#TBT #2014 'tis the season. Numan goes shopping at the mall. #Shopping #Consumerism #Music #Electro #Synthwave #Battles #GaryNuman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWbhpqxLHVE
#TBT #2014 'tis the season. Numan goes shopping at the mall. #Shopping #Consumerism #Music #Electro #Synthwave #Battles #GaryNuman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWbhpqxLHVE
A quotation from Watterson, Bill
CALVIN (as he and Hobbes ride a wagon downhill): I think life should be more like TV.
CALVIN: I think all of life’s problems ought to be solved in thirty minutes with simple homilies, don’t you? I think weight and oral hygiene ought to be our biggest concerns.
CALVIN: I think we should all have powerful, high-paying jobs, and everyone should drive fancy sports cars. All our desires should be instantly gratified.
CALVIN (as the wagon flies off a cliff): Women should always wear tight clothes, and men should carry powerful handguns.
CALVIN (as he and Hobbes tumble in mid-air): Life overall should be more glamorous, thrill-packed, and filled with applause, don’t you think?
HOBBES (as they pick themselves up from the ground): I think my life is too featherbrained already.
CALVIN: Of course, if life was really like that, what would we watch on TV?
#quote #quotes #quotation #consumerism #tv #instantgratification #paradise #reallife #reality #television #utopia
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/watterson-bill/4090/
He likewise provided a liberal education for the sons of the chiefs, and showed such a preference for the natural powers of the Britons over the industry of the Gauls that they who lately disdained the tongue of Rome now coveted its eloquence. Hence, too, a liking sprang up for our style of dress, and the toga became fashionable. Step by step they were led to things which dispose to vice, the lounge, the bath, the elegant banquet. All this in their ignorance, they called civilization, when it was but a part of their servitude.
#agricola #tacitus #history #civilisation #consumerism #occupation #romans #britons #uk #empire ">
It's that time of year again...
Arriving soon.
- Buy Nothing Day is a day of protest against consumerism. In North America, the United Kingdom, Finland and Sweden, Buy Nothing Day is held the day after U.S. Thanksgiving, concurrent with Black Friday; elsewhere, it is held the following day, which is the last Saturday in November.
Date: Friday, November 24, 2023
destroy more,
make shoddier,
replace sooner,
externalities, externalities, externalities,
rebrand the devil angelic,
keep telling the slaves they're free,
destroy the competition,
suppress the innovations that obsolete the rents.
look at all that churn.
look at all that wealth transfer.
pay no attention to the orders magnitude more wealth destroyed.
keep calling wealth extraction maximisation "profit".
keep calling poverty a virtue to the impoverished.
keep saying the churn is progress and riches.
trot out worshippers of the Gross Domestic Product.
dont you just love capitalism?
maybe capitalist barons care.
maybe this psycho is best.
believe harder. the lies are true.
buy more.
stay dependent,
on your abuser,
because they took everything.
dont you just love capitalism?
#digitspoems #capitalism #churn #GDP #TheCorporation #ThePsychopath #wealthextractionmaximisation #poverty #marketing #advertising #plannedobsolescence #dependence #austerity #rentierism #rents #barons #bigbaron #buy #buybuybuy #consumerism #economics #freedom #deception #emancipation #oppression #orwellianism
#mattkennard #secret #corporations #democracy #corporate-power #greed #profits #wto #capitalism #consumerism
Marshall has explained that converting a skip was the only way he could afford to live in London. Skip House reportedly cost £4,000 to build, and he pays £50 per month to an arts charity in rental fees for the land.
He has a portaloo onsite, but no running water, so showers at the gym or at work. This is not many people’s idea of luxury, but it is a creative solution.
Many see the idea of a tiny house as a counter-cultural statement against consumerism and the housing market – and the culture of overwork required to finance these two things. Tiny houses can act as a beacon highlighting a simpler, more sustainable way of life.
Marshall’s ability to find and come to an agreement with the arts charity that owns the land he is renting is made possible, in part, by what sociologists term his “social and cultural capital”, as a white, educated, man.
The tiny house movement embodies a complex mixture of counter-cultural ideals, economic pragmatism and the entrenched sheltering of privilege. They are not a fix-all, but neither should they be dismissed out of hand.
#TinyHomes #housing #social #culture #consumerism #CapitalismFails #CounterCultural #coop
https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=YZ3hyeH5t7g (clip)
Economics For A New Year (full episode)
#democracy-at-work #economic-update #capitalism #complicit #consumerism #planned-obsolescence #profit
Another abuse of #FacialRecognition but many will fall victim to it, I expect. This one is akin to #BraveNewWorld.
Nowadays, the pressure to commodify ourselves can be seen in the obsession with influencer culture, plastic surgery, and going viral. Instead of rejecting this culture of commodification, we have actually embraced it, encouraged it, and accepted it as a part of the new normal.
#social-media #surveillance-capitalism #exploitation #consumerism
English version of my book is now available here (beware, it's based!)
.odt version has the latest typos fixes.
#nwo #newworldorder #nihilism #immoralism #amoralism #moralrelativism #transhumanism #singularitarianism #ancap #globalism #neoliberalism #capitalism #feminism #freedom #satanism #nietzsche #lgbt #progressivism #consumerism #stirner
Well It’s quite a lot of it, I used the hashtags that at least partially relevant or may partially describe ideas I promote.