

Israel Should End Campaign to Destroy Lifesaving UN Palestinian Aid Agency

New Legislation Would Bar UNRWA from Gaza, West Bank


Israeli authorities should withdraw proposed legislation in parliament aimed at preventing the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) from operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and halt their campaign to destroy the UN’s most important aid agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza and elsewhere.\
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the proposal to evict UNRWA from areas under Israeli control and revoke its privileges and immunities “would be a catastrophe,” calling the agency “indispensable” and “irreplaceable.” European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the laws would have “disastrous consequences” if implemented. United States Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield also voiced “deep concern.”

#un #israel #palestine #palestinians #unrwa #occupied-palestinian-territory #war #israel-gaza-war #refugees


#Macron in a message to #Netanyahu: Do not forget that your state was established by a UN resolution and you must abide by the #UN resolutions

It's actually funny to read Macron suddenly acting like he cares about UN and it's resolutions , a country who refused to participate in almost any the UN revolutions condemning Israel's genocidal acts in #Gaza and occupied west bank.

But I guess it's good he shows some back bone standing up to the monster Netanyahu and his KKK infested regime. But TBH, I think he is just playing his role as a "good guy" to save face in Lebanon nothing else.

#Lebanon #Occupation #France #WestBank #WarCrime
@palestine group @israel group
French and Israeli president in a friendly picture


Macron in a message to Netanyahu: Do not forget that your state was established by a UN resolution and you must abide by the #UN resolutions

It's actually funny to read Macron suddenly acting like he cares about UN and it's resolutions , a country who refused to participate in almost all the UN revolutions condemning Israel's genocidal acts in #Gaza abd occupied west bank.

But I guess it's good he shows some back bone standing up to the monster #Netanyahu and his KKK infested regime. But TBH, I think he is just playing his role as a "good guy" to save face in Lebanon nothing else.

#Lebanon #Occupation #France #WestBank #WarCrime


Interessante Formulierung vom Spiegel, aber nicht ganz zu Ende gedacht:
(Paywall, kostenlos steht da nichts, was hier nicht auch steht)

Die Angriffe auf die Unifil-Mission im Libanon sind kein Versehen. Israel bekÀmpft nicht nur seine Gegner, sondern auch die internationale Rechtsordnung.

Wenn die israelische Regierung die internationale Rechtsordnung bekĂ€mpft, dann IST das fĂŒr sie ein Gegner.
#Israel #UN #Blauhelme


Do they really think we are dum and deaf? Abd don't remember anything paat yesterday?

The disgusting hypocrisy of US government, at the UN and outside has reached a new heiths.

This government is even worse than Reagan during Lebanon invasion. I just don't understand it.

#Biden #US #UN #Hypocrisy #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Kick these criminal regime out of UN.

They don't respect any laws or agreements, but they are still welcomed into every freaking international organization from FIFA to OC and UN.

Israel is an out of control rogue nation that needs to be treated as such. If they don't respect UN, they should not be allowed to be part of it.

Where the Fuck is the reaction from EU?


#UN #UNRWA #Jerusalem #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #EU #US #Hypocrisy


At least 400,000 people trapped by Israel’s latest Gaza offensive!

Hundreds of thousands of civilians in Gaza remain trapped by the latest Israeli offensive centred on #Jabaliya refugee camp, according to UN agencies and human rights groups.

“At least 400,000 people are trapped in the area,” Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the #UN Palestinian refugee agency, #Unrwa, posted on X on Wednesday, amid witness accounts of bodies lying uncollected in the streets because of the renewed fighting.

“Recent evacuation orders from the Israeli authorities are forcing people to flee again & again, especially from Jabaliya camp,” added Lazzarini. “Many are refusing because they know too well that no place anywhere in Gaza is safe.”

The Israeli #military says the large-scale raid, now in its fifth day, is intended to stop #Hamas fighters staging further attacks from Jabaliya and to prevent them regrouping, as at least 60 people were killed in Israeli military strikes on Gaza on Wednesday.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/09/at-least-400000-people-trapped-by-israels-latest-gaza-offensive-says-unrwa#img-1#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Massive rocket attacks by Hezbollah against various targetswin Israel but mainly against Haifa today

IDF say they intercepted 75 rockets and a few reached they r targets "in civilian areas" while Hezbollah and independent observers say the number of rockets launched towards Israel were between 100 abd 150 and half of them hit they targes in an around Haifa.

In a deleted post Israeli i24 said that multiple rockets had exploded only a few meters from the chemical storage tanks of Haifa chemical plant and fuel storage tanks in another part of the city

Israel has been bombing northern Lebanon with artillery, drones and fighter jets at a level never seen before, multiple villages in Lebanon have completely destroyed and almost all buildings were flattened or badly damaged.

Israel has now removed it's fake humane face and openly and actively attacks ambulances, healthcare facilities and aid workers trying to help the victims.

I don't think I have ever seen such leve I open and documented breach of international laws ever before, even in Gaza, for the longest time IDF tried to blame the attacks on Hamas or Hamas using ambulances as means of transport, but now in Lebanon, they snipe or bomb any healthcare worker trying to reach inured civilians or possible Hezbollah fighters.

The silence of "world" against these outrageous crimes are just sickening. Israel have shown again and again that they can get away with anything and now in Lebanon they have reached a whole new level of barbarism.

All with support and blessings of western media and leaders.

#Lebanon #Hezbollah #Haifa #IDF #WarCrime #Media #EU #UN #Politics #Inhumanity #StopIsrael #SaveLebanon #SaveGaza #PeaceNow #SanctionIsrael


a fake ID account on TikTok posting pro Israeli propaganda photoshopped UN chief Antonio Guterres with a Lebanese Hezbollah headband at UN press conference titled "Hezbollah's latest member".

She is part of the massive propaganda campaign by pro Israeli and accounts, bots, paid influencers to discredit UN chief because he didn't mention Iran when he condemned "escalation" in the region without mentioning Iran.

“Anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran’s heinous attack on Israel does not deserve to step foot on Israeli soil,” said Katz in a statement. “This is an anti-Israel Secretary-General who lends support to terrorists, rapists, and murderers.”

#UN #Israel #Propagamda #Hezbollah #Iran #SocialMedia #Politocs


Israel has a right to defend itself from Netanyahu, which keeps endangering it to worsening degrees.

â™Č United Nations [bot] - 2024-10-01 20:01:08 GMT

Guterres condemns ‘escalation after escalation’ in the Middle EastWith war ramping up across the Middle East on Wednesday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres appealed for the violence to end now.
#un #unitednations


'Israel's Bloodbath in Lebanon' via DropSite News

"...the death toll in Lebanon reached 492 people—including at least 35 children—with more than 1,600 injured, as some Israeli officials threatened the prospect of a Gaza-style war of annihilation against Lebanon."

"There is no indication that the US, #Israel’s major military backer, has any plans to pull back the Israeli government in its expanding attacks in #Lebanon, #Gaza and the #WestBank."

#gazagenocide #UN #Hezbollah


Il y a un risque (infime) que l’ #astĂ©roĂŻde de 330 mĂštres #Apophis percute la #Terre dans moins de cinq ans

Le 13 avril 2029, ce gĂ©ant de 330 mĂštres de diamĂštre passera Ă  moins de 32 000 kilomĂštres de la Terre, soit environ douze fois plus prĂšs que la #Lune.

Le 13 avril 2029 pourrait bien devenir une date mĂ©morable pour les #astronomes du monde entier. Ce jour-lĂ , l’astĂ©roĂŻde #gĂ©ocroiseur Apophis s’approchera « dangereusement » de la Terre. Et si ce passage n’était pas qu’une simple visite de courtoisie ? Une rĂ©cente #Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšle que, sous certaines conditions, Apophis pourrait entrer en #collision avec notre #planĂšte. Bien que les probabilitĂ©s soient trĂšs faibles, elles ne sont pas nulles.

DĂ©couvert en juin 2004, Apophis #99942, surnommĂ© « Dieu du Chaos » par certains, a rapidement Ă©tĂ© classĂ© parmi les astĂ©roĂŻdes les plus menaçants pour la Terre. Des Ă©tudes ultĂ©rieures ont cependant attĂ©nuĂ© ces craintes en dĂ©montrant que le risque de collision est en rĂ©alitĂ© plus faible que prĂ©vu. NĂ©anmoins, Apophis devrait effectuer plusieurs passages rapprochĂ©s de notre planĂšte dans les annĂ©es Ă  venir. Le prochain est programmĂ© pour le 13 avril 2029, date Ă  laquelle ce gĂ©ant de 330 mĂštres de diamĂštre passera Ă  moins de 32 000 kilomĂštres de la Terre, soit environ douze fois plus prĂšs que la Lune.

En prĂ©vision de cet Ă©vĂ©nement, les astronomes ont menĂ© une campagne d’observation en 2021 pour Ă©valuer le risque de collision. Ils ont alors exclu toute possibilitĂ© d’impact dans les cent prochaines annĂ©es, concluant qu’Apophis se contenterait de « frĂŽler » la Terre. Cependant, une Ă©tude plus rĂ©cente, publiĂ©e dans la revue The Planetary Science Journal par Paul #Wiegert, #expert en #dynamique du systĂšme #solaire, remet en question ces conclusions. Selon ses calculs, une infime possibilitĂ© de collision existe malgrĂ© tout.

Des chances minimes, mais réelles

Pour Wiegert, la principale condition permettant une dĂ©viation de la trajectoire initiale d’Apophis serait l’impact d’un autre astĂ©roĂŻde plus petit et inconnu. En dĂ©pit des 1,2 million d’astĂ©roĂŻdes dĂ©jĂ  rĂ©pertoriĂ©s, il existe encore des corps cĂ©lestes impossibles Ă  observer en raison de leur taille rĂ©duite ou de leur axe de dĂ©placement par rapport au Soleil.

Des #simulations rĂ©alisĂ©es par Wiegert indiquent que la probabilitĂ© qu’un astĂ©roĂŻde inconnu percute Apophis et modifie sa trajectoire est #infĂ©rieure Ă  #un sur un #million. MĂȘme en cas de dĂ©viation, la probabilitĂ© que cette modification Ă©loigne significativement Apophis de sa trajectoire prĂ©vue, Ă  32 000 kilomĂštres de la Terre, est infĂ©rieure Ă  un sur un #milliard. Dans ce scĂ©nario improbable, deux issues sont possibles : un rapprochement ou un Ă©loignement de la Terre. Dans tous les cas, les probabilitĂ©s obtenues restent « infĂ©rieures aux seuils habituels considĂ©rĂ©s par les systĂšmes d’alerte d’impact d’astĂ©roĂŻdes », affirme l’expert dans son Ă©tude.
Des probabilités affinées dans trois ans

Depuis mai 2021, Apophis se #cache dans une zone dite « ciel diurne », oĂč il restera jusqu’en 2027. MĂȘme les instruments les plus performants ne peuvent le dĂ©tecter, en raison de l’ #Ă©blouissement solaire. Lorsqu’Apophis redeviendra visible dans trois ans, les #scientifiques pourront Ă  nouveau analyser sa trajectoire et affiner les probabilitĂ©s concernant son futur parcours.

Entre-temps, la communautĂ© scientifique se prĂ©pare activement Ă  l’approche du « Dieu du Chaos ». La #NASA par exemple prĂ©voit d’étudier les Ă©ventuels changements dans le comportement physique de l’astĂ©roĂŻde lors de son passage. Dans le cadre de la mission #OSIRIS-APEX, un vaisseau spatial survolera Apophis le 13 avril 2029. Au cours des mois suivants, la surface de l’astĂ©roĂŻde sera cartographiĂ©e pour en analyser la composition chimique. De plus, des systĂšmes de propulsion seront utilisĂ©s pour pĂ©nĂ©trer jusqu’à cinq mĂštres sous le sol de l’astĂ©roĂŻde afin d’étudier ses caractĂ©ristiques internes.

VIDÉO : simulation de la NASA montrant le passage rapprochĂ© de l’astĂ©roĂŻde Apophis en 2029

Source : The Planetary Science Journal
#13avril2029 #vendredi13 #13 #avril #2029 #ThePlanetaryScienceJournal #PaulWiegert #astonomie #Science #journal #planete