

One-Wheel Cubli Balances Like Magic

Eight years and 14 million views ago, ETH Zurich introduced the Cubli, a robotic cube that can dynamically balance on a single point. It’s magical to watch, but at the same time, fairly straightforward to understand: there are three reaction wheels within the Cubli, one for each axis. And in a vivid demonstration of Newton’s third law, spinning up a reaction wheel exerts a force on the cube in the opposite direction, resulting in precision control over roll, pitch and yaw that allows the Cubli to balance itself, move around, and even jump.
#robotics, #cubli, #zurich, #eth, #reaction, #wheel


#Ethereum miners spent $15 billion on GPUs in the last two years

source: https://www.techradar.com/in/news/ethereum-miners-spent-dollar15-billion-on-gpus-in-just-over-one-year

But now with its value tanking, many cryptoinvestors have found themselves unable to recoup the losses from spending so much money on GPUs and other parts. One such story, as outlined in the Bloomberg article, has one man who invested $30,000 in #cryptomining #hardware in mid-2021 but has only made about $5,000 so far through crypto.

That’s not even considering the environmental impact of all this mining, as the level of #carbon #emissions has always been a major #problem with cryptocurrencies. And it could be argued that between the waste of the GPUs purchased for #mining coupled with the environmental #damage, the value of Ethereum alone declining so steeply has made this all for nothing.

#news #environment #climate #crypto #cryptoCurrency #co2 #gpu #money #profit #crash #eth


🔹 XP NETWORK Bridge ETH - platform with NFT market

🔷 XP NETWORK Bridge ETH creates software tools that allow you to move your assets seamlessly and intuitively on Ethereum

#dapp #blockchain #crypto #bsc #smartcontract #nft #binance #ethereum #collectibles #eth #blockchaindevelopers #cryptotrading

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RimSwap - an exchange with various features

🔄 RimSwap — one of the first automated market maker (AMM) decentralized exchanges (DEX), built on the Oasis Emerald network.

#dapp #btc #blockchain #crypto #token #smartcontract #nft #collectibles #eth #blockchaindevelopers #cryptotrading #ethereum #oasisnetwork #bsc

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🔶 PISTON TOKEN - network with earnings through the game

🔥 PISTON TOKEN — a decentralized financial payment network that rebuilds the traditional payment stack on the Binance blockchain.

#dapp #nft #collectibles #eth #blockchaindevelopers #cryptotrading #ethereum #binance #bsc #polygon #game #matic

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🔹 World of Women Galaxy - collector's edition on Ethereum

🌐 World of Women Galaxy - a collection of 10,000 unique, strong and diverse women who have already made their mark in the NFT space.

#dapp #nft #hodlnation #altcoins #blockchainwallet #cryptography #exchange #ethereum #binance #bsc #defi #eth #dex

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🌐 MAHADAO - an autonomous organization at Polygon

🟣 MahaDAO — a community-based organization, dedicated to helping billions of people to maintain their purchasing power.

#dapp #defi #blockchain #crypto #cryptocurrency #decentralized #bsc #cryptoexplorer #blockchaindevelopers #eth #binance #nft #game #polygon #matic

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🌚 Matic Moon - highly profitable investment

✨ Matic Moon — a high return investment program, which is designed for the Polygon community. Use profitable plans for earning.

#dapp #btc #blockchain #crypto #token #smartcontract #nft #collectibles #eth #blockchaindevelopers #cryptotrading #ethereum #binance #bsc #matic #polygon

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🐦 Fancybirds - NFTs with personality traits

🟣 Fancybirds — the first of many games to be launched by FancyDAO on the blockchain. Each NFT will be useful in the mini-game ecosystem.

#dapp #btc #blockchain #crypto #token #smartcontract #nft #collectibles #eth #blockchaindevelopers #cryptotrading #ethereum #binance #bsc

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🔄 VultureSwap - exchange and trade on the Cronos

✨ VultureSwap — a DEX on the Cronos network that offers the lowest price token exchange/trade in the entire Cronos Defi space.

#dapp #bsc #blockchainclub #cryptocurrencynews #binance #blockchain #cryptoexchange #defi #marketplace #ethereum #eth #cronos

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Victor Hugo Germano auf Twitter: "@Grady_Booch The code sample with the vulnerability is quite simple, and would have an easy fix (if it wasn’t immutable) - or if they really care about what they were writing…" / Twitter

Hacker could earn $80M
So much for all the code as contract stuff.
#eth #blockchain #security
