

Colorado’s 4th Congressional District has low standards, but not Lauren Boebert low

Lauren Boebert utterly humiliated in Colorado straw poll

Lest you think I'm just being petty claiming that "Colorado’s 4th Congressional District has low standards," consider this FTA: The bad news is that three of the four people ahead of her in that poll bragged (alongside Boebert and two others) about being arrested. [emphasis mine]

On the bright side, this means that one of the four people who beat her didn't brag about being a criminal! (Yay?) I'm tempted to hope that's the person the 4th District ends up electing, although one is left to wonder whether they didn't brag about it because they're not a criminal, or simply because they (unlike the rest of them) don't view it as a badge of honor. Either way, they're the best of the lot.

#Boebert #MAGA #Republican #Colorado #Criminal



Os quatro cavaleiros da III Guerra. Por Chris Hedges

#Biden sempre foi um ardente #militarista – ele estava clamando por uma #guerra com o Iraque cinco anos antes da invasão dos EUA. Ele construiu sua carreira política respondendo ao #asco da classe média branca pelos movimentos populares, incluindo os movimentos anti-guerra e pelos #direitos civis, que convulsionaram o país nas décadas de 1960 e 1970. É um #republicano #disfarçado de #democrata. Ele se juntou aos #segregacionistas do sul para se opor à entrada de estudantes #negros em escolas exclusivas para #brancos. Ele se opôs ao financiamento federal de abortos e apoiou uma #emenda constitucional que permite aos estados #restringir o #aborto. Ele atacou o presidente George H. W. #Bush em 1989 por ser demasiado #brando na “guerra às #drogas”. Ele foi um dos arquitetos do Projeto de #lei #criminal de 1994 e um uma série de outras leis draconianas que mais do que duplicaram a população carcerária dos EUA, militarizaram a #polícia e levaram à aprovação de leis sobre drogas que levaram as pessoas à #prisão #perpétua sem liberdade condicional. Ele apoiou o Acordo de Livre Comércio da América do Norte, a maior traição da classe operária desde a Lei Taft-Hartley de 1947 [que #restringiu a #atividade #sindical no país como uma reação de um Congresso conservador a uma onda de #greves após a Segunda Guerra Mundial]. Ele sempre foi um estridente #defensor de #Israel, e se gabava de ter obtido mais #arrecadação de fundos para o Comitê Americano de Assuntos Públicos de Israel ( #AIPAC ) do que qualquer outro senador.

#Guerra #ChrisHedges #EUA #USA


'Straightforward dictatorship': CNN panel thrashes Trump's 'total immunity' claims

After reading Trump's Thursday Truth Social post where he said that he deserved complete immunity even if he "crossed the line" into illegal behavior, host Phil Mattingly suggested that Trump was telegraphing that he was "going to do some criming" if reelected.

He then turned to panelist Errol Louis, who outlined the dark implications of Trump's argument:

"It's a pretty straightforward statement of what dictatorship is, right? he said. "A president -- in his case he is talking about himself -- should be able to, must be able to legally do with legal impunity do whatever it is he or she wants."


#dictator #dictatorship #dystopian #Trump #dystopia #America #DemocracyInDanger #AmericaLost #criminal #illegal #crimes #FreedomLost #executions #lawless


Mary Lou McDonald TD


“The #Irish #Government must take the lead and refer #Israel to the #International #Criminal #Court and send the Israeli Ambassador home.”

#israel #palestine #gaza #humanrights #ireland #maryloumcdonald #td


Mexican policewoman barges suspects off speeding motorbike | AJ #shorts

Video shows a Mexican policewoman barging into a speeding motorbike to stop suspects getting away after a robbery. The officer was taken to hospital with inj...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #cia #criminal #feminism #feminist #guardiacivil #latestnews #mexico #militar #newsheadlines #pm #policia #policiamilitar #usa
Mexican policewoman barges suspects off speeding motorbike | AJ #shorts


Ah, here we go!

Highlights from Day 1 of the Trump fraud trial

Seeing it start to pop up in the online media and early "nightly news" reports... Guess all the action was early morning...

Afternoon stories included reports of new requests for gag order, Gaetz vs. McCarthy & #democracy, CA Senate appointment, COVID resurgence, Gaetz calling for McCarthy's head as others pursue HIS expulsion... and expulsion for setting off an alarm in an office building, seen as more criminal than say, #sedition....

In court, reports have Trump there, scowling mostly, and making his usual anti- #truth word-salad complaints about 'witch hunt'...

#justice #accountability #law #fraud #criminal #TrumpOrg #CrimeFamily