

Amazon ebooks: Are the Mikkelsen twins running a scam? Here’s our investigation - Vox

Amazon is filled with garbage ebooks. Here’s how they get made.
It’s partly AI, partly a get-rich-quick scheme, and entirely bad for confused consumers.

#ebooks #scam #spam





Realia Book Cover

If you or your kid is really interested in this book, you can send me a direct message (put a type of pie in the subject line so I'll know you're not a bot) and I will send you a coupon code with instructions on how to redeem it.

Note: You need to be an American with an amazon.com account to redeem the coupon.

Note: You can also request a coupon code by sending an email to the address seen at the bottom of the web page above.

Note: Apparently I'm not supposed to ask you to review this book in exchange for a free copy, at least not directly. That said, an honest review of this book would be very, very, very, very much appreciated.

#Book #Books #EBook #EBooks #ChildrensBooks


Kobo’s new repairability push could heat up competition

A hand holding a Kobo ereader showing three books listed. The background is blurry green grass.
“The competition” is probably primarily Amazon Kindle (without a colour model, nor any repairability announced yet). Certainly, consumers score with repairability, and on the face of it, you’d think suppliers lose out. But actually, I may be inclined to buy a far more expensive model if I know I can repair it and keep it going for a few years.

Though I should add after many years of owning a Kobo reader and a few Kindles, not one of them has had any issue at all, and all still work fine. But I get that some people do drop their devices, or things can die after the initial warranty period.

Kobos are now available I see for purchase on Amazon (yes really, just not to my country) as well as Walmart.

Kobos are excellent readers actually and the only thing that counts a bit against them, is they don’t have that vast availability of books that Amazon has. But the Calibre app works perfectly well with being able to buy books elsewhere and push them to your Kobo reader.

See androidpolice.com/kobos-repara…
#Blog, #ebooks, #Kobo, #reading, #technology


Z-Library: New Problems

My private URL for Z-Library no longer works. These were an innovation Z-Library started a year or two ago. You sent an email message to them, and they sent you back custom URLs just for you.

However, I found http://zlib24th6ptyb4ibzn3tj2cndqafs6rhm4ed4gruxztaaco35lka.b32.i2p/ This works just fine, and will be harder to block, but I2P doesn't make connections as easily as the Clearnet, and not even as easily as Onionland. Also, a lot of you don't run I2P.

For now, https://singlelogin.re/ is also working.

#zlibrary #z-library #books #copyright #site-blocking #open-culture #library #libraries #free-access #ebooks #downloads #ebook-downloads #book-downloads


Some ebooks I've read since I moved up to Linux Mint 21

  • Red Team Blues, by Cory Doctorow
  • The Lady with the Gun Asks the Questions, by Kerry Greenwood
  • The Every, by Dave Eggers
  • Kaiju Preservation Society, by John Scalzi
  • All Systems Red, by Martha Wells
  • Artificial Condition, by Martha Wells
  • Rogue Protocol, by Martha Wells
  • Exit Strategy, by Martha Wells
  • Obsolescence, by Martha Wells
  • Compulsory, by Martha Wells
  • Home, Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory, by Martha Wells
  • Network Effect, by Martha Wells
  • Fugitive Telemetry, by Martha Wells
  • The Spare Man, by Mary Robinette Kowal
  • The Power, by Naomi Alderman
  • The Lost Cause, by Cory Doctorow
  • The Three Body Problem, by Cixin Liu
  • The Bezzle, by Cory Doctorow
  • Lock In, by John Scalzi
  • Tracers in the Dark, by Andy Greenberg

I have only listed stories I can recommend. They are listed in the order that I read them.

I'm still reading Tracers. I can also recommend his Sand Worm. These are non-fiction.

All the others in the list are fiction.

All the Wells stories listed here are part of The Murderbot Diaries.

The Greenwood book is part of her Phryne Fisher series. I have read all 22 Phryne Fisher novels. Great fun.

The Every is a sequel to The Circle. Don't bother with the movie of The Circle. It has a radically different ending that ruins it.

I can also recommend all the Lady Astronaut stories of Kowal.

Cory is probably my favorite writer these days, if I have one. I certainly read a lot of what he writes.

A few of these are part of series that I haven't finished yet.

I'll probably read System Collapse (Murderbot) next, followed by Head On (sequel to Lock In).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remembrance_of_Earth%27s_Past (the Three Body series)

#andy-greenberg #kerry-greenwood #mary-robinette-kowal #martha-wells #cory-doctorow #john-scalzi #fiction #novels #novel #ebook #ebooks


Haymarket Books is making 3 books about the Palestinian struggle available for free download! 🇵🇸


The books are:

Palestine: A Socialist Introduction, edited by Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean
Light in #Gaza: Writings Born of Fire, edited by Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing, and Mike Merryman-Lotze
Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights, by Omar Barghouti

The website doesn't ask for your personal information, billing address or payment information.

#palestine #ebooks #freeEbooks #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Zwei #eBooks über #Assange in Deutsch

  • Cypherpunks_by_Assange,_Julian_Appelbaum,_Jacob_Müller_Maguhn,_Andy.epub
  • Der Fall Julian Assange by Melzer, Nils (z-lib.org).epub

Wer sich gegen das System auflehnt wird fertig gemacht. Solange wir das zulassen wird sich wohl kein Whistleblower mehr aus den Löchern trauen und die Mächtigen bei ihren schmutzigen Tricks entlarven. Hier mein Beitrag mit Informationen.

Download hier: https://nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafybeihvtu72i4vwklmi3hq7tcno7esaakbsoy4hakxapqeyjcb263phte

#Demokratie #Freiheit #Menschenrechte #Wikileaks #Internet #Presse #Journalismus #Buch #Politik


Books Unbanned

Teens and young adults ages 13 to 26 living anywhere in the U.S. can access our entire collection of e-books and audiobooks. We believe in your right to read what you want, discover yourself and form your own opinions.


#censorship #America #banned #books #BannedBooks #library #libraries #ebooks #free #audiobooks #QuestionAuthority


The Internet Archive kept many books and media lost to time alive for us. So many pieces of lost media, including vintage films, books someone uploaded from their personal collection, political news that got scrubbed off the world, to name a few.

But alas, this is the gardening company deciding to burn down the seed vaults because nobody will buy their packaged seeds.

By the way, if they believed they could get away with it, they would definitely try to outlaw physical libraries as well.

#InternetArchive #bookpublishers #CopyrightInfringement #DigitalLending #ebooks #libraries

  1. La Experiencia Interna, 1975. https://www.mediafire.com/.../La_Experiencia_Interna.../file
  2. La Construcción de la Realidad, 1975. https://www.mediafire.com/.../La_construcci%25C3.../file
  3. Las Creaciones de la Existencia, 1976. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Las_creaciones_de_la.../file
  4. El Vehículo de las Transformaciones, 1976. https://www.mediafire.com/.../El_Veh%25C3%25ADculo.../file
  5. Más allá de los Lenguajes, 1976. https://www.mediafire.com/.../M%25C3%25A1s_all%25C3.../file
  6. Psicofisiología del Aprendizaje, 1976. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Psicofisiolog%25C3.../file
  7. Nuevos Principios de Sicología Fisiológica, 1976. (Por encontrar)
  8. El Despertar de la Conciencia, 1976. https://www.mediafire.com/.../El_despertar_de_la.../file
  9. Los Fundamentos de la Experiencia, 1978. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Los_fundamentos_de_la.../file
  10. El Cerebro Consciente, 1979. https://www.mediafire.com/.../El_Cerebro_Consciente.../file
  11. Bases Psicofisiológicas de la Memoria y el Aprendizaje. I Fases de la memoria, 1979. (Por encontrar)
  12. Beses Psicofisiológicas de la Memoria y el Aprendizaje. II La Localización de la Memoria, 1979. (Por encontrar)
  13. Bases Psicofisiológicas de la Memoria y el Aprendizaje. III Naturaleza de la Memoria, 1980. (Por encontrar)
  14. Bases Psicofisiológicas de la Percepción Visual. IV Estructuras Subcorticales, 1981. (Por encontrar)
  15. El espacio y la Conciencia, 1981. https://www.mediafire.com/.../El_Espacio_y_la.../file
  16. Las Manifestaciones del Ser. Pachita, 1981. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Pachita_-_Jacobo.../file
  17. Las Manifestaciones del Ser. II Cuauhtemoctzin, 1982. (Por encontrar)
  18. La Luz Angelmática, 1983. https://www.mediafire.com/.../La_luz_angelmatica.../file
  19. En Busca del Ser, 1987. https://www.mediafire.com/.../En_Busca_del_Ser.../file
  20. Meditación Autoalusiva, 1987. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Meditacion_autoalusiva.../file
  21. Retorno a la Luz, 1987. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Retorno_a_la_luz.../file
  22. Los Chamanes de México. I Psicología Autóctona Mexicana, 1987. https://www.mediafire.com/.../1_Los_chamanes_de_M.../file
  23. Los Chamanes de México. II Misticismo Indígena, 1987. https://www.mediafire.com/.../2_Los_chamanes_de_M.../file
  24. Los Chamanes de México. III Pachita, 1988. https://www.mediafire.com/.../3_Los_chamanes_de_M.../file
  25. Los Chamanes de México. IV La Cosmovisión de los Chamanes, 1988. https://www.mediafire.com/.../4_Los_chamanes_de_M.../file
  26. Los Chamanes de México. V El cerebro y los Chamanes, 1989. https://www.mediafire.com/.../5_Los_Chamanes_de_M.../file
  27. Los Chamanes de México. VI La voz del Ver, 1989. https://www.mediafire.com/.../6_Los_Chamanes_de_M.../file
  28. Los Chamanes de México. VII El Doble, 1989 https://www.mediafire.com/.../7_Los_chamanes_de_M.../file
  29. La Expansión del Presente, 1988. (Por encontrar)
  30. La Creación de la Experiencia, 1988. https://www.mediafire.com/.../La_creaci%25C3%25B3n.../file
  31. Psicofisiología del Poder, 1988. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Psicofisiolog%25C3.../file
  32. Cantos de Ignorancia Iluminada, 1988. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Cantos_de_ignorancia.../file
  33. La Conquista del Templo, 1990. https://www.mediafire.com/.../La_conquista_del.../file
  34. Meditación. 1991. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Meditacion_-_Jacobo.../file
  35. Fluir en El sin yo, 1991. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Fluir_en_El_sin_yo.../file
  36. La Teoría Sintérgica, 1991. https://www.mediafire.com/.../La_teoria_sintergica.../file
  37. La Batalla por el Templo, 1991. (Por encontrar)
  38. La Fuerza Vital del Cielo Anterior, 1991. https://www.mediafire.com/.../La_Fuerza_Vital_Del.../file
  39. El Prototipo (novela), 1991. https://www.mediafire.com/.../El_prototipo_-_Jacobo.../file
  40. El Sabor de la Iluminación, 1994. https://www.mediafire.com/.../El_sabor_de_la.../file
  41. El Yo Como Idea, 1994. https://www.mediafire.com/.../El_yo_como_idea.../file
  42. Los Cristales de la Galaxia. 1994. https://www.mediafire.com/.../Los_cristales_de_la.../file #Jacobo #Grinberg #JacoboGrinberg #Book #EBook #EBooks #Books

Only because it's a new year and a new decade for me :)

I'm not much for marketing and tooting (pun!) my own horn, I write and do art mostly for my own pleasure and sharing it these days but I do self-publish (been a while since the last one) my Poetry, Prose Poetry, and other ebooks through Amazon.

My author page is at:

#literature #author #books #ebooks #poetry #nonfiction #prosepoetry #fiction

enter image description here


Good News!

The Imperial Library of Trantor is back.


No JavaScript required. No registration required.

Tor Browser or another browser that can use Tor is required.

There has been a lot of news recently about Z-Library and its problems, but the Imperial Library has always been better because it requires no registration. It's more private. It also claims 1479907 books. These books are in many different languages. English and German are popular, but I also see Italian and French.

#library #library #imperial-library-of-trantor #book #books #ebook #ebooks #free #tor #free-books #open-library #english #german #french


Z-Library domains are seized and pirate book site is dead

Well, not quite.


The pirate site is effectively dead right now, since all of their DNS servers have also been seized. It remains to be seen if they will go back online with new domains or if they will fade away into nothingness.

Thing is: .onion domain names don't use DNS. The Tor network, itself, takes care of routing. The browser doesn't learn the site's IP address, and the site doesn't learn the browser's IP address.

With the Tor Browser, you can access Z-Library at this URL.


In related news: The Imperial Library of Trantor is having severe problems. Some weeks ago it went down. Then it returned, but with no books in its catalog (It had hundreds of thousands.) Today, the server is down again. The librarian there has a name that might be Russian, so Putin's government might be the problem. Here's the Imperial Library's URL.


Maybe its down because he's restoring his collection. Or maybe the truth is worse than that.

The Free Book Library on I2P is still up, but it hasn't added any new books since September 19, 2021.


You need to be running I2P to access this site.

#books #ebooks #e-books #e-book #library #bootleg-books #pirate #pirate-library #z-library #imperial-library-of-trantor #libraries #free-books #tor #onionland #piracy #free-book-library #i2p


#finance #eBooks #business

     A recession by using another call remains a horrible financial system

The current announcement of two consecutive quarters of financial contraction — the traditional begin of a recession — is the result of the regulations championed by way of biden and his allies in congress. Remarkable money printing and federal spending make it harder for companies to rebuild , leading to drain shop shelves and out-of-manage fees. Years of these left-wing rules have step by step gummed up the engines of our financial system, and we’re all now paying the fee. In preference to going through fact and preventing the harm, biden and congressional democrats have announced yet some other legislative bundle filled with even extra red meat and faulty policies . The biden administration pretends it’s no longer happening and has opted for tone-deaf nitpicking over the definition of a recession.

Holistic or no longer, a recession is a period of economic contraction — a period where human beings have access to fewer goods and offerings and where standards of residing are declining. This is precisely what's going on proper now: actual common weekly earnings have dropped 3. Nine% in the ultimate yr as inflation has absolutely outpaced nominal wage growth. On average, each american worker is seeing a $three,400 inflation tax that has been pushed via the fed printing trillions of inflationary dollars to cover reckless federal spending. At nine. 1%, inflation has persisted at 41-yr highs at the same time as fuel charges set data this year. Food gadgets, specifically, have seen even better charge spikes . Flour has spiked forty% within the remaining 12 months. Chicken has accelerated as lots as 36%, at the same time as the fee of eggs has accelerated almost sixty five% over the last 12 months. Furthermore, earlier than accounting for inflation, household internet worth dropped by means of roughly $600 billion within the first sector of the year alone — whilst factoring in inflation, the fall in actual family net really worth is more or less $2. Seventy five trillion.

These are simply a number of the manifestations of the scourge of inflation, fed with the aid of reckless federal spending, this is ingesting away on the center class. Including to this catastrophe, biden’s policies to pay human beings now not to work have doubled down at the recession. Before the pandemic, the hard work force participation fee stood round sixty three. Four% for the duration of the quit of trump management. Now this price is at 62. 2% — having declined every other 0. 1 percentage point due to the fact that might also. In reality, our financial system is lacking roughly three. Three million people due to those rules. Even as our economic system burns, biden has been fiddling with not simply the definition of a recession, but with greater regulations to double down on the crisis. Biden and congressional democrats have unveiled the subsequent iteration in their try and in addition derail the financial system. Their latest legislative agenda could growth near-term inflation, impose crushing taxation on organizations, and would funnel masses of billions of your dollars to their inexperienced enterprise cronies.

Albert einstein as soon as warned that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” we’ve already tried creating $6 trillion new inflationary dollars, strolling the national debt up to $30. 6 trillion, increasing tax burdens, rules, and the dimensions government. All it has brought us is forty one-year excessive stages of inflation, falling actual wealth and earning, an exceptional hard work scarcity, and now a recession. It’s time to alternate path and reject this ultra-modern push to amplify the size and scope of presidency. Rather, we should reaffirm our commitment to the restrained government ideas which have allowed the yank people to flourish and build the greatest country on earth