge #challenge #profound #profoundlybeneficial #massgrattitude #extremelyhonoured #painfree #wtfaredrsdoingthen #helping #helpingsomanypeople #example #thinkhard #why #conventional #failing #honest #objective #ntt #numbertotreat #preventive #preventative #profilactic #publicengagement #healthforward #technology #data #behaviour #ai #brainwashed #abusedtech #narrative #hypnosis #saturation #grateful #oportunity #issuereporting #welcome #psychology #psychologicalbenefit #directphysiologicalbenefits #positivity #mendwards #optimisinghealth #optimizinghealth #health #somaticwork #veryeffective #keepupthegoodwork #thegoodwork #goodwork #good #work #endeavor #play #playmore #hummore #sorryforsomanyhashtagsijustgottooenthusedbythiscontent #download #beforecensored #lol

might be worth a look... idk. make your own mind up. in a sea of misinformation, everybody's a shill.