

Nach Flutkatastrophe fehlt Millionen Menschen in Pakistan sauberes Wasser | DW | 21.03.2023

UNICEF berichtet von zehn Millionen Betroffenen in Pakistan. Eine zerstörte Wasserversorgung und schlechte Hygienebedingungen hätten die Lage landesweit enorm verschlechtert. Das Hilfswerk fordert mehr Unterstützung.#Pakistan #Überschwemmung #UNICEF #Kinder #Trinkwasser #Weltwassertag #Cholera
Nach Flutkatastrophe fehlt Millionen Menschen in Pakistan sauberes Wasser | DW | 21.03.2023


UNICEF report says that hundreds of children died in cold related incident in various parts of Afghanistan!

The humanitarian catastrophe under the rule of the incompetent Taliban regime is taking it's toll.

The victims are mostly low income families and their children.

In the mean time, the Taliban regime sent an airplane full of supplies to help victims of earthquakes in Turkey (nothing for Syria).
#Afghanistan #Politics #Unicef #ChildNortality #Taliban #Catastrophe #Economy #Poverty #20YearsOfShame

در ماه گذشته میلادی صدها کودک به اثر شدت سرما و بیماری در کشور جان ‌باخته اند

صندوق حمایت از کودکان سازمان ملل متحد (یونیسف) می‌گوید که در ماه جنوری گذشته سال جاری میلادی، صدها کودک افغان به دلیل سردی هوا و مریضی جان خود را از دست داده‌اند.


#Putin’s #war in #Ukraine and the way in which #Russia has conducted itself more generally under his rule have undermined the current international system and begun its “great transformation,” one in which “Ukraine has a special role to play as today’s moral leader of the free world and future victorious power,” the editors of Grani.ru say.
The most “authoritative” international organizations have suffered a period of shame and powerlessness and a new international order must be constructed, they say. “The main thing is that it will be a world without the terrorist Russian Federation” which seeks to destroy any limits on its activities.

https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/09/09/the-current-international-system-has-failed-and-must-be-replaced-grani-ru/ #ai #uno #iaea #redcross #unicef #nato


16.2 million.

This is the staggering number of #drought-hit people in #Ethiopia, #Kenya and #Somalia, who lack access to safe water.
This #WorldWaterWeek, see how #UNICEF is supporting children and families on the ground.

Children in the Horn of #Africa and the #Sahel could die in devastating numbers unless urgent support is provided, as severe malnutrition and the risk of water-borne disease collide – UNICEF warns during World Water Week.

“History shows that when high levels of severe acute malnutrition in children combine with deadly outbreaks of diseases like cholera or diarrhoea, child mortality rises dramatically – and tragically. When water either isn’t available or is unsafe, the risks to children multiply exponentially,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “Across the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, millions of #children are just one disease away from catastrophe.”



UNICEF : One year since the Taliban took control, children in Afghanistan need help more than ever.

A year since the #Taliban seized power and #UNICEF pledged to ‘stay and deliver,’ life in #Afghanistan – already weakened by decades of insecurity and natural disasters, and now distanced from the global community – has further deteriorated. The country is in crisis, and it’s a child rights crisis.

Millions of #children continue to need essential services, including primary healthcare, lifesaving vaccines against polio and measles, nutrition, education, protection, shelter, water and sanitation. UNICEF has been on the ground in Afghanistan for over 70 years with 13 offices nationwide and a range of partners that support us in delivering assistance to the most vulnerable, especially children. But as winter approaches, urgent funding is needed to secure children’s futures, to guarantee their rights, and to ensure that vital support is given equitably to all of Afghanistan’s children.



Taliban lösen Frauen-Protest in Kabul mit Warnschüssen auf | DW | 13.08.2022

Kurz vor dem Jahrestag der Machtübernahme der Taliban demonstrieren Frauen in der afghanischen Hauptstadt für mehr Rechte. Kämpfer der radikalislamischen Organisation schießen in die Luft, um die Versammlung zu beenden.#Afghanistan #Taliban #Frauen #Protest #Menschenrechte #UNICEF #Kinder #ReporterohneGrenzen
Taliban lösen Frauen-Protest in Kabul mit Warnschüssen auf | DW | 13.08.2022


Kinderarbeit: Das wachsende Problem | DW | 15.05.2022

Eine Folge von Corona und Armut: Die Kinderarbeit nimmt zu. Um Gegenmaßnahmen geht es ab diesem Sonntag auf einer Konferenz in Durban. Denn in vielen Ländern Afrikas sind Mädchen und Jungen gezwungen zu arbeiten.#Afrika #Kinderarbeit #ILO #UNICEF #Kamerun
Kinderarbeit: Das wachsende Problem | DW | 15.05.2022