

Iran Election Update: Voter turnout was at an all time low, below 40% of eligible voters which Pezeshkian took 42%. This low turnout was a clear sign that people in Iran don't give a shit about these sham elections.

Now the election will move to a second round next Friday. The big question is, will Iran back Pezeshkian to bring about "change" or will Jalili, an ultra conservative candidate take the office to continue hardliner policies both domestically and on the international front.

Both candidates have heavy bags on their shoulders, with over 4 decades of criminal oppression of the people, murder of over 100k people and turning Iran to have the highest inequality in it's history with some have astronomical incomes and living a lifestyle that is luxurious even for European standard and the vast majority living under the poverty line, with prostitution, drug abuse and street children at the highest level in Iran's history.

the main difference between the 2 is how they want to keep the regime to survive the coming years, one with extreme taliban style pressure on people, the other with some openings and following the Chinese economical example to open up the country to look more to the west rather than to Russia and China.

#Iran #Election #Politics #Economy #IranElection


He must be Russian or Chinese agent or something/s: Imagine the US withdrew the 225,000 soldiers it has based in its 800 military bases across the Globe

And put them to work in American communities, building clinics and schools for the 40 million Americans living in poverty, Securing American borders instead of "guarding" someone else's.

Really defending America, instead of propping up a Ponzi Scheme military industrial complex that feeds on Wars created by idiotic foreign policies, peddled by politicans intimately linked to the grimy trade of War.

Imagine what the $916 Billion spent on the US Military in 2023 would do if it was actually invested in American lives and wellbeing rather than on fear, domination, and War?


#Military #USpolitics #Politics #Pentagon #Imperialism #Idiocracy #Economy



I return after a long break.

Thought I would post this.

It shows a few things.

One. Now that people have finally been pushed to the edge by the current ruling elite and their garbage decisions the people are looking for an alternative. That choice must be stopped by any means possible. The threat of an economic decline or collapse will be held out as a reason not to change.


Two. Purely by the numbers an economic collapse of some form is on its way. At best a decline in prosperity as the costs and debt will rise and the ability to service that debt will decline.

Interesting times.


#debt #economy #politics


How useful is an #election in a democratic #system where many only vote for the candidate so that #Trump does not come to #power again?

Progressive politics, which is committed to social #justice and the preservation of our livelihood, must necessarily redistribute #wealth and restructure our #economy, which should actually be possible for the majority because it serves the majority, but the concrete actions always get in the way of the #profit interests of some very powerful actors, who have therefore been involved since the beginning of #humanity itself and with the help of their lobbyists: Liberal or right-wing parties, media corporations, social #media platforms, think tanks, #lobby associations and #astroturf movements - front against these policies and in this fight do not shy away from stirring up racist, sexist and social-darvinist resentment in order to lead voters down wrong paths that harm the general public but protect the profit interests of the few.

#democracy #vote #politics #corruption #problem #criticism #fail #future #finance #capitalism #money #quote #wisdom #knowledge #conspiracy #racism #sexism


The war on friction

source: https://www.therebooting.com/the-war-on-friction/

The tech giants believe they should control the interface. Controlling the interface used to mean controlling the distribution. The zero-click vision that’s increasingly taking hold will mean publishers and their webpages are regarded as friction standing in the way of people getting what they want immediately, without wading through full-screen interstitial ads, endless pop-ups and autoplay video. That’s going to be a compelling proposition. It will also conveniently accrue all power to the interface and relegate publishers to content vendors.

#news #future #technology #internet #AI #content #economy #software


Washing machine chime #scandal shows how absurd #YouTube #copyright abuse can get

source: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/05/washing-machine-chime-scandal-shows-how-absurd-youtube-copyright-abuse-can-get/

Albino, who is also a popular Twitch #streamer, complained that his YouTube video playing through Fallout was demonetized because a #Samsung washing machine randomly chimed to signal a laundry cycle had finished while he was #streaming.

#news #economy #problem #fail #internet #music